Embedded C UART conventions - c

I need advice on proper way of handling UART communication. I feel like I've done handling sending serial commands over UART well but I don't know if the way I'm parsing the response or receiving serial data is the best way to do it. Any tips are appreciated but I just want to know if there's a better more and elegant way to parse UART RX.
This is for an MSP430 uC by the way...
First I have these declared in the header file:
const unsigned char *UART_TX_Buffer;
unsigned char UART_TX_Index;
unsigned char UART_TX_Length;
unsigned char UART_TX_Pkt_Complete;
unsigned char UART_RX_Buffer[25];
unsigned char UART_RX_Pkt_Complete;
unsigned char UART_RX_Index;
Here is the function that is called once the flag UART_RX_Pkt_Complete is set in the ISR:
void Receive_Resp()
switch (UART_RX_Buffer[UART_RX_Index - 3])
case 0x4B:
case 0x56:
P1OUT &= ~(tos_sel0 + tos_sel1);
case 0x43:
P1OUT |= tos_sel0;
P1OUT &= ~tos_sel1;
case 0x34:
P1OUT |= tos_sel1;
P1OUT &= ~tos_sel0;
case 0x33:
P1OUT |= tos_sel0 + tos_sel1;
UART_RX_Pkt_Complete = 0;
UART_RX_Index = 0;
For reference here's the RX ISR:
#pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCIA0RX_ISR(void)
UART_RX_Buffer[UART_RX_Index++] = UCA0RXBUF;
if (UART_RX_Buffer[UART_RX_Index - 1] == 0x0A)
UART_RX_Pkt_Complete = 1;
Also here's the TX ISR and send UART command routine:
if (UART_TX_Index < UART_TX_Length) // Check if there are more bytes to be sent
UCA0TXBUF = UART_TX_Buffer[UART_TX_Index++];
else // Last byte has been sent
UART_TX_Pkt_Complete = 1; // Set flag to show last byte was sent
void Send_CMD (const unsigned char *Data, const unsigned char Length)
UART_TX_Buffer = Data; // Move into global variables
UART_TX_Length = Length;
UART_TX_Pkt_Complete = 0; // Starting values
UART_RX_Pkt_Complete = 0;
UART_TX_Index = 0;
UCA0TXBUF = UART_TX_Buffer[UART_TX_Index++];

If this works and meets your system's requirements then it's fine. But there are several ways it could be improved.
Receive_Resp() and USCIA0RX_ISR() are tightly coupled, which is undesirable. They both manipulate UART_RX_Index for the other (USCIA0RX_ISR() increments it and Receive_Resp() clears it) and they both rely on the other for part of the framing of each message (USCIA0RX_ISR() finds the end of the frame while Receive_Resp() interprets and resets for the next frame). It would be better if these routines were decoupled.
The character buffer should be a circular buffer with a head pointer (where characters get added) and a tail pointer (where characters get removed). The ISR should only add chars to the circular buffer and advance the head pointer. The ISR should also handle wrapping of the head pointer back to the beginning of the circular buffer. And the ISR should protect from overruns by making sure the head pointer doesn't pass the tail pointer.
The Receive routine should be responsible for framing the message. This includes pulling chars from the tail pointer and identifying the beginning and end of the message. The Receive routine increments and wraps the tail pointer. Typically the Receive routine is implemented as a state machine with states for identifying the start, body, and end of a frame.
For even less coupling you might have a separate function that interprets the content of the message (i.e., separate the framing from the interpretation of the message).
Your ReceiveResp() routine doesn't handle any errors such as a dropped character. It assumes that all three characters were received correctly. Maybe that's fine for your application and requirements. But typically there should be some error checking performed here. At the very least you should ensure that UART_RX_Index >= 3 before you subtract 3 from it. In other words, make sure the message length is sane. A more robust serial protocol would have a checksum or CRC in each frame to ensure the frame was received correctly but that is probably overkill for your application.
Your Transmit side could be improved with some of the same advice. Typically there is a circular buffer for transmit chars. The Transmit routine adds chars to the buffer and manages the head pointer. The TX ISR copies chars from the buffer to the UART and manages the tail pointer.
Do the calls to Delay in Send_CMD() mean that your application is totally stalled while it's waiting to finish the transmission? Again, maybe that's OK for your application but typically that is undesirable. Typically you want the application to continue to function even while it's waiting for the UART to be ready to transmit. By using a circular transmit buffer, it would be possible for multiple messages to queue up in the transmit buffer and you wouldn't have to wait for the previous message to finish before queuing up another. But then you should add protection for a buffer overrun and this may complicate things unnecessarily for you. Which brings me back to my first point, if what you have works and meets your requirements then it is fine.

