CakePHP removing special characters from this->params - cakephp-1.2

I am using jQuery to pass data to the following URL in my cakephp 1.2 app:
$("#test").load("", function({
In the controller when I
it returns
[productID] => 2001642
[questionID] => 2501322
[value] => C
[questionType] => 3
The URL part of $this displays
[url] => Array
[url] => deu/productanswers/updateoredit/productID:2001642/questionID:2501322/value:C /questionType:3
so that somewhere along the line the C++ or C%2B%2B is getting squished.
Does anyone have a solution or workaround please?

Although I would be very interested in a cakephp solution, I resorted to using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
Definitely not a sexy solution
$tmp1 = explode('value:',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$tmp2 = explode('/',$tmp1[1]);
Hope this helps someone in the future...


Laravel Eloquent create ignores columns

I have an eloquent class with the protected set:
protected $fillable = array('user_id', 'key', 'value');
Yet if I do:
Foo::create(array('user_id'=>1, 'key'=> 1, 'value' => 'v'));
I get
[query] => insert into `foo` (`updated_at`, `created_at`) values (?, ?)
[bindings] => Array
[0] => 2013-09-29 16:32:54
[1] => 2013-09-29 16:32:54
[time] => 0.42
On the other hand
Foo::insert(array('user_id'=>1, 'key'=> 1, 'value' => 'v'));
works flawlessly.
I ran into this issue. I was overriding the __construct method in my model object. After I removed my __construct method, everything seemed to go back to normal.
I can't say for sure this is what you are experiencing (and this answer is 6 months after your original question), but hopefully this will help someone else who comes across this same issue.

How do I get data from associated models in CakePHP?

I create a simple blog with cakephp where i have some posts and some comments.
After i bake an application it create a comments folder with the index.ctp and a posts folder with the index.ctp
What i want to do is display them as fallow:
If i place the comments inside the posts/index.ctp i get an error telling me that the $comments is not defined.
How can i do this?
alright, im sorry for the comeback, but it's still a bit unclear. I do have the $hasMany relationship setup, in fact on the page that displays the posts i have a link that points me to the comments. The only thing that i want them to be displayed in the same page as the posts.
i should be able to say <?php echo $comment['Comment']['content']; ?>
Check your controllers.
If you want to display Comment information in a Posts view, you need to be sure that the Posts controller can load the data.
The "CakePHP" way is to define relationships between models. Check your baked models and see if there is something like this:
class Post extends AppModel{
var $hasMany = array( 'Comment' );
When the models are associated with each other, your Posts controller will automatically find Post objects and their associated Comment objects.
For instance, this line:
$this->Post->findById( $id );
Will produce something like this:
[Post] => Array
[id] => 42
[text] => Post1
[Comment] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[post_id] => 42
[text] => Comment1
[1] => Array
[id] => 2
[post_id] => 42
[text] => Comment2
Good documentation at
Model Associations
Retreiving Data
EDIT: Adding more info after your comment
As long as the models have the association, CakePHP will pull the data appropriately (unless you set Recursive => false or are using Containable which I assume you aren't).
Check your PostsController controller and see how it's loading the data. I'm guessing it is doing something like the following:
$post = $this->Post->findById( $id );
$this->set( compact( 'post' ) );
$this->data = $this->Post->findById( $id );
Check which way it is storing the retrieved data, and then access that variable from the view.
For example, if it is storing the data in a variable named "$post", you would put something like this in your view:
// output the 'text' field of the 'post' object
echo $post[ 'post' ][ 'text' ];
// loop through associated comments
foreach ( $post[ 'comment' ] as $comment ){
//output the 'text' field of a 'comment' object
echo $comment[ 'text' ];
By default CakePHP stashes tons of detail in arrays after retrieving data. The trick is to know the hierarchy of the data and fetch it from the array accordingly.

Get threaded results for associated model in CakePHP

I have 2 database-tables which are connected as followed:
ProjectProduct hasMany Bde
Bde belongsTo ParentBde / Bde hasMany ChildBde
The first association is new and shall be added into the application now. Since then I used $this->Bde->find('threaded') to get an threaded array of these records.
Now I need/want to query the ProjectProduct-table and wanted to use the containable-behavior to get all associated Bdes.
Now I'm wondering: Is it possible (in a Cake way) to still get threaded results with a call of find on ProjectProduct?
I tried doing $this->ProjectProduct->find('threaded', array('contain' => 'Bde')) but this will try to get threaded results on ProjectProduct.
I'm expecting an array like this:
Array (
[ProjectProduct] => Array (
[id] => 17,
[Bde] => Array (
[0] => Array (
[id] => 1,
[project_product_id] => 17,
[children] => Array()
Since I couldn't find any information how this can be done in one call or the "Cakish" way, I've done it like this:
$project_products = $this->Project->ProjectProduct->find('all');
foreach ($project_products as $key => $project_product) {
$project_products[$key]['Bde'] = $this->Project->Bde->find('threaded', array('conditions' => array('Bde.project_product_id' => $project_product['ProjectProduct']['id'])));
If someone has a better way in doing this I really appreciate any other ideas!

AutoMagic select box not populating in CakePHP

I've got the following relationship set-up between two models
Story belongsTo StoryType
StoryType hasMany Story
I've set-up a form to select the StoryType for each story using the following code:
echo $this->Form->input('Story.story_type_id', array('tabindex' => 2));
with this code in the controller to populate the list
$this->set('story_types', $this->Story->StoryType->find('list', array ('order' => 'title')));
But it's not populating the select box with anything. I know that the find() option is working because doing a debug within the controller produces this:
[1] => First Person
[3] => Third Person
The weird thing is that it's exactly the same code, just querying other models, to populate select lists for things like users and genres, it's just the story types that isn't working.
Any ideas? Cheers.
You don't mention which version of CakePHP you're using, but try setting storyTypes rather than story_types:
$this->set( 'storyTypes', $this->Story->StoryType->find( 'list', array( 'order' => 'title' ) ) );
Older versions of CakePHP (pre-1.3) modified set variable names to headlessCamelCase and, even if you're using 1.3.x, there may be a little bit of that infrastructure lingering. It's a bit of a reach, but it's easy enough to test and it seems plausible that this could be the root of your problem.
I'll be curious to see what you find out.
This is a little hacky, but I think it will work:
echo $this->Form->input('Story.story_type_id', array('tabindex' => 2, 'options' => $story_types));
here's what you should really do .. (esp, for version 2.x) - in case if some people are facing the same problem.
[inside your constroller action]
$oneOfTheColumns = 'title'; //just for sake of making it clear - if you have to order the results
$storyTypes = $this->Story->StoryType('find', array('order'=>$oneOfTheColumns));
[inside your view]
echo $this->Form->input('StoryType');

List CakePHP File Upload error codes

Anyway, can anyone give me the error code definitions for when files are uploaded in cakePHP.
So my $this-data contains something like this,
[file] => Array
[name] => cake.jpg
[type] => image/jpeg
[tmp_name] => /tmp/hp1083.tmp
[error] => 1
[size] => 24530
What does [error] = 1 indicate?
While you're at it can you list the break down of all the numbers, then maybe it'll be easier for others to find it the future
File upload has nothing to do with CakePHP.
$this->data contains what $_FILE contains, it is a HTTP/PHP specific array.
Documentation, $_FILE, and the error codes.
