sql server doesn't work on windows 8 64bit - sql-server

I'm facing kinda weird problems. I installed windows 8 pro 64 bit then installed Visual Studio 2010, both working well. But the problem is in SQL server 2008 and SQL server 2012 installation. Both gives different kind of errors; sometime it says that version not matching. Then finally, I installed 2012. Had no login or windows authentication. I don't know why it never happened to me. Please suggest a correct link for installing SQL server on windows 8 64bit so I can use MANAGEMENT studio etc..

I had a similar problem when installing SQL Server Express on Windows 8.1 pro. Just right click the installation executable (even if it's on a DVD, find the setup.exe or similar), go to Properties, Compatibility tab and use the compatibility for an older version of windows, like Windows 7.
Another option is to download the latest package from Microsoft. I was able to install the SQL Server 2008 SP3 without compatibility settings. You could try SQL Server SP1 as well (I haven't tested this without compatibility settings).

here you go
in there there's information about installing the old sql server apps on newer windows version. The minimum version for windows 8 is SQL Server 2008 SP3.


Installing Windows SQL Express Server 2016

I am having an issue installing Windows SQL Express Server 2016, when I try to run setup.exe, it tells me that:
"The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows that you are running. Check your computer's system to see whether you need x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of this program, then contact the software publisher"
I am running Windows 7, 32-bit, but I was never prompted to select this either from Microsoft's website or from the installer that I downloaded, so I assumed it automatically figured it out. Where can I get the 32-bit version?
The last SQL Server that still support Windows 7 is SQL Server 2012. The next version, SQL Server 2014, already requires Windows 8. So you'll have to use SQL Server Express 2012.

Unable to install SQL Server 2016 on Windows 7 SP1 x64

I need to install SQL Server 2016 (including Reporting Services, SQL Agent etc) on Windows 7. I know that it's not supported platform so I'm looking for a solution how to make that.
I found out the following two conversations on below topic:
Why can I not install sql server express 2016 on windows 7 professional 64 bit SP1?
I have followed the steps from 2nd one:
- Install on W10 VM,
- Copy all Program Files files from W10 to W7
- Copy REG KEY from W10 to W7 (don't know exactly which one)
- Install SSDT tools
- Install SSMS
All in all I have the following view:
Unfortunately when I'm trying to run SQL 2016 services it's not starting up.
Any step by step instruction would be very helpful.
You've answered your own question. SQL 2016 is not supported on Windows 7 or earlier. You have to upgrade to Windows 8.
You cannot install SQL Server 2016 on Windows 7 but you can install SQL Management Studio on Windows 7 to connect to a remote server instance.
SSMS is now supported independent of the SQL installation. As of v16, it is maintained independently and claims backwards compatibility to SQL2008. The latest version is available at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-2017
As of this post, SSMS v17.9.1 worked on my installation of Windows 7 Pro x64 and allowed me to connect to a remote SQL2017 instance.
SSMS version 17.x or later does not support connecting to the legacy SQL Server Integration Services service. To connect to an earlier version of the legacy Integration Services, use the version of SSMS aligned with the version of SQL Server.

Why can I not install SQL Server Express 2016 on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit SP1?

