How to display alt and title - fotorama

I need to display the title and the alt of my picture in my fotorama carousel.
I take the alt and the title in the but when my page is loaded, fotoroma hides (or deletes) the alt and title. I don't know where the option to show my attribute is.
Does anyone know where the function or option for this is?

A simple solution for this issue.
In order to show the Alt and Title in image use the image with in DIV.
Use :
<div><img src="" alt="My Alt" title="My Title"/></div>
Instead of :
<img src="" alt="My Alt" title="My Title"/>

Fotorama 3.0.8 uses the alt attribute:
<div class="fotorama">
<img src="1.jpg" alt="One">
<img src="2.jpg" alt="Two">
Enable captions with:
fotoramaDefaults = {
caption: 'overlay' // or 'simple' or 'none'
Fotorama 4.4.8 uses the data-caption attribute:
<div class="fotorama">
<img src="1.jpg" data-caption="One">
<img src="2.jpg" data-caption="Two">
Enable captions with:
fotoramaDefaults = {
captions: true

for use title and alt use this patched fotorama.js
* Fotorama 4.6.4 patched alt title |
* + patch
Replace this
t.on("load",q).on("error",o)),m.state="",s.src=w}}})}function Qb
t.on("load",q).on("error",o)),m.state="",'alt')?'','title')?'',s.src=w}}})}function Qb


"Redundant alt attribute. Screen-readers already announce `img` tags as an image." Code ERROR

I typed <img src= {'${id}?size=300x300'}alt="photo" /> on my React js file,
after I saved the file and I got an error message on GitBash saying ,
Redundant alt attribute. Screen-readers already announce 'img' tags as an image. You don’t need to use the words 'image', 'photo,' or 'picture' (or any specified custom words) in the alt prop jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt
Then I removed the alt from the code, and I got the error message saying,
img elements must have an alt prop, either with meaningful text, or an empty string for decorative images jsx-a11y/alt-text
How can I fix this problem?
<img src= {'${id}?size=300x300'}alt="something" />
'something' diffrent from the words 'photo' and 'image' (or any specified custom words).
I tried this one and it worked:
<input type="image" img src = {'${id}?size=300x300'} alt="photo" />
(I have used `` not the single quotation marks for the url)
I have same error issues in my react app. You can try this following codes.
❌ not work
<img src={`${id}?size=300x300`} alt="photo" />
It's also not work.
<img src={`${id}?size=300x300`} alt="Photo by John Doe" />
Don't use alt that contain keywords : photo, image, or picture.
✅ work
For example: (change alt tag with some image description without keyword)
<img src={`${id}?size=300x300`} alt="cutest kitten" />
Maybe, empty alt is alternative option.
✅ work
<img src={`${id}?size=300x300`} alt="" />
it's actually saying that inside your alt you don't need to use words like image, photo, or picture.
instead of
<img src="#" alt="photo"/>
try this :
<img src="#" alt="souvenir"/>
I put souvenir as an alt but you can choose any others words that describe well your image
Declare one keyword like
let alText = 'photo'
and use
<img src= {'${id}?size=300x300'} alt={alText} />
From this to
<img className="card-img" src={''} alt="Card image" />
<img className="card-img" src={''} alt="" />
Here we have to change the alt tag value other than image, photo or picture
Try this:
Change alt="photo" to alt={"photo"}
<img src="{picture}" alt={"Card Image"}>

