I have created and added a CollaborativeString to the Model with name 'SomeString'. Now I want to access the same object from the Model using model.getRoot().get('SomeString') and convert it to CollaborativeString and call one function of CollaborativeString class.
How can I convert the CollaborativeObject returned by the model.getRoot().get('SomeString') to CollaborativeString?
I saw CollaborativeString inherits CollaborativeObject, but I dont know how exactly to convert base class object to derived one.
Thanks in advance.
The object returned by model.getRoot().get('SomeString') is already a CollaborativeString. You don't have to convert it. For example, if you want to append to the string, you could write
model.getRoot().get('SomeString').append('text to append');
I'm new to json, there was a problem and I couldn't find a solution
I was given an api and when executing a get request, I get some object, but if there is no data in the object, an array is returned.
At the moment I was able to get Any?, instead of JSONArray or JSONObject, but there was a problem with converting Any? to the class
How to convert data to kotlin data class correctly?
returned object
returned array
The class I'm converting the json request to:
data class ProductInfo (var product:Product?,var specifications: JsonObject?,var supplements: Any?,var files:List<File>?,var feedback: Feedback?)
This seems something that the backend has to solve for you. They can give you a nullable array or just an empty array, whatever is more convenient, but implementing polymorphism is not something trivial.
Jackson makes polymorphism easier than Gson, however, it is always required some kind of anchor to know how to route the parsing, in this case, you don't have any.
Jackson uses an annotation and there you have indicate in which thing is going to pivot:
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Nothing.class, name = "????")
With Gson you have to implement your own JsonDeserializer but again, how do you know what type is it? If it can be cast to array then is nothing? Just writing that seems like an antipattern.
In the code I am referring, object attributes are accessed using the object["key"] method instead of calling object.key to access attribute values.
But when I try to create a simple object array and access attributes using above approach, I am getting below error.
if bank_record.effective_date.strip() == "25/07/2019" and bank_record["description"].__contains__("50036"):
TypeError: 'COM' object is not subscriptable
The reason given for object is not subscriptable error is missing __getitem__ method for the class. But in the code I am referring, it doesn't contain such method for any of the dto classes. But the above object["key"] method works just fine. What am I missing. I have been trying to figure this out for a while.
I just want to loop through a object array and access object attributes and modify them on the run. In order to make the function generic, I want to access these object attributes using object["key"] approach. Please help..
My mistake, I have missed set of steps. In the code I am referring, they are looping a json object array, which is created by dumping, python object array values into a json string and loaded back to a json object array.
excel_dto_list = []
#add objects to the list
json_string = json.dumps([ob.__dict__ for ob in excel_dto_list])
#done in another method
downloaded_object = json.loads(json_string)
for x in downloaded_object:
The values in database are saved as such
Now I need to acces the individual values like 2,4,5 etc.
I made a variable "rating" of the Domain Class type and tried accesing as object using (.) operator but it wont work and gives error:
:exception::groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: rating1 for class: java.lang.String
, I tried casting to array and list (as Array, as ArrayList, as List) etc but that wont work either.
Casting to List gives exception:exception::org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '{"rating1":"2","rating2":"4","rating3":"5","rating4":"0","rating5":"0"}' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.util.List' .
Accessing like "rating[3]" gives answer "a". Should I use "rating[11]" to get value 2 or is there any way around.
What could be the possible solution. Please help.
You're storing a string, so you only have string operations available. You need to parse that string to get at the attributes individually (JsonSlurper perhaps?).
rating[character-position] is a bad idea IMO.
Maybe transients (check the GORM docs) would be useful.
class YourDomain {
String yourField
String getRating1() { new JsonSlurper().parseText(yourField).rating1 }
Maybe. Totally untested, just an idea.
I have trained a pruned decision tree model in Julia using the DecisionTree module. I now want to save this model for use on other data sets later.
I have tried converting the model to a data array for export using writetable() and I have tried exporting using writedlm() and neither of these work. When I look at the type of the model I see that it is a DecisionTree.Node type. I don't know how to work with this and can't get it to export/save.
Out:LoadError: MethodError: `convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{DataFrames.DataFrame}, ::DecisionTree.Node)
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor DataFrames.DataFrame(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.
Closest candidates are:
call{T}(::Type{T}, ::Any)
convert(::Type{DataFrames.DataFrame}, !Matched::Array{T,2})
convert(::Type{DataFrames.DataFrame}, !Matched::Dict{K,V})
while loading In[22], in expression starting on line 1
in call at essentials.jl:56
Any ideas how I can get this model saved for use later?
If I understand correctly that this is a Julia object, you should try using the JLD.jl package to save the object to disk and load it back in, preserving the type information.
I have a struct:
struct Order
public string orderNumber;
public string orderDetail;
I then assign some values in Form1 and try to pass them by reference (ref) to Form2:
Order order = new Order();
order.orderNumber = "1234";
order.orderDetail = "Widgets";
Form2 frm2 = new Form2(ref order);
Is it possible to store the values in Form2 so that when Form2 is completed processing the values it will return the updated struct values to Form1?
In this scenario there would be a button that would close the form after validating the data.
One pattern that's sometimes useful is to define a class something like:
class Holder<T> {public T value;}
Such a class makes it possible to pass and mutate value types with code that requires reference types. Using such an approach, a routine which accepted a structure by reference and was supposed to pop up a modal dialog and fill in the structure from it, could create a Holder<thatStructType>, pass that to the form, and then copy the data from that Holder back to the passed-in reference. While in your particular scenario, it may be better to have the data-holding thing simply be a class, structures have the advantage that one can know that no outstanding references to them exist; if a routine declares a structure and passes it by reference to some outside code, then once that code returns the values in that structure won't change unless or until the routine writes them itself or passes the structure by reference to some other code. By contrast, if a routine exposes a class reference to outside code, there's no telling what that code may do with it.
Incidentally, the Holder class is also useful in a number of other scenarios. For example, if one has a Dictionary<String, Holder<Integer>> myDict, one may use Threading.Interlocked.Increment(myDict(myKey).Value)) to perform a thread-safe increment of the indicated item, much more efficiently than would be possible with a Dictionary<String, Integer>.
What I think you're asking is if Form2 can store a reference to the order structure that was passed in the constructor. The answer is no. If you want to store references, use a reference type (a class).