When trying to install SQL Server 2016 Express in Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 in VMware I get the following message.
What can I do to solve this?
Here is a workaround for users that need SQL 2016 on a Windows 7 development PC. This will allow the developer to develop and manage them by using using MDFs in LocalDB:
If you don't have Visual Studio 2015 then get it or the 2015 Community Edition
Download and install SQL Server Data Tools. SSDT
When I initially installed Visual Studio 2015 I chose custom install and selected all options. I was assisting someone else troubleshoot their installation so I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on another Win 7 Computer. I chose custom Install and under Windows and Web Development options I chose Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools. It stated 2012 SQL Server, but after install and restarting I had both the 2014 and 2016 SqlLocalDB (under 120 and 130 folders respectively). SQL Server Data Tools install may not be needed unless you need SSIS, SSAS or SSRS which I do need.
After all of this you will need SQL Server Management Studio 2016 or higher to connect to the local db and access the 2016 functionality.
After you have installed this there should be a SQL Local DB command Line tool installed. My install location was D:\Programfiles\130\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe
The default install location as pointed out by Discosultan may be:
D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe
My install path was different, but that may be due to the several versions and related components of SQL server that I have installed on the PC and the manner of my installs. Once you have done the install you can search for SqlLocalDB.exe if you have multiple versions and navigate to the 2016 version, (product version 13 in the 130 subfolder).
You can find the install folder path in the registry for SQL 2016 by reviewing the following Registry Entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (Abbreviated to HKLM below):
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Installed Versions\13.0
You can run the command line from there or add the directory to the path statement. I have multiple versions so I just go to the directory. Then you create a localDB instance and start it:
SqlLocalDB create "LocalDBExample2016" -s
SqlLocalDB Utility Command Line Reference
From that point if you prefer the GUI you can open SQL server Management Studio 2016 or through Visual Studio and connect to server:
From there you can add databases, etc.
The mdf and log files will default to C:\Users\[UserName], but they can be moved when creating the databases or copied elsewhere and given to the DBAs, etc. Some of the features won't be available like in memory OLTP tables. Here are the edition comparisons: Editions and Supported Features for SQL Server 2016
As the error message states SQL Server 2016 is not supported in Windows 7. You will have to upgrade to Windows 8 or higher or switch to a Windows Server operating system. Here is a list of all the operating systems (and other hardware and software requirements) in which SQL Server 2016 can be installed.
Late to the party, but while you can't install SQL 2017 Express or 2016 Express on Windows 7, you can install SQL 2014 Express. This may not work for compatibility purposes if you're dealing with a newer version of SQL (although I've been able to install the non-express version of SQL 2016 and 2017 to Windows 7) but if you're supporting something that uses an older version of SQL Express (which, frankly, is likely if you don't have access to a newer OS) this should work well enough.

Can SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition be installed on Windows 7 Professional Edition?

I want to install SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition to Windows 7 Professional Edition. I tried many times, but it also failed.
Is it possible to do that? Has anyone successfully installed SQL Server 2008 on Windows 7? What are the steps to guarantee a successful install?
SQL Server Enterprise Edition does not support Windows client operating systems. You can only install it on Windows Server.
Try installing Developer Edition. It provides similar features with licensing restrictions (you can't install it on production servers).
I have installed on Windows 7 Ultimate right now. It may not be officially supported unless you're using Windows Server, but it does work.

Installing sql server express: VS2008 sp1 problem

I am trying to install SQL server express 2008 on my machine. I get an error message that says that older version of VS 2008 in installed on the computer. Upgrade to VS2008 SP1 before installing Sql server 2008.
I tried to install sp1 but I get an error message that a compatible version of vs2008 is not detected on the system. the upgrade is not compatible with express editions.
I am having trouble installing sql server 2008 express installed on my machine and I am having problems. Please help me.
I had the same problem that ironsavior describes. I had VS 2008 SP1 and no other VS installed (i.e. no Express edition of anything.)
Here's how I solved it, basically a registry incentive.
I went to the the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\9.0\IDE\1033 and changed the following values (they used to be 0, 0, and "RTM" respectively)
SP = dword:00000001
SPIndex = dword:00000001
SPName = "SP1"
You don't even need to quit the installer to do this. Just rerun the checks after the registry tweak and it should pass. At least worked for me.
You need to have the full version of Visual Studio 2008 installed in order to upgrade to Service Pack 1. You should have a look on the MS site for an SP1 specific to the Express editions of Visual Studio.
In fact I'm not certain but try redownloading Visual Studio express and it should have SP1 already integrated. Here's a link.
Best of luck!
It isn't compulsory to install the full version of Visual Studio 2008 to upgrade to Service Pack 1. You can install any of the express editions with sp1, ideally Visual C++ and C#. If you already have them installed on your PC, re-install and remove any old versions of SQL Server Express(2000 or 2005 in Add/Remove Programs). Finally, install SQL Server 2008 Express; this should solve the problem.
Best of luck!
The SQL Express SP1 updater doesnt work on SQL Express, believe it or not. If you patch SQL Express using the "full version of sql 2008 sp1", that will work. I found this to be the case in June of 2009.
