Download Resume Not Possible in Azure - file

I have created a Storage>Blob>Container and added a file to it using an Explorer Tool.The problem is that the file download cannot be resumed,once paused
The file needs to be downloaded from the starting.Is this feature not available on Azure

It must be a combination of BLOB storage and the software doing the downloading. I tested this by using Internet Explorer to pull down a public file in BLOB storage and paused it. When attempting to resume it simply restarted as #techno stated; however, when using Azure Management Studio I was able to pause and resume with no issues.
Also, when I used Chrome I could pause and resume download from the same file as used above, but not every time. Sometimes it would restart. The browsers are looking at the partially downloaded file in the temp folders they use and looking at the incoming data from the server to determine how to ask for the remaining portion of the file. If for whatever reason the specific restart point can't be located the browser will just ask for the full file again.
Interestingly enough, when pulling down mp3 files IE was happy to let me pause, but never restarted correctly (Chrome did), but when I pulled down a zip file IE wouldn't even enable the Pause button (again, Chrome did and it worked fine).
As #siva.k points out the Azure BLOB API (both REST and SDKs) support requesting block ranges so in theory the Storage system itself supports not only resume but partial retrievals of any type.


VB.Net Transferring A Windows Form App Onto A USB Stick

I am just wondering how do you transfer a windows form application onto a flash drive because every time I have tried after its transferred I click to open it and an error message displays saying:
"Cannot find the file 'F:\Vending Machine.vb.'
I need to be able to transfer it so when it opens I am able to edit the code and the appearance of the application as I would if I were to just open a new windows form application now.
Thank you
You will need to transfer the entire project/solution to the USB.
Transfering the already compiled .exe should open the latest build of your application. Transferring only a portion of the solution folder and then trying to open the .sln will cause errors on the files you have left out.
Clear your FlashDrive
Copy the entire folder(not the contents) to your flashdrive (C:\Users\Marcus's MPC\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Vending Machine)
Attempt to open the .sln
Based on your additional comments it seems you are not moving all of the files the solution needs. If you have files stored in other locations (like My Document) those will need to be reconfigured to work with the solution or you will have to mimic the environment.
I would recommend reconfiguring the project to consolidate any stray files you have.

NetBeans 7.0 Randomly delete files from server on 'Download' command

I add a new PHP Project from Remote Server
I download the source files to my PC
When Netbeans downloads the files, it randomly deletes files from server.
Why does this happen?
My configuration is:
Netbeans 7.0, default configurations.
Remote Sever via SSH. (sftp)
This issue has been logged, reproduced and apparently fixed for 7.1 target.
In the meantime, after each full download of your site, do a Find inside the Remote Log console window for the DELE (match case, whole word) command. This will identify for you which files were deleted and you can re upload them.
If that's too tedious and you have time for a coffee break, simply re-upload your entire directory after downloading it.
It seems to have to do with the Upload On Save feature, so if you turn that off, presumably the issue should go away as well.
You can grab the latest nightly and the issue should also be resolved, according to the primary committer.

"Out of browser" web application running at Start-Up?

