How to avoid retain cycle in CEF - chromium-embedded

I want to integrate CEF3 into my application, it says that the CefRefPtr is a smart pointer. I test it with a retain cycle, the resources cannot be released either. I wander if there is a weak pointer like obj-c and boost do ? Or is there another way to avoid retain cycle in CEF3


Bootstrap vs Material UI for React?

I have been using both in my projects and sometimes I find the need to use a Material UI component within a bootstrap component and the UI displays as I would expect. I have been advised though not to use this approach. Is there any reason why since both are using the grid and can be flexed?
I tend to be verbose so I'll put the concise answer up top here:
Whoever said it was bad to use both might just be expressing their
opinion, in reality saying it's bad to use both really lacks context
in what you're designing. #user3770494 made a very good point- but the
point, while valid and truthy about the build size, it does depend on
the scope of the application. If it's an intraoffice application with
everyone on a fiber network local it'd all be cached in memory
anyways... but (not that you know me) I would not judge you negatively
if you mixed them together-- unless it was for a MAJOR million user
application to run on mobile (an very low devices), desktop, and other
devices around the world requiring real(ish) time updates, and
streaming dynamic content with 10000s of active users at any givin
time 24/7.
In all truth- if it's not life or death-- I'd say use both- and also
do your own. The experience of understanding more then one thing is
better then just "committing to a single solution" for personal
The rest of this reading is optional - you're welcome :)
I personally have used both in production applications (both together, and independently)... I've also done it all from scratch... (CSS is my least favorite part of job things I do - luckily I have a coworker who is great at it) Here are my thoughts:
Warning: I tend to be verbose.
As someone who likes function over form, form is an afterthought that is nit picky for clients to ask about tenuous little changes. I am going to try to leave my opinion on "how each option looks for feels" out of this as much as I can.
Also I'm looking at your question in a current choice I'm making- which is using ReactJS / create-react-app to make "demo" projects for touch screen embeaded systems- so I am going to roll out half a dozen mock programs for demos nothing that really does anytihng exactly (CCscanner, barcode scanner, gps, webcam integration, fun stuff like that). So I'm researching what will be easist for me to just commit to for this "beacuse I'm bored and got a pi3b+board for fun).
If you have the time, dedication and resources, there is really
nothing wrong with mixing them together. But you just need to think
about the time/cost/benifit of it. DIY to make the end user happy-
even if you mix them. Totally yourself is remaking the wheel- but you
can always pull in boostrap styles etc.
The inherent risks is that if you use both- make sure you don't "Mix them" to much- because then you will always have issues with trying
to ever do version changes on either one.
I like a lot of MaterialUIs things, but I honestly dislike how a few things look (style wise by default)- functionally I like it better
then bootstrap, but at the same time, I do not like MaterialUIs React
programming style (as a purist who hates CSS But knows how important
it is- having to use !important ever ever ever ... is big big big
nonononononononon) compared to whatever way my coworkers and I use
for conventions. Not saying it's better or worse then my own
preference- but a few things about it really irk me (even if they are
done for good reasons).
Bootstrap has a lot of choices to use for- I like how it looks better, I like how it plays with ReactJS better- but there is
reactstrap vs. react-bootstrap (which is why I found your post trying
to figure which one to use for this demo thing I'm doing).
Most recently (for production projects) I do try to stick just with one but normally I'm making systems that are function over form. So
they don't really care that much about the UI elements, it's about
how to use it not make it pretty. So I stick with using a single one
just to make my job easier- and usally still override styles myself
... if the original styles piss me off. But I do not stick with one
because "It's bad form to use both" I just stick with one for that
reason mentioned above. I'd actually say if bandwidth is not an
issue- it's quality to use both- but only use the parts of them that
you actually use.
(I noticed someone once importing full jQuery when the only thing that they used from it was $.ajax (all be it a lot but still) ... I was like... is that not overkill?!) -- So if you use both and want to keep things slim- just make sure on compilation you're only importing what you're using. Pythonically I'm saying- never use import * from module (however you express that in Javascript as a concept - webpack/gulp/whomever should take care of most of that for you). Assuming you're using ES6/7 style Javascript.
I encountered this scenario recently and opted to use both but for specific tasks. With it being a responsive web app Bootstrap made the most sense to use for the layout and Material UI for the widgets (just my personal preference).
You can definitely use both but you should be aware of the following:
There will be a lot of overlap in offered features unless you take time and effort to manage it by carefully picking elements from each of those libraries. And even then you will face situations where you can't avoid overlap. This basically results in a bigger bundle.
You will have to maintain theming variables for both systems to have a consistent presentation across your app. Even then, there will be situations like where your table checkboxes look different from your form checkboxes because they are from different libraries.
You have to learn and understand both of the systems. It means sometimes it'll be harder to find what's causing a certain bug. You'll also be spending more time deciding which library to use for which component.
Overall, it's more work for you to work with two different systems and a higher chance of things looking inconsistent. That said, mixing in things like a grid system with limited theming might not be too bad.
If possible, I highly encourage you to choose one system and stick with it.
Using both will increase your production js size.
Material Ui and bootstrap both provide components with basic styles like buttons so choose one.
You can use bootsrap grid for structure only or even go with flex.