Personally, I'd write a completely separate UART module that contained methods for write and read operations. Under the hood I'd create two circular buffers (of whatever the appropriate size may be) and use those for storing bytes as data comes in or goes out. This would allow an interrupt driven solution with buffers.
For instance, my interrupt for receive would do something like:
#pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void UartRxIsr()
// Add new byte to my receive buffer.
Then I can call my Uart.read() method to read out that byte. The read method might look something like the following:
char read()
if (Uart.rxBuffer.length > 0)
return Uart.rxBuffer.buffer[Uart.rxBuffer.write++];
This is assuming that you've implemented circular buffers using pointers.
I have a solution lying around somewhere. I'll try to find it and post it.


avr-gcc: jump to arbitrary address after ISR has been invoked

I'm working with an ATmega168p and compiling with avr-gcc.
Specifically, I have an RS485 slave that receives bytes via UART and writes them to a buffer in an ISR. If an end character is received, a flag is set in the ISR. In my main loop this flag is checked and the input buffer is processed if necessary. However, there is the problem that some time can pass between the arrival of the end byte and the time when the handler in the main loop processes the input buffer, because of the other "stuff".
This results in a latency which can be up to several milliseconds, because e.g. sensors are read in every n-th iterations.
ISR(UART_RX_vect) {
if (byte==endbyte) // return to <HERE>
void main(){
// <HERE> I want my program to continue after the ISR received an end byte
do_stuff(); // "stuff" may take a while
I want to get rid of this latency, as it is the bottleneck for the higher-level system.
I would like that after the ISR received the end byte, the program returns to the beginning of my main loop, where the input buffer would be processed immediately. I could of course process the input buffer directly in the ISR, but I am aware that this is not a good practice. This would also overwrite packets when the ISR gets invoked while processing a packet.
So, is there a way to overwrite an ISR's return address? Does C include such a feature, maybe something like goto?
Or am I completely on the wrong track?
Edit: Below is a reduced version of my code which also causes the described latency.
#define F_CPU 8000000UL
#define BAUD 38400
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 64
#include <util/setbaud.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
volatile char input_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH + 1] = "";
volatile uint8_t input_pointer = 0;
volatile bool packet_started=false;
volatile bool packet_available = false;
ISR (USART_RX_vect) {
unsigned char nextChar;
nextChar = UDR0;
if (nextChar=='<') {
else if (nextChar=='>' && packet_started) {
else {
if (input_pointer>=BUFFER_LENGTH) {
else {
bool ADC_handler () {
ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);
while (ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC)); // this loop blocks and causes latency
// assigning conversion result to a variable (not shown)
void ADC_init(void) {
ADMUX = (1<<REFS1)|(1<<REFS0)|(1<<MUX3);
ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);
void process_buffer() {
// this function does something with the buffer
// but it takes "no" time and is not causing latency
void UART_handler () {
if (packet_available) process_buffer();
void UART_init (void) {
UCSR0B |= (1<<RXCIE0)|(1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0);
UCSR0C |= (1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00);
int main(void){
// initializing some other things
// other handlers like the ADC_handler follow
return 0;
I'm aware that the latency is due to blocking code, in this case the while loop in the ADC_handler() that waits for the conversion to finish. I could check for packet_available in the ADC handler and make this funtion return if the flag is set or I could even retrieve the conversion result with an ADC interrupt. That's all nice because I'm the one who implements the ADC_handler(). But if I wanted to use third party libraries (e.g. sensor libraries provided by manufacturers) I would depend on how those libraries are implemented. So what I'm looking for is a way to handle the problem "on my side"/in the UART implementation itself.
Don't try to use setjmp()/longjmp() to re-enter a main-level function from an ISR. This calls for disaster, because the ISR is never finished correctly. You might like to use assembly to work around, but this is really fragile. I'm not sure that this works at all on AVRs.
Since your baudrate is 38400, one byte needs at least some 250µs to transfer. Assumed that your message has a minimum of 4 bytes, the time to transfer a message is at least 1ms.
There are multiple possible solutions; your question might be closed because they are opinion-based...
However, here are some ideas:
Time-sliced main tasks
Since a message can arrive only once per millisecond or less, your application don't need to be much faster than that.
Divide your main tasks into separated steps, each running faster than 1 ms. You might like to use a state machine, for example to allow slower I/O to finish.
After each step, check for a completed message. Using a loop avoids code duplication.
Completely interrupt-based application
Use a timer interrupt to do the repeated work. Divide it in short tasks, a state machine does magic here, too.
Use an otherwise unused interrupt to signal the end of the message. Its ISR may run a bit longer, because it will not be called often. This ISR can handle the message and change the state of the application.
You need to think about interrupt priorities with much care.
The endless loop in main() will effectively be empty, like for (;;) {}.

