ld: access beyond end of merged section - linker

i'm trying to link a simple c program on an arm debian machine (a raspberry pi) and when linking the ogject file the linker returns me the error in the subject.
my program is as simple as
int main(){
int a = 2;
int b = 3;
int c = a+b;
i compile it with
$>gcc -o simple.obj simple.c
and then link it with
$>ld -o simple.elf simple.obj
ld: simple.obj: access beyond end of merged section (33872)
i can't understand why...
if i try to read the elf file with objdump -d it doesn't manage to decompile the .text section (it only prints address, value, .word and again value preceded by 0x) but the binary data is the same as the one i get from the decompiled simple.obj.
the only difference is in the loading start (and consequent) addresses of the binary data: the elf file starts at 0x8280, the object file starts at 0x82a0.
what does all this mean?
this is the dump for the obj file: http://pastebin.com/YZ94kRk4
and this is the dump for the elf file: http://pastebin.com/3C3sWqrC
i tried compiling with -c option that makes gcc stop after assembly time (it already did the linking part) but now i have a different problem: it says that there is no _start section in my object file...
the new dumps are:
simple.obj: http://pastebin.com/t0TqmgPa
simple.elf: http://pastebin.com/qD35cnqw

You are misunderstanding the effect of the commands you ran. If you run:
$ gcc -o simple.obj simple.c
it already creates the program you want to run, it's already linked. You don't need to link it again, especially by running ld directly unless you know what you are doing. Even if its extension is obj, it doesn't matter, it's just the name of the file, but the content of the file is already a complete Linux program. So if you run:
$ ./simple.obj
it will execute your code.
You usually don't call ld directly, but instead you use gcc as a front-end to compile and link. This is because gcc takes care of linking also important libraries that you are not linking such as the startup code, and that's the reason why your second attempt resulted in "no _start section" or something like that.

Could you print the output of the objdump -d command?
Btw, notice that 33872 == 0x8450.
I am not familiar with raspberry PI's memory map, so if you'r following any tutorials about this or have some other resource to help me help you out - it would be great :)


"Compiling" go project as C shared object library on AIX 7.2 results in Executable that doesn't run

EDIT: For any poor soul that finds this, in search of a solution for the shared library from go conundrum: I was unable to find a solution that uses go and I would suggest, that until google go provides native c-shared support for AIX you should find an alternative for your project.
I did not go forward with gccgo because that felt like an entirely different can of worms that I was unwilling to delve further into. FWIW I myself am going forward switching to pure C implementation, because there I at least have a (somewhat) firm(er) understanding of it all.
Should anyone find a solution I'd love to hear from you and see how you got around this limitation.
AIX 7.2
go1.16.12 aix/ppc64
I want to create a C shared object library (in usual unix vernacular a .so file) out of a golang project on AIX 7.2 so that it can be used by a C application.
I can compile it down to a final a.out binary in my example, but it can then not be executed because the shared object is apparently compiled the wrong way.
So far I have achieved the following:
Suppose my example go "library" sharedLibTest.go:
package main
import (
m "fmt"
import "C"
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", "Golang: main was called")
//export MyPackage_Init
func MyPackage_Init() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", "Golang: MyPackage_Init was called")
//export MyPackage_Create
func MyPackage_Create() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", "Golang: MyPackage_Create was called")
And some C application that calls these functions in main.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sharedLibTest.h"
int main() {
printf("%s\n", "C: main() called");
Now, because AIX feels the need to do things differently the current golang toolchain does not support directly creating a c-shared object with -buildmode=c-shared. Instead I am trying to do the roundabout way by first creating a static lib with -buildmode=c-archive, compiling that into a shared object using gcc-8 and use that in my "target C application".
I can compile sharedLibTest.go this with
go build -v -buildmode=c-archive -mod vendor -o /home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest/sharedLibTest.a /home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest/sharedLibTest.go
Because the symbols MyPackage_Init and MyPackage_Create are not exported by default in AIX, I need to manually create an extra symbol file with
$ cat > file.exp << EOF
> MyPackage_Init
> MyPackage_Create
(If there are any ideas how i can omit this file.exp step I'd really appreciate it)
Now with that I can compile a shared object out of that by running
gcc -g -O2 -mcpu=power7 -maix64 -shared -lpthread -Wl,-bE:file.exp -o libsharedLibTest.so -Wl,-bnoobjreorder ./sharedLibTest.a
Now because AIX does not look for .so files but only .a files even if they are shared libraries, I rename the resulting libsharedLibTest.so into libsharedLibTest.a with
mv libsharedLibTest.so libsharedLibTest.a
Lastly I want to compile my C applications with
gcc -L/home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest -g -O2 -mcpu=power7 -maix64 -Wl,-bnoobjreorder -lsharedLibTest -lpthreads main.c
This succeeds and I get my a.out file as a result.
However, when I try to run this with the following, I only get the error below
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest ./a.out
$ ./a.out
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ./a.out because of the following errors:
0509-150 Dependent module /home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest/libsharedLibTest.a(libsharedLibTest.so) could not be loaded.
0509-187 The local-exec model was used for thread-local
storage, but the module is not the main program.
0509-193 Examine the .loader section header with the
'dump -Hv' command.
Some hours of googling so far have revealed that I might be missing the compile option -fPIC to create "emit position-independent code" however adding that flag to any of the above steps in various combinations has all resulted in the same error.
Clearly I need to add some compile option to tell the shared object not to be thread-local, however I am unclear how. Any ideas?
Few points... mv will not make an archieve, ar will. You need to use ar command to create .a file.
Second, use LIBPATH environment variable in place of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Use of -fPIC option is irrelevant on AIX.

