Display a portlet in ligthbox in websphere 8 - websphere-portal

Does somebody know how to display a portlet in a ligthbox or Dialogbox, like the next image:
!failed to load image!
I'm using websphere portal 8.

Does it have to be a whole portlet on it's own? Can the Dialog be part of another portlet?
If it has to be it's own portlet, I would suggest looking at creating a custom skin. The skin would wrap the portlet in dialog box using whatever your preferred JS library is. Then you should be able to invoke the dialog's "show" method to display the portlet in the dialog box.
Here is the basic documentation from IBM on creating a custom skin


How do you display a custom message with CefSharp when JavaScript handles OnBeforeUnload?

I have implemented my own class for IJsDialogHandler for a WinForms desktop app. I want to display a custom dialog instead of the default dialog. The example from CefSharp GitHub site just says to return true to handle it myself, but that doesn't show me how to display my own dialog.
How do I display my dialog?
Do I need to also implement a LifeSpanHandler? I've seen some articles using it to know the browser is closing.

Is it possible to customize google fabric's/digits login popup?

I know it's possible to embed widget of digits using this link
This one will be shown on my page inside the div with class=my-digits-container
But is it possible to customize the popup which appears by using Digits.logIn?
Todd here from Fabric. Right now it's not possible to customize the pop up in Digits for web. You can only theme using the embedded widget.

How to get codenameone web browser component input controls references?

Does anybody know how can we get the form controls references in a web page that loaded in the CodeNameOne Web browser component?
I want to load a web page in CodeNameOne web browser component, then read or change the value of form input controls (For example TextBoxes) in the java code after pressing the submit button.
Its not an ideal way to work and would reduce the portability of your application. You can look at the JSObject class that represents a bridge between the JavaScript and Java sides.

How to use .js and .css file in SilverLight application

I am using a customized alert message for my whole application which generates from a .js file and a .css file. I have also used silverlight in my application and shows MessageBox from silverlight with its default design. Now i want to customized that MessageBox in silverlight.
So, can anyone plz help me to know how to add js and css file to silverLight application and how to use it
You can't change the built-in MessageBox style as easily as simply creating your own modal window. There are lots of custom messageboxes about and many have source code.
Creating a reusable MessageBox dialog.
Silverlight Modal Dialog With Custom User Controls
Custom MessageBox Control for Silverlight 3
Note: these are all Silverlight solutions, so you are authoring in XAML and with style, not using JS and CSS.
It is also possible to call JS functions on the page from within Silverlight if you think that will be easier for your solution.

Extjs Create New Browser

I am using Extjs4.0 to develop a web application. The application require drag a Extjs Panel outside current browser. Then create a new browser instance which has the panel object.
I did some research. Javascript has window.open function which can create a new window. But how can I pass the panel parameters to the new browser instance?
Does any one have relative experiences? or have some suggestions?
Try GreyBox
Note :- Sometime it breaks if there is an error in page
for e.g. it fails to open SO
but it works fine otherway
This is impossible. You are asking if you can drag an ExtJS Panel outside the Browser itself? Think about it, you can't do that.
You can open a new Window with ExtJS content, sure.
