OAuth2 Resource Owner Credentials Flow : how to be sure the given client_id is the official app's one? - mobile

I have a REST backend secured with OAuth2 and a mobile application.
I would like to use the Resource Owner Credentials flow to authenticate the user from my mobile application.
Since I must provide a client_id to identify the application which is requesting authentication, how can I prevent a hacker to steal my client_id from my mobile application source code, and how can I revoke it ?
I really would like to know how the official Twitter Android application for example handle this kind of thing.

I know this is a very old post, but I just came across it in an unrelated search and saw it was unanswered.
To quote from the OAuth 2.0 spec,
The client identifier is not a secret; it is exposed to the resource owner and MUST NOT be used alone for client authentication.
In other words, the client_id is very similar to a username or email. I certainly wouldn't mind if someone found out my email address, even though that is half of the data required to log in and view my emails. To keep to that idea, the client_secret is a password that should be kept private through guarding your source code and sending POST requests only to HTTPS endpoints.
As for revoking privileges granted to clients through those credentials, most (if not all) major OAuth providers will allow you to do something through their OAuth portal. To follow your Twitter example, they have a button on the API Keys page to "Regenerate API Keys." If you are the service provider (I say this because you mentioned having permissions to Resource Owner Credentials) and you don't have a public-facing OAuth portal set up, it would be simply a matter of changing the strings in whatever data-store you use server-side, then making the same change in your client source code.


Securing an API from other web apps

I have a react web application with a flask api (I used to use express). The product of this app is the data that it displays. I don't want other people to be able to take that data easily from calling the api.
I want to secure the api such that it can only be accessed by my react app and nothing else. How can I do that?
The only way to truly secure your API is by authenticating your app's user with something like Oauth2 and verify that credential on server-side with something like passport, and make the authorization expire with sessions. AND use SSL so none of that is easily visible through a protocol analyzer.
Sure, you can hard-code some sort of "secret key" with the app, but anyone who want it bad enough will read it off your app or sniff the packets through a packet logger until they find the key.
EDIT: Oh, and as a part of the authorization upon login, provide them with a uniquely generated "API-KEY" as part of identity, so you can validate them upon submission, and if they violate your trust, mark their API key invalid in the server so they can't use them any more.
First, if your client code and API server are running on different domains or ports, configure CORS on your API server to only honor requests that originate from the client code's domain. Second, authenticate legitimate users so that only authorized requests for data are honored. There are lots of 3rd-party libraries to help with authentication.

Why do I need two AAD applications just to add roles into an access token?

As shown by many samples I have two AAD application registrations, one for my javascript-based front end, and one for my JSON-only web APIs.
If I fully trust my client AAD application, why does AAD require me to create a second AAD application for my web APIs?
For example, assuming I add specific roles to my client AAD application, if client signs in with AAD and gets an id token and access token containing my roles, it only needs to send the access token to my APIs. The API only needs to crack the JWT, validate the audience, issuer, tenant, roles permissions, and signature. In this world, no client secret is needed in the web APIs, a second AAD application registration not needed, and still no call to AAD from my APIs. Unfortunately, without two AAD applications, I cannot figure out a way to have AAD include roles into my access token.
If I didn't fully trust the issuer from mucking with claims, I can see why I would need two AAD applications and a client secret. But since I do trust my AAD application and the signature of the JWT, why the extra complexity? Or maybe there is a way to do this that I haven't found?
Responding to Marc here because just not enough characters in the comments field -- The sample you referenced is an excellent sample, specifically the JavaScript one calling the Web API. It is what I am doing right now in fact. However, the problem is that Web API in the sample is open to anybody who has authenticated on the tenant. I need to secure the Web API down to certain individuals in the tenant, and simply checking the client/app id is not sufficient as anybody who can create an AAD app can fake it.
So what I need to do is have roles added to the the access token so I know that my application authenticated the user, and that user has been granted the required roles. For example, here is a Microsoft sample. And even here a Microsoft video walking through the process.
If I don't have two AAD applications w/client secret, the roles claims is never provided in the access token. It is always provided in the id token, but not the access token.
I feel like I am missing something obvious here. If AAD would just put the roles I requested into the JWT when I authenticated against it, and I validated its signature, audience, issuer, and roles, I wouldn't need any of this extra complexity?
Ah, I think I understand where you are going: you would like to control which users can access an API, no matter what client app they are using to access the API with. That's a function of the API - you cannot control that through AAD. In AAD you can control which users can access which applications (UI) using either user access restrictions (enterprise tab) or role-based access. However, access to an API is controlled in AAD at the calling application level via scopes. APIs are never accessed directly by users but only by other apps so controlling access permissions at user level would cause admin havoc. So, you can control what permissions a user has in the app they are using and you can control what permissions that application (client) has in other applications (APIs, resource servers) it is using.
In other words: role is about user access to UI, scope is about one apps' access to another.
App secrets provide added security for getting tokens - they have no bearing on what permissions are included in the token.
Can you provide a link showing that two apps are needed? That should only be the case if the API you want to call is not provided by the web app which served the JS to the browser. None of the 'official' samples require you to register two apps (Graph API, used in some of these samples is a separate API and it is already registered). A problem with tokens passed from the browser is that they were acquired by a public client, not using any secrets apart from user creds. Therefore, they are easier to steal and re-use. Your own back-end app may want to use a secret to get its own token (extension grant) to call yet another API using a token that does not reside in a public client.

