Verifying purchase receipts in both iOS 6 and 7 - ios6

I am verifying in-app-purchase receipts using the following code:
- (void) completeTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction*) transaction
NSData* receipt = nil;
// 1. Attempt <app receipt> first (iOS 7.x)
NSBundle* mainBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
if ([mainBundle respondsToSelector:#selector(appStoreReceiptURL)]) {
NSURL* appStoreReceiptURL = [mainBundle appStoreReceiptURL]; // <- CRASH
receipt = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:appStoreReceiptURL];
// 2. Fallback to <transaction receipt> (iOS < 7.0)
if (!receipt) {
receipt = [transaction transactionReceipt];
// 3. Have server verify it with iTunes:
[self verifyReceipt:receipt forTransaction:transaction];
On an iOS 6 device, the execution stops at the line NSURL* appStoreReceiptURL = [mainBundle appStoreReceiptURL]; and the console spits:
-[NSBundle appStoreReceiptURL]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x208492d0
Am I missing something? Wasn't -respondsToSelector: supposed to take care of this? Must I fall back to checking the OS version directly??

YES you should check version number directly in case of this appStoreReceiptURL Method.
In iOS, use the following code to detect whether this method is available:
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
// Load resources for iOS 6.1 or earlier
} else {
// Load resources for iOS 7 or later
Note: The general best practice of weak linking using the respondsToSelector: method cannot be used here. Prior to iOS 7, the method (appStoreReceiptURL) was implemented as private API, but that implementation called the doesNotRecognizeSelector: method.
Reference:NSBundle Class reference


CodenameOne IOS app crashing due to null threadsToDelete

I have a codenameOne app that works fine on Android but occasionally crashes on iOS.
From xcode it looks like its failing at:
JAVA_VOID java_lang_Thread_releaseThreadNativeResources___long(CODENAME_ONE_THREAD_STATE, JAVA_LONG nativeThreadId) {
for(int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_THREADS ; i++) {
if(threadsToDelete[i] != 0 && threadsToDelete[i]->threadId == nativeThreadId) {
threadsToDelete[i] = 0;
in nativeMethods.m. It says threadsToDelete is null in that if statement. This seems to happen when I open a new form showing a picture, then switch back to the original form. I do start a new thread to save certain details to amazon. But it doesn't crash everytime.
I have fixed this issue in Github here. It will be included with the next build server update (probably today, possibly next week).

Swift "Array" memory allocation, plus toggle display mirroring

NOTE: See amended post below re: Hardware mirroring
I have written two Swift functions that toggle the display mirroring in OSX. Both work; the difference between them is just syntax when dealing with pointers. For the convenience of those interested in learning how to toggle mirroring in Swift, I have included the text of the playground file below.
My question is about memory allocation. Here is the section of interest:
// allocate space for array
let displayListPtr = displayIDListPtr.alloc(Int(displayCount)) //see typealias above
// fill the list
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, displayListPtr, &activeCount))
// allocate space for list of displays
var displayIDList = Array<CGDirectDisplayID>(count: Int(displayCount), repeatedValue: kCGNullDirectDisplay)
// fill the list
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, &displayIDList, &activeCount))
CGGetActiveDisplayList is a low-level function call that relies on data being arranged in consecutive memory locations. I am reasonably confident that “alloc” from the ugly version is contiguous. Empirically, it seems that the “Array(…)” call is also contiguous, but can I rely on that always being true (e.g., if the number of displays grows)? Is this assumption about the Swift array initializer poor form?
Here’s all the code; apologies for formatting issues. Note that only one of the two functions should be called; otherwise, you’ll end up where you started.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
// apparently not defined in Swift version of SDK 10.11 (XCode 7.3.1), so add manually
let kCGNullDirectDisplay = CGDirectDisplayID(0)
let kCGDirectMainDisplay = CGMainDisplayID() // not used here, just for the record
let maxDisplays:UInt32 = 20 // not used
var onlineCount:UInt32 = 0 // not used
func postError(error : CGError){
if error != CGError.Success {
print("got an error")
// this toggles all active displays, online or not
func toggleMirroring(){
var displayCount:UInt32 = 0
var activeCount:UInt32 = 0
//var onlineCount:UInt32 = 0 //not used
//get count of active displays (by passing nil to CGGetActiveDisplayList
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nil, &displayCount))
if displayCount < 2 { return } // no point in any mirroring functions
// allocate space for list of displays
var displayIDList = Array<CGDirectDisplayID>(count: Int(displayCount), repeatedValue: kCGNullDirectDisplay)
// fill the list
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, &displayIDList, &activeCount))
// determine if mirroring is active
// hack to convert from boolean_t (aka UInt32) to swift's bool
let displaysMirrored = CGDisplayIsInMirrorSet(CGMainDisplayID()) != 0
// set master based on current mirroring state
// if mirroring, master = null, if not, master = main display
let master = (true == displaysMirrored) ? kCGNullDirectDisplay : CGMainDisplayID()
// start the configuration
var configRef:CGDisplayConfigRef = nil //swift 3 syntax
for i in 0..<Int(displayCount) {
let currentDisplay = CGDirectDisplayID(displayIDList[i])
if CGMainDisplayID() != currentDisplay {
CGConfigureDisplayMirrorOfDisplay(configRef, currentDisplay, master);
if (false){ // change to true in order to execute the toggle
postError(CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration (configRef,CGConfigureOption.Permanently))
// The first entry in the list of active displays is the main display. In case of mirroring, the first entry is the largest drawable display or, if all are the same size, the display with the greatest pixel depth.
// The "Permanently" option might not survive reboot when run from playground, but does when run in an application
func toggleMirroringUgly(){
// just to decrease eye strain
typealias displayIDListPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>
typealias configurationRefPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDisplayConfigRef>
//get count of active displays (by passing nil to CGGetActiveDisplayList
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nil, &displayCount))
if displayCount < 2 { return } // no point in any mirroring functions
// ***
// allocate space for array
let displayListPtr = displayIDListPtr.alloc(Int(displayCount)) //see typealias above
// fill the list
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, displayListPtr, &activeCount))
// ***
// determine if mirroring is active
// hack to convert from boolean_t (aka UInt32) to swift's bool
let displaysMirrored = CGDisplayIsInMirrorSet(CGMainDisplayID()) != 0
// set master based on current mirroring state
// if mirroring master = null, if not, master = main display
let master = (true == displaysMirrored) ? kCGNullDirectDisplay : CGMainDisplayID()
// make room for the configuration reference
let configRefPtr = configurationRefPtr.alloc(1) //see typealias above
// start the configuration
postError(CGBeginDisplayConfiguration (configRefPtr));
for i in 0..<displayCount {
let currentDisplay = CGDirectDisplayID(displayListPtr[Int(i)])
if CGMainDisplayID() != currentDisplay {
CGConfigureDisplayMirrorOfDisplay(configRefPtr[0], currentDisplay, master);
if (false){ //change to true in order to flip the mirroring
// make it happen
postError(CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration (configRefPtr[0],CGConfigureOption.Permanently));
// The first entry in the list of active displays is the main display. In case of mirroring, the first entry is the largest drawable display or, if all are the same size, the display with the greatest pixel depth.
// The "Permanently" option might not survive reboot when run from playground, but does when run in an application
Arrays don't necessarily use contiguous storage. There is a ContiguousArray type which you can use if you are so inclined, but you'll still need to deal with the possible difference between your maximum size and the actual size returned after the final call to CGGetActiveDisplayList.
One way of cleaning this up might be to make a custom convenience initializer for Array:
extension Array {
init<Size: IntegerType>(
fillingBufferOfSize maxSize: Size,
#noescape fillBuffer: (buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>, count: inout Size) throws -> ()) rethrows
let maxSizeAsInt = Int(maxSize.toIntMax())
let buf = UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>.alloc(maxSizeAsInt)
defer { buf.dealloc(maxSizeAsInt) }
var actualCount: Size = 0
try fillBuffer(buffer: buf, count: &actualCount)
self.init(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: buf, count: Int(actualCount.toIntMax())))
Then you can use Array(fillingBufferOfSize: ...):
var maxActive: UInt32 = 0
CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nil, &maxActive)
let displays = Array(fillingBufferOfSize: maxActive) { (buffer, count) in
CGGetActiveDisplayList(maxActive, buffer, &count)
I upgraded my computer with a new video card and NVIDIA drivers and discovered my code above no longer works fully - turns mirroring on but not off. Apparently, there's an option for drivers to use hardware or software mirroring, and that changes the coding. I post below a revised version.
It has only been tested on my system (10.12.2) and card (GTX 980Ti), but I think the logic should accommodate software mirroring and fairly recent OS versions as well. If you have more than 2 displays, you can probably modify it, with heroic effort, to mirror arbitrary combinations. My code will just mirror whatever is considered the main display (or the lowest rez one, in software mirroring) on all the others.
Although jbandes' note re: ContiguousArray was informative, it does not work in this case - see the comments in the code. This code assumes that the allocated array of UInt32s will be contiguous. (Too much work to get fancy with malloc and casting, but this is not production ready.)
Good luck to the 2 people who might be interested!
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
import Foundation
func postError(_ error : CGError){
if error != CGError.success {
print("got an error")
func disableHardwareMirroring(){
// designed for hardware mirroring with > 1 display
// should be no penalty for running with only 1 display, using either hardware or software mirroring drivers
// but not tested
// start the configuration
var configRef:CGDisplayConfigRef? = nil
// only interested in the main display
// kCGNullDirectDisplay parameter disables hardware mirroring
CGConfigureDisplayMirrorOfDisplay(configRef, CGMainDisplayID(), kCGNullDirectDisplay)
// may not be permanent between boots using Playgroud, but is in an application
postError(CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration (configRef,CGConfigureOption.permanently))
func toggleMirroring(){
var displayCount:UInt32 = 0
var activeCount:UInt32 = 0 //used as a parameter, but value is ignored
//var onlineCount:UInt32 = 0 //not used
//get count of active displays (by passing nil to CGGetActiveDisplayList
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nil, &displayCount))
if displayCount == 1 {
// either it's hardware mirroring or who cares?
// allocate space for list of displays
// tried to use ContiguousArray, but CGGetActiveDisplayList requires Array<CGDirectDisplayID> parameter
// ContiguousArrays cannot be typecast to Arrays (at least not easily)
var displayIDList = Array<CGDirectDisplayID>(repeating: kCGNullDirectDisplay, count: Int(displayCount))
// fill the list
postError(CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, &(displayIDList), &activeCount))
// determine if mirroring is active (only relevant for software mirroring)
// hack to convert from boolean_t (aka UInt32) to swift's bool
let displaysMirrored = CGDisplayIsInMirrorSet(CGMainDisplayID()) != 0
// set master based on current mirroring state
// if mirroring, master = null, if not, master = main display
let master = (true == displaysMirrored) ? kCGNullDirectDisplay : CGMainDisplayID()
// start the configuration
var configRef:CGDisplayConfigRef? = nil
for i in 0..<Int(displayCount) {
let currentDisplay = CGDirectDisplayID(displayIDList[i])
if CGMainDisplayID() != currentDisplay {
CGConfigureDisplayMirrorOfDisplay(configRef, currentDisplay, master)
postError(CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration (configRef,CGConfigureOption.permanently))
// The first entry in the list of active displays is the main display. In case of mirroring, the first entry is the largest drawable display or, if all are the same size, the display with the greatest pixel depth.
// The "Permanently" option might not survive reboot when run from playground, but does when run in an application
if (false) { // change to true to run the code, false to edit

GKMatchRequest invitation not showing in other device

Thanks to the updates to GameKit API in iOS 6, I am finally able to implement my turn-based board game the way it should be, complete with turn timeouts and better programmatic creation of matches. However, I am running into an issue that I cannot seem to solve. My desire is to have Game Center running entirely invisible to the end-user, so that everything is programmatic and uses my own custom interfaces. Therefore, I use my own custom table view to display matches, not the default GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController. Right now, I have no problem displaying open matches using the -loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler: method. I also use a custom screen to create a match, with a direct creation for auto-match (not a problem) and a table view that loads Game Center friends of the localPlayer for invitation. Since the playersToInvite attribute can now be filled with playerID's, this is possible in iOS 6.
My main problem is handling the invitation on the recipient's side. I send the invitation with the following code
GKMatchRequest *request = [[GKMatchRequest alloc] init];
request.minPlayers = 2;
request.maxPlayers = 2;
request.playersToInvite = losAmigos;
request.inviteMessage = #"Your Custom Invitation Message Here";
request.inviteeResponseHandler = ^(NSString *playerID, GKInviteeResponse
if (response==GKInviteeResponseAccepted)
I have a delegate that handles the notifications. The following code is launch when the user is authenticated
[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker].inviteHandler = ^(GKInvite* acceptedInvite, NSArray *playersToInvite)
if(acceptedInvite != nil)
// Get a match for the invite we obtained...
[[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] matchForInvite:acceptedInvite completionHandler:^(GKMatch *match, NSError *error)
if(match != nil)
NSLog(#"match != nil: ");
else if(error != nil)
NSLog(#"ERROR: From matchForInvite: %#", [error description]);
NSLog(#"ERROR: Unexpected return from matchForInvite...");
NSLog(#"FIN registroNotificaciones");
Why notifications are not send?Or notifications are not received?Is there another way to send notification to invite to play a game?
I checked and my sandbox accounts of Game Center allow invitations, and I dont know what´s going on
You did pretty much all that is needed to create the invite; you just need to send it with this code:
[[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] findMatchForRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(GKMatch* match, NSError *error) {
if (error)
//Invite has not been sent
else if (match != nil)
//whatever you want to do when the receiver accepts the invite
I know you are looking to use custom displays but I haven't made my own view controllers for this, instead I used GKMatchmakerViewController which handles the 'send' invites for me and I think that's what's missing in your code.
Here is my code for that, maybe you can try it and check how GKMatchmakerViewController works internally (if possible):
GKMatchRequest *request = [[[GKMatchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
request.minPlayers = minPlayers;
request.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
request.playersToInvite = pendingPlayersToInvite;
GKMatchmakerViewController *mmvc = [[[GKMatchmakerViewController alloc] initWithMatchRequest:request] autorelease];
mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = self;
[myPresentingViewController presentModalViewController:mmvc animated:YES];
I have almost the same code you have that handles the notifications (registroNotificaciones) and it gets executed as soon as the user authenticates with GameCenter and is one of the first things the app does when launched too, from what you say, it looks like this code is working properly, just . Hope it helps!

Kinect SDK 1.5 - Face Tracking : WPF tracking problems

I'm working with the new face tracking SDK of Kinect (Microsoft Official), and I noticed that there's difference in detection between c++ and c#-wpf example: the first one is way faster in recognition than the second (the one I want to use, actually). In the c++ version the face tracking is almost on the fly, while in the wpf one it starts ONLY when I put my entire body (so the entire skeleton) in the FOV of Kinect.
Did anyone found out why? I noticed that the skeletonframe provided shows the property "Trackingmode = default", even though I set the kinect skeleton stream on seated.
// Update the list of trackers and the trackers with the current frame information
foreach (Skeleton skeleton in this.skeletonData)
if (skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
|| skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly)
// We want keep a record of any skeleton, tracked or untracked.
if (!this.trackedSkeletons.ContainsKey(skeleton.TrackingId))
this.trackedSkeletons.Add(skeleton.TrackingId, new SkeletonFaceTracker());
// Give each tracker the upated frame.
SkeletonFaceTracker skeletonFaceTracker;
if (this.trackedSkeletons.TryGetValue(skeleton.TrackingId,
out skeletonFaceTracker))
skeletonFaceTracker.LastTrackedFrame = skeletonFrame.FrameNumber;
The code is the one provide my microsoft with the 1.5 SDK.
I had some information in other forums, specifically here (Thanks to this guy (blog)):
MSDN forum link
Basically, in the c++ example all the methods to track the face are used, both color+depth and color+depth+skeleton, while in the c# only the latter is used. So it only starts when you stand up.
I did some tests, but the other method is still not working for me, I did some modification to the code but with no luck. Here is my modification:
internal void OnFrameReady(KinectSensor kinectSensor, ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat, byte[] colorImage, DepthImageFormat depthImageFormat, short[] depthImage)
if (this.faceTracker == null)
this.faceTracker = new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.FaceTracker(kinectSensor);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// During some shutdown scenarios the FaceTracker
// is unable to be instantiated. Catch that exception
// and don't track a face.
//Debug.WriteLine("AllFramesReady - creating a new FaceTracker threw an InvalidOperationException");
this.faceTracker = null;
if (this.faceTracker != null)
FaceTrackFrame frame = this.faceTracker.Track(
//new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.Rect(100,100,500,400));
this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded = frame.TrackSuccessful;
if (this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded)
if (faceTriangles == null)
// only need to get this once. It doesn't change.
faceTriangles = frame.GetTriangles();
this.facePointsProjected = frame.GetProjected3DShape();
this.rotationVector = frame.Rotation;
this.translationVector = frame.Translation;
this.faceRect = frame.FaceRect;
this.facepoints3D = frame.Get3DShape();
frame.TrackSuccessful is always false. Any idea?
I finally figured it out and made a post on MSDN forums regarding what else needs to be done to get this working.
It's here.
Hope that helps!

Windows EXE can run as service or application. How can I determine if it is running as a service or not?

I am looking for a Win32 API call to return the runtime context of my process. I want to be able to programmatically test if I am running as a service or am I running as standard application process.
Several ideas come to mind.... Since I always have service DAD.exe who runs SON.exe sometimes as his child and in service context --- and sometimes SON.exe is started not by DAD, and by a user.
SON.EXE would do API whoami() to learn which context he is running in.
Now DAD could create an environment var -- and then SON could test for this var -- and if found he knows he is a son of DAD and thus runnning as a service..... But this is weak...
Another idea would be to look at my SID or token and see if I could make this determination.... Again this looks at best more complex vs. a single API check...
The simple low-tech solution to this is to register your service to run with command line arguments that identify it as a service.
Another option is to use the Tool Help library. Using it, you take a snapshot of all the currently running processes and then you can walk through all the processes using the Process32First and Process32Next function. These return a structure (PROCESSENTRY32) that looks like:
typedef struct tagPROCESSENTRY32 {
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD cntUsage;
DWORD th32ProcessID;
ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID;
DWORD th32ModuleID;
DWORD cntThreads;
DWORD th32ParentProcessID;
LONG pcPriClassBase;
DWORD dwFlags;
as you walk through all the processes, as soon as you find the one whose th32ProcessID matches the one for SON.exe (see GetCurrentProcessId or GetProcessId ). If the th32ParentProcessID of that structure matches that of DAD.exe, then you know you were launched from DAD.exe.
Answering your comment, I guess you could go one step further and then see who the parent of DAD.exe is, if it's services.exe, then you're a service.
Reading the documentation, I think you could determine whether you're in an interactive session or service via:
and then WSF_VISIBLE should tell you.
If you wanted to differentiate between a logged-in user session and one that's inactive (Fast User Switching), I guess you could use GetThreadDesktop and GetUserObjectInformation(UOI_IO).
The best and simplest way to tell from inside the service is to set a flag when ServiceMain is called. But you're testing a child process, so see above.
I found the following:
bool WinUtil::IsServiceUser(HANDLE hToken, bool *is_service) {
if (is_service == NULL) {
return false;
DWORD dwSize = 0;
// Use token logon LUID instead of user SID, for brevity and safety
if (!::GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenStatistics,
(LPVOID)&ts, sizeof(ts), &dwSize)) {
return false;
// Compare LUID
const LUID SystemLuid = SYSTEM_LUID;
const LUID LocalServiceLuid = LOCALSERVICE_LUID;
const LUID NetworkServiceLuid = NETWORKSERVICE_LUID;
if (EqualLuid(SystemLuid, ts.AuthenticationId) ||
EqualLuid(LocalServiceLuid, ts.AuthenticationId) ||
EqualLuid(NetworkServiceLuid, ts.AuthenticationId)) {
*is_service = true;
return true;
// Not a service account
*is_service = false;
return true;
bool WinUtil::IsServiceProcess(bool *is_service) {
if (is_service == NULL) {
return false;
if (Util::IsVistaOrLater()) {
// Session 0 is dedicated to services
DWORD dwSessionId = 0;
if (!::ProcessIdToSessionId(::GetCurrentProcessId(), &dwSessionId) ||
(dwSessionId == 0)) {
*is_service = true;
return true;
// Get process token
HANDLE hProcessToken = NULL;
if (!::OpenProcessToken(::GetCurrentProcess(),
&hProcessToken)) {
return false;
ScopedHandle process_token(hProcessToken);
// Process token is one for a service account.
if (!IsServiceUser(process_token.get(), is_service)) {
return false;
return true;
I think your looking for Topshelf, it does the heavy lifting and makes it easier run as console or install as a service. Topshelf hosting application debugging in VS2010
