cakephp website with phpBB or simple machines forums possible? - cakephp

I have a website made with CakePHP 1.3.7. This website has it's own login system. Now the client wants to include a forum in the website.
I've been looking at different free solutions and phpBB and SMF seem to be what I'm looking for. The only thing I'm not so sure is about integrating those forums with the login system that I already have.
I mean, if a user has already an account for the website (or creates a new one), he/she should be able to use that same account (username) in the forum section.
Is that possible? Any clue pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated! I mentioned both forum solutions in case one is easier to integrate than the other one, that would be also good to know (or if there's any other better option).
Thanks so much in advance!

It's possible to use both but I personally prefer SMF. You have to configure CakePHP's session component to use database sessions and create a model that will use the forums session table.
You can decide if you want or need a separate users table besides the forums users table (or its called members, don't know right now).
The "hard" part is to make the cake app read/write the sessions and cookies in the same fashion SMF does to allow a smooth transition from the cake app to the forum and backwards.
Technically you can use both forums and archive your goal with both, it's just a matter of getting the frameworks components utilized right.

I ended up using: this
It has all that I needed and integrates perfectly into Cake :)


How to password-protect a whole Bugzilla website

I am doing a software project, together with people in other states. I just set up a Bugzilla website (Bugzilla 4.4.9, Apache 2.4, and Windows 7 Professional 64-bit) and it is available on the internet. I have disabled Bugzilla's self-registration of user accounts.
Now I would like to further restrict the website access (such as search and view bug reports) only to those people who have Bugzilla accounts and have signed in. Put it another way, I don't want anonymous visitors to be able to use the website or search engines to index the site. Is this something doable without modifying Bugzilla's code, which is bad in many ways? If yes, how?
If brute-force modification of Bugzilla's code is the only way, I would very appreciate any info about which files to modify or, if available, the details. I am new to Bugzilla, and I never coded with Perl.
Googled for the answer, but did not find any.
I feel I got the answer:
sign into the system as the maintainer
Go to Administration, Parameters, User Authentication.
Check requirelogin
All the above does is only the homepage is visible to visitors, but no search of results or website browser is allowed.

MEAN stack authentication

I am new to the MEAN stack and am struggling to find any appropriate literature, or helpful tutorials for my problem.
I am developing a blog site, which will also have an admin content management system for adding new blog articles. I want to be able to login to the system and access restricted content. The content on specific URL's can only be viewed if the user is logged in and so on...
I am struggling to find a good authentication tutorial that goes through the process step by step. As I am new too the syntax and semantics of AngularJS and NodeJS, I need something that will break down each process and define the methods.
Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction for my problem?
To be honest I have recently started myself.
Take a look at or even
Perhaps this video could help you?
I remember having timing issues at one point, which is actually mentioned here.
I do agree as well that perhaps its useful to look at understanding middleware and how to respond to requests with the connect framework.
Here is a simple MEAN stack implementation (but using a DEPLOYD nodejs framework) This you can use for rapid learning of MEAN stack. (Disclosure: I'm a contributor to this MarsCMS)
#user37... Checkout satellizer,
It's a complete token based Oauth with a bonus for social logins.
Reply back here if you have any Qs.

How to discourage scraping on a Drupal website?

I have a Drupal website that has a ton of data on it. However, people can quite easily scrape the site, due to the fact that Drupal class and IDs are pretty consistent.
Is there any way to "scramble" the code to make it harder to use something like PHP Simple HTML Dom Parser to scrape the site?
Are there other techniques that could make scraping the site a little harder?
Am I fighting a lost cause?
I am not sure if "scraping" is the official term, but I am referring to the process by which people write a script that "crawls" a website and parses sections of it in order to extract data and store it in their own database.
First I'd recommend you to google over web scraping anti-scrape. There you'll find some tools for fighting web scrapig.
As for the Drupal there should be some anti-scrape plugins avail (google over).
You might be interesting my categorized layout of anti-scrape techniques answer. It's for techy as well as non-tech users.
I am not sure but I think that it is quite easy to crawl a website where all contents are public, no matter if the IDs are sequential or not. You should take into account that if a human can read your Drupal site, a script also does.
Depending on your site's nature if you don't want your content to be indexed by others, you should consider setting registered-user access. Otherwise, I think you are fighting a lost cause.

should i use the joomla user profile table?

When Joomla 1.6 came out and onwards I started using the joomla profile plugin to manage my user's profile data.
I have been wondering for quite a while about the pros and cons of such a table where the data is stored in rows and not in fields.
The pro is definitely that I can add new profile fields very easily.
The con is how do you search on the information when different field types are stored in a text field - ie: the dob of the user is stored in a text field.
Perhaps this question is more database than joomla related?
But it boils down to - should I be using the joomla profile table for large numbers of users?
It really depends on the project you are working on.
If you use a plugin to get the work done, cons are
You will have to spend some time to get to know the plugin.
It will take more time to make changes since you don't know the internal structure of the plugin.
pros are,
Plugin does everything for you. Faster development.
Most probably error free and tested well.
In my opinion if you are to do a lot of data manipulation and if the plugin does what you want to do exactly use the plugin. That's the best part of joomla. Faster development. If you have any problems please ask.
You can use the Joomla extended profile if you want to, or you can use Community Builder which also extends user profiles.
Out of all honest, might be better for lots of users, as you might want to install other extensions in the future, such as the Kunena forum for example, which it integrates with fully, along with lots of other extensions.

Is there a wiki system that can be easily "plugged-in" to an existing CakePHP application?

I'm looking for a wiki system, that can easily be incorporated into an existing CakePHP application. I would have done it seperately from the CakePHP application, but the buyer requests that the user authorisation is done from the same tables.
I looked into this a while back unsuccessfully. Your question would indicate that nothing has changed.
I eventually went with a 3rd party standalone wiki.
I suggest that you choose a wiki with accessible php, create a loginWiki function in the UsersController and use it to inject the information into the hacked wiki login script. Thinking about it now, it shouldn't be too difficult.
You'll have to write a little php in the wiki to make it look at and save to the Cake users table.
