gcc including GMP library and osx mavericks - c

I am not able to compile C programs that use the gmp library under OSX mavericks, it says that it cannot find the gmp.h header file, I comiled the program like this gcc factor.c -lgmp, but it would not recognize the linker flag.
How can i compile C programs that use GMP?


Using the gcc (GNU C) compiler with C99 under Windows (from CLion)

I am currently programming in the C language on CLion from JetBrains from a Windows computer.
I would like to use the gcc (GNU C) compiler in order to access external libraries, like BLAS.
At this point, in order to launch the hello.c program for instance, I need to go the CMakeLists.txt file and write this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23)
project(ProjectName C)
add_executable(ProjectName hello.c)
To compile hello.c from gcc, I would need to enter cc hello.c in the gcc terminal. As CLion has no compilation problem using CMakeLists.txt, so far, so good.
Now, I want to use the dgemv_ function for matrix multiplication. I got the dgmev.f Fortran file. To execute my program, I need to use the BLAS librairy, and write cc hello.c -lblas in gcc. However, I have no idea how to link my Fortran librairy program with my C program without gcc (which I haven't).
Thus, I would like to know how to use the gcc compiler in CLion for C99 under Windows (maybe with a Makefile script ?), or, if it's not possible, how to use this Fortran librairy program without gcc.
Here you have the complete CLion project folder on Google Drive containing all the scripts I wrote about above.

If I am building an OS, does it make sense for me to use my host OS's gcc compiler?

I am following the tutorial at https://littleosbook.github.io/ and wanted to understand whether or not what I have currently working is conceptually correct. In terms of where I am at, I am using macOS 10.15.7 for the development and was able to call a C function from the loader. The loader is in assembly. However, I used the Clang compiler (Apple clang version 12.0.0) to compile the C file in which the aforementioned C function is. Then, I compiled the C file to generate an object file and linked the .o file with loader.o
Is this how it should be done? Or should I be trying to firstly install gcc or clang inside the OS and have that compiler compile the C function for me?

Run precompiled C program

I am currently working on a program that is encrypting a text file. I made it in Turbo C++, using C language, but my main problem is that:
I need to run turboc++, in order for my .exe program to run. Does anybody here know a way to compile it and run it as stand-alone program?
TurboC++ is an obsolete compiler for an obsolete variant of C++ or of C. Use a recent compiler (such as GCC 8 or Clang 7; both are open source so freely available) for recent C11 or C++14 (or C++11) standards. Get rid of TurboC++ since it is obsolete (and is not a good compiler, compared to other existing ones).
If using GCC, you'll compile your C file foo.c using gcc -Wall -g -O foo.c -o foo. If using Clang, you'll compile with clang -Wall -g -O foo.c -o foo. Don't forget to enable all warnings and debug info. You'll get an executable foo which can be run without having the source code. That executable is specific to your operating system and to your instruction set architecture.
I need to run turboc++, in order for my .exe program to run.
With any good enough C or C++ compiler, you don't need the compiler to run the executable it is producing.
Don't confuse a compiler with the IDE or source code editor you'll use to write C or C++ source code. All C or C++ compilers I heard of are command line programs, that might be run from a terminal, an IDE, a good source code editor (such as emacs or vim).
If your source is in C++, that is bar.cc, use g++ -Wall -g -O bar.cc -o bar or clang++ -Wall -g -O bar.cc -o bar
Adapt these compilation commands (I'm giving those for Linux) to your operating system. On Windows, executables have a file path ending with .exe.
Of course, both GCC and Clang are able to compile and link a program made of several translation units. Learn to use some build automation tool, such as make or ninja. Such tools are driving compilation and linking commands.
If you are learning to program in C++, be aware that it is a very difficult programming language (you'll need years of efforts to master it). And notice that Linux is a very developer-friendly operating system, mostly made of free software whose source code you could study. That is why I recommend Linux for those learning C++ or C.
PS. If your teacher requires TurboC, I do recommend to have a polite discussion with him, suggesting to make your homework with GCC or Clang.

How to make a .so executable on OSX?

I have a simple C library that I compile to a .so file on my linux machine. I'd like to do the same on my Mac, but after I compile and move the library to /usr/local/lib, but I'm not sure how to link it seeing as ldconfig isn't a thing.
How would I go about doing this?
While Linux has .so files, OSX has .dylib files. The process is similar, you just invoke compiler as in
clang -dynamiclib -o libname.dylib sources.c

Adding libraries to a C compiler

I use Linux and compile the C programs using inbuilt gcc compiler. While creating a program that is for the Windows platform I had to use certain predefined functions listed in <windows.h>. Similarly there are other functions whose libraries are not predefined in GCC compiler.
So how to add those customized libraries to the C compiler in Linux?
I guess you mean static libraries when you say libraries. You can include the library file path in your gcc command so that gcc can link your library or you can create a makefile and use 'make'. if you don't know how to use 'make' I recomend you to learn it.
