Backbone select change event not firing - backbone.js

I have a view which defines a change event on some select controls, but they don't seem to be firing. The view is something like this:
var FiltersView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: FiltersTmpl,
events: {
'change #panel_filters select': 'enableSearch'
enableSearch: function() {
When I change the dropdown, enableSearch doesn't fire. However, using Chrome Dev Tools, I can use jQuery to setup an event handler like this $("#panel_filters select").change(function() { debugger; }); and that does in fact fire. So I know the selector is correct and the select is triggering a change event. I know it must be a simple syntax problem but it seems like the correct syntax to me.

Ok I figured it out. #panel_filters is actually the element that I injected my view into. Technically, it's considered outside the view. And apparently, view events are scoped to the view itself. Which is handy I suppose, but I didn't know that. Good to know :-)


backbone.js scroll event with handler is not unbinding

I've binded window's scroll event to a view's method like:
MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'handleScrolling');
$(window).off('scroll', this.handleScrolling).on('scroll', this.handleScrolling);
I see this is not working. If this callback is triggered as many times as this view is instantiated. However, if I remove handler from off, then it is correctly unbinding and triggers only once per scrolling. Like:
$(window).off('scroll').on('scroll', this.handleScrolling);
Any idea why this is happening? I dont want to remove all callbacks from this event as other views/codes may bind event to it which will make app behaving unexpected.
Is there any better way of binding events to window/document or other element outside the scope of current view?
Your problem is right here:
_.bindAll(this, 'handleScrolling');
That's equivalent to:
this.handleScrolling = _.bind(this.handleScrolling, this);
so each time you instantiate your view, you're working with a brand new function in this.handleScrolling. Then you do this:
$(window).off('scroll', this.handleScrolling)
But that won't do anything since the this.handleScrolling function that you attached with on:
.on('scroll', this.handleScrolling);
isn't the same function as the this.handleScrolling function that you're trying to .off. The result is that each time you create a new instance of your view, you're leaving the old scroll handler in place and adding a new one.
The proper solution (IMO) is to add a remove method to properly clean things up:
remove: function() {
$(window).off('scroll', this.handleScrolling);
return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this);
and then call view.remove() before creating the new view.
It looks like you have a new instance of the handler this.handleScrolling in each call.
so when jQuery tries to remove the specific handler it will not find the handler in the event registry, so it will not be able to remove it.
Problem: Demo
I would suggest using event namespaces here
$(window).off('scroll.myview').on('scroll.myview', this.handleScrolling);
Demo: Fiddle
Another solution is to use a shared handler like this

Stickit: How to trigger a change event after every model -> view change

I have many events bound to elements in my view, though when I use stickit js to change values in my view by altering the model it doesn't trigger an onChange event.
Is there a way that I can trigger an onchange event for the current model:element after the setting the value in the model without having to write a handler for every binding? This would be for all form elements, input/select/textarea.
I want to avoid the following for each form element on the page:
bindings: {
'#foo': {
observe: 'foo',
afterUpdate: 'forceChange'
'#bar': {
observe: 'bar',
afterUpdate: 'forceChange'
forceChange: function(el) { jQuery(el).change() }
One possible hack (with version 0.6.3 only) would be to define a global handler which matches all elements:
selector: '*',
afterUpdate: function($el) {
Since handlers are mixed in with other matching handlers and bindings configurations in the order that they are defined, you couldn't use afterUpdate in any of your bindings without overwriting this global, all-matching handler since the bindings configurations are the last to be mixed in. You can read more about it here.
Ahhh, that comment clarifies matters. So, in Javascript when you change an input's value "manually" (whether through jQuery or through someElement.value =) the browser won't, as you noticed, fire a change event. Change events (and most other events for that matter) are only fired in response to user actions, not to Javascript.
Luckily, just as you can "manually" change a value, you can also "manually" trigger an event. In jQuery the syntax for that is:
If you need to control things like you can read up on the jQuery trigger documentation for the details, but that's the basic idea.
You can even chain the value-changing and event-triggering together if you want:

Backbone Marionette - Add a visual effect when switching view

Is there a convenient way to add an effect when I leave a page (close a view/layout) and open a new one in the same region ? (something like a fade effect)
Marionette regions have a method called open that by default just replace the HTML of the old view with the new view. You can override this method to do any animation you like. From the region documentation:
Set How View's el Is Attached
If you need to change how the view is attached to the DOM when
showing a view via a region, override the open method of the
region. This method receives one parameter - the view to show.
The default implementation of open is: = function(view){
This will replace the contents of the region with the view's
el / content. You can change to this be anything you wish,
though, facilitating transition effects and more. = function(view){
This example will cause a view to slide down from the top
of the region, instead of just appearing in place.
You could override the close function on the view, doing something like this:
close: function () {
// fancy fade-out effects
Backbone.Marionette.View.prototype.close.apply(this, arguments);
And do something similar with your render functions.
This seems to work for me:
this.views = {
messageItem: Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: Handlebars.templates.messaging_item,
tagName: "li",
className: "messaging-item",
render: function(){
onShow: function(){
For future users people could user my plugin for Transition Support in marionette.
I used css3 transitions as those have more hardware support than jquery animations. on the downside using this makes the code async so be carefull of that.
I think this could be useful for you.
The following marionette plugin that adds 4 kind of transitions. There can be easily added more transition types.
Basically instead of using
you can use now yourRegion.showAnimated(view, {animationType: 'yourAnimation'});
it's very easy to use.
see the documentation on github for more info

View + Sub Views in backbone/backbone-relational app

I've been learning a lot about backbone, backbone-relational and building web apps from reading through stackexchange - so first a thank you to the community.
Now, I am stuck at trying to understand this current issue involving nested models and sub views in what seems to me to be is a pretty common usecase.
I am trying to extend this tutorial to learn about backbone-relational, views/subviews and event handling by keepin track of "CheckIns" for each wine.
I have extended the server side to return appropriate JSON and backbone-relational model for checkIns like so:
window.CheckInModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
window.CheckInCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : CheckInModel
And the Wine Model like so:
relations: [{
type: Backbone.HasMany,
relatedModel: 'CheckInModel',
collectionType: CheckInCollection,
I've created a CheckInListView and CheckInItemView (same as WineListView and WineListItemView) and use the WineView Render function to render the CheckIns like so:
render:function (eventName) {
console.log("wine View Render");
this.myCheckInListView = new CheckInListView({model: this.model.attributes.CheckIn});
return this;
I've also created a new function within wineview that creates a checkin and associated with the given event:
logcheckin: function (event){
var todate = new Date();
newCheckIn = new CheckInModel ({'Did':"true", 'dateOf': todate.toISOString()});
console.log ("Logcheckin - About to push newCheckIn onto Model.");
this.model.attributes.CheckIn.push (newCheckIn);
console.log ("Just pushed newCheckIn onto Model.");
Ok - if you haven't TL/DRed yet - This all seems to work fine from a UI perspective -ie. everything renders correctly and saves to the Db.
But I notice in the console that when I push a new CheckIn (between the console.logs above) the CheckInListView's Add binding gets called multiple times for wach button press - Which makes me think something is wrong with how I'm doing views or that I am not understanding something fundamental about event propagation.
Why is this happening ? Is it expected behavior ? Am I approaching what I am trying to do correctly ?
Thanks for reading if not your help.
Here are the relevant parts of the CheckinListView and CheckInList Item views that are bound to the add (and other) events.
window.CheckInListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
this.model.bind("reset", this.render, this);
this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
var self = this;
this.model.bind("add", function (CheckIn) {
console.log ("Adding to CheckInListView - a CheckIn List Item", CheckIn);
self.$el.append(new CheckInListItemView({model:CheckIn}).render().el);
close:function () {
window.CheckInListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
this.model.bind("destroy", this.close, this);
The comment about event binding and closing views were the right hints for debugging this.
1) I was not closing and unbinding the nested views properly which left some ghost event consumers even though there was nothing in the DOM
2) You only need to bind events if we want to do something only in the subview.
For Example - If I have checkbox in a subview I can bind a subview change event in the main view and handle the event there since the mainview has model there anyway. I don't know if this is the "right" way but it works for what I need to do. (mm.. spaghetti code tastes so good)
3) Struggling with this helped me think through the UX some more and helped me simplify UI.
4) I was trying to "save" calls to the server by nesting all the data into on JSON call. And if I were to re-do this - I would not nest the data at all but handle it on the back end by associating the wine ID with checkIn ID and then having a separate collection that gets populated with the collection once a task is selected - I thought this would not be a the preferred way but it seems to be the way that a lot of people.
Still welcome any thoughts on the "right" way questions above or if anyone can point to a tutorial that goes beyond the "simple backbone app"
I'm not sure about everything that's happening, but, I've run into the problem of events firing multiple times before. If you're rendering multiple models using the same view, there's a chance that they're all being bound to the same event.
Perhaps this answer might apply:
Cleaning views with backbone.js?
If not, you should respond to Edward M Smith's comment and show how your events are being bound.

Backbone boilerplate Events

What is the best way to bind events to a Backbone boilerplate application? I've been trying to bind my events directly to the models associated with my views, in my views, but it doesn't seem to be working. I see within 'namespace.js', that there is an app key that extends Backbone.Events like so:
// Keep active application instances namespaced under an app object.
app: _.extend({}, Backbone.Events)
I don't fully understand how to use it...
I was able to get things working without the boilerplate, but it does provide some very cool functionality, so I'd love to be able to use it. Thanks!
the code I was using was with the underscore bind method like so:
this.module.bind('change', this.render);
But then, I realized that 'this.model' is returning undefined, and so this doesn't work. I really am not sure how the boilerplate wants me to reference my model from the view.
I'm not sure if it is a typo that you copied from your code or a typo you only entered here, but I believe this.module (which IS undefined) should be this.model, which you also must be sure to pass in when you instantiate your view, of course, as so:
myView = new BBView({model: myModel});
then you can say this.model.bind('change', this.render); or this.model.on('change', this.render); for the most recent version of Backbone
I frequently bind my views to change events on my models in this way.
As for extending Backbone.Events, the way I have used it is to create an independent "event aggregator" that will help connect events between different views on your page. Let's say for example you have some action on one view that needs to set off an action on another view. In this case, you can pass your event aggregator object as an option to each of your views when you instantiate them, so that they can both trigger events or bind to events on a common object (i.e. your event aggregator).
whatsUp = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events) // the aggregator
myFirstView = new FirstBBView ({whatsUp: whatsUp});
(the aggregator shows up as this.options.whatsUp inside the view)
mySecondView = new SecondBBView2 ({whatsUp: whatsUp});
inside FirstBBView:
this.options.whatsUp.bind('specialEvent', function(arg1,arg2) {
// do stuff
inside SecondBBView, when something important happens:
this.options.whatsUp.trigger('specialEvent', {arg1: 'some data', arg2: 'more data'});
For a great explanation, see this great article by Derick Bailey
