Eclipse builds a too heavy binary file - c

I've just ported a C project from Kdevelop to eclipse, the binary that before was around 600kb now is 5000kb and I don't know which is my mistake.
I am using the option to autogenerate the Makefile, could it be the reason?

I have solved simply using the original makefile from kdevelop instead of the autogenerated eclipse makefile


How to build GLUS with MinGW and Sublime Text 3

I am in a similar situation :
Eclipse CPP and GNU following these instructions. But i need to build GLUS with MinGW and sublime text.
I am learning C and OpenGL ,so i lack compilation/dependencies logic.
I would just like to undertsand in a simple way.
how to compile GLUS from those source:
Where to install all the files in MinGW folder to setup things correctly.
Glew and Glfw are already configure correctly and works fine.
Thanks for your time.
Well Norbert Nopper kindly answer my question directly. And like the answer mention above. The path to follow to compile GLUS without any ide is by using cmake.
in the GLUS folder, there is a CMake file ( With
CMake, you can create the GLUS library without any IDE and for a lot
of platforms – including Windows and MinGW.
Yes cmake is the answer.
You usually create a build directory. Inside your git clone of the repository you do :
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

How to use CUDA 6.0 with XCODE 5

My question may completely be a noob. Sorry, for that but I have been trying to compile my first Cuda code in Xcode and I'm lost where and how I could set up the IDE to invoke NVCC.
I installed the latest CUDA toolkit CUDA 6.0 and have even installed GCC 4.8 using brew. I have XCODE 5.5
When I run my code from XCODE all the directives like global are marked as unidentified.
I don't where and to change the settings to invoke NVCC. I will be really thankful, if anyone could help me with this.
Further, when I created the XCODE project, I created it as a C project. So, I placed the CUDA code in this C file, which is what is giving me the above mentioned errors. I tried to replace this .C file with a .cu file (just change the extension), which too failed badly - XCODE didn't even know what to do with the .cu files
COuld anyone please help me?
Thanks in Advance
I have given it a try. Although I have not completely succeeded I thought I'd post my progress here in hopes of helping others. The steps I took were inspired by this page.
Create a new Xcode project
Under Build Settings add a new user defined setting CC with the value /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc.
Add /usr/local/cuda/include to Header Search Paths under Build Settings.
Set Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) to No.
Add /usr/local/cuda/lib/libcuda.dylib to Link Binary With Libraries under Build Phases.
For any C files you create set their extension to .cu in the File Inspector, after you have done that you have to set the type of that file to C source to get syntax highlighting, by going to Editor->Syntax Coloring->C.
Problems with this setup:
- Xcode can't run the executable, at least nog if it is compiled for debugging. However you can make it copy the executable to some reasonable location and run it in the terminal.
- Whenever you try 'Build for running' sometimes Xcode magically destroys the whole project.

Replace BuildAll by Makefile

Is it possible to replace BuildAll of Eclipse CDT by a Makefile?
I mean I have a Makefile in C and I would buildall from this file. I build a Target in Eclipse to compile but I would use the Ctrl+B to buildall. My environment is Eclipse-Cdt.
There is no problem in creating a makefile that would invoke other make files.
But achieving interaction between Eclipse and the makefile would be extremely hard.
If I recall correctly, you can tell Eclipse CDT to use your own makefile instead of generating one. And you can tell Eclispe to use a specific target. So it should be easy.
I found the solution to use my own makefile. In fact it's very easy. The alone think that I did is to precise the emplacement of the makefile in the build properties.

Creating Project from existing source code in Eclipse

I am new to Eclipse. Working on school project from source code provided by instructor. Project compiles without problems using provided makefile, but I want to compile/edit inside of Eclipse.
I have tried to import as Makefile project, but right away getting an error
make: *** No rule to make target `all'.
Here is a basic list of files.
Why I can't simply "Import" source, as I can do it in Visual Studio ?
Thanks !
CDT will attempt to build the project using make all, and it seems that your Makefile does not have that target. Easiest is to add:
all: your-target-to-make-stuff
to your Makefile. If you want to configure how CDT invokes make, you can right-click on the project, select Properties → C/C++ Build. Under the Behavior tab, you can select which make targets CDT should invoke when building and cleaning.
I don't have an Eclipse with C/C++ plugin at my hands right now, but I have an idea what it could be:
It appears that your Eclipse is starting make with the specific target 'all', which doesn't seem to exist in the Makefile - you should be able to reproduce this behavior on the command line with the command make all instead of just make.
If this is the case, there are two solutions: one is to modify the Makefile to introduce a target 'all'; or modify the C/C++ builder settings in Eclipse to execute the make without any argument.
You can install the C/C++ for developers plugin.
Or in many cases I would use Ant to create or call make files.

compiling on Windows and Linux

I am just looking for some guidelines, as this might seem like a very open question.
I have a project that has been compiled using Visual Studio 2008 sp1. I have to compile so it will run linux using gcc 4.4.1 C99.
It is a demo application that I didn't write myself.
The source code is written so it can be cross-platform (linux, windows), so the code will compile and run on linux. However, has it has been developed using VS, I don't have any makefile to use.
I could write a make file. But I am not sure about the dependences as there are about 20 files all together (*.c and *.h).
I am just wondering how can I write a makefile from a visual studio project? Is there any settings I can use? and what depends on what? Anything else?
Many thanks for any suggestions,
The makedepend utility will scan the C files you give it, using C preprocessing rules to determine their dependencies and output them to a Makefile.
This should do most of what you want.
One tool that you can use is CMake. CMake can generate a solution file, and it can generate a Unix makefile. This way is not easy, nor is it the without its bumps in the road. (Especially when the build sequence gets complex)
Start with a very simple Makefile:
theapp: *.c *.h Makefile
gcc *.c -o theapp
Those two lines will get you 90% of the way there (and, in a lot of cases, 100% of the way).
Now you can make and run your app in Unix simply with:
$ make && ./theapp
I don't recommend that you use those complex Makefile generators like automake unless you plan on releasing this stuff to the world.
For private projects, keep your makefiles simple and clean.
