Laravel Eloquent create ignores columns - database

I have an eloquent class with the protected set:
protected $fillable = array('user_id', 'key', 'value');
Yet if I do:
Foo::create(array('user_id'=>1, 'key'=> 1, 'value' => 'v'));
I get
[query] => insert into `foo` (`updated_at`, `created_at`) values (?, ?)
[bindings] => Array
[0] => 2013-09-29 16:32:54
[1] => 2013-09-29 16:32:54
[time] => 0.42
On the other hand
Foo::insert(array('user_id'=>1, 'key'=> 1, 'value' => 'v'));
works flawlessly.

I ran into this issue. I was overriding the __construct method in my model object. After I removed my __construct method, everything seemed to go back to normal.
I can't say for sure this is what you are experiencing (and this answer is 6 months after your original question), but hopefully this will help someone else who comes across this same issue.


Ways to use array in cakephp

Hello I am having a tought time figuring out how to use arrays in cakephp. right now i have a view with 2 columns, active and startYear. i need to grab the start years for all of the columns in the view and sho i have this code.
public function initialize(array $config)
public function index()
$deleteTable = $this->loadModel('DeletedTranscripts');
$this->$deleteTable->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'field' => 500,
'status' => 'Confirmed'
'order' => 'ASC'
$this->set('startYear',$deleteTable );
once i have the array captured and put into lets say startYear can in input a statement like this into my dropdown list to populate it?
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#"><?= $delete->startYear; ?></a>
i have been looking for answers for quite awhile any help would be awesome.
Couple of things:
Loading Tables in CakePHP
For this line:
$deleteTable = $this->loadModel('DeletedTranscripts');
While you can get a table this way, there's really no reason to set the return of loadModel to a variable. This function sets a property of the same name on the Controller, which almost correctly used on the next line. Just use:
Then you can start referencing this Table with:
Additionally, if you're in say the DeletedTranscriptsController - the corresponding Table is loaded for you automatically, this call might be unnecessary entirely.
Getting Query Results
Next, you're close on the query part, you've can start to build a new Query with:
$this->DeletedTranscripts->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'field' => 500,
'status' => 'Confirmed'
'order' => 'ASC'
But note that the find() function does not immediately return results - it's just building a query. You can continue to modify this query with additional functions (like ->where() or ->contain()).
To get results from a query you need to call something like toArray() to get all results or first() to get a single one, like so:
$deletedTranscriptsList = $this->DeletedTranscripts->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'field' => 500,
'status' => 'Confirmed'
'order' => 'ASC'
Sending data to the view
Now that you've got the list, set that so it's available in your view as an array:
$this->set('startYear', $deletedTranscriptsList );
See also:
Using Finders to Load Data
Setting View Variables
I also noticed you've had a few other related questions recently - CakePHP's docs are really good overall, it does cover these systems pretty well. I'd encourage you to read up as much as possible on Controller's & View's.
I'd also maybe suggest running through the CMS Tutorial if you've not done so already, the section covering Controllers might help explain a number of CakePHP concepts related here & has some great working examples.
Hope this helps!

Cake Php Read function to retrieve result as 1-Dimensional array

Cake Php Read function to retrieve result as simple array
$result = $this->Model->read('id, name, title', $id);
It will result as
[Model] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => test
[title] => New Head title
It there any way to retrieve result array directly from query as below
[id] => 1
[name] => test
[title] => New Head title
Without using any temp storage of a variable.
Just run the result through a Set::extract call, like this:
$result = $this->Model->read('id, name, title', $id);
$result = Set::extract('/Model', $result);
Set is a very powerful class, I suggest you read on it. :)
CakePHP purity aside (agree with other posters though)
Is find('list') what you are looking for?
$result = $this->Model->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'name', 'title'), 'conditions' => array('id' => $id), 'recursive' => 0 ));
Unless you're going to hack the Cake core, Cake will always internally return the results using the extra model key. So "without using any temp storage of a variable" is pretty much impossible, if you mean this in terms of "speed optimization" (in quotes, because it hardly makes any difference).
You can make it work simply with:
$result = current($this->Model->read('id, name, title', $id));
You could override the model's read method so it always does this internally (not recommended, it'll come to bite you one day). You could do so in the AppModel to have this behavior globally.

