AngularJS plugin for WebStorm - angularjs

I am using AngularJS with WebStorm, and my question is:
How do I add the AngularJS plugin for intellisense keyword for the AngularJS directives in the JetBrains WebStorm?

These links may help you:!topic/angular/c_suah3j0Xc

Here is simple Steps to add Angular Plugin
Step 1 : Just download the JetBrains WebStorm plugin from
Step 2 : Goto the WebStorm File->Settings->IDE Settings->Plugins
Step 3 : Click Install plugin from disk and select the zip files
Step 4 : Restart the WebStorm
You are done :)

John recommends not to do it any other way than his but his instructions are as always a bit terse. I found this to be a much better guide. It repeats what john suggests. Note that this step is easy to miss if you dont remember to scroll:
Navigate to the bottom of the panel and select the “Browse Repositories..” button. This spawns a new window. Double click on the Angular.js plugin


Using antd after initializing app with CRA

Here is my case:
I initialized a project using create-react-app and I just figured out that using antd will be difficult.
I followed the steps in the dedicated part on ant design web site and it doesn't work. I tried to eject my project but when I do I have an error 'config' already exists in your app folder (I don't know what is that config).
I can't make ant working. I tried to add a simple button with the ant style but in the browser the button is a basic html button.
My question is: is there a way to use antd after creating a react application using CRA ?
I've read a lot of stuff on internet but accordingly to these posts and commentaries, nothing seems to work. Should I create a new project ?
Thanks a lot !
Ok I found the solution.
I followed the steps here and my mistake was installing babel-import-plugin globaly instead of directly in the project. So everything seems to work now.
Sorry for that and thanks #iagowp for the help.

Eclipse plugin for angular not working

cant make the plugin
work, not sure why though. have followed all instructions to the T.
although angular module is installed, the problem is i cant see any angular editor.
Please help
right click on the project created in eclipse--> configure--> convert to Angular project, you will be able to get content assist for angular directives or elements on the html file now.

AngularJS in WebStorm

I am trying to build an application using d3js in WebStorm because I read that it is the best way to organize your AngularJS project.
However, when I start a new project, select AngularJS project there supposed to be a "hello world" example ready where you have your index.html pointing to view1 and then you click view2. But what happens in my case is that when I click run index.html view1 doesn't appear even when I click on the link leading to it or to view2.
Is there a configuration missing ? Do you know how I can correct that ?
Have you done a bower install to download all the dependencies your project needs ?

sublime text 3 js code completion not working after installing angularJS

I just installed angularJS package control after following the link, this enabled me to get the angular code hints but it messed up my default code hinting feature in sublime-text 3. In the attached image, I have this function decrementCountdown defined, when I try to use it - it does not show up in the code completion hints, the only things I see is the AngularJS methods.
Could someone please help me? thanks
Try disabling AngularJS javascript Autocompletion
as can be seen in the issue on their Github Page.
Sublime 3 javascript Autocompletion not working properly

How do I enable Webstorm intellisense for AngularJS when writing CoffeeScript

I have setup Webstorm to recognise and compile my coffeescript files.
I have installed the AngularJS plugin and can successfully write my controllers etc in plain old javascript.
When I try to write my angular related code in CoffeeScript however I do not get any IDE support: code-completion, intellisense etc.
As a sign that all is not well, the angular variable itself is not recognised, as shown in the image below.
Question: How do I enable support for AngularJS in CoffeeScript files?
To fix the specific problem Unresolved variable or type angular you need to make sure the angular javascript libraries have been Enabled (see image below).
You do this via the WebStorm settings:
File -> Settings -> Javascript -> Libraries
Here is the relevant help section: Configuring JavaScript Libraries
With webstorm 10 you are going to go to the preferences window and from there select Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Libraries. Then click the download button, select TypeScript community stubs from the dropdown at the top of the list, find angular and click download and install.
If you are using jshint be sure to go to the jshint settings find the Predefined option and add angular:true to suppress warnings.
In WebStorm v.11
go to "Settings" -> "Plugins" -> "Browse repositories".
Search and install "Angular Templates".
Settings screenshot
