find ones position in 64 bit number - c

I'm trying to find the position of two 1's in a 64 bit number. In this case the ones are at the 0th and 63rd position. The code here returns 0 and 32, which is only half right. Why does this not work?
void main()
unsigned long long number=576460752303423489;
int i;
for (i=0; i<64; i++)
if ((number & (1 << i))==1)
printf("%d ",i);

There are two bugs on the line
if ((number & (1 << i))==1)
which should read
if (number & (1ull << i))
Changing 1 to 1ull means that the left shift is done on a value of type unsigned long long rather than int, and therefore the bitmask can actually reach positions 32 through 63. Removing the comparison to 1 is because the result of number & mask (where mask has only one bit set) is either mask or 0, and mask is only equal to 1 when i is 0.
However, when I make that change, the output for me is 0 59, which still isn't what you expected. The remaining problem is that 576460752303423489 (decimal) = 0800 0000 0000 0001 (hexadecimal). 0 59 is the correct output for that number. The number you wanted is 9223372036854775809 (decimal) = 8000 0000 0000 0001 (hex).
Incidentally, main is required to return int, not void, and needs an explicit return 0; as its last action (unless you are doing something more sophisticated with the return code). Yes, C99 lets you omit that. Do it anyway.

Because (1 << i) is a 32-bit int value on the platform you are compiling and running on. This then gets sign-extended to 64 bits for the & operation with the number value, resulting in bit 31 being duplicated into bits 32 through 63.
Also, you are comparing the result of the & to 1, which isn't correct. It will not be 0 if the bit is set, but it won't be 1.
Shifting a 32-bit int by 32 is undefined.
Also, your input number is incorrect. The bits set are at positions 0 and 59 (or 1 and 60 if you prefer to count starting at 1).
The fix is to use (1ull << i), or otherwise to right-shift the original value and & it with 1 (instead of left-shifting 1). And of course if you do left-shift 1 and & it with the original value, the result won't be 1 (except for bit 0), so you need to compare != 0 rather than == 1.

int main()
unsigned long long number = 576460752303423489;
int i;
for (i=0; i<64; i++)
if ((number & (1ULL << i))) //here
printf("%d ",i);
First is to use 1ULL to represent unsigned long long constant. Second is in the if statement, what you mean is not to compare with 1, that will only be true for the rightmost bit.
Output: 0 59
It's correct because 576460752303423489 is equal to 0x800000000000001

The problem could have been avoided in the first place by adopting the methodology of applying the >> operator to a variable, instead of a literal:
if ((variable >> other_variable) & 1)

I know the question has some time and multiple correct answers while my should be a comment, but is a bit too long for it. I advice you to encapsulate bit checking logic in a macro and don't use 64 number directly, but rather calculate it. Take a look here for quite comprehensive source of bit manipulation hacks.
#define CHECK_BIT(var,pos) ((var) & (1ULL<<(pos)))
int main(void)
unsigned long long number=576460752303423489;
int pos=sizeof(unsigned long long)*CHAR_BIT-1;
while((pos--)>=0) {
printf("%d ",pos);

Rather than resorting to bit manipulation, one can use compiler facilities to perform bit analysis tasks in the most efficient manner (using only a single CPU instruction in many cases).
For example, gcc and clang provide those handy routines:
__builtin_popcountll() - number of bits set in the 64b value
__builtin_clzll() - number of leading zeroes in the 64b value
__builtin_ctzll() - number of trailing zeroes in the 64b value
__builtin_ffsll() - bit index of least significant set bit in the 64b value
Other compilers have similar mechanisms.


