Login with ADFS on AD with one way cross forest trust - active-directory

We have one domain with trust (not-transitive) to two other domains. The base domain user can login without any problems, but the users from other domains cannot.
We get exception from ADFS like this:
The Federation Service encountered an error during an attempt to
connect to a LDAP server at {trusted domain}.
Additional Data Domain Name: {trusted domain} LDAP server hostname:
{trusted domain dc} Error from LDAP server: Exception Details: A
local error occurred.
User Action Check the network connectivity to the LDAP server. Also,
check whether the LDAP server is configured properly.
After reserching we found out, it's the one-way trust problem. The problem is, we don't have any posibility to change the trust configuration or to set up other ADFS on trusted domains.
Is there some possibility to get it to work? Maybe some work around solution?
Is it possible to change the FormSignin page, search the user manualy with DirectoryServices and manualy create the token?
Thanks All!

Not sure if there's a way to do it if you keep your ADFS service account in the trusting domain (in a one-way trust scenario). You would need to allow that account to be able to query LDAP in the trusted domain, which would usually mean a two-way trust.
Absent that, you may try to setup use an ADFS service account from the trusted domain. Of course, this would only work for one of your domains (unless the two other domains have trusts between themselves).


Insecure Snowflake Console Access

I have my snowflake warehouse hosted on an address that looks like this :
*********.snowflakecomputing.com/console (not sure where it is hosted - maybe within the Snowflake cloud). However, I do not have it configured to go through a VPN connection. Is there a way to require that console access is only through VPN?
I think you are asking about Network Policies.
Nit: I am not sure "insecure" is the right word to use. All data is transferred over HTTPS and is therefore encrypted. Using SAML you can use your own authentication provider and use MFA. Thus you can easily match the highest standards of security in the industry.
Yes, you can restrict access to your snowflake account using an account-level network policy.
You can define VPN IP(s) in the allowed IP list in the account level network policy and activate the policy.
After account level activation, everyone is required to connect the VPN before accessing the snowflake account.
Details: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/network-policies.html#managing-account-level-network-policies

Multiple domains sync to Azure AD

lets say I have two on-premise domains (DomainA.org, domainB.org) and one tenant (domainA.onmicrosoft.com). Both domains are sync thanks to Azure AD Connect, so user from domainA can log to office.com, there is no problem. Hoever user from domainB getting this "Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password.", and when I changed password from portal.office.com for this user from domainB. I can log with this new password, but only to office365 services, its not sync to On-prem.
And another wierd thing is, that I cant change password for users from domainA.
Do You know where the problem is?
I understand you have synced your 2 domains to Azure AD through Azure AD connect . Initially you have registered both the domain in Azure AD and verified both. Kindly check what kind of authentication you were using for Domain A since you were not able to change the password from Azure End. If you have federated that domain it is not possible to change from the cloud. If you were using password hash synchronization then the authentication will happen if cloud and you can change for managed domain.
I request you to go through this article about password writeback . When you are getting an error message while logging before resetting the password kindly note the correlation ID and time stamp and need to get a support ticket since it will be due to multiple reasons.

Apache sends wrong server principal name to Kerberos

I am trying to authenticate my apache against kerberos.
I have two websites running on the same server, and I use VirtualHosts to achieve that and set DNS to have two names for this server to have a separate one for each website.
I added recently a new ldap/Kerberos server and trying to connect one of my websites to it, but I failed to get the correct credentials to get it works.
After adding some debugs, I found that apache looks for HTTP/fist-server-name instead of HTTP/second-server-name and for that reason couldn't find the correct principal in Kerberos database and keytab.
How to force apache to do its check against the second server name to validate the call from my second website? It looks adding ServerName attribute in apache configuration is not enough to do that!
I am able to do that by changing the server name orders in hosts file, but this can't help if I want to authenticate from the both server names!
I'm assuming that you're using mod_auth_kerb. You need to add:
KrbServiceName Any
to your Apache configuration. This will tell mod_auth_kerb to accept authentications to any principal for which there is a key stored in the keytab it uses, rather than making assumptions about what principal will be used and only accepting authentications to that principal.
You need to identify which Kerberos SPN you want to use for each website. You can check what SPNs are listed in your keytab by running: klist -k <Keytab> -- make sure that you're checking the keytab file that Apache uses.
In the VirtualHost declaration you need to change the KrbServiceName value to match the one that you identified from the keytab. Restart Apache and it should start using that when communicating with Kerberos.
An example would look something like:
KrbServiceName HTTP/yourservice.domain#REALM.COM
Make sure that AD has a service account and SPN that matches and that it can resolve via DNS back to the Apache server.
I found this recently in the MIT Kerberos documentation on Principal names and DNS:
Applications can choose to use a default hostname component in their service principal name when accepting authentication, which avoids some sorts of hostname mismatches. Because not all relevant applications do this yet, using the krb5.conf setting:
ignore_acceptor_hostname = true
will allow the Kerberos library to override the application’s choice of service principal hostname and will allow a server program to accept incoming authentications using any key in its keytab that matches the service name and realm name (if given). This setting defaults to “false” and is available in releases krb5-1.10 and later.

