Best way to implement in angularjs list detail view hierarchy without reloading when going back - angularjs

i've the following hierarchy structure : Group -> Family -> products -> Product details.
each node is retrieve through an $http service.
i would like the user to be able to drill down until the final product details and i would also like no reloads when the user hits the back button as parents never changes.
i've succeeded to build the first part using routes and it works pefectly but now each time i want to go back the controller of the parent view (last view) is reloaded and i don't know how to avoid this reloading.
i am thinking of changing my way of doing it by having only 1 view (while 4 before) and manage the drill down through a directive, do you think it could be considered as a good practice ? how would you implement this ?

You could check out AngularUI Router, since one of its main feature is the ability to nest states & views.
Have a look at the UI-Router Demo, source code here.


How to reload child view object completely in ADF

I have a 2 ViewObjects A and B. each connected with a ViewLink. I have shuttled the ViewLink in the ApplicationModule. So B comes under A in DataControl.
I have a Sunburst graph component using this instance. My requirement is to change the ViewObject Query at runtime. This works fine. But the graph is not getting refreshed for the level 2. Only Level 1 getting refreshed.
ie; A is only getting refreshed.
How to refresh B (Or the view link) ?
This sounds weird since view link usually get refreshed together automatically.
Your requirement is change the VO query at runtime. I don't have much details on your implementation, how would you manage to do this? Through an ApplicationModule method ? or some VO manipulation. Anyway, after you update a query, you need to do an executeQuery() right?
A possible way to solve your problem is to call B.executeQuery() after you update A's query.

React router - different content if post in list vs own page

React router has very cool feature: if you have a list of items (Instagram for example) and if you click on one item, content opens in modal/overlay but if you copy-paste the link to new tab/window or share the link with a friend for example, it opens in its own page.
I would love to use this feature but I need to find a custom solution..
My posts are very data heavy
I've split posts data into 2 tables in database
1st is very lightweight containing essential data: 4-5 columns
2nd table is very heave, ~30 columns
When user uses search filter, list updates only with data from 1st table
If user clicks on post, it will open in a modal/overlay
I will recycle the data I already have (from 1st table) and also get rest of the data from 2nd table
However, when user shares the link or opens it in new tab/page, data from 1st table is not present. I would need to integrate a conditional logic:
If post opens in list view (modal/overlay), only get additinal 2nd table data
If it's opened in a new tab/window in its own page, get all the data, 1st table included
How could I integrate this with React router? Has anyone already tried it? This would also allow to use different layout/components when user opens item in page view. Is there a way to check it?
Or is there a flaw in my logic? I imagine list would update very fast because it doesn't require huge amount of data and also would modal/overlay because it recycles some of the data.
I read all the docs, also searched online - didn't find anything.
Modals in react router are great. I've used the pinterest example and adapted it to my own needs.
Ensure you do your check on state.modal===true in a master layout component to give you the modal styling.
you'll need to check if table 1 stuff is present in your state and dispatch an action to trigger the async call in componentDidMount. You should be fetching table 2 in all scenarios.

Changing states without reloading previous view data when I go back to it

I am new to angular and was wondering if I could somehow change states (after clicking on link from a list of search results) and load a new view, hide the old one (including header !), but not unload it/not have to request JSON data again if I got back to the search results for products view from the product details view.
Well, this will be a really short answer.
Take a look at this:
$templateCache You can play around with it so you won't need to reload pages when going back and forth.

Angularjs: how to pass entire object to another controller?

OK, I'm very new to AngularJS. I'm converting a rather rough-app (that I've been writing for a couple of days) from using mostly jQuery over to using Angular. [ I discovered Angular "mid-stream", while researching how to alleviate all the bookmark and back-button headaches I was running into.]
On my main page, I have a table of search results. (If the user arrives without passing any parameters, a default search is called to build the table. And, of course, they can use a search form on that page to show themselves a different set of results.)
Now, when the user clicks on a table item, I want that table to more or less "become" a drop-down menu on the Item Details page that can be used to navigate from one table item to the next. (The list will usually be less than 20 items long at any given time.) Same data, same sort order, just in a different control.
Rather than build that "Child" page so that (in addition to making Ajax calls to pull up the item details) it runs the exact same query AGAIN and then builds a drop-down out of it... I thought perhaps there was some more-efficient way to do it.
Perhaps, pass the entire object of objects from the search results on to the Details controller? (I would somehow have to also pass an id for whichever item the user actually clicked on for details as well.)
[With jQuery, I had been building both the drop-down and the table of results on the same page...and then just use show() and hide() to alternate which one I was displaying. And I would fetch the Item Details data and populate/show hidden details divs whenever a table row or drop-down option was selected.]
First I think you should use some kind of routing, maybe this can be helpful
And second one, if you want to access same object with multiple controllers, you should use factory with your object, and all you need is to inject that factory into your controllers, and you will have access to the same object from multiple controllers. Here is the short tutorial, it's very easy to understand:
And third option, but it's not nice, is to emit or broadcast event and send object from one controller, and in another one you can put a listener for that event, here you can find more information:

AngularJS - how to use a route with dynamic data for template

I'm not sure what I'm fully after really hence this could easily be a duplicate of another topic - if so please direct me :)
Anyway, what I want to do is something like a shopping page, where there is a page listing out all the items. This part I can do fine :)
The issue I have is I only want one page which "details" each item - as they all share the same layout. So in this case, depending on what's selected, it routes to a details page (maybe with corresponding ID of some sort) that displays the details of whatever clicked.
Is this possible? Hope I've explained this well enough - if not please let me know.
You don't need to use a route for each item. You can use a route for the page itself (with ngView, for example) to present the details page, and then (assuming you have an object with the data) you present the current item's model appropriately.
If you can present some code I can give you a better idea.