Get threaded results for associated model in CakePHP

I have 2 database-tables which are connected as followed:
ProjectProduct hasMany Bde
Bde belongsTo ParentBde / Bde hasMany ChildBde
The first association is new and shall be added into the application now. Since then I used $this->Bde->find('threaded') to get an threaded array of these records.
Now I need/want to query the ProjectProduct-table and wanted to use the containable-behavior to get all associated Bdes.
Now I'm wondering: Is it possible (in a Cake way) to still get threaded results with a call of find on ProjectProduct?
I tried doing $this->ProjectProduct->find('threaded', array('contain' => 'Bde')) but this will try to get threaded results on ProjectProduct.
I'm expecting an array like this:
Array (
[ProjectProduct] => Array (
[id] => 17,
[Bde] => Array (
[0] => Array (
[id] => 1,
[project_product_id] => 17,
[children] => Array()
Since I couldn't find any information how this can be done in one call or the "Cakish" way, I've done it like this:
$project_products = $this->Project->ProjectProduct->find('all');
foreach ($project_products as $key => $project_product) {
$project_products[$key]['Bde'] = $this->Project->Bde->find('threaded', array('conditions' => array('Bde.project_product_id' => $project_product['ProjectProduct']['id'])));
If someone has a better way in doing this I really appreciate any other ideas!

CakePHP removing special characters from this->params

I am using jQuery to pass data to the following URL in my cakephp 1.2 app:
$("#test").load("", function({
In the controller when I
it returns
[productID] => 2001642
[questionID] => 2501322
[value] => C
[questionType] => 3
The URL part of $this displays
[url] => Array
[url] => deu/productanswers/updateoredit/productID:2001642/questionID:2501322/value:C /questionType:3
so that somewhere along the line the C++ or C%2B%2B is getting squished.
Does anyone have a solution or workaround please?
Although I would be very interested in a cakephp solution, I resorted to using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
Definitely not a sexy solution
$tmp1 = explode('value:',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$tmp2 = explode('/',$tmp1[1]);
Hope this helps someone in the future...

CakePHP call to member function on non-object

I have the following Model and Controller files, and when i visit this url, http://....../pois/index i get this error:
Notice (8): Undefined property: PoisController::$Poi [APP/controllers/pois_controller.php, line 5]
Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in /home/joecoyle/public_html/app/controllers/pois_controller.php on line 5
The Model is this, called poi.php:
class Poi extends AppModel {
And the controller is this, named pois_controller.php
class PoisController extends AppController {
function index(){
As i am new to CakePHP i am not sure what is causing this error, as everything seems to be named, right, and i am following the tutorial on the CakePHP site...
You need add var $name = "Poi"; to initialize your class in the controller.
And I've tested that in PHP5.It seems that this is necessary.
controller file name:pois_controller.php,code:
class PoisController extends AppController
var $name = "Poi";
function index()
database name:pois.Structure:id ,name
And using /pois/ will got:
Poi Object
[name] => Poi
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => pois
[displayField] => name
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => pois
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[key] => primary
[name] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 11
If SpawnCxy's solution doesn't do the job (my own controllers set the name property to the pluralized version rather than the singular variation that the model takes), take a look at the inflection. "Poi" isn't a "common" word and a quick test tells me that CakePHP 1.2.6 doesn't handle this word the way you're thinking it will:
echo '<p>' . Inflector::singularize( 'Pois' ) . '</p>'; # prints "Pois"
echo '<p>' . Inflector::pluralize( 'Poi' ) . '</p>'; # prints "Pois"
The point of this, of course, is that Cake may not be making the correct association between the PoisController (plural) and the Poi model (singular) the way it does for most common English names.
An alternative to adapting your code to Cake's pluralising/singularising rules is the converse: adapting Cake's rules to your code:
In app/config/inflections.php, find the $irregularPlural line, and change it to:
$irregularPlural = array('poi'=>'pois');
This will instruct Cake to treat the singular of "Pois" as "Poi."
This is a good choice when changing the inflection rules creates better readability/comprehensibility of the rest of your code. For example, by default, Cake treats the singular of "News" as "New". However, it made more sense to find news items with $this->News->find than $this->New->find, so I tweaked the inflection rules.
It's a problem because $this->Poi has not been initialized as an object. I'm not familiar with CakePHP, but in your init function in the PoisController or in contructor you should call $this->Poi = new Poi(); so in the index action when you try to call find(), the method will be called on an instance of Poi model.
