CodenameOne IOS app crashing due to null threadsToDelete - codenameone

I have a codenameOne app that works fine on Android but occasionally crashes on iOS.
From xcode it looks like its failing at:
JAVA_VOID java_lang_Thread_releaseThreadNativeResources___long(CODENAME_ONE_THREAD_STATE, JAVA_LONG nativeThreadId) {
for(int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_THREADS ; i++) {
if(threadsToDelete[i] != 0 && threadsToDelete[i]->threadId == nativeThreadId) {
threadsToDelete[i] = 0;
in nativeMethods.m. It says threadsToDelete is null in that if statement. This seems to happen when I open a new form showing a picture, then switch back to the original form. I do start a new thread to save certain details to amazon. But it doesn't crash everytime.

I have fixed this issue in Github here. It will be included with the next build server update (probably today, possibly next week).


Checking shot collisions and removing shot and target in AS3

Last year was my first successful year in teaching my students to create catch and avoid games in Flash with AS3. This year is getting better. Each year I come here for help at least once.
I'm trying to add shooting into the possibilities for their second game project. I can make the shot happen from the ship, gun, whatever, and make it move, and get rid of it when it is off screen, but have not figured out a clean way to have both the shot and the target go away (removeChild and array.splice) upon collision.
The code I have sort of works, but I keep getting the error,
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at
Normally I know that this is because of a mismatch between objects and index numbers, but this is related to the call to a second array in removing boxes and bullets.
For simplicity I'll just include the shooting code. Similar organization creates and drops the boxes.
Any help is appreciated. BTW we are not using external script in an AS file.
var shotSpeed = 18;
var shots:Array = new Array();
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fireLaser);
function fireLaser(e:MouseEvent):void
if (gameOn==true)
var shot:Shot=new Shot();
shot.x = user.x;
shot.y = user.y;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveShot);
function moveShot(e:Event):void
for (var i:int=shots.length-1; i>=0; i--)
shots[i].y -= shotSpeed;
if (shots[i].y < -25)
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkShots);
function checkShots(e:Event):void
for (var i:int=shots.length-1; i>=0; i--)
for (var k:int=boxes.length-1; k>=0; k--)
if (shots[i].hitTestObject(boxes[k]))
if (boxes[i].type == "good")
scoreDisplay.text = "Score:" + score;
if (boxes[i].type == "bad")
//if I leave this part out I get no errors,
//but but the bullet goes on to strike again
Thanks kaarto:
I had tried that previously and kept getting the same error. I used that elsewhere in this game code. Turns out I needed to moderate how often the player was shooting. I changed from shooting with the mouse to using space instead and now the problem is gone. Break is definitely a good one here.
Merge move shot and checkShots in one ENTER_FRAME handler.

Windows Defender API to scan a directory for malwares

Using Windows Defender API , I'm trying to do a scan for malwares on a folder.
Following The documentation I wrote the code:
MPRESOURCE_INFO ResourceInfo = { 0 };
MPSCAN_RESOURCES ScanResource = { 0 };
ResourceInfo.Scheme = L"dir";
ResourceInfo.Path = L"C:\\temp";
ResourceInfo.Class = 0;
// ResourceInfoArray was Allocated before
*ResourceInfoArray = ResourceInfo;
ScanResource.dwResourceCount = 1;
ScanResource.pResourceList = ResourceInfoArray;
// Opened hMpManager before using MpScanStart
hRetval = MpScanStart(hMpManager, MPSCAN_TYPE_RESOURCE, 0, &ScanResource, NULL, &ScanHnadle);
From which I get an error message: An unexpected problem occurred. Install any available updates, and then try to start the program again. For information on installing updates, see Help and Support.
However If I change the ResourceInfo definition to:
ResourceInfo.Scheme = L"file";
ResourceInfo.Path = L"C:\\temp\\MyFile.exe";
ResourceInfo.Class = 0;
It works great, detecting the file in the right way.
On the bottom line - the code works for files, but doesn't work for directories.
Does anyone know what am I doing wrong with the directory search?
Analyzing event logs created by MpCmdRun.exe I found out that it uses the scheme "folder" instead of "dir". That change made my code working.
ResourceInfo.Scheme = L"folder";
Folder paths do not have to end with backslash, but drives require it: (F:\).

Creating batch documents using pouchdb slows the webapp

I am trying to save documents using pouchdb's bulkSave() function.
However, when these documents are saved it starts to sync with master database using sync gateway & in doing so the webapp slows down and when I try to navigate to different tabs no content is displayed on that tab.
Below is an example of how the documents are being created:
for (var i = 0; i <= instances; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
advTask.startDate = new Date(new Date(advTask.startDate).setHours(new Date(advTask.startDate).getHours() + offset));
if (advTask.estimatedDurationUnit == 'Minutes') {
advTask = $Date.getAdvTaskEndTimeIfMinutes(advTask);
} else if (advTask.estimatedDurationUnit == 'Hours') {
advTask = $Date.getAdvTaskEndTimeIfHours(advTask);
} else if (advTask.estimatedDurationUnit == 'Days') {
advTask = $Date.getAdvTaskEndTimeIfDays(advTask);
if(new Date(advTask.endDate).getTime() >= new Date($scope.advTask.endDate).getTime()) {
// here save the task array using bulkSave() function
$db.bulkSave(tasks).then(function (res) {
advTask.startDate = $Date.toGMT(advTask.startDate);
advTask.endDate = $Date.toGMT(advTask.endDate);
var adv = angular.copy(advTask);
tasks.push(adv); // here pushing the documents to an array
offset = advTask.every;
Thanks in advance!
bulkSave is not a core PouchDB API; are you using a plugin?
Also one piece of advice I'd give is that Couchbase Sync Gateway does not have 100% support for PouchDB and is known to be problematic in some cases.
Another piece of advice is that running PouchDB in a web worker can prevent your UI thread from getting overloaded, which would fix the problem of tabs not showing up.
Do you have a live test case to demonstrate?