C - Method for setting all even-numbered bits to 1

I was charged with the task of writing a method that "returns the word with all even-numbered bits set to 1." Being completely new to C this seems really confusing and unclear. I don't understand how I can change the bits of a number with C. That seems like a very low level instruction, and I don't even know how I would do that in Java (my first language)! Can someone please help me! This is the method signature.
int evenBits(void){
return 0;
Any instruction on how to do this or even guidance on how to begin doing this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
Break it down into two problems.
(1) Given a variable, how do I set particular bits?
Hint: use a bitwise operator.
(2) How do I find out the representation of "all even-numbered bits" so I can use a bitwise operator to set them?
Hint: Use math. ;-) You could make a table (or find one) such as:
Decimal | Binary
0 | 0
1 | 1
2 | 10
3 | 11
... | ...
Once you know what operation to use to set particular bits, and you know a decimal (or hexadecimal) integer literal to use that with in C, you've solved the problem.
You must give a precise definition of all even numbered bits. Bits are numbered in different ways on different architectures. Hardware people like to number them from 1 to 32 from the least significant to the most significant bit, or sometimes the other way, from the most significant to the least significant bit... while software guys like to number bits by increasing order starting at 0 because bit 0 represents the number 20, ie: 1.
With this latter numbering system, the bit pattern would be 0101...0101, thus a value in hex 0x555...555. If you number bits starting at 1 for the least significant bit, the pattern would be 1010...1010, in hex 0xAAA...AAA. But this representation actually encodes a negative value on current architectures.
I shall assume for the rest of this answer that even numbered bits are those representing even powers of 2: 1 (20), 4 (22), 16 (24)...
The short answer for this problem is:
int evenBits(void) {
return 0x55555555;
But what if int has 64 bits?
int evenBits(void) {
return 0x5555555555555555;
Would handle 64 bit int but would have implementation defined behavior on systems where int is smaller.
Using macros from <limits.h>, you could mask off the extra bits to handle 16, 32 and 64 bit ints:
#include <limits.h>
int evenBits(void) {
return 0x5555555555555555 & INT_MAX;
But this code still makes some assumptions:
int has at most 64 bits.
int has an even number of bits.
INT_MAX is a power of 2 minus 1.
These assumptions are valid for most current systems, but the C Standard allows for implementations where one or more are invalid.
So basically every other bit has to be set to one? This is why we have bitwise operations in C. Imagine a regular bitarray. What you want is the right most even bit and set it to 1(this is the number 2). Then we just use the OR operator (|) to modify our existing number. After doing that. we bitshift the number 2 places to the left (<< 2), this modifies the bit array to 1000 compared to the previous 0010. Then we do the same again and use the or operator. The code below describes it better.
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned char SetAllEvenBitsToOne(unsigned char x);
int IsAllEvenBitsOne(unsigned char x);
int main()
unsigned char x = 0; //char is one byte data type ie. 8 bits.
x = SetAllEvenBitsToOne(x);
int check = IsAllEvenBitsOne(x);
printf("shit works");
return 0;
unsigned char SetAllEvenBitsToOne(unsigned char x)
int i=0;
unsigned char y = 2;
for(i=0; i < sizeof(char)*8/2; i++)
x = x | y;
y = y << 2;
return x;
int IsAllEvenBitsOne(unsigned char x)
unsigned char y;
for(int i=0; i<(sizeof(char)*8/2); i++)
y = x >> 7;
if(y > 0)
printf("x before: %d\t", x);
x = x << 2;
printf("x after: %d\n", x);
printf("Not all even bits are 1\n");
return 0;
printf("All even bits are 1\n");
return 1;
Here is a link to Bitwise Operations in C

