Solr 4 stopped immediately on trying to add document and commit. I'm working on a Solr 4 with Tomcat 8 on Windows 7, and the Solr has only one core that I use. On trying to commit the document from SolrNet, however the Solr and Tomcat both goes down. I noticed few documents commited, but didn't find any error in Solr log.
Note that this is a new Tomcat & Solr installation.
On application side using SolrNet on adding document, I get following error:
System.IO.IOException: Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
I have tried with uninstalling Tomcat 8 and installed Tomcat 7 with Solr4 but the issue is still the same.
Any help is highly appreciated on what could be wrong? What to check? Where to find errors has caused this?
Also let me know if you need more details.
Tomcat 8 does not have a stable release yet and Solr has not been tested with it. There may be some incompatibilities. Please try with Tomcat 7 to rule out issues with Tomcat 8.
Moreover, the last release of SolrNet was made about 2 years ago - I am not sure if it will work well with the latest release of Solr. I think you should use SolrJ if possible. Otherwise, just post the Solr docs as XML.
Is it necessary to use tomcat for configuring Solr with
by this link [link]
i configured and it works!! but it uses solr 1.4 version and i want to update my solr version.
And [link]
it says that you cannot configure the tomcat with version 5 or latest from it.
so how to configure with solr latest version ?
Latest Solr runs as standalone black box. Do not look at ancient tutorials for Tomcat information, they are not useful anymore. And it is a separate issue from connecting to it via .NET client.
For the client part, the source-code version of SolrNet is more up to date. And it should work with latest Solr, with the main issue being that the URL for Solr now must include collection name, so http://localhost:8983/solr/collectionname . Check for parameters to set core or collection or similar.
There is also Solr Express you may want to have a look at.
I've been trying to set up CKAN, however I am facing some problems in SOLR.
Everytime I run CKAN, the SOLR log file registers a new event, and that is:
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: sort param field can't be found: metadata_modified
I am trying to use CKAN for the first time and I have no experience at all, so I have no idea what that log event means, nor how to fix it.
When I reload the core at SOLR, the following is logged:
The schema has been upgraded to managed, but the non-managed schema schema.xml is still loadable. PLEASE REMOVE THIS FILE.
Could anyone help me?
Many thanks.
Well, turns out the SOLR 6, for some reason, was the problem.
Downgrading to version 5 worked for me.
This sounds like you are not using CKAN's custom Solr schema. Make sure to go over all points in the setup documentation, specially point 2, and to restart jetty afterwards:
sudo service restart jetty
Due to security reasons, I wish to restrict access to Solr server to particular IP's only. Since Solr 5 runs as a standalone server, could someone please let me know how can I do this restriction.
I did try searching for a solution, but all I could come up with were solutions related to Solr 4 and previous versions in which Solr war was deployed in containers and not standalone.
Thanks in advance !!!
Can any one tell me liferay 6.1.2 ce ga3 on tomcat 7 and solr 4.6 on tomcat 7 are compatible?
Used the solr web portlet avaible from liferay market.
I am working on this from last 3 days and i am still getting version issues,executing query issues ,SolrCore 'collection1' is not available issues, CommonsHTTPSolrServer even after following lot of suggestion.
I tried all permutation regarding the jars.
I also raised this issue on liferay support forum :
No they are not compatible (out of the box).
But it is doable, at least it is with Solr 4.4.0 and 4.5.1, so I would guess with Solr 4.6.0 also.
General steps to make it work:
download latest solr-web plugin (source) for 6.1.x
modify dependacies (see below)
modify source files (resolve compilation errors)
modify solr-spring.xml (if needed)
modify schema.xml (look at both liferay's and solr version, and "merge" (what makes sense) them)
List of jars
zookeeper-3.4.5.jar (probably could be removed, I did not)
Additional (provided) jars not packaged in war
Specifically for CommonsHTTPSolrServer ClassNotFoundException
in BasicAuthSolrServer constructor you should use HttpSolrServer, instead of CommonsHTTPSolrServer
I am running Coldfusion 10 (10,0,9,284568) on Win7 64bit developer instance. Initially we had no need for SOLR, so we did not include it in the original ColdFusion install. However, we now have need, so I downloaded ColdFusion_10_Jetty_Solr_win.exe from adobe, and installed using default values, and received no errors. However, when I open CF Admin to add a collection, I receive the cannot create collection error.
What is the SOLR home directory supposed to be set to in ColdFusion Admin? I tried several values, (coldfusionjetty\solr, and coldfusionjetty\multicore\), and they all appear to work. But when I go to create a collection I always receive the cannot create error. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the ColdFusion 10 SOLR multiple times, but no improvement. Adobe has no documentation on this that I can find. Any ideas?
--- nevermind, I was finally able to get it to work. For anyone else who wonders where the Coldfusion SOLR Home should be, I set the SOLR host to localhost and the SOLR home to C:/ColdFusionJetty/multicore/ using CF admin, saved, then created a collection and it worked. I swear I tried the multicore directory earlier, but perhaps not.
For anyone else who wonders where the Coldfusion SOLR Home should be, I set the SOLR host to localhost and the SOLR home to C:/ColdFusionJetty/multicore/ using CF admin, saved, then created a collection and it worked. I swear I tried the multicore directory earlier, but perhaps not.
Jetspeed Deployers Guide - Apache Tomcat Overview
Solr Tomcat
Apache Tomcat 7 (7.0.78) - Security Considerations
Solr Wiki: Why no WAR