ion-content won't resize when keyboard appears

I have an application with a chat functionality which works great, except for one part, when the keyboard appears, the ion-content won't resize to a proper height, so I am stuck when I want to scroll to the top and the header disappears completely. The view has a header, content and footer and what I want is the footer to appear above the keyboard and the content to resize so it fits between the header and the footer-bar. The view I have created is as followed:
<ion-view id="userMessagesView" cache-view="true" flow-init flow-name="imageTemp.imageTemp" ng-if="!inChatSettings">
<div class="loader-center" ng-if="!doneLoading">
<div class="loader">
<i class="icon ion-loading-c"></i>
<div class="loader-center" ng-if="errorLoading">
<div class="loader">{{'error_loading_messages'|translate}}</div>
<ion-content class="has-header has-footer" has-bouncing="true" delegate-handle="userMessageScroll" style="background:red;">
<ion-refresher pulling-text="{{'pull_load_earlier'|translate}}" on-refresh="loadMore()"></ion-refresher>
<div ng-repeat="message in messageThread.messages | orderBy : 'postDate'" class="message-wrapper">
<div class="chat-bubble" ng-class="{ false: 'left', true:'right'}[{{message.postedBy|isCurrentUser}}]">
<div class="message-detail">
<span class="bold">{{}}</span>
<div class="message" ng-bind-html="message.message | nl2br" autolinker></div>
<img ng-src="{{message.imageUrl}}" ng-if="message.imageUrl"/>
<small am-time-ago="message.postDate">{{message.postDate|timeago}}</small>
<div class="cf"></div>
<ion-footer-bar class="bar-light message-footer">
<button class="button button-icon icon icon-upload" flow-btn flow-file-added="imageUploaded($file)" flow-name="imageTemp.imageUrlTemp"></button>
<label class="item-input-wrapper" for="newmessage">
<textarea focus-me="input.focusInput" id="newmessage" ng-model="input.message" value="" required minlength="1" maxlength="1500" msd-elastic></textarea>
<button class="button button-clear" type="submit" ng-disabled="!input.message || input.message === ''" ng-click="sendMessage()" translate="send"></button>
I tried adding the keyboard-attach attribute to the ion-footer-bar, but the footer only gets bigger when I add this. Plus the footer already stays on top of the keyboard, so it appears unneeded. I have the following situation, it also appears that when I type something, the view goes up a little more.
This is when the keyboard is shown:
This is when the keyboard is hidden:
Does any of you know how to resize the ion-content to a normal height when the keyboard appears?
I have tried some things and the problem seemed to disappear, yet I don't think the solution is the right one or if this is actually the thing what solved the issue. So if anyone got a better solution, please share. First thing I had to do was including the Ionic keyboard plugin to get events based on the keyboard.
Inside the CSS, I have added:
.message-footer { min-height: 44px; }
Inside my controller I added the following code:
$scope.$on('taResize', function (e, ta) {
if(!ta || !footerBar) return;
var taHeight = ta[0].offsetHeight + 10;
var newHeight = (taHeight < 44) ? 44 : taHeight; = newHeight + 'px'; = newHeight + 'px';

Display images from sdcard in Ionic app

I want to display images from sdcard in my Ionic application , But I got problem to show images with img tag.
View Code For My Application
<ion-content ng-controller="DigitalCatCtrl">
<img ng-src="{{myimg}}" />
<img src="{{myimgs}}" />
Controller Code For My Application
.controller('DigitalCatCtrl', function($scope,$cordovaFile) {
$scope.myimg=cordova.file.externalRootDirectory + ".DigitalCatlog/ic_developmentworks.png";
If I have pass the image path directly to img tag like following way, Image will show.
<img src="file:///storage/sdcard0/.DigitalCatlog/ic_developmentworks.png" />
Please suggest me what I did wrong or any other solution.
<img data-ng-src="{{myimgs}}" />
<img src="{{myimgs}}" />

Create image buttons in jquery mobile

Im trying to create a button in jquery mobile only with a image and no text, as far as able to do is to add a data-icon, But i have i feeling it could be done better.
<a onclick="newfunction();" data-icon="plus" data-iconpos="notext" ></a>
You can create button with only images :
<img style="height: 40px; width: 40px;" id="newid" data-role="button" src="source\images\greenplus.png" data-iconpos="notext" data-theme="a" />
is indeed the right-way ahead for you to create a button with no text, but image only.
But i would change the onclick function that you have written. Instead of :
<a onclick="newfunction();" data-icon="plus" data-iconpos="notext" ></a>
Try out :
<a class="plus_button" data-icon="plus" data-iconpos="notext" ></a>
Since you are using jquery, use maximum jquery and your function would be :
//something here

Additional caption div on Fotorama slider

Is possible add a second captions block?
We like anoter div allowing texts with css styles under the principal captions. How we can add this new field on the .js? The css styling is easy, but we dont know how add this new field.
This code doing same thing may be it will help you.
<!-- Just don’t want to repeat this prefix in every img[src] -->
<base href="">
<!-- Fotorama -->
<div class="fotorama" data-width="100%" data-ratio="500/333" data-fit="cover" data-nav="false" data-auto="false">
<img src="" data-author="Alexei Lebedev" data-title="Streetlook" />
<img src="" data-author="Andrey Okonechnikov" data-title="Alpen Fog" />
<p class="fotorama-caption"></p>
js code
.on('fotorama:show', function (e, fotorama) {
fotorama.$caption = fotorama.$caption || $(this).next('.fotorama-caption');
var activeFrame = fotorama.activeFrame;
'<strong>' + activeFrame.title + '</strong><br>'
demo jsffidle
I would suggest using "custom HTML" block for that:
This way you could put anything inside your slide.
