How to use multiple Jelly files in one Jenkins plugin - jenkins-plugins

How do you make sure that a specific jelly file gets used? I am trying to write a plugin for Jenkins, with 3 functionalities
To set a system configuration value.
To set a Post build step value and
To set a post build action value.
The first two functions are working fine, however for the post build action i am unable to get the field values to show up from the jelly file.
The first two functions are implemented with one java file and a jelly file while the third one is implemented using another java file and another jelly file.
Any help is appreciated.
Jelly file content:
<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" xmlns:d="jelly:define" xmlns:l="/lib/layout" xmlns:t="/lib/hudson" xmlns:f="/lib/form">
<!-- This jelly script is used for per-project configuration. See global.jelly for a general discussion about jelly script. -->
<!-- Creates a text field that shows the value of the "name" property. When submitted, it will be passed to the corresponding constructor parameter. -->
<f:entry title="Name" field="name">
<f:textbox />


Liferay 7.1 npm-react-module localization

I'm trying to include localization into my npm-react-module, but I have failed receiving the value for the corresponding key from the file. It simply returns the key. I did some research but I couldn't find any source that would help me solve my problem.
In the code which I will show you bellow, I have included a file into my module. In my portlet, I have included the needed configuration for the language properties. I have also tried to add a separate file for a specific locale, but that didn't help me either.
This is an example of my portlet configuration:
This is an example content from my file:
This is how I'm trying to access the value in my React Component:
<h1> {Liferay.Language.get('example-key')} </h1>
But it only returns "example-key" instead of "example-value".
In my view.jsp file I am able to retrieve the corresponding values using
<liferay-ui:message key='example-key'/>
I have tried this method: but it didn't work either. Did anyone get this to work properly in their npm-react-module? I really don't want to spend time implementing my own localization service. Thanks!
Liferay.Language.get('key') gets text replaced by the build mechanism. Therefore there is no actual object/class to do this. I have been trying to get this to work myself and have resolved that I will have to do internationalization on my own.
localizing is done only in build time meaning if you have a language
key that generated dynamicly , you can't localizate it or for example
if you get a key from api fetch and need to localizate it, you can't
beacuse Liferay localization method for react (
Liferay.Language.get("yourLanguageKey") ) its undefined in runtime and
you can't use it.

Redmine: How to link an attached file in a project from its underprojects?

Lets say I have Project A with an attached imageFile.
Then I created 10 different Projects which are underprojects of Project A.
I want to link the ImageFile of Project A to the Wiki of every underproject , so that I can see the ImageFile in the Wiki-Area of each underproject.
What im doing so far is to copy full path of the attached file of Project A in the Wiki of every underproject, like for example:
Is there a better way to achieve that, because every time I update the imagefile, I have to renew the id-numbers of all imagefile-links in the underprojects.
Since an attachment is only actually identified by its ID and all attachments are immutable (i.e. can be changed after upload), new uploads will result in a new ID. Since multiple attachments with different IDs can have the same name, you can also not reliably find an attachment just by using its name in broad contexts.
That said, to solve your issue, you could use the include macro to include a common Wiki page in your sub-project's wiki pages which then displays the image attachment.
For that, you can create a Wiki page named e.g. Schnittprofil in your parent project where you directly upload your file. In the wiki page, just reference the image with
Assuming the parent project has an identifier of project-a, you can then include the page in other wiki pages with
Each time you change the page on the parent project, it will automatically also show the updated content on the child wikis. The only requirement is that the users need to be able to read the wiki of your parent project (e.g. are members of the project with the "Read wiki" permission).

Change default Banana dashboard pointer

I want to change the default route to the Banana default dashboard.
Because I don’t want to load a file each time I launch Banana and if I want to use an other computer, I will be owned…
I don’t know where I can find this variable, in which file.
I saw this on the config.js file, but I don’t really understand :
The default Solr index to use for storing objects internal to Banana, such as
stored dashboards. If you have been using a collection named kibana-int
to save your dashboards (the default provided in Banana 1.2 and earlier), then you
simply need to replace the string "banana-int" with "kibana-int" and your old
dashboards will be accessible.
This banana-int (or equivalent) collection must be created and available in the
default solr server specified above, which serves as the persistence store for data
internal to banana.
Does someone have an idea ?
I found the solution :).
It is in dashboards.js in the src/app/services directory. I had to change the lines marked default.json by the file exported from my Banana, putted in the src/app/dasboards directory.
And information is available at this address : (it is Kibana, but Banana is a fork of Kibana).

Sort data on Data perspective (Composite C1)

I have created a custom datatype inside "Page Datafolders" on the "Data" perspective.
So, I have added this datafolder to a page and I am using it to show the data in the page with no problem...., but now I want to show this data sorted in admin console.
I tried to create a xml file inside of App_Data/Composite/TreeDefinitions without luck.
So, are there any tutorial to do this?
You are right to create a 'tree definition' xml file inside the ~/App_Data/Composite/TreeDefinitions folder, you should just ensure your definition has this bit:
<ElementStructure.AllowedAttachments ApplicationName="(your app name here)">
<DataType Type="Composite.Data.Types.IPage" Position="Bottom" />
Once you have this defined, you can attach it to a page using the 'Attach Application' command on it.
See for details.

Drupal Attachments (FileField) file path

What function in Drupal gets file attachment path?
Edit: the attachments provided by Upload module in system section. But since you mentioned there may be another way around it. Maybe I could achieve may goals using FileField module so if you could tell me how to get a direct link of a file uploaded by FileField module that may also be very helpful.
Edit 2:
Ok I will start from my main and final objective:
It is to get an image linking to a file which visibility I could be managed using CCK module.
I am doing this step by step. So now I have written a code which generates the needed image and I have added that image to one of content types teaser. I found a way to warp my image in a tag and I had dug up simple attachments url. So my next step is to advance from simple upload attachment to the one added by FileFields and from odd looking HTML pace in all PHP document into beautifully managed CCK field.
How to fetch file path of a file uploaded FileFields?
Some plain and at the same time rich tutorials for making custom fields for CCK module.
Assuming you know how to get the $node object for a node containing a file attachment, this is super easy:
Upload (core)
$file = upload_load($node);
echo $file[1]->filepath;
Where 1 is the index of the file. Upload can let you upload more than one file, so file 2 would have an index of 2 and so on. If there's only one file, it'll always be 1.
More info: upload_load() API reference.
echo $node->field_fieldname[0]['filepath'];
Where field_filename is the short name you've used for the field, and 0 is the index of the field. CCK fields let you have multiple values in one field, so 0 would be the first, 1 would be the second, etc. If you only have one value, it'll always be 0.
Note: if you want to get the rendered output of the FileField using its formatters, you can just use $field_fieldname in your node template, or if you want to store the rendered output, you can use:
echo content_format('field_fieldname', $node->field_fieldname[0]);
More info: content_format() API reference.
Upload is a sad little module, and has been completely replaced with a core implementation of FileField in Drupal 7. If you have the option to use FileField, you should.
Don't direct links of file attachments appear below the uploaded file for the core Upload module?
Since you are trying to use images, you should use CCK module in order to add images to specified content type. After that using the Display fields tab in Content type configuration you can specify how image would be presented (as a link, image, image with link to node...) both in teaser and body view.
