Advice on when to use macros in C and when not to use [closed] - c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If you see the gcc source code, you see that they use macros a lot. But generally, programmers are advised to avoid macros as they make the code harder to read.
Why then the gcc devs use so much of macros?
Please provide advice on when to use macros and when not to use.
Any references are welcome.


create a c programming IDE app with flutter [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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which dependency can help me to run c programming language and show me the result. Creating c programming IDE is possible with flutter or not?
You can use this for syntax highlighting:-
For compiling C though you can use Online Compiler APIs like:-
For emulating the terminal you can use Xterm:

Why is it important to remove whitespace from the end of a line in C? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Most of the pre-commit check tools I have used with different organizations do not allow whitespace at the end of lines. What is the motivation for this? Can it cause different behaviour, increase flash memory usage, or is it just a stylistic thing?

Vanilla C drop in replacement for intel intrinsics? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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For each avx, sse4 etc intrinsic there is an open logical algorithm. I wonder if there is an official or unofficial drop in replacement of intrinsics with vanilla C code (for debugging, prototyping on arm etc)?
I have a project, SIMDe, that does it. It's not complete, but it's more substantial than anything else I'm aware of. Contributions welcome ;)

Why does C support _Complex? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Complex numbers don't seem to me that widely used. But still C99 introduces not one, but two keywords about them (_Complex and _Imaginary). To me it seems that those belong in a library, and possibly not even the standard library.
Why are complex numbers so important to the standardization committee of the C language? More important than pixels, 3D points, files, time.

generic mark up language parser [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to parse a html page and extract the tags from it. I need suggestions on some good algorithms to do this in C? I have tried looking for libraries but most of them seem to support python, ruby or java but sadly nothing is there for C.
try using HTML tidy
More reference can be found here:
