Custom domain with Google App Engine app - google-app-engine

I have setup my GAE app with my registered domain. And from the Admin page:
Your users can access myapp at:
*Note: app name is not actual
However the problem is when is accessed the URL changes to
What could be missing?

Did you have a previous setup with your domain?
I suspect that your DNS cache is redirecting you.
Do curl -i
See if it's a redirect and what kind
Also check at your domain provider to check to point the GAE DNS servers and not use a redirect
Also you can try with wifi off on your mobile to see if it helps with the intermediate DNS caches.


Redirect http to https appengine

I have deployed an app in gcloud appengine. The main site is secured through a google managed certificate in app engine. However, after the authentication through auth0, the redirected url is no more http secured although it has a certificate. That means I can change the url manually to and it works. But it does not work automatically. What can I do, where is the problem? I have implemented pyopenssl and other measures such as talisman in python but the problem still persists. The backend is in flash, the app is on gcloud appengine flexible environment and the site is wordpress managed. The authentication to app works through auth0. All the callback Urls at Auth0 are with https. Thanks in advance!
I think this is what you are looking for, but App Engine has a secure flag in the app.yaml config which you can set to always which will redirect all http traffic to https. The details of this you can find here
Google Cloud app.yaml ref CTRL+F for 'secure'
As a possible workaround, GCE VM's allows custom firewall rules without any load balancer in front of them, in other words, you can use a GCE VM as a "proxy" setting a static IP blocking traffic over port 80 to then redirect to App Engine.
Also, I found this feature Request, as a kind recommendation you can start it in order that you receive further information about this.

How to redirect GAE custom domain to www url?

I have hosted my application in Google App Engine. Now I can able to access my app using and as well as Now I want to redirect every request to How to perform this redirection?
It's nothing to do with django or appengine. Look into your domain hosting and find out how to change Cname record (domain forwarding. )
If you are handling the domain using Google Apps for Work then you can do so from Admin Console > Domains > Change redirect and then follow the instructions. Either case as it's already mentioned you will have to change/update the CNAME records from your domain provider.

Forward naked domains

I recently purchased a domain with Yahoo Domains for my GAE app. Where I managed to get the domain mapped into my GAE account.
Now, since GAE does not support naked domains, I just placed the CNAME for www to point to Google App Engine.
Everything works fine now, i.e. my app can be accessed through
The problem is with naked domain (with Yahoo), I am trying to forward the naked domain to however, the domain manager is complaining that the forward is not possible.
What could be the problem that forward is not possible? Also, is there a way to solve this in GAE management console, since Yahoo domain manager seems to not able to handle this.
Hi Please try to do the following changes from your Google Apps Admin Console.
Go to this URL for Domain Management Settings in Google Apps Console.
Under the Domain Management. Click on change redirect and add Also check the attached screenshot for the same.
Also follow the instructions provided in the URL change A record below change redirect url.
After making these changes you will see the URL will get redirected automatically.

Redirect to my own domain's subdomain

I have a GAE app and I have already been able to redirect to my own domain's www subdomain and the naked domain. For example, if I owned and, then entering in or into the browser will render the contents of successfully. I configured all this using Google Apps on the Google side of things and NameCheap on the registrar side of things.
Now, I have made a new, non-default version of my GAE app. Let's call it How do I set up a URL forward (or what-not) so that I can access this GAE version by simply entering into my browser?
What you are looking for to do is possible if you set up a wildcard subdomain mapping. This is well documented in the final section of Using a Custom Domain.

appengine : pointing a domain to subdomain

can i point
using cname record or other gimmicks ? I do not want to use google apps.
it is possible ?
If you don't want to use Google Apps, you could serve redirects to your appspot address from another HTTP server somewhere. You cannot do this with DNS settings alone without Google Apps; the server needs to know which application to serve for a given request URL, and if the domain isn't a Google Apps domain, you can't configure this. Note that if you use redirects, the user will not see your domain name when visiting your app; once they're redirected they'll be viewing at an address.
Are you aware that there's a free level of Google Apps service, that you could set up only to serve App Engine apps?
