How to password-protect a whole Bugzilla website - bugzilla

I am doing a software project, together with people in other states. I just set up a Bugzilla website (Bugzilla 4.4.9, Apache 2.4, and Windows 7 Professional 64-bit) and it is available on the internet. I have disabled Bugzilla's self-registration of user accounts.
Now I would like to further restrict the website access (such as search and view bug reports) only to those people who have Bugzilla accounts and have signed in. Put it another way, I don't want anonymous visitors to be able to use the website or search engines to index the site. Is this something doable without modifying Bugzilla's code, which is bad in many ways? If yes, how?
If brute-force modification of Bugzilla's code is the only way, I would very appreciate any info about which files to modify or, if available, the details. I am new to Bugzilla, and I never coded with Perl.
Googled for the answer, but did not find any.

I feel I got the answer:
sign into the system as the maintainer
Go to Administration, Parameters, User Authentication.
Check requirelogin
All the above does is only the homepage is visible to visitors, but no search of results or website browser is allowed.


Turning off android.permission.INTERNET in CodenameOne

At, it says this about internet permissions:
android.permission.INTERNET - this is a hardcoded permission in Codename One, the ability to connect to the network is coded into all Codename One applications.
Is it possible to turn this off or override it? The wording suggests otherwise. But I'm writing the rare application that has no need to access the internet. This will be obvious to my users as well. So when my users try to install my application, they may think it's asking for internet access to pass on marketing information. I'd rather not ask my customers for any privileges that I don't actually need.
You can use the build hint android.removeBasePermissions=true
This is covered here.

Publish web service - not found

I need publish some web services so I add some pages and codeunits to web services form. Then, I clicked publish checkbox to make it visible for my external program. When I try to visit
it doesn't show my codeunits or pages avaliable. The only exists is SystemService. It doesn't work also when I try to reach it by
Message printed claim that "/Page/" was not found. I don't really know where could be problem and I feel I don't have enough knowledge about Dynamics solution to solve it. Maybe someone of you meet this problem in the past. I don't even know, where to search errors, where logs from publishing should be written. My version of this software is 2009.
Could it perhaps be that you have multiple NAV service tiers running on your machine, and the one in which you are configuring your webservices is not the one listening to port 7047? Just trying to eliminate any possible cause... ;)
More simple checks, just to be sure:
is this the right database? :)
have you specified service name (Latin characters, no spaces etc)?
have you tried restarting NAV Server and Web Services?
are published objects available in the license uploaded to DB?
have you tried publishing standard page like 21 Customer Card?
(Sorry, this is not an answer, but there is no formatting in the comments :)

User uploads with fixed per user quota in DotNetNuke

I'm running a DotNetNuke 7.0 Community Edition installation and I'm currently looking for a way of allowing users to upload own content into their very own directory. I would also like the users to have a maximum storage limit of for instance 2GB. Perhaps there already is an in-built solution for this scenario but I'm also willing to spend money for a commercial module.
So I've not found an on-board setting allowing me to set a per-user-quota, neither have I been able to find a module available in the store for several hours now.
I even decompiled the DotNetNuke.dll in my installation directory and noticed it has members called UserQuota in DotNetNuke.Portals.PortalSettings and DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalInfo but I still failed to find where to define a quota for my users. Is this a Professional/Enterprise feature only by any chance?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there's no such module I can also write a custom module, but instead of reinvent the wheel I'd love to hear your ideas first.
For future reference:
I ended up coding a custom DNN upload plugin which stores all files users upload into their own directory and controls the maximum storage space each of these users has. If you need this for an own project just drop me a message for the .zip.
DotNetNuke has a portal level quota for file-space that you can set. This is available under "Admin" -> "Site Settings" -> "Host Settings" (On Advanced Tab).
However, this is for the entire portal. I am not aware of any user specific, or folder specific quota mechanism for DotNetNuke.

cakephp website with phpBB or simple machines forums possible?

I have a website made with CakePHP 1.3.7. This website has it's own login system. Now the client wants to include a forum in the website.
I've been looking at different free solutions and phpBB and SMF seem to be what I'm looking for. The only thing I'm not so sure is about integrating those forums with the login system that I already have.
I mean, if a user has already an account for the website (or creates a new one), he/she should be able to use that same account (username) in the forum section.
Is that possible? Any clue pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated! I mentioned both forum solutions in case one is easier to integrate than the other one, that would be also good to know (or if there's any other better option).
Thanks so much in advance!
It's possible to use both but I personally prefer SMF. You have to configure CakePHP's session component to use database sessions and create a model that will use the forums session table.
You can decide if you want or need a separate users table besides the forums users table (or its called members, don't know right now).
The "hard" part is to make the cake app read/write the sessions and cookies in the same fashion SMF does to allow a smooth transition from the cake app to the forum and backwards.
Technically you can use both forums and archive your goal with both, it's just a matter of getting the frameworks components utilized right.
I ended up using: this
It has all that I needed and integrates perfectly into Cake :)

How to check if a visitor is using the latest version of his/her browser?

Is there a simple and automatic way of checking if a visitor to my website (written in is using the latest version of his browser? This would allow me to display a message to inform them that they're running an old version and that they might want to upgrade.
My website is tested on most broswers but I don't test old versions (such as Internet Explorer 6 etc). When one of my visitors is using such an old version, basically, I would like to encourage (not force) them to upgrade.
Of course I could do this myself by getting the version of the browser and look it up in my database but I don't want to have to maintain a 'browser version' database myself.
Any ideas?
Speaking as a user of websites, if I come across a site that advised me to upgrade my browser then that would be an immediate black mark against that site.
I might not be able to upgrade (if I'm accessing from a corporate network for example); I might have a specific reason for using a particular version (if I'm a web developer wanting to ensure compatibility with my user community for example).
So personally, I would say that a blanket disclaimer that you don't test this site on earlier versions would be the way to go. That's quite apart from the technical challenge of what you want to do.
Edit: as Yeti points out, however valid my concerns, I don't answer the question directly. This is done in Pace's answer, and the w3schools resource he points to gives you what you need to do this on the client side.
