Additional caption div on Fotorama slider - fotorama

Is possible add a second captions block?
We like anoter div allowing texts with css styles under the principal captions. How we can add this new field on the .js? The css styling is easy, but we dont know how add this new field.

This code doing same thing may be it will help you.
<!-- Just don’t want to repeat this prefix in every img[src] -->
<base href="">
<!-- Fotorama -->
<div class="fotorama" data-width="100%" data-ratio="500/333" data-fit="cover" data-nav="false" data-auto="false">
<img src="" data-author="Alexei Lebedev" data-title="Streetlook" />
<img src="" data-author="Andrey Okonechnikov" data-title="Alpen Fog" />
<p class="fotorama-caption"></p>
js code
.on('fotorama:show', function (e, fotorama) {
fotorama.$caption = fotorama.$caption || $(this).next('.fotorama-caption');
var activeFrame = fotorama.activeFrame;
'<strong>' + activeFrame.title + '</strong><br>'
demo jsffidle

I would suggest using "custom HTML" block for that:
This way you could put anything inside your slide.


onclick on hyperlink should add a div horizontally using angularjs

My html:
<div id="contentDiv">
<div id="headerDiv" ><div id="titleDiv"> Queries</div></div>
<div id="valuesDiv" ><div id="yearDiv"> 2015</div></div>
<div id="graphDiv" ><div id="chartDiv">graph</div></div>
Like this div, I have another div but the content in the div is different.
How to add a new div horizontally when I click on hyperlink using angularjs?
How can I do this? please help me out regarding this
Looks like what you need is a two way binding with the ng-model directive. So the idea would be that you bind the new div to a variable in your scope which is initially in an empty or undefined state (for example, there are better ways). When the hyperlink is clicked it calls the function specified by an ng-click directive which will fill your bound object, which in turn will cause the new div to be rendered.
Based on your comments here is a simple example.
HTML page:
<div id="newDiv" ng-repeat="item in items">
<!-- Div content -->
<!-- example -->
<input type="text" ng-model="">
<input type="button" ng-click="addItem()">
$scope.addItem = function() {
var newItem = {}; = "new item name";
What's happening here is the data for each div is stored in an array of objects. The ng-repeat directive will repeat the div for each object in the array. You can then fill the elements in the div using the object. Adding a new div is as simple as adding a new item to the array and angular will take care of the rest for you. Please note that I have not tested this example, but hopefully it's enough to point you in the right direction.
RE aligning the divs horizontally, this will be done with CSS, using the inline-block display mode. So you could give the div a class of, for example, "horizontalDiv" and add the following class to your CSS file:
.horizontalDiv {
display: inline-block;

AngularJS ng-show 2 way binding not working

I am new to AngularJS and I have seen others asking similar questions, but the answers are not working for me. Rather than hijacking those questions, I thought I would open one for myself.
I am creating a demo app -- it lists "sites" which can be added to or deleted. I am using the ng-show attribute to display the required html div while hiding the others.
Here is the back-end javascript--
var SiteMaintenanceModule = angular.module("SitesMaintenance", []);
SiteMaintenanceModule.controller("siteCtrl", diveSiteCtrlfn);
function diveSiteCtrlfn($scope) {
// initializing the sites array
$scope.sites = sites;
//initializing the Divs array
$scope.allowedDivs = ["listSiteDiv","addSiteDiv", "editSiteDiv","deleteSiteDiv"];
// setting the first div as selected. This should show the div which lists the sites
$scope.selectedDiv = $scope.allowedDivs[0];
// function to be called with the selected div is to be changed
$scope.setSelectedDiv = function ($divSelectedByUser) {
$scope.selectedDiv = $divSelectedByUser;
And here is the html
<html xmlns="" ng-app="SitesMaintenance">
<title>List of Dive Sites</title>
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="./../zHelpers/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" />
<script src="./../zHelpers/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="./sites.js"></script>
<script src="./SiteMaintenance.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="siteCtrl">
<!-- Display the list of sites based on the selectedDiv variable-->
<div id="SiteList" ng-show="{{selectedDiv == 'listSiteDiv'}}">
<h3>List of Sites</h3>
<ul ng-repeat="site in sites" ng-model="sites">
<li>{{}} in {{site.location}}</li>
<!-- Display the add site Div based on the selectedDiv variable-->
<div id="AddSite" ng-show="{{selectedDiv == 'addSiteDiv'}}">
<h3>Add New Site</h3>
<div style="display:block; margin:10px">Site: <input id="inputAddSiteName" /></div>
<div style="display:block; margin:10px">Location: <input id="inputAddSiteLocation" /></div>
<!-- Display the edit site Div based on the selectedDiv variable -->
<div id="EditSites" ng-show="{{selectedDiv == 'editSiteDiv'}}" style="display:block;margin:20px">
Site Name:<input id="InputEditSiteName" />
Site Location:<input id="InputEditSiteLocation" />
<div id="controls">
<button id="AddNewSiteButton" ng-click="setSelectedDiv('addSiteDiv')">Add Site</button>
<button id="DeleteSiteButton" ng-click="setSelectedDiv('deleteSiteDiv')">Delete Site</button>
<button id="EditSiteButton" ng-click="setSelectedDiv('editSiteDiv')">Edit Site</button>
I can set the visible div to whatever I want at the start, by changing the index in the statement "$scope.selectedDiv = $scope.allowedDivs[0];" in the JavaScript.
I change the value of $scope.selectedDiv when any of the buttons on the page are clicked, so as to change the visibility of the divs.
However, the visibility of the divs doesn't change, no matter what the value of $scope.selectedDiv is. In fact, when debugging in chrome, I see that the attribute value of ng-show for each of my divs updates dynamically to "true" or "false" and expected, but the div is still displayed -- the initially invisible divs seems to have a class="ng-hide" attribute, which never changes.
I have tried $scope.$apply() in the JavaScript but that gives errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need to use {{}} interpolation inside ng-show directive directive, it evaluates the expression inside a $scope of your controller directly.
ng-show="selectedDiv == 'addSiteDiv'"
ng-show="selectedDiv == 'listSiteDiv'"
ng-show="selectedDiv == 'editSiteDiv'"