Authentication flow Service to Service Microsoft Graph and Bookings API

I am building a custom mobile application that has a client, custom backend server (I'm building) and interacts with numerous other api's. One of these api's is Microsoft bookings.
The problem I'm facing is I need to be authenticated via server to server, with a shared client secret. I'm aware of the numerous docs from MS but have yet to find a solution. I'm wondering if Server to server is even possible with Bookings.
I am able to get an access_token server to server with these permissions. (I have granted 'all permissions' to this app in Azure AD already).
"roles": [
Those are the permissions from the decoded token. When I go to make calls to the Bookings api I receive 401.
I can however use this token to access different graph endpoints no problem.
I will note, that I am able to make successful calls to the bookings api through Graph Explorer with my account, not related to this 'Application in Azure AD'.
Does this resource in Azure AD need a bookings License?
Is this even possible S2S?
Are there any other ways to bypass this without user credentials?
So I spent over a week trying to solve this problem due to the MS doc nightmare. I'm only posting to help others!
Bookings doesn't support service to service yet. So if you wan't to implement this without a user physically signing in, IE. If you have a dedicated booking admin account credentials you have to hard code the clients credentials.
I found my answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/49814924/9105626
Microsoft Bookings API doesn't seem to support "Application Permissions" so far.
Only permissions available are "Delegated Permissions", which means your token has to be acquired with the context of a signed-in user.
Here are two Microsoft documentation sources that I came across:
Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference - Please look at the "Bookings Permissions" section.
Microsoft Bookings Samples
I know you mention Server to Server authentication using a client secret. AFAIK, that case will NOT work directly, because clientId and clientSecret only provide an application's identity (which can't be assigned any permissions because there are no relevant application permissions available for this API).
Just in case you can have some User context involved, here is code from bookings samples link above, to acquire the token in a Native application using ADAL
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/");
var authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(
new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.RefreshSession));
// The results of this call are sent as the Authorization header of each HTTPS request to Graph.
var authorizationHeader = authenticationResult.CreateAuthorizationHeader();
Suggestions on ways to make this scenario work
On Behalf Of Flow
Your mobile application client could prompt a user for credentials to act on Behalf of the user and call your backend web API, which in turn calls the downstream API like Bookings API. This is called Service to Service Calls on behalf of the User
Here is a code sample which shows exactly this with a native application (WPF) and an SPA. In your case, just replace the WPF application with your mobile client application for understanding purposes and rest of the scenario becomes very similar.
Calling a downstream web API from a web API using Azure AD
ROPC Grant (Not Recommended)
Resource Owner Password Credentials grant can help as your application will have end user password available to it, but it has multiple issues and any security guidance will discourage you from using it.
ROPC opens up security risks, doesn't follow best practices and has functionality issues as well. ROPC doesn't work with MFA enabled users as well as federated authentication users.
For all practical purposes, you should avoid ROPC as long as possible. You can find the same recommendation in ADAL documentation itself and multiple other documentations from Microsoft or even generally about OAuth 2.0.