Why can't browsers use a virtual dom internally as an optimisation?

There are lots of SO questions and blogs on the internet attempting to explain what virtual dom is, but this question is about why this kind of optimisation has to be to implemented in JavaScript/as part of a framework, rather than by the browser itself.
Virtual DOM, as I understand it, is a tree composed of Javascript Objects, with parents/children etc. but without most of the "heavy" features of the real DOM. Frameworks (e.g. React/Vue) respond to changes of model state by creating a virtual DOM from scratch and then do a diff on the last version of their virtual DOM to work out what real DOM to change.
Many of the things I have read, claim that virtual DOM is faster because real DOM has to re-layout (or even re-paint) every time there is a change, but this isn't true - re-layouts are only needed when some piece of JS code explicitly asks for some style/text-flow dependant value (such as a height/width etc.). And presumably most of the frameworks that use virtual DOMs cannot do any better at this - except ensuring developers don't accidentally do it.
Also, at some point recently browsers were considering providing event hooks for DOM-mutation, but that idea has been abandoned, meaning there shouldn't need to be any events fired at the point DOM is mutated.
So my question is, what does that leave in terms of benefits? What extra information, or extra freedom, does the JS framework have that gives it the "logical" power to perform the virtual DOM optimisation?
Virtual DOM is something like a workaround for the current situation. The W3C are working on re-building the DOM and make the current "virtual DOM" native to the browser. But you know how slow this goes - it has to be drafted, talked over, accepted, and then starts the fun part - implementing it in different browsers. They still have issues with CSS3 and flexbox model - every browser has it's own terms and standards for working with those.
And it's the same with the Virtual DOM - they still haven't accepted it to be a cross-browser solution. This will eventually happen in the future, but until then - we use the JS option.
If you follow the JS world - it was pretty much the same with Promises - we got the bluebird and jQuery implementations, but at the end Promises went native and all those libraries and frameworks are no longer needed.

Why is angular translate async in version +2

I am using angular translate version 1.x for quite a while.
The use of the $translate service is really easy.
In a controller, you can simply write:
$scope.whatever = $translate('WHATEVER');
But in angular translate 2.x that has changed.
Now the service works async.
The simple and fast to write above statement has now become:
$translate('WHATEVER').then(function (whatever) {
$scope.whatever= whatever;
This makes things more complicated.
I don't really understand the need for this.
In most scenario's (?) the translation files will be downloaded once and then getting a translation value should be really fast. Why the need of handling this async?
Can anyone explain why this change was made?
You should think the way around:
Who guarantees you, that all language files are loaded in time or at all. And as you're in a browser environment, everything retrieved from somewhere is asynchronous in terms of network speed etc.
So in case one "loading" process hangs, the whole application will be unusable because it is waiting for a correct reply/answer. So, if you do it synchronous, you'll have to wait until everything is loaded - just think of big images or translation files in our case here and maybe these are even unneeded translation files, because you're just using some languages out of the language stack as your personal preference.
Async loading speeds up the whole process of rendering the DOM and giving your "application" already a final state that you can work with, no matter, how many promises haven't been resolved yet.
This is one of the "big" natures of the Web Applications and yes, might cause headaches sometimes. Sometimes you'll ask yourself "why not wait this 500ms until everything is there?", but it could be the case, that one of the webservers is down or just overloaded and then you'll have to wait and wait and wait as a user. Do you always want this?