C: Most efficient way to set all bits in a range within a variable

Let's take int as an example:
int SetBitWithinRange(const unsigned from, const unsigned to)
//To be implemented
SetBitWithinRange is supposed to return an intin which all and only the bits starting at bit from to bit to are set, when from is smaller than to and both are in the range of 0 to 32.
int i = SetBitWithinRange(2,4) will result in i having the value of 0b00...01100
Here are some ways. First, some variants of "set n bits, then shift by from". I'll answer in C# though, I'm more familiar with it than I am with C. Should be easy to convert.
uint nbits = 0xFFFFFFFFu >> -(to - from);
return nbits << from;
Downside: can't handle an empty range, ie the case where to <= from.
uint nbits = ~(0xFFFFFFFFu << (to - from));
return nbits << from;
Upside: can handle the case where to = from in which case it will set no bits.
Downside: can't handle the full range, ie setting all bits.
It should be obvious how these work.
Alternatively, you can use the "subtract two powers of two" trick,
(1u << to) - (1u << from)
Downside: to can not be 32, so you can never set the top bit.
Works like this:
^^^^^^ "to" zeroes
^^ "from zeroes"
-------- -
To the right of the 1 in the "from" part, it's just zeroes being subtracted from zeroes. Then at the 1 in the "from" part, you will either subtract from a 1 (if to == from) and get 0 as a result, or you'll subtract a 1 from a 0 and borrow all the way to the 1 in the to part, which will be reset.
All true bitwise methods that have been proposed at the time of writing have one of those downsides, which raises the question: can it be done without downsides?
The answer is, unfortunately, disappointing. It can be done without downsides, but only by
cheating (ie using non-bitwise elements), or
more operations than would be nice, or
non-standard operations
To give an example of 1, you can just pick any of the previous methods and add a special case (with an if or ternary operator) to work around their downside.
To give an example of 2: (not tested)
uint uppermask = (((uint)to >> 5) ^ 1) << to;
return uppermask - (1u << from);
The uppermask either takes a 1 and shifts it left by to (as usual), or it takes a 0 and shifts it left (by an amount that doesn't matter, since it's 0 that's being shifted), if to == 32. But it's kind of weird and uses more operations.
To give an example of 3, shifts that give zero when you shift by the operand size or more would solve this very easily. Unfortunately, that kind of shift isn't too common.
A common way to do this somewhat efficiently would be this:
uint32_t set_bits_32 (uint32_t data, uint8_t offset, uint8_t n)
uint32_t mask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-n);
return data | (mask << offset);
I'd go with something like that:
int answer = 0;
unsigned i = from;
for (; i <= to; ++i)
answer |= (1 << i);
return answer;
Easy to implement & readable.
I think that the fastest way would be to pre-calculate all possible values (from (0, 0) to (32, 32), if you know that you'll use this only for 32-bit integers). In fact there are about 1000 of them.
Then you'll end up with O(1) solution:
answer = precalcTable[from][to];
OK, I'm taking up the gauntlet that #JohnZwinck has thrown towards me.
How about:
return (to<32 ? (1<<to) : 0) - (1<<from);
Of course this is without fully checking for validity of from and to.
Edited according to #JosephQuinsey comments.
maybe: (( 1 << to ) - (1 << from)) | (1 << to)
This will also set the to and from bits as requested
Here's my answer. (updated)
unsigned int SetBits(int from, int to)
return (UINT_MAX >> (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(int)-to)) & (UINT_MAX << (from-1));
SetBits(9,16); ==> 0b 1111 1111 0000 0000
SetBits(1,1); ==> 0b 0000 0001 // Just Bit #1
SetBits(5,5); ==> 0b 0001 0000 // Just Bit #5
SetBits(1,4); ==> 0b 0000 1111 // Bits #1, #2, #3, and #4 (low 4 bits)
SetBits(1,32); ==> 0b 1111 1111 1111 1111 // All Bits
However, SetBits(0,0); does NOT work for turning all bits off.
My assumptions:
Bits are 1-based, starting from the right.
Bytes are 8-bits.
Ints can be any size (16, 32 or 64 bit). sizeof(int) is used.
No checking is done on from or to; caller must pass proper values.
Can be done in this way as well, pow can be implemented using shift operations.
unsigned int i =0;
i = pow(2, (to-from))-1;
i = i <<from;
return i;

How do I extract bits from 32 bit number

I have do not have much knowledge of C and I'm stuck with a problem since one of my colleague is on leave.
I have a 32 bit number and i have to extract bits from it. I did go through a few threads but I'm still not clear how to do so. I would be highly obliged if someone can help me.
Here is an example of what I need to do:
Assume hex number = 0xD7448EAB.
In binary = 1101 0111 0100 0100 1000 1110 1010 1011.
I need to extract the 16 bits, and output that value. I want bits 10 through 25.
The lower 10 bits (Decimal) are ignored. i.e., 10 1010 1011 are ignored.
And the upper 6 bits (Overflow) are ignored. i.e. 1101 01 are ignored.
The remaining 16 bits of data needs to be the output which is 11 0100 0100 1000 11 (numbers in italics are needed as the output).
This was an example but I will keep getting different hex numbers all the time and I need to extract the same bits as I explained.
How do I solve this?
Thank you.
For this example you would output 1101 0001 0010 0011, which is 0xD123, or 53,539 decimal.
You need masks to get the bits you want. Masks are numbers that you can use to sift through bits in the manner you want (keep bits, delete/clear bits, modify numbers etc). What you need to know are the AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and shifting operations. For what you need, you'll only need a couple.
You know shifting: x << y moves bits from x *y positions to the left*.
How to get x bits set to 1 in order: (1 << x) - 1
How to get x bits set to 1, in order, starting from y to y + x: ((1 << x) -1) << y
The above is your mask for the bits you need. So for example if you want 16 bits of 0xD7448EAB, from 10 to 25, you'll need the above, for x = 16 and y = 10.
And now to get the bits you want, just AND your number 0xD7448EAB with the mask above and you'll get the masked 0xD7448EAB with only the bits you want. Later, if you want to go through each one, you'll need to shift your result by 10 to the right and process each bit at a time (at position 0).
The answer may be a bit longer, but it's better design than just hard coding with 0xff or whatever.
OK, here's how I wrote it:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
uint32_t in = 0xd7448eab;
uint16_t out = 0;
out = in >> 10; // Shift right 10 bits
out &= 0xffff; // Only lower 16 bits
The in >> 10 shifts the number right 10 bits; the & 0xffff discards all bits except the lower 16 bits.
I want bits 10 through 25.
You can do this:
unsigned int number = 0xD7448EAB;
unsigned int value = (number & 0x3FFFC00) >> 10;
Or this:
unsigned int number = 0xD7448EAB;
unsigned int value = (number >> 10) & 0xFFFF;
I combined the top 2 answers above to write a C program that extracts the bits for any range of bits (not just 10 through 25) of a 32-bit unsigned int. The way the function works is that it returns bits lo to hi (inclusive) of num.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
unsigned extract(unsigned num, unsigned hi, unsigned lo) {
uint32_t range = (hi - lo + 1); //number of bits to be extracted
//shifting a number by the number of bits it has produces inconsistent
//results across machines so we need a special case for extract(num, 31, 0)
if(range == 32)
return num;
uint32_t result = 0;
//following the rule above, ((1 << x) - 1) << y) makes the mask:
uint32_t mask = ((1 << range) -1) << lo;
//AND num and mask to get only the bits in our range
result = num & mask;
result = result >> lo; //gets rid of trailing 0s
return result;
int main() {
unsigned int num = 0xd7448eab;
printf("0x%x\n", extract(num, 10, 25));

Unary negation of unsigned integer 4

If x is an unsigned int type is there a difference in these statements:
return (x & 7);
return (-x & 7);
I understand negating an unsigned value gives a value of max_int - value. But is there a difference in the return value (i.e. true/false) among the above two statements under any specific boundary conditions OR are they both same functionally?
Test code:
#include <stdio.h>
static unsigned neg7(unsigned x) { return -x & 7; }
static unsigned pos7(unsigned x) { return +x & 7; }
int main(void)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("%u: pos %u; neg %u\n", i, pos7(i), neg7(i));
return 0;
Test results:
0: pos 0; neg 0
1: pos 1; neg 7
2: pos 2; neg 6
3: pos 3; neg 5
4: pos 4; neg 4
5: pos 5; neg 3
6: pos 6; neg 2
7: pos 7; neg 1
For the specific case of 4 (and also 0), there isn't a difference; for other values, there is a difference. You can extend the range of the input, but the outputs will produce the same pattern.
If you ask specifically for true/false (i.e. is zero / not zero) and two's complement then there is indeed no difference. (You do however return not just a simple truth value but allow different bit patterns for true. As long as the caller does not distinguish, that is fine.)
Consider how a two's complement negation is formed: invert the bits then increment. Since you take only the least significant bits, there will be no carry in for the increment. This is a necessity, so you can't do this with anything but a range of least significant bits.
Let's look at the two cases:
First, if the three low bits are zero (for a false equivalent). Inverting gives all ones, incrementing turns them to zero again. The fourth and more significant bits might be different, but they don't influence the least significant bits and they don't influence the result since they are masked out. So this stays.
Second, if the three low bits are not all zero (for a true equivalent). The only way this can change into false is when the increment operation leaves them at zero, which can only happen if they were all ones before, which in turn could only happen if they were all zeros before the inversion. That can't be, since that is the first case. Again, the more significant bits don't influence the three low bits and they are masked out. So the result does not change.
But again, this only works when the caller considers only the truth value (all bits zero / not all bits zero) and when the mask allows a range of bits starting from the least significant without a gap.
Firstly, negating an unsigned int value produces UINT_MAX - original_value + 1. (For example, 0 remains 0 under negation). The alternative way to describe negation is full inversion of all bits followed by increment.
It is not clear why you'd even ask this question, since it is obvious that basically the very first example that comes to mind — an unsigned int value 1 — already produces different results in your expression. 1u & 7 is 1, while -1u & 7 is 7. Did you mean something else, by any chance?

How to create mask with least significat bits set to 1 in C

Can someone please explain this function to me?
A mask with the least significant n bits set to 1.
n = 6 --> 0x2F, n = 17 --> 0x1FFFF // I don't get these at all, especially how n = 6 --> 0x2F
Also, what is a mask?
The usual way is to take a 1, and shift it left n bits. That will give you something like: 00100000. Then subtract one from that, which will clear the bit that's set, and set all the less significant bits, so in this case we'd get: 00011111.
A mask is normally used with bitwise operations, especially and. You'd use the mask above to get the 5 least significant bits by themselves, isolated from anything else that might be present. This is especially common when dealing with hardware that will often have a single hardware register containing bits representing a number of entirely separate, unrelated quantities and/or flags.
A mask is a common term for an integer value that is bit-wise ANDed, ORed, XORed, etc with another integer value.
For example, if you want to extract the 8 least significant digits of an int variable, you do variable & 0xFF. 0xFF is a mask.
Likewise if you want to set bits 0 and 8, you do variable | 0x101, where 0x101 is a mask.
Or if you want to invert the same bits, you do variable ^ 0x101, where 0x101 is a mask.
To generate a mask for your case you should exploit the simple mathematical fact that if you add 1 to your mask (the mask having all its least significant bits set to 1 and the rest to 0), you get a value that is a power of 2.
So, if you generate the closest power of 2, then you can subtract 1 from it to get the mask.
Positive powers of 2 are easily generated with the left shift << operator in C.
Hence, 1 << n yields 2n. In binary it's 10...0 with n 0s.
(1 << n) - 1 will produce a mask with n lowest bits set to 1.
Now, you need to watch out for overflows in left shifts. In C (and in C++) you can't legally shift a variable left by as many bit positions as the variable has, so if ints are 32-bit, 1<<32 results in undefined behavior. Signed integer overflows should also be avoided, so you should use unsigned values, e.g. 1u << 31.
For both correctness and performance, the best way to accomplish this has changed since this question was asked back in 2012 due to the advent of BMI instructions in modern x86 processors, specifically BLSMSK.
Here's a good way of approaching this problem, while retaining backwards compatibility with older processors.
This method is correct, whereas the current top answers produce undefined behavior in edge cases.
Clang and GCC, when allowed to optimize using BMI instructions, will condense gen_mask() to just two ops. With supporting hardware, be sure to add compiler flags for BMI instructions:
-mbmi -mbmi2
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint64_t gen_mask(const uint_fast8_t msb) {
const uint64_t src = (uint64_t)1 << msb;
return (src - 1) ^ src;
int main() {
uint_fast8_t msb;
for (msb = 0; msb < 64; ++msb) {
printf("%016" PRIx64 "\n", gen_mask(msb));
return 0;
First, for those who only want the code to create the mask:
uint64_t bits = 6;
uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1;
# Results in 0b111111 (or 0x03F)
Thanks to #Benni who asked about using bits = 64. If you need the code to support this value as well, you can use:
uint64_t bits = 6;
uint64_t mask = (bits < 64)
? ((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1
: (uint64_t)0 - 1
For those who want to know what a mask is:
A mask is usually a name for value that we use to manipulate other values using bitwise operations such as AND, OR, XOR, etc.
Short masks are usually represented in binary, where we can explicitly see all the bits that are set to 1.
Longer masks are usually represented in hexadecimal, that is really easy to read once you get a hold of it.
You can read more about bitwise operations in C here.
I believe your first example should be 0x3f.
0x3f is hexadecimal notation for the number 63 which is 111111 in binary, so that last 6 bits (the least significant 6 bits) are set to 1.
The following little C program will calculate the correct mask:
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int mask_for_n_bits(int n)
int mask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mask |= 1 << i;
return mask;
int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
printf("6: 0x%x\n17: 0x%x\n", mask_for_n_bits(6), mask_for_n_bits(17));
return 0;
0x2F is 0010 1111 in binary - this should be 0x3f, which is 0011 1111 in binary and which has the 6 least-significant bits set.
Similarly, 0x1FFFF is 0001 1111 1111 1111 1111 in binary, which has the 17 least-significant bits set.
A "mask" is a value that is intended to be combined with another value using a bitwise operator like &, | or ^ to individually set, unset, flip or leave unchanged the bits in that other value.
For example, if you combine the mask 0x2F with some value n using the & operator, the result will have zeroes in all but the 6 least significant bits, and those 6 bits will be copied unchanged from the value n.
In the case of an & mask, a binary 0 in the mask means "unconditionally set the result bit to 0" and a 1 means "set the result bit to the input value bit". For an | mask, an 0 in the mask sets the result bit to the input bit and a 1 unconditionally sets the result bit to 1, and for an ^ mask, an 0 sets the result bit to the input bit and a 1 sets the result bit to the complement of the input bit.