Expanding tiles layout using Angular in responsive layout

I'm developing an Angular single-page app with a responsive layout. The current page I'm working on uses a tile-based layout that auto wraps extra tiles to the next row. The HTML is below and, in the responsive layout, it can show 1, 2, or 3 tiles per row depending on the width of the row (it positions them using floats).
<div class="tiled_panel">
<div class="tile_1">...</div>
<div class="tile_2">...</div>
<div class="tile_3">...</div>
<div class="tile_4">...</div>
<div class="tile_5">...</div>
Now each tile will be given a "Learn More" button. The design calls for a block to expand between the row of the selected tile and the row below. This block will be the full width of the row and will be closed when the user closes it or clicks on a different Learn More button.
My first thought was to arrange the HTML as below using ng-if to hide or display the expander divs but I can't figure out the CSS needed to have it display between the rows.
<div class="tiled_panel">
<div class="tile_1">...</div>
<div class="expander_1">...</div>
<div class="tile_2">...</div>
<div class="expander_2">...</div>
<div class="tile_3">...</div>
<div class="expander_3">...</div>
<div class="tile_4">...</div>
<div class="expander_4">...</div>
<div class="tile_5">...</div>
<div class="expander_5">...</div>
My second thought, since I'm using Angular, was to somehow use transcluding or including to insert the relevant HTML into the appropriate spot. Again, I can't figure out how to identify where I need to insert the HTML?
I've tried searching around for other people's solutions to similar problems since I figured its not that unusual a requirement but I haven't yet been able to find anyone else who is doing this.
Can anyone else suggest what I need to do to identify the where to insert the HTML or how to generate the CSS? Or even suggest another solution that I haven't considered yet?
Although I have 70% understand of what you mean, I think ng-class can simply solve what you've faced. The solution code is like below. And I setup jsfiddle.
Html looks like this.
<div ng-app="" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div class="tiled_panel">
<div>Tile 1 <a href ng-click="change_tile(1)">More</a></div>
<div class="expander" ng-class="{'close': opentile===1}">Expander 1<a href ng-click="change_tile(-1)">Close</a></div>
<div>Tile 2 <a href ng-click="change_tile(2)">More</a></div>
<div class="expander" ng-class="{'close': opentile===2}">Expander 2<a href ng-click="change_tile(-2)">Close</a></div>
Your controller code looks like this.
$scope.change_tile = function(value){
$scope.opentile = value;
Css looks like this.
visibility: hidden
visibility: visible

Fotorama: height for slides with html content

this is my first question on Stackoverflow, I hope it makes sense :)
I need to create a swipeable image gallery with html content in each slide (text, images, external links, social network buttons etc) and full screen option.
Fotorama is the best solution I have found, I am a very big fan of it :)
However, I am finding it difficult to fit the html content in the gallery, as it gets cropped to the height of the first image.
I need the image to be in the html, not a background image. And I need all the content to be visible both in the normal mode and in the full screen mode. The text can vary in length and the images in size, so I cannot give the gallery a fixed height.
Does it make sense?
I couldn't find a similar question asked already, so if you have any idea please let me know!
Thanks :)
This is the simplified code of what I have done so far, any comment is more than welcome!
<div class="fotorama" data-allowfullscreen="true" data-nav="thumbs" data-click="false" data-width="100%">
<div data-thumb="image-01.jpg" id="slide1">
<h2>Title 01</h2>
<img src="image-01.jpg" width="100%">
<div class="content">
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
<div class="photoShare">
<!-- Social Network Buttons -->
<div class="buyThisPhoto">
<!-- Buy this photo link -->
<!-- etc -->
I am working on possibe solution, using the API. Seems to work but any suggestion for improvement is welcome :)
$(function () {
var $fotoramaDiv = $('#fotorama').fotorama();
var fotorama = $'fotorama');
$('.fotorama').on('fotorama:ready ' + 'fotorama:show ' + 'fotorama:load ', function () {
var currentContainer = $(".fotorama__active").children('div');
var newHeight = /* calculate the height by adding up the heights of the elements contained in currentContainer */;
height: newHeight

How to enable double click event to fotorama slider to make full screen

How to enable double click event to fotorama slider to make full screen, like what we are seeing on right top corner
You can use this jquery events to execute this function
remember you should initialize fotorama manually in the header of the api you can see how do it.
Here is a example for you ! how you see is easy! good luck!
<base href="">
<!-- Fotorama -->
<div class="fotorama_custom" data-width="700" data-ratio="700/467" data-max-width="100%">
<img src="1-lo.jpg">
<img src="2-lo.jpg">
<img src="9-lo.jpg">
<img src="6-lo.jpg">
<img src="5-lo.jpg">
// 1. Initialize fotorama manually.
var $fotoramaDiv = jQuery('.fotorama_custom').fotorama({
// 2. Get the API object.
var fotorama = $'fotorama');
