gdb -- No source file named <something> - intel compiler - c

I am calling fortran 90 code from a c code. There is a main() (in c) that calls a wrapper function in the same file, that calls a fortran subroutine (actually in a liblibrary.a). I am working on linux. Now, I'm using gdb to debug the executable, but it cannot find the main.c file. I added the working directory using
directory /my/working/directory
but still it says there is no file named main.c
If I type list inside gdb it shows me a piece of fortran code. If I type show language, it says The current source language is auto; currently c.
If I run the executable and then I interrupt it and look to the stack it will show me the c-functions I am calling, but it will not state the source file, that instead will state for the fortran subroutine and function.
I am trying to investigate if I am passing the variables correctly from c to fortran and backwards, I suspect I am not.
The same thing happens in idb, more or less. when I try to put a break in main.c, it says not found. I compiled the fortran code with these flags:
-g -O0 -check bounds -warn all -traceback -align all -align rec8byte
and the c-code with:
-g -O0 -Wall
All suggestions are welcome.

Hello you need additional flag to put debug info into your executable.
Here is manual for intel compiler:
Please try -debug full as on page 35 written.


GDB cannot step into function, OZone can

I have a setup like this:
GDB from "GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain" 10.3-2021.10
GDB server from "Segger JLink" 7.54d
JLink Ultra+ connected to my PC and my embedded device
Arm Compiler 6.15
I'm having problems stepping into a certain function from a C module (let's call it "F1"). When trying, I get the error message
Single stepping until exit from function "F1", which has no line number information.
If I use Segger Ozone, with the same .elf file, stepping into "F1" works fine.
I've tried to narrow down the problem and have the following observations:
A single line of code from the C module holding "F1" makes the difference. If I remove this line, it works. This line is a simple incrementation (++) of a static uint32_t variable and it is in a separate function (i.e. not "F1").
If I don't link with "--inline" option, it stops working - even with the "fix" in (1)
All source files (a mix of C and C++ files) are compiled with -g option.
I may try to reproduce it in a much smaller context which I could share here but until then, I'm hoping for some hints.
Anything is appreciated.
[Update 2021-11-10] Tried with older/newer versions of "GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain" as well as "Segger JLink". Same problem.
[Update 2021-11-10] Compiler/linker command used:
armclang -g --target=arm-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-m33 -mfloat-abi=soft -MMD -Werror -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I<my_include_paths>
armlink --inline --info=sizes --info=veneers --info=unused --info=totals --map --symbols --scatter=<my_scatter_file> --list=list.txt

gdb get preprocessor macro info from file in different directory

I'm trying to debug some additions I made to a fairly large c program using gdb. The program I'm trying to debug makes extensive use of #define statements to set different values that are used throughout the code. I need to be able to see what these values are in order to help my debugging (as they include some very important information.
After some digging around I found that the info macro FOO and macro expand FOO commands should be able to print these values if the -g3 option (also tried the -gdwarf-2 and -ggdb3 flags as well) is passed to the compiler (as discussed here). However, whenever I try using this I get
The symbol `FOO' has no definition as a C/C++ preprocessor macro
at <user-defined>:-1
Now, I'm sure that the macro is defined otherwise the previous line of code would not have been able to run. In addition, I'm certain that I have passed the -g3 flag to the compiler. I have one idea as to where the issue might be and that is the location that the macro is defined at. Currently the macro is defined in a header file that is not in the same directory as the rest of the files (i.e. if the source files are in /foo/bar/blam/.. then the macro is defined in /def/mac/here/. Given this I thought maybe the problem was that gdb didn't know to look in this directory so I tried issuing the directory command in gdb and gave it the path to the directory containing the header file (base on this). This still did not solve the problem.
Does anyone know how I can get the values of these macros? If it is pertinent I'm running gdb version 7.11 and compiling the program using
cc and gcc both with Apple LLVM version 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81). Also, gdb was installed/built using homebrew.

ld: access beyond end of merged section

i'm trying to link a simple c program on an arm debian machine (a raspberry pi) and when linking the ogject file the linker returns me the error in the subject.
my program is as simple as
int main(){
int a = 2;
int b = 3;
int c = a+b;
i compile it with
$>gcc -o simple.obj simple.c
and then link it with
$>ld -o simple.elf simple.obj
ld: simple.obj: access beyond end of merged section (33872)
i can't understand why...
if i try to read the elf file with objdump -d it doesn't manage to decompile the .text section (it only prints address, value, .word and again value preceded by 0x) but the binary data is the same as the one i get from the decompiled simple.obj.
the only difference is in the loading start (and consequent) addresses of the binary data: the elf file starts at 0x8280, the object file starts at 0x82a0.
what does all this mean?
this is the dump for the obj file:
and this is the dump for the elf file:
i tried compiling with -c option that makes gcc stop after assembly time (it already did the linking part) but now i have a different problem: it says that there is no _start section in my object file...
the new dumps are:
You are misunderstanding the effect of the commands you ran. If you run:
$ gcc -o simple.obj simple.c
it already creates the program you want to run, it's already linked. You don't need to link it again, especially by running ld directly unless you know what you are doing. Even if its extension is obj, it doesn't matter, it's just the name of the file, but the content of the file is already a complete Linux program. So if you run:
$ ./simple.obj
it will execute your code.
You usually don't call ld directly, but instead you use gcc as a front-end to compile and link. This is because gcc takes care of linking also important libraries that you are not linking such as the startup code, and that's the reason why your second attempt resulted in "no _start section" or something like that.
Could you print the output of the objdump -d command?
Btw, notice that 33872 == 0x8450.
I am not familiar with raspberry PI's memory map, so if you'r following any tutorials about this or have some other resource to help me help you out - it would be great :)