Why elements in an array elements shift?

I am using stm32f4. In my project, i have one transmitter and one receiver.
i transmit an 2 byte integer value using
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,&temp_byte1,sizeof(temp_byte1), 500);
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,&temp_byte2,sizeof(temp_byte2), 500);
and on the receiver part. i read these values using
uint8_t temp_data[2];
uint8_t rx_data;
uint8_t rx_index=0;
uint16_t temp;
void USART6_IRQHandler(void)
temp = ((temp_data[0]<<8)|temp_data[1]);
if(temp!=79){ //sometimes i see a 79 in my buffer!
hc05_flag = 3; //irrelevant flag with this question
nm=0; //irrelevant flag with this question
it works fine for one time. but after, i see temp_data[1] in temp_data[0]. it shift 8 bits and i see a big temp value (63744 etc.) . where is the problem?
Assume you are transmitting integer data via UART, In HAL_UART_Transmit you are just passing address of buffer, inside it will be transmitted byte by byte so total 20 bytes will be transmitted.
uint16_t txBuffer[10] = {0xFF11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,(uint8_t *) &txBuffer,sizeof(txBuffer), 500);
At Receiver - blocking
uint16_t rxBuffer[10];
void USART6_IRQHandler(void)
At Receiver - Non-blocking
uint16_t rxBuffer[10];
void USART6_IRQHandler(void)
NOTE: In non blocking mode please ensure that reception is over before proceed ahead to use received data because HAL_UART_Receive_IT just trigger the interrupt and the copy operation shall be carried out in ISR routine. You can also implement received_done flag to ensure the reception is over.

How to get silabs Si1141 out of suspended mode

Trying to read the PS1 values. But as im running the following code it keeps saying on "chip_stat" that its suspended.
main (void){
init(); // Configuration initialization
si1141_init(); // Si1141 sensor initialization
__delay_ms(30); // Delay to ensure Si1141 is completely booted, must be atleast 25ms
si1141_WriteToRegister(REG_IRQ_STATUS, 0xFF); // Clear interrupt source
signed int status;
WriteToI2C(0x5A<<1); // Slave address
PutByteI2C(0x30); // chip_stat
ReadFromI2C(0x5A<<1); // Slave address
if((status = GetByteI2C(0x30)) == Sw_I2C_ERROR) // chip_stat
return Sw_I2C_ERROR;
The code im using to read the PS1 values is the following. Im reading the value 16705. Which keeps being the same on all measurements.
The value should go up and down from 0 - 32767, as it measures more or less movement.
signed int si1141_ReadFromRegister(unsigned char reg){
signed int data;
WriteToI2C(0x5A<<1); // Slave address
ReadFromI2C(0x5A<<1); // Slave address
if((data = GetByteI2C(Sw_I2C_LAST)) == Sw_I2C_ERROR)
return Sw_I2C_ERROR;
return data;
main (void){
init(); // Configuration initialization
si1141_init(); // Si1141 sensor initialization
__delay_ms(30); // Delay to ensure Si1141 is completely booted, must be atleast 25ms
si1141_WriteToRegister(REG_IRQ_STATUS, 0xFF); // Clear interrupt source
signed int PS1;
PS1 = si1141_ReadFromRegister(REG_PS1_DATA0) + (256 * si1141_ReadFromRegister(REG_PS1_DATA1)); // Proximity CH1
I linked the files for the i2c communication.
Rule out I2C errors first. Your software I2C library is no help at all.
Make sure you read registers PART_ID, REV_ID, SEQ_ED first and that the values match the data sheet resp. your expected values. This is to rule out I2C errors.
You have to take quite a few steps to get a single reading to get started.
Reset the Si114x. Program the HW_KEY. Program PS_LED21 to a sensible value. The ANs tell you how. Do not program a higher value than what your components can handle and what your design can support. This might destroy something if done incorrectly. Do not get any funny ideas about PS_ADC_GAIN either, or you will fry your device. Read the AN. Do not program PS_ADC_GAIN at this point.
Clear PSLED21_SELECT -- only PS2_LED, keep PS1_LED set for LED1, obviously -- and PSLED3_SELECT. This is probably optional, but the datasheet tells you to do it, so do it.
Next, program CH_LIST to PS1_EN, then send a PS_FORCE command.** Now read PS1 data from PS1_DATA0 and PS1_DATA1. Done.
It may be easier to test with ALS first to rule out saturating your sensor with some stray infrared (think setting sun as you work through the night).
** For the command protocol, you have to implement the command/response protocol laid out in the datasheet. I suggest you test with reset and nop first to verify your code.

