I'm working on a script for copying files in a folder which corresponds to the file's name and I have that part worked out using a FOR loop which checks to make sure the destination folder exists and copies the files once it has verified that it does. Example: 11-01111_ABC_DEF.pdf would go into /11/0111/. The length may vary by one or two characters but the format is consistent. I've copied my basic script below.
My problem is that sometimes a file with the same name needs to be processed. How could I go about concatenating a number to the end of the file if one or more copies of the file already exists in the destination folder?
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
for %%x in (*.PDF *.TXT) do (
set "source="C:\files"
set "dest=R:\"
set "filename=%%x"
set "prefix=!filename:~0,2!"
set "folder=!filename:~3,5!"
if not exist !dest!\!prefix!\!folder! MOVE !filename! !source!\failed
if exist !source!\!filename! MOVE !filename! !dest!\!prefix!\!folder!
set "dest=worked"
for %%i in (*.pdf *.txt) do (
for /f "tokens=1-3* delims=-_." %%j in ("%%i") do (
if exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k" if exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%i" if exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%j-%%k-1_%%l_%%m" (
for /f "tokens=1-9* delims=-_." %%n in ('dir %dest%\%%j\%%k\%%j-%%k*-* /b') do set /a inc=%%p
set /a inc+=1
move "%%i" "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%j-%%k-!inc!_%%l_%%m" || move "%%~i" "failed"
set inc=
if exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%i" if not exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%j-%%k-1_%%l_%%m" (
move "%%i" "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%j-%%k-1_%%l_%%m" || move "%%~i" "failed"
if exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k" if not exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%~i" (
move "%%~i" "%dest%\%%j\%%k\%%~i" || move "%%~i" "failed"
if not exist "%dest%\%%j\%%k" move "%%~i" "failed"
put this in the folder with the .txts and .pdfs comment if you want me to change something.
I am trying to find a solution to move all files, all types of extensions,from source folder to destination folder.
The problem is the scripts I found online are not checking if there are already files with the same name in destination folder and if it's the case to add the underscore and a variable number(1,2,3,4,5 and so on) at the end of the file.
I have something here that I tried to put together but it's not working. Batch script or Powershell doesn't matter. The requested outcome is to move all files and if file a.pdf exists in destination folder, move it to destination folder and add a variable number a_1.pdf or a_2.pdf
SET "sourcedir=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing"
SET "destdir=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing2"
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /s /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*" '
) DO (
IF EXIST "%destdir%\%%~nxa" (
SET notfound=Y
FOR /L %%b IN (1,1,999) DO IF DEFINED notfound IF NOT EXIST "%destdir%\%%~na(%%b)%%~xa" (
(move "%%a" "%destdir%\%%~na(%%b)%%~xa"
SET "notfound="
IF DEFINED notfound ECHO(Failed to COPY "%%a"
) ELSE ((move "%%a" "%destdir%\%%~nxa"
actual outcome it this
move "C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing\1.jpeg" "C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing2\1(1).jpeg"
move "C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing\1.txt" "C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing2\1(1).txt"
but when I look in the folder, nothing happens
Many thanks
SET "sourcedir=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing"
SET "destdir=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\testing2"
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
SET "destdir=u:\your results"
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /s /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*" '
) DO (
IF EXIST "%destdir%\%%~nxa" (
rem destfile exists
echo destfile "%destdir%\%%~nxa" exists
SET "notfound=Y"
FOR /L %%b IN (1,1,999) DO IF DEFINED notfound IF NOT EXIST "%destdir%\%%~na(%%b)%%~xa" (
move "%%a" "%destdir%\%%~na(%%b)%%~xa"
SET "notfound="
IF DEFINED notfound ECHO Failed to COPY "%%a"
) ELSE (
rem destfile does not exist
echo destfile "%destdir%\%%~nxa" does NOT EXIST
move "%%a" "%destdir%\%%~nxa" >nul
GOTO :eof
This worked for me. Frankly, I'm too tired to work out the differences.
Notes :
I overrode the directoryname values.
I added rems and step-by-step reporting, which obviously could be removed
Caution : code executes move statements as posted.
I'm looking to create a bat file to compare local folders from a dir command with folders on a server, and then delete the local folders if they do not exist on the server. Additionally, it is having issues with directories including spaces, but I have not looked into this yet.
My current code is not working correctly. Could anyone provide some guidance please?
REM Search local directories for files, delete if not present on server
set n=0
set count=0
for /f %%a in ('dir /a:d /b %_Entry_Local_Status60_path%') do (
set folder[!n!]=%%a
set /A a+=1
set /A n+=1
set /A count+=1
set n=0
for /L %%a in (0,1,%count%) do (
echo !folder[%n%]!
if not exist %_Entry_Network_Status60_path%\!folder[%n%]! rmdir %_Entry_Local_Status60_path%\!folder[%n%]!
set /A n+=1
I use the following to compare files within different folders and delete the ones from first folder which does not exists on second one. With some adaptation probably you could use something similar with folders and not files. This is based on FC and you have to provide the two absolute paths:
echo off
set "Folder1=path\to\Folder1"
set "Folder2=path\to\Folder2"
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b "%folder2%"') do (
if not exist "%folder1%\%%F" (
fc /b "%folder1%\%%F" "%folder2%\%%F"
if "%errorlevel%" EQU "1" (
del "%folder1%\%%F" && echo Deleted "%%F"
) else (
del "%folder1%\%%F" && echo Deleted "%%F"
You should take a look at the robocopy command. I think robocopy _source_ _target_ /purge does exactly what you want.
hope you can help me with this, i can't make it work what i need
I need to copy all the .pdf files from a source folder, create a folder with part of the name "T-123456" and add the respective PDF files found in the correct folder in the destination folder, but sometimes the name it varies or the reference change "SM17-123".
Example of files
PP _002_T-123456_24_3678_7004332
Types of direfents files
i have this code created but it makes part of the job because the name varies and create folders incorrect for that files, sometimes the files have more digits in the beggining example 001 or 0001, so i dont know how to omit the other references files and only work whith files "T-123456" also i need the batch continuously working for new files created in the source folder and if i have another routhe where i have other types of file and copy to the correct reference it would be great.
#echo off
title Electronic File
timeout -t 1 >nul
color b
for %%A in (*.pdf) do (
echo File Found %%A
for /f "delims=" %%B in ("%%A") do set fname=%%~nB
for /f "delims=" %%C in ("%%A") do set fextn=%%~xC
for /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%D in ("!fname:~5,8!") do set folname=%%D
echo Name folder !folname!
if not exist "!folname!" (
echo Folder !folname! dont exist, creating
md "!folname!" 2>nul
) else (
echo Folder !folname! exists
echo Copying file %%A to folder !folname!
xcopy "%%A" "!folname!"
echo on
md "C:\test %All%"
xcopy /s /y "X:\test\pdf" "W:\Electronic File %All%"
goto :loop
for %%A in (*.pdf) do (
echo File Found %%A
set fname=%%~nA
set fextn=%%~xA
set folname=!fname:~5,8!
ECHO !folname!|FINDSTR /i /r "[A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" >NUL
ECHO %%A - !folname! excluded
) ELSE (
echo Name folder !folname!
if not exist "!folname!" (
echo Folder !folname! dont exist, creating
ECHO md "!folname!" 2>nul
) else (
echo Folder !folname! exists
echo Copying file %%A to folder !folname!
ECHO xcopy "%%A" "!folname!"
Here's the meat of the matter. delayedexpansion needs to be on - you don't show that in your original code.
Note that there is no requirement for %%B, %%C, %%D as within the loop, %%A contains the filename and hence you can set the variables from that name.
Note that fextn will apparently always be .pdf since that is the extension you specify in your filemask *.pdf so setting it seems superfluous.
The syntax SET "var=value" (where value may be empty) may be used to ensure that any stray trailing spaces are NOT included in the value assigned.
The change I've introduced is to echo the directoryname to findstr, searching /i case-insensitively for /r a regular-expression which is one letter, a dash and then 6 numerics. If the directoryname matches then errorlevel will be set to 0 by findstr, otherwise, it will be set to 1.
The if errorlevel 1 means "if errorlevel is 1 or greater" and if that is so, the match was UNsuccessful, so report the filename and extracted directoryname; otherwise, go through your logic (I've changed it to simply echo the md and xcopy commands, for testing).
Given that we now have a variable structure,
for %%A in (*.pdf) do (
echo File Found %%A
set "copied="
set fname=%%~nA
set fextn=%%~xA
set folname=!fname:~5,8!
ECHO !folname!|FINDSTR /i /r "[A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" >NUL
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 call :process "%%A"
rem repeat this section for each match required - begin
if not defined copied (
set folname=!fname:~5,9!
ECHO !folname!|FINDSTR /i /r "[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]" >NUL
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 call :process "%%A"
rem repeat this section for each match required - end
if not defined copied ECHO %%A - !folname! excluded
goto :eof
echo Name folder %folname%
if not exist "%folname%" (
echo Folder %folname% dont exist, creating
ECHO md "%folname%" 2>nul
) else (
echo Folder %folname% exists
echo Copying file %~1 to folder %folname%
ECHO xcopy "%~1" "%folname%"
set "copied=Y"
goto :eof
In your extended examples, it's not clear where the PP fits into the scheme.
The formula is reasonably simple. The start position is the first argument in the set (counting from first character=0) and the second the length to select. The regex match may be either a single character (matched literally) or [rangestart-rangeend] . matches any one character, so the first block I've shown selects from HC123CLG-32-172436787004259 from the 5th character (starting at 0) for 9 characters =CLG-32-17 and matches this against alpha,alpha,alpha,-,numeric,numeric,-,numeric,numeric.
On a match, errorlevel is set to 0, so the :process subroutine is called, with a parameter of %%A in quotes. The subroutine uses the value in folname and copies the file (name now in %1 - %~1 removes the quotes) as before.
So - it's as simple as repeating the block of code, altering the start and length of the string to be selected and changing the regex to suit the required pattern.
Goal: Given string "CAR080 CAR085 CAR087" I need to iterate through all three cars and perform copying of files from the carname folder.
Need to copy files from individual car folders by looping through it.
#echo off
set basesource=xyz\
set year=%date:~10,4%
set destination=C:\ARWISdata\year%year%
set tempDir=DATAARWIS\DATARP_%year%
set s= CAR080 CAR085 CAR087
set t=%s%
echo t:%t%
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in ("%t%") do (
set temp1=%%a
set SLASH=\
echo basesource:%basesource%
echo temp1:%temp1%
set source=%basesource%%temp1%%SLASH%%tempDir%
echo source:%source%
IF EXIST %source% (echo source exists)
echo destination: %destination%
IF EXIST %destination% (echo destination exists) ELSE (mkdir C:\ARWISdata\year%year%)
for /f %%a in ('xcopy /S /E /Y /D "%source%" "%destination%" ') do (
echo.Copying file '%%a'
set t=%%b
if defined t goto :loop
but it is not giving me exact solution. As it needs to take first CAR080 and perform copy operation then in next cycle it should take CAR085 and perform copying and then finally CAR087.
Need the code urgently.
Just simplify. This is equivalent to your code but without variables being set inside the for block, so you don't need delayed expansion (read here) to retrieve the value from the changed variables
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "baseSource=xyz"
set "year=%date:~10,4%"
set "tempDir=DATAARWIS\DATARP_%year%"
set "destination=C:\ARWISdata\year%year%"
2>nul mkdir "%destination%"
for %%a in (CAR080 CAR085 CAR087) do (
xcopy "%baseSource%\%%a\%tempDir%" "%destination%"
I'm trying to copy some files from one directory to two other directories, using batch.
First i'm making 3 directories and after that, i want to copy the following files to backup1 and backup2.
The files are named 010101.txt - 300101.txt (To backup1) and 010102.txt - 300102.txt (backup2).
mkdir backup1
mkdir backup2
mkdir backup3
copy 1.txt C:\User\Test\Backup1
copy 2.txt C:\User\Test\Backup2
I guess i have to use wildcard somehow, but if i write ?????1.txt and ?????2.txt i get an syntex error.
Try this out:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "C:\Temp\copytest"
set "b1=C:\Temp\Backup1"
set "b2=C:\Temp\Backup2"
for /l %%a in (1,1,300102) do (
set num=%%a
if %%a GTR 10000 if %%a LSS 100000 set num=0%%a
if !num:~-1! EQU 1 (
if exist !num!.txt echo copy !num!.txt %b1%
) ELSE (
if !num:~-1! EQU 2 (
if exist !num!.txt echo copy !num!.txt %b2%
Change paths where applicable. Remove the echos after verifying the output is correct to do the actual copy.
Edit: Simpler way
Copy *1.txt "C:\User\Test\Backup1"
Copy *2.txt "C:\User\Test\Backup2"
SET "sourcedir=."
FOR %%b IN (1 2) DO (
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*.txt" ^| find /i "%%b.txt" '
) DO (
XCOPY "%sourcedir%\%%a" "c:\user\test\backup%%b\" >nul
I've assumed you want all files in the directory that contain 1.txt to be copied to ...\backup1 and those that contain 2.txt to ...\backup2.
I used my current directory for testing. You'd need to change the value assigned to 'sourcedir' to suit yourself.
Note that the xcopy will create the destination directory if necessary.