how to call a function located in another file in C using external?

I'm using a book, and now I'm studying external variables. I'm supposed to use a function located in another file and return a value from that function. But I don't understand how does this happens exactly. This is the code provided by the book:
This is the code in the first file:
#include <stdio.h>
double getCircum(double);
double PI = 3.14;
int gi;
int main(void)
double r = 5.87;
const double PI = 3.14;
printf("%.f", getCircum(r));
This is the code in the other file:
external double PI;
double getCircum(double r)
return 2 * r * PI;
The output is supposed to be 36.88. but I keep getting an error message that the file is not the directory. I don't know what file it that. Also, I don't really get how the code is supposed to look for a function in a different file, is the code missing something?
This is possible through to the linking process.
When reading your C first file, the compiler will output an object file which contain unresolved references to symbols like printf, getCircum because they are declared (printf in <stdio.h> and getCircum in your first file) but not implemented (you didn't wrote them code in the first file).
When reading the second file, the compiler will miss the definition of PI.
This doesn't prevent him from producing valid object files. After removing the line double PI = 3.14 (it miss a ;), compile without linking with :
cc -c -o 1st_file.o 1st_file.c
cc -c -o 2nd_file.o 2nd_file.c
This will output two object files, if you run obj-dump -t 1st_file.o 2st_file.o you will see a list of provided and unresolved symbols of both files.
Now we will link with cc -o program.exe 1st_file.o 2nd_file.o. The C compiler will link both objects and some system-wide ones inside program.exe.
And voilà !
In your case cc -o program.exe 1st_file.c 2nd_file.c will do the job. But in real program, recompiling the whole program at each test take a lot of time, I have a private project which take 3,5 seconds to link vs 17,5 to recompile everything for 4k lines of code, Linux itself has more than a 2M lines of code...
Finally, post the console output and build command in the question, my answer make the important assumption that you are on a Linux with a working C compiler and GNU binutils, StackOverflow has a great doc here https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask to ask good question which have more chances to be solved
Edit: Defining PI 2 times here is not an error