Correct way of implementing a uart receive buffer in a small ARM microcontroller?

I am looking for ideas for a receive buffer for a small application dealing with 15 byte packets at 921.6Kbaud over rs485. I am thinking of using a circular buffer as the interface between the UART ISR and main. As it is a microprocessor I was wanting to put
while (uartindex!=localindex) { do stuff }
in the
while (;;) {do forever}
part of main but I have been told this is not acceptable.
How do people deal with their uarts under similar circumstances?
ISR should fill a FIFO. Main should consume it.
Bellow a very simple fifo algorithm:
#define RINGFIFO_SIZE (1024) /* serial buffer in bytes (power 2) */
#define RINGFIFO_MASK (RINGFIFO_SIZE-1ul) /* buffer size mask */
/* Buffer read / write macros */
#define RINGFIFO_RESET(ringFifo) {ringFifo.rdIdx = ringFifo.wrIdx = 0;}
#define RINGFIFO_WR(ringFifo, dataIn) {ringFifo.data[RINGFIFO_MASK & ringFifo.wrIdx++] = (dataIn);}
#define RINGFIFO_RD(ringFifo, dataOut){ringFifo.rdIdx++; dataOut = ringFifo.data[RINGFIFO_MASK & (ringFifo.rdIdx-1)];}
#define RINGFIFO_EMPTY(ringFifo) (ringFifo.rdIdx == ringFifo.wrIdx)
#define RINGFIFO_FULL(ringFifo) ((RINGFIFO_MASK & ringFifo.rdIdx) == (RINGFIFO_MASK & (ringFifo.wrIdx+1)))
#define RINGFIFO_COUNT(ringFifo) (RINGFIFO_MASK & (ringFifo.wrIdx - ringFifo.rdIdx))
/* buffer type */
typedef struct{
uint32_t size;
uint32_t wrIdx;
uint32_t rdIdx;
uint8_t data[RINGFIFO_SIZE];
} RingFifo_t;
RingFifo_t gUartFifo;
(Care must be taken with this FIFO algorithm, size MUST be power of 2)
The ISR should behave like this:
void ISR_Handler()
uint8_t c;
while(UART_NotEmpty()) {
c = UART_GetByte();
RINGFIFO_WR(gUartFifo, c);
And the Main:
if (!RINGFIFO_EMPTY(gUartFifo)) {
/* consume fifo using RINGFIFO_RD */
This algorithm reads the FIFO directly from the main loop, you should use a intermediate layer that checks if there is a full packet in the buffer, and deals with it, in such a manner that main would be like this:
uint8_t ptrToPacket;
uint32_t packetSize;
if (!Uart_HasValidPacket()) {
Uart_GetPacket(&ptrToPacket, &packetSize)
/* Process packet using ptrToPacket and packetSize */
The approach you suggest would probably be workable if the uartindex is never written in the main loop (except to initialize it while interrupts are disabled), and localindex is never touched by the interrupt routine.
I would suggest that you make your buffer size be a power of 2, use unsigned integers for the two indices, and allow them to count freely over their full 32-bit size; use bit masking when indexing your buffer in both the "stuff" and "fetch" routines. If you do that, then
should indicate how many characters are in the buffer, even when it's completely full, without requiring special-case behavior in the buffer-full case and without limiting an N-byte buffer to holding N-1 items.
Note that while the typecast in the aforementioned expression isn't strictly necessary, I would recommend including it since it makes obvious that the wrapping behavior when subtracting unsigned quantities is deliberate and expected.

How to throttle Interrupt Driven UART transmission PIC24H?