I've become familiar with the new concept of "out of browser" web applications, supported in the recent Silverlight, JavaFX, Adobe AIR etc.
Listening recently to a podcast on the subject by Scott Hanselman, I've become aware that one of the purposes behind these new architectures is to allow for "desktop-application-feel". Also, I understand some (or all) of these allow for some offline access to a sandbox of resources. This really sounds as if these frameworks could be an alternative to "real" desktop applications, as long as the application does not require messing with the user's machine (i.e. access to peripherals, certain file IO, etc).
I have a very specific question. My application needs to run at start-up. Is it possible to do so using such a framework without requiring the user to download and run a certain executable?
For example, I could always direct the user to download a small EXE that will put a .lnk file in the start-up directory, but I want to avoid such a patch.
To summarize: is it possible to have an out-of-browser web application setup itself to run at start-up without requiring file download?
To further clarify, this question does not come from an "evil" place, but rather from trying to decide whether "out-of-browser" frameworks are indeed a proper alternative to a desktop application, for my specific requirements.
The BkMark example here shows how to start an application on startup using Adobe Air. So, yes it is possible.
So, here's the deal: web apps in general will have a security context around them, and by default won't have access to write to the filesystem (outside of a temp files), access the registry, etc.
One way is, as you said, have the user run something or configure it so the lnk is executed on startup.
Another way, and I think, more in line of what you want, is that the user can run the program himself, click some button in the application, and it's configured.
I know with Java you could do this, but the user has to allow full access to their system, because your app would need to change System configuration. Then you could just configure it (by writing a lnk to your WebStart JNLP in the Startup folder)
For Internet Exploder, Javascript apps do have write access to the disk.
For other (better-secured) browsers you will either need to have a download, or Adobe AIR.
Assuming you are building for Windows, launching an executable at startup can be done several ways.
For user session startup, you can achieve this either by putting a lnk file in the appropriate folder, or with a registry entry. For operating system startup, you can achieve this with a registry entry. There are several permutations:
run application once on boot (UI not allowed)
run application every boot (UI not allowed)
start service every boot according to policy set in registry
run application once on user session start
run application every user session
Since an out of browser application has UI I expect you mean run application every user session and in this case you may as well put an LNK file in the user's startup folder.
I just created a shortcut for an SL4 OOB application, and this was the Target of the shortcut:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe" 2635882436.localhost
A search of my disk revealed that location 2635882436.localhost is a folder.
I rather doubt an OOB app of any type could place a shortcut in the Startup folder unless you somehow obtained Full Trust.

Icons from remote files

I have started coding an FTP client application (for fun). I’m trying to represent remotely hosted files with icons. For example, let’s say I’m browsing the root folder of an FTP server (/) and want to display the file with the icon association from that client operating system. On some systems, this may be the windows compression icon and other operating systems this may be WinZip or WinRAR icons.
I have the client browsing local files with the SHGetFileInfo() function. This works great with files that are local, however, this function requires the physical file in order to retrieve the associated icon. So, this will not work with remotely hosted files. I have found some samples of loading icons given a file extension, and this is really where the question comes in... What would be the best strategy to get icons associated to remote files?
Go to the registry every time and look up extension to icon associations
Create 1 byte files with each extension and use the SHGetFileInfo() function for remote files (using local 1 byte files as association for remote files)
Other strategies???
What would a professional software company creating an FTP client do?
Thank you for your time.
-Jessy Houle
I suggest that you don't go to the registry every time: go if you need to, but if you've already been for a given filetype then remember/cache that result (within your program) and reuse it.
Use the procedure here from a previous Stack Overflow question on the same idea and uses the registry instead of an actual file.
How can I get the filetype icon that Windows Explorer shows?

Round trip editing of binary documents stored on a server

I'm looking to build some functionality for a content management system for the editing of files stored on the server.
I'd like to provide users the ability to easily download files locally to their computer, open the file for editing, and save it back to the server. The process should be as seamless as possible.
Here's the steps today:
Click the link to download the file (say a PSD) in a web browser
Save it to disk
Find the file, open it for editing in Photoshop
Make changes, save the file
Go back to the browser,navigate to the file that was downloaded.
Click "replace file"
Find the file, upload it back to the server.
Here's what I want:
Click the link to open the PSD file
File is downloaded, Photoshop launches
Make changes, save the file
File is uploaded back to server, replacing the original file
Those who have used Sharepoint know that this works (using WebDAV) but only with the Office applications (PPT, DOC, XLS). I'd like it to work with all file types.
This will take some kind of software to be installed locally - perhaps a separatly installed application with a mime type registered, a signed java applet, or a firefox extension.
This seems like a problem that should have been solved. Has anyone seen this done before?
Windows client OS has a WebDAV redirector and has had for a long time, so
a) you shouldnt need a client piece and b) it's not specific to Office files.
The fun bit is the server end, implementing a WebDAV server.
WebDAV isnt supported on client OSs like Vista (IIS5.1 has support, 6.0 doesnt), only on Servers (2K3, 2K8...)
There is goo/examples/frameworks (cant recall which from when I researched it) available for implementing a WebDAV server, but it requires a server OS [so I had to discount it as the host in my case could potentially have been Vista/7, not server/XP).
The site WebDAV Resources includes a link to at least one open-source server implementation. I haven't used this software, I'm just citing the reference.
It appears that Apache has deprecated or dropped support for server-side WebDAV since the Jakarta Slide project has been retired.