Compile and Link to .com file with Turbo C

I'm trying to compile and link a simple program to a DOS .com file using Turbo C compiler and linker. By that I try the simplest C-program I can think of.
void main()
Are there command line arguments to link to com files in the Turbo C Linker?
The Error Message I get from the Linker is the following:
"Fatal: Cannot generate COM file: invalid entry point address"
I know that com files need entry point to be at 100h. Does Turbo C have an option to set this address?
It has been a long time since I have genuinely tried to use Turbo-C for this kind of thing. If you are compiling and linking on the command line separately with TCC.EXE and TLINK.EXE then this may work for you.
To compile and link to a COM file you can do this for each one of your C source files creating an OBJ file for each:
tcc -IF:\TURBOC3\INCLUDE -c -mt file1.c
tcc -IF:\TURBOC3\INCLUDE -c -mt file2.c
tcc -IF:\TURBOC3\INCLUDE -c -mt file3.c
tlink -t -LF:\TURBOC3\LIB c0t.obj file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj,myprog.com,myprog.map,cs.lib
Each C file is compiled individually using -mt (tiny memory model) to a corresponding OBJ file. The -I option specifies the path of the INCLUDE directory in your environment (change accordingly). The -c option tell TCC to compile to a OBJ file only.
When linking -t tells the linker to generate a COM program (and not an EXE), -LF:\TURBOC3\LIB is the path to the library directory in your environment (change accordingly). C0T.OBJ is the C runtime file for the tiny memory model. This includes the main entry point that you are missing. You then list all the other OBJ files separated by a space. After the first comma is the output file name. If using -t option name the program with a COM extension. After the second comma is the MAP file name (you can leave the file name blank if you don't want a MAP file). After the third comma is the list of libraries separated by spaces. With the tiny model you want to use the small model libraries. The C library for the small memory model is called CS.LIB .
As an example if we have a single source file called TEST.C that looks like:
int main()
printf("Hello, world!\n");
return 0;
If we want to compile and link this the commands would be:
tcc -IF:\TURBOC3\INCLUDE -c -mt test.c
tlink -t -LF:\TURBOC3\LIB c0t.obj test.obj,test.com,test.map,cs.lib
You will have to use the paths for your own environment. These commands should produce a program called TEST.COM. When run it should print:
Hello, world!
You can generate COM file while still using IDE to generate EXE. Following worked on TC 2.01. Change memory model to Tiny in the options, then compile the program and generate EXE file, then go to command prompt, and run EXE2BIN PROG.EXE PROG.COM. Replace PROG with your program name.
Your problem is about "entry point"
some compiler or linker can recognize void main() like entry point omiting a return value but no all of them.
You shoud use int main() entry point instead for better control of app and compiler can recognize main function as entry point
int main() {
/* some compiler return 0 when you don't for main,
they can ask for return value */
from geekforgeeks:
A conforming implementation may provide more versions of main(), but they must all have return type int. The int returned by main() is a way for a program to return a value to “the system” that invokes it. On systems that doesn’t provide such a facility the return value is ignored, but that doesn’t make “void main()” legal C++ or legal C. Even if your compiler accepts “void main()” avoid it, or risk being considered ignorant by C and C++ programmers.
In C++, main() need not contain an explicit return statement. In that case, the value returned is 0, meaning successful execution.
source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/fine-write-void-main-cc/

binutils - kernel - "_binary" meaning?

I am reading xv6 lectures.
I have a file named initcode.S that is to be linked in the kernel.
Now two symbols are created that way :
extern char _binary_initcode_start[], _binary_initcode_size[];
inside a function.
The lecture says :
as part of the kernel build process, the linker embeds that binary that defines two special symbols, _binary_initcode_starcode_size, indicating the location and size of the binary.
I understand that binutils is getting the address and the size of this assembled code.
I wonder about the notation : is it default ? my searches didn't prove that clearly.
_binary -> it is originally an assembly code
_initcode -> the name of my file
_start -> the parameter i am interested in.
It would imply that any assembly code compiled would have those variables too.
I have no proof of that, though.
The question is :
is _binary_myAsmFileHere_myParameterhere the default variable structure binutils give to the assembly file to export their address, size and so on ?
Could someone tell me if my assumption is right and if it is better than that : the rule
Strangely enough, it doesn't seem to be documented in the ld manual. However, man objcopy does say this:
You can access this binary data inside a program by referencing the
special symbols that are created by the conversion process. These
symbols are called _binary_objfile_start, _binary_objfile_end and
_binary_objfile_size. e.g. you can transform a picture file into an object file and then access it in your code using these symbols.
Apparently the same logic is used by ld when embedding binary files.
Notice that the Makefile for xv6 contains this line for linking the kernel:
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T kernel.ld -o kernel entry.o $(OBJS) -b binary initcode entryother
As you can see, it uses -b binary to embed the files initcode and entryother, so the above symbols will be defined during this process.
when a .global variable is defined in an assembly file, for a C file to be able to reference that variable, the C file has to prepend a '_' to the variable name. This is so the linker can 'link' the name in the C file with the name in the assembly file.

gdb -- No source file named <something> - intel compiler

I am calling fortran 90 code from a c code. There is a main() (in c) that calls a wrapper function in the same file, that calls a fortran subroutine (actually in a liblibrary.a). I am working on linux. Now, I'm using gdb to debug the executable, but it cannot find the main.c file. I added the working directory using
directory /my/working/directory
but still it says there is no file named main.c
If I type list inside gdb it shows me a piece of fortran code. If I type show language, it says The current source language is auto; currently c.
If I run the executable and then I interrupt it and look to the stack it will show me the c-functions I am calling, but it will not state the source file, that instead will state for the fortran subroutine and function.
I am trying to investigate if I am passing the variables correctly from c to fortran and backwards, I suspect I am not.
The same thing happens in idb, more or less. when I try to put a break in main.c, it says not found. I compiled the fortran code with these flags:
-g -O0 -check bounds -warn all -traceback -align all -align rec8byte
and the c-code with:
-g -O0 -Wall
All suggestions are welcome.
Hello you need additional flag to put debug info into your executable.
Here is manual for intel compiler:
Please try -debug full as on page 35 written.