I am transmitting data from my PIC24H microcontroller over 460Kbaud UART to a bluetooth radio module. Under most conditions, this flow works just fine and the bluetooth module uses CTS and RTS lines to manage flow control when its internal data buffers are full. However, there is a bug of some kind in the bluetooth module that resets it when data is continuously sent to it without any breaks, which happens if my data gets backed up in another bottleneck.
It would be nice if the module worked properly, but that's out of my control. So it seems that my only option is to do some data throttling on my end to make sure I don't exceed the data throughput limits (which I know roughly by experimentation).
My question is how to implement data rate throttling?
My current UART implementation is a RAM circular FIFO buffer 1024 bytes long that the main loop writes data to. A peripheral interrupt is triggered by the PIC when the last byte has been sent out by the UART hardware and my ISR reads the next byte from the buffer and sends it to the UART hardware.
Here's an idea of the source code:
//*************** Interrupt Service routine for UART2 Transmission
void __attribute__ ((interrupt,no_auto_psv)) _U2TXInterrupt(void)
//the UART2 Tx Buffer is empty (!UART_TX_BUF_FULL()), fill it
//Only if data exists in data buffer (!isTxBufEmpty())
while(!isTxBufEmpty()&& !UART_TX_BUF_FULL()) {
{ //Transmit next byte of data
U2TXREG = 0xFF & (unsigned int)txbuf[txReadPtr];
txReadPtr = (txReadPtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
IFS1bits.U2TXIF = 0;
//return false if buffer overrun
BOOL writeStrUART(WORD length, BYTE* writePtr)
BOOL overrun = TRUE;
txbuf[txWritePtr] = *(writePtr);
//increment writePtr
txWritePtr = (txWritePtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
if(txWritePtr == txReadPtr)
//write pointer has caught up to read, increment read ptr
txReadPtr = (txReadPtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
//Set overrun flag to FALSE
overrun = FALSE;
//Make sure that Data is being transmitted
return overrun;
void ensureTxCycleStarted()
WORD oldPtr = 0;
if(IS_UART_TX_IDLE() && !isTxBufEmpty())
//write one byte to start UART transmit cycle
oldPtr = txReadPtr;
txReadPtr = (txReadPtr + 1) % TX_BUFFER_SIZE;//Preincrement pointer
//Note: if pointer is incremented after U2TXREG write,
// the interrupt will trigger before the increment
// and the first piece of data will be retransmitted.
U2TXREG = 0xFF & (unsigned int)txbuf[oldPtr];
There are two ways that throttling could be implemented as I see it:
Enforce a time delay in between UART byte to be written that puts an upper limit on data throughput.
Keep a running tally of bytes transmitted over a certain time frame and if the maximum number of bytes is exceeded for that timespan create a slightly longer delay before continuing transmission.
Either option would theoretically work, its the implementation I'm wondering about.
Maybe a quota approach is what you want.
Using a periodic interrupt of relevant timescale, add a quota of "bytes to be transmitted" to a global variable to a point that you don't go over some level adjusted for the related deluge.
Then just check if there is quota before you come to send a byte. On new transmission there will be an initial deluge but later the quota will limit the transmission rate.
~~some periodic interrupt
if(bytes_to_send < MAX_LEVEL){
bytes_to_send = bytes_to_send + BYTES_PER_PERIOD;
~~in uart_send_byte
bytes_to_send = bytes_to_send - 1;
//then send the byte
If you have a free timer, or if you can use an existing one, you could do some kind of "debounce" of the bytes sent.
Imagine you have this global var, byte_interval and you have a timer overflowing (and triggering the ISR) every microsecond. Then it could look something like this:
timer_usec_isr() {
// other stuff
if (byte_interval)
And then in the "putchar" function, you could have something like:
uart_send_byte(unsigned char b) {
if (!byte_interval) { // this could be a while too,
// depends on how you want to structure the code
//code to send the byte
byte_interval = AMOUNT_OF_USECS;
I'm sorry to not look much into your code so I could be more specific.
This is just an idea, I don't know if it fits for you.
First, there's two types of serial flow control in common use.
CTS/RTS handshaking ('hardware flow control')
XON/XOFF ('software flow control')
You say CTS is on, but you might want to see if XON/XOFF can be enabled in some way.
Another approach if you can configure it is simply to use a lower baud rate. This obviously depends on what you can configure on the other end of the link, but it's usually the easiest way of fixing problems when devices aren't able to cope with higher speed transfers.
Timer approach which adds delay to Tx at specific time:
Configure a free running timer at an appropriate periodic rate.
In the timer ISR, toggle a bit in a global state variable (delayBit)
In the UART ISR, if delayBit is high and delayPostedBit is low, then exit the TX ISR without clearing the TX interrupt flag and set a bit in a global state variable (delayPostedBit). If delayBit is low, then clear delayPostedBit. The result is to cause a delay equal to one ISR schedule latency, since the ISR will be entered again. This is not a busy-wait delay so won't affect the timing of the rest of the system.
Adjust the period of the timer to add latency at appropriate intervals.
