Database already exists even after deleting the database files - sql-server

I installed a trading software that uses pair specified and gives me details about it. For initiating the software I have to create a database that it uses to store and retrieve information from. Now I have deleted the database(mdf and ldf file) and now when I create it again it shows that database already exists error. Do I have to delete DSN or something?
I can do create database using another sql server instance, but I want to do on the same one.
I am clueless. Thanks in advance.

The database information is maintained by sql server express. So just deleting the file doesn't remove the database from sql server. You need to detach the database and then your logic should work. Try sql server management studio express 2008. Or try connect to sql server express programmatically and execute sp_detach_db permissions.
Source : MSDN

A Database is not only MDF and LDF files but also a record in the master database. So you should drop this record about your DB using DROP DATABASE command or through MSSQL Enterprise Manager.


Can't open database file created by SQL Server in Visual Studio 2013

I create database in SQL Server Management Studio. I tried open database .mdf file in Visual Studio but when I click "test connection", I get error message
Unable to open the physical file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\database.mdf"
Operating system error 5: "5(Access denied)An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\database.mdf failed.
A database with the same name exists or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share
I of course run it administrator, but it not work.
If you are trying to add a connection to an existing SQL Server database in Visual Studio, then you should not select the option that says Attach a database file. Also, make sure to input the correct Server Name and authentication details.
You can add a table in Visual Studio just by connecting to database and then right clicking on Tables under the database you have connected. Look at screen shot below.
You've created the database on the server - where it belongs. Just use it on the server - after all, SQL Server is a server-based solution!
Do NOT fiddle around with .mdf files - let SQL Server handle those. SQL Server is NOT a file-based database like Access, SQLite or FileMaker or any of those - it's server-based (and that's a good thing!).
To talk to your database, just define the necessary parameters:
server=your-machine-name\SQLEXPRESS;database=database-you-created;integrated security=SSPI;
and let SQL Server deal with all the nitty-gritty details. Just use the database as it's intended to be used - as a database under the control of the SQL Server database engine
.mdf is stand for master database file. If we select authentication to be handled by Visual Studio itself, then .mdf file and all codes for creating and handling the authentication related tables will be auto generated by
visual studio itself (for example you can see this auto generated code by creating a web api by selecting individual account authentication). Auto generated tables are as given below.
And we can go to server explorer to see this table either by double clicking on the created .mdf file or View > Server Explorer. After that Server explorer will come then right click in the any table and select show table data option as the screen shot given below.
Then we can see the already created table in mdf database and we can edit the table also if we want. Screen shot given below.

What is the SQL Loader equivalent in SQL Server for extracting a database from SQL Server to the same server?

I am trying to replicate or copy a database in SQL Server 2014 in order to create a sandbox. I know SQL Loader does that for Oracle. Is there an equivalent tool in SQL Server?
We use bcp.exe as Loader program. It is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\110\Tools\Binn
You might do this in following ways:
1.Stop the sql server, copy the *.mdf file locating it right clicking on existing database -> properties from the server to the destination sever and attach it to the destination server using SSMS.
2.Create SSIS package and execute that using DTExec.exe.You can create a .bat file ,configure and call the DTexec.exe from that .bat file.This will be alternatve to oracle SQL loader for ETL tasks.
One method would be to create a database backup. Once the backup is completed, restore that backup under a different name.
right click database from SSMS
Tasks -> Backup
Follow wizard
Once backup is complete, right click databases folder from the server and select restore database
Follow wizard, ensuring you're restoring the database to a new name.
Here are more detailed tutorials:
Note that if your intention is to test an application with the copied DB, ensure you're updating connection strings and whatnot to point to the copy.

My database has been deleted suddenly on the server how to recover it?

I'm running an application on windows server that connect to a SQL Server database.
Today, when I opened SQL Server Management Studio, I was surprised the database is not in the list of the databases!
I don't know what's the reason. I searched in the server files but I can't find the database and also in the recycle bin.
I put my database in C:\db\myWeb.mdf and suddenly it's been removed!
Can anyone tell me how to recover the database?
I used stealer phoenix to find the database files deleted on disk but unfortunately i didn't find the db then i tried to add new database with the same name of the deleted db but SQL management studio said that the database "MyWeb" already exist! that's mean it's some where in the server but i couldn't find it ?! .
The only thing you can do when the actual database files are missing is restore a backup of your server.
Optionally, when you have no backup, you could use a hard disk recovery tool (like Runtime GetDataBack to find the database files deleted on disk).

Error copying SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2008

I'm trying to upgrade a database from a SQL Server 2000 instance to a SQL Server 2008 instance. I'm doing this by right clicking on the database and selecting copy database. My current issue is that I'm getting this error in the log file:
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM,aque-db2000_aque-sqldev_sql2008_Transfer Objects
15:38:37,18/10/2011 15:38:37,0,0x,Script failed for User 'WebUser'.
StackTrace: at
depList, SqlSmoObject[] objects) at
objects) at
metadataProvider) at
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Transfer.TransferData() at
InnerException-->Creating a user without an associated login is not
supported in SQL Server 2008.;
Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Based on the error it sounds like you need to create a login first on the SQL 2008 server that matches the same login/user that exists on the SQL 2000 server. You could do a couple of things:
create a new database in 2008 to migrate to
create a new login in 2008 that matches the existing login from sql 2000
map the new login to that new database from step #1
run the copy database wizard
If it was me, I would do as marc_s suggested and perform a full backup of the existing database on sql 2000, then restore to a blank database in sql 2008. If you can, update the compatibility mode in database properties to be 2008. I've done this hundreds of times and works like a charm.
The reason can be that a file with the new Database name already exist on the filesystem. We encountered this when we renamed Database X to X_Old, and tried to copy database Y to X. This cannot be done, because database X_Old is still associated with the filename X.
Either delete the conflicting database, or rename the file on the file system.

Copying Data from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Express

I would like to copy a database (tables, it’s data, stored procs & views) from SQL Server 2008 database to SQL Server Express. Is it possible? If so, would you please let me know how to do it? When I tried, it is giving some error.
Please note that I have only few records in SQL Server 2008 database tables.
Thanks and Regards..
Shruthi Keerthi..
The quickest way is to "detach" the source database from its server, copy the (2) files to a new name/location and (re)attach each database to the appropriate server.
Attach/detach is available as a command or via the SQL Visual Studio.
You can create a backup of the database and them restore that backup into the Express instance.
Another option, since you said you didn't have very many records in the DB, is to generate the SQL statements (right click on the database --> tasks -> generate scripts) and then run that on the Express instance. Then just copy over the tuples you want.
I prefer to use Backup/Restore when moving a database from one server to another. As long as your SQL Server and SQL Express are the same version, or the one you are moving to is newer than the one you are moving from (SQL 2005 to SQL Express 2008), it should work without a hitch.
If copying the entire database, I usually find it easiest to stop the source service, copy the *.mdf file to the appropriate new data directory, and just mount the MDF in the new service. As long as there aren't any changes in the setup (like FILESHARE), then this is the easiest way to clone a database.
And yes, this is possible. I just did this earlier today.
You could also try using the Microsoft Database Publishing Wizard.
It's simple to use and will create a SQL script that you can run to rebuild tables (including data), stored procs, views, etc...
You can download it here:
