Django Model: Best Approach to update? - database

I am trying to update 100's of objects in my Job which is scheduled every two hours.
I have articles table in my Model. All articles are parsed and then different attributes are saved for each article.
First i query to get all unparsed articles and then parse each URL which is saved against article and save the received attributes.
Below is my code
articles = Articles.objects.filter(status = 0) #100's of articles
for art in articles:
url =
result = ArticleParser(URL) #Custom function which will do all the parsing = result.articleauthor
art.description = result.articlecontent[:5000]
art.imageurl = result.articleImage
art.status = 1
except Exception as e: = ""
art.description = ""
art.imageurl = ""
art.status = 2
The thing is when this job is running CPU utilization is very high also DB process utilization is very high. I am trying to pin point when and where it spikes.
Question: Is this the right way to update multiple objects or is there any better way to do it? Any suggestions.
Appreciate your help.
Edit 1: Sorry for the confusion. There is some explanation to do. The fields like author, desc etc they will be different for every article they will be returned after i parse the URL. The reason i am updating in loop is because these fields will be different for every iteration according to the URL. I have updated the code i hope it helps clearing the confusion.

You are doing 100s of DB operations in a relatively tight loop, so it is expected that there is some load on the DB.
If you have a lot of articles, make sure you have an index on the status column to avoid a table scan.
You can try disabling autocommit and wrapping the whole update in one transaction instead.
From my understanding, you do NOT want to set the fields author, description and imageurl to same value on all articles, so QuerySet.update won't work for you.

Django recommends this way when you want to update or delete multi-objects:

1.Better not to use 'Exception', need to specify concretely: KeyError, IndexError etc.
2.Data can be created once. Something like this:
data = dict(
To Edit 1: Probably want to set up a periodic tasks celery. That is, for each query to a separate task. For help see this documentation.


Optimizing Entity Framework query

I want to get data from a database using 3 tables: questions, answers and authentication_detail. The third tables logs when a certain answer to a certain question is given. I need to compute the number of answer events for all the answers of all the questions in a given time frame to display a statistics chart. I used the following query, but the performance is quite bad. I think I am doing something wrong, but I don't know exactly how else I can proceed.
var qData = questions.Select( qs => qs.Select(q=>new SurveyData
name =,
answers =q.answers.Where(a=>a.is_archived==false).Select(a=>new AnswerDTO
count= a.authentication_detail
.Where(ad=> ad.authentication.#event.insert_date.HasValue
&& ad.authentication.#event.insert_date.Value >= today
&& ad.authentication.#event.insert_date.Value.Hour == curHour).Count()
I am using Entity Framework 6.4.0.
Ok, so my main problem was I was using nested queries. Someone suggested I fetch all the required data from the db first and perform the operations on that data and it worked. Went down from 15s+ to arround 1-2s.

Entity Framework: Max. number of "subqueries"?

My data model has an entity Person with 3 related (1:N) entities Jobs, Tasks and Dates.
My query looks like
var persons = (from x in context.Persons
select new {
PersonId = x.Id,
JobNames = x.Jobs.Select(y => y.Name),
TaskDates = x.Tasks.Select(y => y.Date),
DateInfos = x.Dates.Select(y => y.Info)
Everything seems to work fine, but the lists JobNames, TaskDates and DateInfos are not all filled.
For example, TaskDates and DateInfos have the correct values, but JobNames stays empty. But when I remove TaskDates from the query, then JobNames is correctly filled.
So it seems that EF can only handle a limited number of these "subqueries"? Is this correct? If so, what is the max. number of these "subqueries" for a single statement? Is there a way to work around these issue without having to make more than one call to the database?
(ps: I'm not entirely sure, but I seem to remember that this query worked in LINQ2SQL - could it be?)
I'm getting crazy about this. I tried to repro the issue from ground up using a fresh, simple project (to post the entire piece of code here, not only an oversimplified example) - and I found I wasn't able to repro it. It still happens within our existing code base (apparently there's more behind this problem, but I cannot share this closed code base, unfortunately).
After hours and hours of playing around I found the weirdest behavior:
It works great when I don't SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; before calling the LINQ statement
It also works great (independent of the above) when I don't use a .Take() to only get the first X rows
It also works great when I add an additional .Where() statements to cut the the number of rows returned from SQL Server
I didn't find any comprehensible reason why I see this behavior, but I started to look at the SQL: Although EF generates the exact same SQL, the execution plan is different when I use READ UNCOMMITTED. It returns more rows on a specific index in the middle of the execution plan, which curiously ends in less rows returned for the entire SQL statement - which in turn results in the missing data, that is the reason for my question to begin with.
This sounds very confusing and unbelievable, I know, but this is the behavior I see. I don't know what else to do, I don't even know what to google for at this point ;-).
I can fix my problem (just don't use READ UNCOMMITTED), but I have no idea why it occurs and if it is a bug or something I don't know about SQL Server. Maybe there's some "magic max number of allowed results in sub-queries" in SQL Server? At least: As far as I can see, it's not an issue with EF itself.
A little late, but does calling ToList() on each subquery produce the required effect?
var persons = (from x in context.Persons
select new {
PersonId = x.Id,
JobNames = x.Jobs.Select(y => y.Name.ToList()),
TaskDates = x.Tasks.Select(y => y.Date).ToList(),
DateInfos = x.Dates.Select(y => y.Info).ToList()

Hbase batch query example

I read in "hadoop design pattern" book, "HBase supports batch queries, so it would be ideal to buffer all the queries we want to execute up to some predetermined size. This constant depends on how many records you can comfortably store in memory before querying HBase."
I tried to search some examples online but couldn't find any, can someone show me the example using java map reduce?
Is this what you want? You can save HBase Get object in a list and submit the list at the same time. It's a little better than invoke table.get(get) multiple times.
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
pool = new HTablePool(conf, 5);
HTableInterface table = pool.getTable('table');
List<Get> gets = new ArrayList<Get>();

Rails 3: Updating Database Data

I'm trying to follow the instructions here. The final step is to update my database data by using this line of code:
UPDATE rs_reputation_messages SET sender_type = 'ReputationSystem::Evaluation' WHERE sender_type = 'RSEvaluation'
I can't figure out where to put this code. Typically, I'd update the database with a migration, but this looks like a MySQL command. I'm certain there's a very, very simple answer to this question, but despite scouring Google, I can't even figure out how to phrase the question right.
It's always better to create a migration file in such cases. you can use update_all method
RsReputationMessages.update_all("sender_type = 'ReputationSystem::Evaluation'",
"sender_type = 'RSEvaluation'")
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE rs_reputation_messages
SET sender_type = 'ReputationSystem::Evaluation'
WHERE sender_type = 'RSEvaluation'")

Autocomplete Dropdown - too much data, timing out

So, I have an autocomplete dropdown with a list of townships. Initially I just had the 20 or so that we had in the database... but recently, we have noticed that some of our data lies in other counties... even other states. So, the answer to that was buy one of those databases with all towns in the US (yes, I know, geocoding is the answer but due to time constraints we are doing this until we have time for that feature).
So, when we had 20-25 towns the autocomplete worked stellarly... now that there are 80,000 it's not as easy.
As I type I am thinking that the best way to do this is default to this state, then there will be much less. I will add a state selector to the page that defaults to NJ then you can pick another state if need be, this will narrow down the list to < 1000. Though, I may have the same issue? Does anyone know of a work around for an autocomplete with a lot of data?
should I post teh codez of my webservice?
Are you trying to autocomplete after only 1 character is typed? Maybe wait until 2 or more...?
Also, can you just return the top 10 rows, or something?
Sounds like your application is suffocating on the amount of data being returned, and then attempted to be rendered by the browser.
I assume that your database has the proper indexes, and you don't have a performance problem there.
I would limit the results of your service to no more than say 100 results. Users will not look at any more than that any how.
I would also only being retrieving the data from the service once 2 or 3 characters are entered which will further reduce the scope of the query.
Good Luck!
Stupid question maybe, but... have you checked to make sure you have an index on the town name column? I wouldn't think 80K names should be stressing your database...
I think you're on the right track. Use a series of cascading inputs, State -> County -> Township where each succeeding one grabs the potential population based on the value of the preceding one. Each input would validate against its potential population to avoid spurious inputs. I would suggest caching the intermediate results and querying against them for the autocomplete instead of going all the way back to the database each time.
If you have control of the underlying SQL, you may want to try several "UNION" queries instead of one query with several "OR like" lines in its where clause.
Check out this article on optimizing SQL.
I'd just limit the SQL query with a TOP clause. I also like using a "less than" instead of a like:
select top 10 name from cities where #partialname < name order by name;
that "Ce" will give you "Cedar Grove" and "Cedar Knolls" but also "Chatham" & "Cherry Hill" so you always get ten.
var q = (from c in db.Cities
where partialname < c.Name
orderby c.Name
select c.Name).Take(10);