Fortran g77 compiler can't recognize o.f or comment "c"

I was using Fortran g77 and experienced this problem:
c this program calculates runoff and sediment
1 2
Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
Also, the compiler can recognized only .for file extension, not .f.
Does anyone know, where is the problem? I downloaded it from
The compiler is not recognizing that statement as a comment. As a comment it should ignore the line but it is trying parse it. Are you sure that the "C" is in the first column?
Why are you using g77? It hasn't been supported for years. gfortran is the current GNU Fortran compiler. It can compile FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90, 95 and portions of 2003 and 2008.
EDIT: Perhaps its wants an upper-case "C".
The page you have linked to states that the f2exe wrapper passes -ffree-form to the compiler:
Compilation Command
The above f2exe command is just a batch file that invokes g77, the "real" compilation command. The command:
g77 -ffree-form prog.for -oprog.exe
directs the compiler to compile the file prog.for and stores the output in the file prog.exe. The -ffree-form switch indicates free-form style (remove it if you are using the old style).
In free-form Fortran the only allowed comment format is that of a line starting with !. As a matter of fact, this is also written on the same page directly under the above text:
In free-form style, use ! for both full-line and in-line comments. In the old style, use a "C" in column-1.
If you are not using the provided f2exe wrapper, don't pass -ffree-form option when compiling fixed-form FORTRAN 77 code.
I'll assume you want to stick with this compiler.
As noted above, the problems you have come from using the F2EXE batch file, which is not very useful: first it automatically adds ".for" to the file name, so you can't compile ".f" files, and it assumes free-form syntax, which is unusual when programming in Fortran 77 (and if you want Fortran 90, find another compiler, other answers give you links).
Now, suppose you have written a program myprogram.f, and you are in a Windows command line, in the same directory where the program resides (use "cd C:\mydirectory" for example, to change)
You will compile with
g77 myprogram.f
If you use SLATEC, you use
g77 myprogram.f -lslatec
If you want to specify a name for your .exe file (default is a.exe), you write
g77 myprogram.f -o myprogram.exe
There are other useful options
g77 -O2 myprogram.f to optimize (within g77 2.95 limitations)
g77 -Wall myprogram.f to enable all compiler warnings, very useful
to find errors in your code
g77 -c myprogram.f to only compile (you get a .o file), this is
useful to compile functions and subroutines, to
later build a static library (.a file), like
libslatec.a which is given with the compiler
And to build a library, using ar.exe:
ar cru mylib.a myfunc1.o myfnuc2.o ...
Then you can use is with
g77 myprogram.f mylib.a
G77 runs in command line under Windows. You write programs in a text editor.
Notepad++ is fairly good and its free. See
If you have problems with compilation, maybe it comes from environment variables, so here are some precisions. You have to tell Windows where to find the G77 compiler (g77.exe).
You can follow instructions on the site where you downloaded it to change Windows' environment variables PATH and LIBRARY_PATH. It needs you install the compiler in the C:\F directory : that is, you will have C:\F\G77\bin, etc.
Slight modification to the instructions on that page :
You should set PATH to C:\F\G77\bin
And LIBRARY_PATH to C:\F\G77\lib;C:\F\SLATEC\lib
This modification to LIBRARY_PATH allows you to compile with SLATEC simply with "-lslatec" as above.
A note about the compiler. It's G77, also know as GNU Fortran 77. An old compiler, integrated with the well known GCC suite until GCC 3.4.6 (we are at GCC 4.7.2 now). And the compiler you downloaded is for version GCC 2.95.
It's a good Fortran 77 compiler, but it's not very well optimized, and of course, you don't get any support for new processor features such as Intel SSE.
Modern Fortran compilers can still understand most if not all of Fortran 77, plus all the newer features of Fortran 90 and newer standards, which are extremely useful.
It may also be interesting to know there is another place to download the same compiler (eccept there is no SLATEC), just in case the page gets destroyed :

GDB: What to do when you type "list" to see the code in C, but it prints to you "No source file for address __________"

I'll try to simplify and make clear my other question here. I am basically trying to use gdb to see where myfile.c is segfaulting. However, I cannot directly examine myfile.c under gdb, but there I am given a driver program (vdriver) that will randomly test the methods I have provided for it in myfile.c
So, after compiling with "gcc -ggdb -c vdriver.c myfile.c myfile_depends_on_this.c" I run "gdb vdriver" until it segfaults. At that point, typing "list *$eip" just prints "No source file for address 0x804something"
I am also confused about how I should "gcc -ggdb -c etc,etc" for header files such as myfile.h and myfile_depends_on_this.h, because I'm not sure whether (or how) it should be included in the command or not.
But anyway, is there any way of fixing the "No source file for address" problem?
Here is how I understand your question (it's not quite clear to me):
how to debug after a segfault?
how to compile .h files?
As to
After crashes, you will no longer be in execution context and so no longer be able to use the regular debugging commands. Instead, gcc will produce a core file. You probably need to allocate space for a core file first, then debug, as described in (eg):
.h files are not included in the list of files to be compiled. They are referenced from within your .c file with the usual #include (or #include "file.h") semantic
If this wasn't your question, kindly elaborate.