ExtJs component cleanup

I read the following comment in ExtJs-in-action -
'Do not dismiss the destruction portion of a Component’s lifecycle if you plan on developing your own custom
Components. Many developers have gotten into trouble when they’ve ignored this crucial step and have code that
has left artifacts such as data Stores that continuously poll web servers...'
I have never called explicit destructors/destroy on my my containers/components in 3.4.x
Though things seem to work fine - I am curious on
1. What are some instances where implementing destructors becomes essential
2.what is the proper convention to handle component destruction on close of browser instance.
This guide may be a good read.
You should always consider cleaning up your objects after they are needed to free up memory, especially unbinding event listeners and any timers you've created with setInterval. Once the object reference is destroyed you cannot access it but it could still be listening to or firing events and using up resources.
Generally in ExtJs, You free up resources in the destroy method, but just remember to call the callParent() function too so that ExtJs does it's own cleanup.
Here is another article from IBM in 2012 that seems to go into more depth on the subject.

detecting gdi / user handler leaks in winforms

I did nice winforms 2.0 application and it's working great and customers are still happy but unfortunatelly I cannot solve one issue. The problem is that after using app for a couple of hours, gdi user handles number is rising and rising and finally process cannot allocate more objects and app crashes...
I'm not doing anything fancy, it's regular app, a few forms, a few more modal forms, a few datagridviews and a lot tablelayoutpanels where I'm adding a lot labels and textboxes.
My questions are:
are there any "recommended-practises"
concerning adding/removing regular system
controls on forms at runtime (dgv/tlp)
how to detect system handles'
leaks - preferably using visual
studio and a kind of free plugin
Detecting graphics and window handle leaks is very difficult. As to a particular strategy for finding them at runtime, I can't suggest anything (though I'd love to hear someone else's!).
As for preventing them, here are a couple of reminders:
While the Control class's finalizer will call Dispose(), this is non-deterministic. You are not guaranteed that ANY object will EVER get finalized by the garbage collector. It's likely that it will, but it's not a guarantee.
In keeping with the above, Forms are an exception. When a Form is shown in a NON-MODAL way (meaning through Show(), NOT ShowDialog()), then when the Form closes it will deterministically call Dispose(). Forms that are shown through ShowDialog() must have Dispose() called manually in order to deterministically clean up the control handle.
Keeping those two things in mind, the most important thing that you can do is to ensure that you always call Dispose() on any object that you explicitly create that implements IDisposable. This INCLUDES Forms, Controls, Graphics objects, even the graphics helper classes like Pen and Brush. All of those classes implement IDisposable, and all of them need to be disposed of as soon as you no longer need them.
Try to cache your graphics utility classes, assuming you're using some. While a Pen and a Brush are fairly lightweight to create, they do take up handles and need to be disposed of when you're finished. Rather than creating them all the time, create a cache manager that allows you to pass in the parameters that you would use in the constructor for those objects and keep that object around. Repeated calls with the same parameters should still only use one single instance. You can then flush your cache on a periodic basis or at specific places in your application if you know where those would be.
Following those guidelines will greatly reduce--if not eliminate--your handle leaks.
I find that using the Task Manager with the GDI Objects column visible essential to finding such leaks. You can target specific areas by breaking before the call, make a note of the GDI objects, then break after the suspect call to determine if the objects are being released properly.
The source code for two useful GDI leak tracking tools can be found here: link text
I have used it successfully on many Visual Studio C++ projects. I am not sure whether I work with .NET as well.