Verifying purchase receipts in both iOS 6 and 7

I am verifying in-app-purchase receipts using the following code:
- (void) completeTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction*) transaction
NSData* receipt = nil;
// 1. Attempt <app receipt> first (iOS 7.x)
NSBundle* mainBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
if ([mainBundle respondsToSelector:#selector(appStoreReceiptURL)]) {
NSURL* appStoreReceiptURL = [mainBundle appStoreReceiptURL]; // <- CRASH
receipt = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:appStoreReceiptURL];
// 2. Fallback to <transaction receipt> (iOS < 7.0)
if (!receipt) {
receipt = [transaction transactionReceipt];
// 3. Have server verify it with iTunes:
[self verifyReceipt:receipt forTransaction:transaction];
On an iOS 6 device, the execution stops at the line NSURL* appStoreReceiptURL = [mainBundle appStoreReceiptURL]; and the console spits:
-[NSBundle appStoreReceiptURL]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x208492d0
Am I missing something? Wasn't -respondsToSelector: supposed to take care of this? Must I fall back to checking the OS version directly??
YES you should check version number directly in case of this appStoreReceiptURL Method.
In iOS, use the following code to detect whether this method is available:
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
// Load resources for iOS 6.1 or earlier
} else {
// Load resources for iOS 7 or later
Note: The general best practice of weak linking using the respondsToSelector: method cannot be used here. Prior to iOS 7, the method (appStoreReceiptURL) was implemented as private API, but that implementation called the doesNotRecognizeSelector: method.
Reference:NSBundle Class reference

Kinect SDK 1.5 - Face Tracking : WPF tracking problems

I'm working with the new face tracking SDK of Kinect (Microsoft Official), and I noticed that there's difference in detection between c++ and c#-wpf example: the first one is way faster in recognition than the second (the one I want to use, actually). In the c++ version the face tracking is almost on the fly, while in the wpf one it starts ONLY when I put my entire body (so the entire skeleton) in the FOV of Kinect.
Did anyone found out why? I noticed that the skeletonframe provided shows the property "Trackingmode = default", even though I set the kinect skeleton stream on seated.
// Update the list of trackers and the trackers with the current frame information
foreach (Skeleton skeleton in this.skeletonData)
if (skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
|| skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly)
// We want keep a record of any skeleton, tracked or untracked.
if (!this.trackedSkeletons.ContainsKey(skeleton.TrackingId))
this.trackedSkeletons.Add(skeleton.TrackingId, new SkeletonFaceTracker());
// Give each tracker the upated frame.
SkeletonFaceTracker skeletonFaceTracker;
if (this.trackedSkeletons.TryGetValue(skeleton.TrackingId,
out skeletonFaceTracker))
skeletonFaceTracker.LastTrackedFrame = skeletonFrame.FrameNumber;
The code is the one provide my microsoft with the 1.5 SDK.
I had some information in other forums, specifically here (Thanks to this guy (blog)):
MSDN forum link
Basically, in the c++ example all the methods to track the face are used, both color+depth and color+depth+skeleton, while in the c# only the latter is used. So it only starts when you stand up.
I did some tests, but the other method is still not working for me, I did some modification to the code but with no luck. Here is my modification:
internal void OnFrameReady(KinectSensor kinectSensor, ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat, byte[] colorImage, DepthImageFormat depthImageFormat, short[] depthImage)
if (this.faceTracker == null)
this.faceTracker = new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.FaceTracker(kinectSensor);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// During some shutdown scenarios the FaceTracker
// is unable to be instantiated. Catch that exception
// and don't track a face.
//Debug.WriteLine("AllFramesReady - creating a new FaceTracker threw an InvalidOperationException");
this.faceTracker = null;
if (this.faceTracker != null)
FaceTrackFrame frame = this.faceTracker.Track(
//new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.Rect(100,100,500,400));
this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded = frame.TrackSuccessful;
if (this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded)
if (faceTriangles == null)
// only need to get this once. It doesn't change.
faceTriangles = frame.GetTriangles();
this.facePointsProjected = frame.GetProjected3DShape();
this.rotationVector = frame.Rotation;
this.translationVector = frame.Translation;
this.faceRect = frame.FaceRect;
this.facepoints3D = frame.Get3DShape();
frame.TrackSuccessful is always false. Any idea?
I finally figured it out and made a post on MSDN forums regarding what else needs to be done to get this working.
It's here.
Hope that helps!