What allows a Windows authentication username to work (flow) between 2 servers?

Typical ISP setup. One server is the web server, another is the DB SQL server. There is a local administrator account, let's say XYZ, created on both machines. So when I log in remotely, I am either WebServer\XYZ or DBServer\XYZ, depending where I log in.
Now, when I login to SQL Server SSMS on DBServer using Windows Authentication, and execute "SELECT SUSER_NAME()", I get DBServer\XYZ. That makes sense since it's picking up the fact that I logged in with those credentials.
Now, move over to the WebServer. I remotely login as WebServer\XYZ. I've installed the SQL client components there. When I launch SSMS, choose the DBServer, login with Windows Authentication, and execute "SELECT SUSER_NAME()", I somehow get DBSERVER\XYZ, instead of what I would assume should be WebServer\XYZ.
Somehow, the XYZ from the WebServer becomes the XYZ from the DBServer. Why is that? How does that happen? Surely, it can't just be because the names happen to be the same?
I've heard of trusted domains, but neither machine is a Domain Controller, so I don't have access to that info. How can I tell if it's trusted or not, without the GUI tools?
The reason I ask the question is because, I'm trying to implement the same thing on my XP laptop (using Virtual PC), so I can imitate the production environment, but I'm not having any luck.
The NTLM challenge between machines is a little more complex #Quassnoi indicates but it is similar. The machines may well be in the same domain or trusted domains, but the accounts you are using are local machine accounts, scoped only to the local machine's security access management.
Local SAM accounts patterned as machinename\userid are non-propagatable. You'd experience a series of negotiated fallbacks when you tried to authenticate against external resources using that account as follows:
Pass current domain/username/password hash token - it'll fail, the account is untrusted
Fallback - revert passing hash of UserID + Password
Fallback - revert to connecting as anonymous credentials.
The fallbacks can also be disabled through configuration, it is very common for anonymous authentication to be prevented.
As #Quassnoi indicates in this instance you managed to login using the #2 fallback.
To enable account credentials to propagate, you'd need the following to be true:
machines would need to be members of domains with at least one-way trust between each other (they don't necessarily have to be members of the same domain).
use domain accounts - not local machine accounts - would look something like domainname\userid. A special case is the Network Service account which has a proxy account in the domain scenario - domainname\machinename$.
How do you tell if your machine is a member of the domain? It's pretty easy if you've got interactive login to the machines. There are a few strategies
interactively the System control panel will show workgroup or domain membership. (Right-click properties on Computer in the start menu)
at the command-line, IPCONFIG /ALL will also show the default DNS prefix which is typically the same as your domain name.
I suspect your ISP would create a domain just to make it easy to manage and monitor their machines. Whether they'd let you create domain accounts is a different question.
You XYZ accounts seem to have same passwords on both machines, and they are not a part of a domain.
WebServer sends just XYZ as a username and answers all password challenges successfuly, as the passwords do match.
DbServer, of course, thinks of you as of DbServer/XYZ, as it knows of no others.
Exactly same thing happens when you try to access one standalone machine from another one over SMB. If your usernames and password match, you succeed.

What permissions are needed to read Active Directory as LDAP?

The setup:
There is a central AD domain (CENTRAL) and multiple seperate forests, each of which has their own domain (BRANCH1, BRANCH2, BRANCH3)
There are 2-way domain trusts between CENTRAL and all other domains.
An application I'm working on runs on the CENTRAL domain and performs LDAP searches on all domains, using the credentials CENTRAL\ldapreader.
This works perfectly for CENTRAL and BRANCH1, but BRANCH2 and BRANCH3 refuse the connection with an invalid credentials error. If the search instead uses an account in those domains (BRANCH2\ldapreader, etc) then the search works fine.
What level of permissions are needed to read AD as an LDAP server? Everything I've found indicates that this is allowed for AUTENTICATED USERS, which should work fine with CENTRAL\ldapreader due to the two way trust but that isn't the behavior we're getting.
I think the permission you're looking for is "List Contents". You should ensure "CENTRAL\ldapreader" has this permission for BRANCH2 and BRANCH3.
I'm wondering if you set up the trusts with selective authentication or forest-wide authentication and whether you can manualy browse BRANCH2 and BRANCH3.