Is Azure OAuth 2 auth code grant an authentication protocol

Sorry I am still very confused, read everywhere telling me oath is a authorisation protocol but it appears using the azure ad oauth code grant, it does promote a login screen to authenticate against the directory, so is it not an authentication process? what is the relationship between the open id connect? thanks!!
the OAuth2.0 protocol has several flows that an identity provider (in your case Azure AD) may implement to support auth.
The Auth Code flow is in fact one of these used by apps to get access tokens for some api. The flow is quite simple, an app redirects the user to the identity providers /authorize endpoint. At this point the user enters their credentials, and the site redirects back to your application with an authorization code and can also issue an ID Token that represents a user (This is the OpenID Connect part). The app takes this code, and POSTs it to the /token endpoint and will be issued an access token and refresh token. With the access token, your app can access whatever api you've requested access for.
For Azure AD specifically, Microsoft has built libraries that handle all these flows and token caching so most of the complexity is abstracted away. There's some simple code samples that you can checkout that you may find helpful. The authentication protocols and scenarios doc for Azure AD may also be really helpful for conceptual information.

What OpenID Connect authorization flow to authenticate mobile app users?

I am building a cross-platform mobile app that interacts with a RESTful API, and I want to use OpenID Connect to authenticate my users. I will be building my own OpenID Connect provider server.
OpenID.net claims that:
OpenID Connect allows for clients of all types, including browser-based JavaScript and native mobile apps, to launch sign-in flows and receive verifiable assertions about the identity of signed-in users.
However, I can't find any documentation explaining how to actually authenticate for a mobile app client.
This StackExchange answer makes it clear that OpenID Connect does not support the "resource owner password-based grant" flow or the "client credentials" flow.
That just leaves the "authorization code" flow (normally used by server-side apps) and the "implicit grant" flow (normally used by client-side apps). Both of these seem to rely on redirecting the user to the provider's authorisation endpoint, and having the provider redirect back to the client URL. I don't see how this can apply to a mobile app.
Can anyone explain to me (or even better, point me at a tutorial or some example code) which explains how to do this?
To clarify: OpenID Connect relies on the client redirecting the user to the Authorization Endpoint, and then the provider redirecting the user back to the client. In the case where the client isn't a web app, how can this work?
Mobile apps, at least on iOS and Android, can register custom URL schemes so that a redirect from a browser can send the user back to your app along with some query parameters.
So, you can use these flows in a native mobile app, but it involves sending the user to a web browser (either an external browser app or a web view built into your application) in order for them to authenticate with the OP.
A complete article presenting how to implement the "Authorization Code Grant" flow securely on a native mobile app is available here : Building an OpenID Connect flow for mobile. It is based on latest IETF OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice.
Please also note that the use of the "Implicit Grant" flow is now highly discouraged.
I think that the Hybrid flow from the OpenID Connect spec is probably the one which you want to use. OpenID Connect Core Spec.
This does rely upon having a configured return URI, but as James says you would use a custom URI scheme to enable the mobile OS to redirect after login to your own app. Your app would then have an access code which it can use to obtain access tokens as needed (assuming that you are using Oauth2 to protect your back-end API services which the mobile app uses).
There is a vulnerability which would allow a malicious app to hijack your URI scheme and grab the tokens, There is a draft spec to overcome that Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients which is worth considering implementing.
Using an app scheme URL is the correct answer as noted above. I wanted to add additional clarification since some responses above include links to an article that makes incomplete assertions about a compliant SSO design, and make it unnecessarily complicated for a simple SSO use case. I think google's model is secure and so I might model OIDC interactions with a homegrown IDP after how theirs works.
The design in this article linked above, as depicted in the diagram on the article, does not work for google's oAuth/OIDC implementation on Android. There are two reasons for this:
Google will not vend any client_secret for an oAuth client that is typed "Android"
Suppose I switch to "Web" application which does have a secret: Google will not allow a redirect_uri other than 'http' or 'https' for an oAuth client that is typed "Web"
Instead, google officially recommends letting the typical mobile flow (and you should also be using PKCE) drop an ID Token on the client, who can then exchange it for a session with the App server:
This is secure because your IDP should be signing the JWT ID Token with a private key so it can be validated by your system's apps/services and used to assert validated (unexpired) identity intended for a particular OIDC client & audience.
** Do not pass ID Token as authorization on every request, but rather exchange it once with your backend for a secure session context as managed by your application.
Check out MITREid project on github:
MITREid Connect
This project contains an OpenID Connect reference implementation in
Java on the Spring platform, including a functioning server library,
deployable server package, client (RP) library, and general utility
libraries. The server can be used as an OpenID Connect Identity
Provider as well as a general-purpose OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server.
