User uploads with fixed per user quota in DotNetNuke - dotnetnuke

I'm running a DotNetNuke 7.0 Community Edition installation and I'm currently looking for a way of allowing users to upload own content into their very own directory. I would also like the users to have a maximum storage limit of for instance 2GB. Perhaps there already is an in-built solution for this scenario but I'm also willing to spend money for a commercial module.
So I've not found an on-board setting allowing me to set a per-user-quota, neither have I been able to find a module available in the store for several hours now.
I even decompiled the DotNetNuke.dll in my installation directory and noticed it has members called UserQuota in DotNetNuke.Portals.PortalSettings and DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalInfo but I still failed to find where to define a quota for my users. Is this a Professional/Enterprise feature only by any chance?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there's no such module I can also write a custom module, but instead of reinvent the wheel I'd love to hear your ideas first.
For future reference:
I ended up coding a custom DNN upload plugin which stores all files users upload into their own directory and controls the maximum storage space each of these users has. If you need this for an own project just drop me a message for the .zip.

DotNetNuke has a portal level quota for file-space that you can set. This is available under "Admin" -> "Site Settings" -> "Host Settings" (On Advanced Tab).
However, this is for the entire portal. I am not aware of any user specific, or folder specific quota mechanism for DotNetNuke.


Free tier, gcloud source repos clone : This API method requires billing to be enabled

I created a Google App Engine years ago. It is using standard Python 2.7, and I created it using the free tier. There is a simple Python project (3~4 files), and today I wanted to add a file to it for testing. I have not used it for so long that I forgot how I did it before. Anyway, I tried gcloud source repos clone or gcloud source repos list, but all those commands gave same error.
Error: (gcloud.source.repos.clone) PERMISSION_DENIED: This API method requires billing to be enabled. Pleae enable billing on project #(number) by visiting https://console...
I rechecked their pricing page, and it seams they are still providing free tier. Then, why does it require billing just to download the source files of my own project or even the python-gae-quickstart. Did I do somethin wrong, or does it now require billing for even free tiers?
The free tier is based upon usage of certain resources, they need you to have a valid and enabled Billing account on the project in case you exceed the usage of the Free Tier.
For example, according to the docs, App Engine has 1 GB of egress per day; however, in case you exceed said daily usage, you will be billed for the difference.
Keep in mind that they do not know what happens on the project, so even if you just want to download something or are not going to use any API, they will still ask you for a billing account.
If you have more doubts, contact their billing support over here, and they should be able to provide further help.
Hope this helps!

How to password-protect a whole Bugzilla website

I am doing a software project, together with people in other states. I just set up a Bugzilla website (Bugzilla 4.4.9, Apache 2.4, and Windows 7 Professional 64-bit) and it is available on the internet. I have disabled Bugzilla's self-registration of user accounts.
Now I would like to further restrict the website access (such as search and view bug reports) only to those people who have Bugzilla accounts and have signed in. Put it another way, I don't want anonymous visitors to be able to use the website or search engines to index the site. Is this something doable without modifying Bugzilla's code, which is bad in many ways? If yes, how?
If brute-force modification of Bugzilla's code is the only way, I would very appreciate any info about which files to modify or, if available, the details. I am new to Bugzilla, and I never coded with Perl.
Googled for the answer, but did not find any.
I feel I got the answer:
sign into the system as the maintainer
Go to Administration, Parameters, User Authentication.
Check requirelogin
All the above does is only the homepage is visible to visitors, but no search of results or website browser is allowed.

Publish web service - not found

I need publish some web services so I add some pages and codeunits to web services form. Then, I clicked publish checkbox to make it visible for my external program. When I try to visit
it doesn't show my codeunits or pages avaliable. The only exists is SystemService. It doesn't work also when I try to reach it by
Message printed claim that "/Page/" was not found. I don't really know where could be problem and I feel I don't have enough knowledge about Dynamics solution to solve it. Maybe someone of you meet this problem in the past. I don't even know, where to search errors, where logs from publishing should be written. My version of this software is 2009.
Could it perhaps be that you have multiple NAV service tiers running on your machine, and the one in which you are configuring your webservices is not the one listening to port 7047? Just trying to eliminate any possible cause... ;)
More simple checks, just to be sure:
is this the right database? :)
have you specified service name (Latin characters, no spaces etc)?
have you tried restarting NAV Server and Web Services?
are published objects available in the license uploaded to DB?
have you tried publishing standard page like 21 Customer Card?
(Sorry, this is not an answer, but there is no formatting in the comments :)

Creating a user-configurable New Relic Plugin

I've been playing around with the New Relic Ruby SDK and created a proof-of-concept plugin which gets data out of Graphite, and sends it to New Relic.
Other plugins I've seen target a well-known set of data (e.g. Apache Requests or CPU load). However, in this case I cannot pre-configure the dashboards for publishing, because the data for each user will be completely different, depending on how they configure it and the data they store on their graphite.
Is there a way to publish a plugin without a pre-configured dashboard / charts?
Every New Relic published plugin necessarily includes a Dashboard. You could record metrics like "Component/Graphite/" and then expose the results generically in your associated dashboard with "Component/Graphite/*". Most likely those won't be very useful graphs.
If you treat this as a Graphite plugin SDK for users who want to easily collect Graphite metrics by configuration, it will make more sense. When doing this, you should make the GUID configurable as well and include clear instructions on changing the GUID for each use of the SDK. That way, users will get their own fresh Dashboards each time their use your SDK.
Yoav, I strongly suggest you do not distribute your plugin agent with a GUID in place (you currently have com.gingerlime.graphite.graphite).
If another user runs your agent with their New Relic license key, and doesn't change the GUID, they will be unable to customize their plugin dashboards, and any customizing you do will not be seen by them.
In other words, un-published plugins should not be distributed publicly - anyone that uses a un-published plugin will have a bad experience (unless they first customize the GUID).

User Uploads in DotNetNuke

As far as I know there's nothing special in DNN Core to limit the volume each user can upload files. Are there any ways like changing the code or installing any modules to handle that? (for example I don't want to let users to upload more than 100MB into a space allocated to them)
Is there any configuration in DNN core that puts user uploaded files in separate folders so that the browsing of files becomes easier? Any modules recommended. (for example I want to upload user12 files to a folder named user12 or anything similar)
The setting to establish and enforce a quota for file storage would be set at the module level -- not the DNN/Portal level. It depends on the module that you use.
There does not appear to be too many choices regarding a DNN Module that would allow your users to upload various files into their own folder. However, I did find one that has two positive reviews that, if it works as promised, should suit your requirements
According to the author, it allows you to give users their own directory which they can upload to.
DNN supports disk quotas on a per portal basis. I am not aware of a module that allows disk quotas on a per user basis.
You can find the settings under Admin | Site Settings | Advanced Settings | Host Settings
