how to remove +universal - macports

I wanted to install wine through macports. I followed instructions on following site:
Now when I try the sudo install command for anything, terminal first returns this:
Warning: /opt/local/etc/macports/variants.conf specifies invalid variant syntax '“+universal”', ignored.
and then it always fails to install the software.
Now, I want to know how to remove +universal or what could be done to install wine or anything else otherwise. Even MacPorts doesn't get updated citing the same thing. Even if I search for ports, it says the same thing.

Just remove the line containing +universal from variants.conf (or clear out variants.conf completely) and skip this step of the how-to. It is no longer needed, MacPorts will automatically ensure the dependencies are available in the correct architecture when you attempt to install wine.


Codelite not running C programs

Everytime I try to build and run a program, including the standard 'Hello world!' nothing happens, I get:
==== Program exited with exit code: 0 ====
Time elapsed: 000:00.000 (MM:SS.MS)
Press any key to continue...
At the bottom it says:
'ming32-make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable prgram or batch file.
I have Codelite version 16 on Windows 10. I also have MinGW installed to C: and have edited the Environment variables to include C:\MinGW\bin
However, in command prompt gcc --version shows me the gcc version in C:\Users\me> and not C:\MinGW
I don't know if this is relevant or not.
All the other results seem to suggest a compiler not found problem, but this does not seem to be my case. Thanks in advance.
This is what I have installed at the moment. Can I get 'make'from one of the other files?
The Installed files
Looks like you either don't have ming32-make.exe or it can't be found.
Also I notice you still use old MinGW. I would recommend switching to newer MinGW-w64 (which supports both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit).
The standalone build from does include ming32-make.exe, and since you can just unzip it (no installation needed) you can try it without removing the old MinGW. Just make sure you don't have anything in your PATH variable to avoid running programs from the wrong location.
ming32-make.exe is either not installed or can't be found on your Environment variable PATH.
No, there is no mingw32-make in that bin folder. When I used the Installer originally I only selected: mingw32-gcc-g++-bin although there were other bin files. Where can I get it?
mingw32-make is outdated.
See How to compile makefile using MinGW?
If you are having problems with mingw, I would recommend using MSYS2 or a package manager like Chocolatey.
Just get rid of the previous installation first. Not mandatory but prevents confusion and storage drain due to multiple copies of mingw.
To install MinGw using chocolatey, run cmd as admin and use
choco install mingw
For make
choco install make
What worked for me was also installing mingw32-base-bin from the Installer (see second option in image in the original question).
The installation tutorial I was following did not mention installing this.
I've decided to leave this here as an answer in case someone else runs into a similar problem.
MSYS is a good option for compilers in recent CodeLite or VS-Code installation.
Once you downloaded the compiler using the following steps from the installer but still have the problem with the make then follow these steps:
Reopen the MSYS2 terminal from your windows if that is previously installed.
Run the command pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
You will be asked to select the option from the list. You should select the option which refers to mingw-w64-x86_64-make.
Once the installation is successfully done, then open CodeLite settings->Buid Settings and check your Make file location. If that is empty or showing an unknown location then click the three dots at the very right of that box. The browse and navigate to location or where you installed the make by pacman. In my case it is C:/msys64/usr/bin/make.exe.
Click Apply and Save.
Now it might be needed to create a fresh workspace and re-run your code.

Could not perform backup protocol version exchange, error code -1

I need to backup iphone with libimobiledevice, using ubuntu, the device is detected but going to launch the backup commands the following error is displayed:
Started "" service on port 49343.
Could not perform backup protocol version exchange, error code -1
What could it depend on?
Several Github issues have reported this problem, like this one.
you need to use latest version of idevicebackup and libimobiledevice
Indeed, if you use Ubuntu 20.04 (for instance), the libimobiledevice package is outdated, as of now.
If that's your case, you'll have to either wait for the next Ubuntu release (22.04) or compile it from source, what may become necessary at some point after the release of Ubuntu 22.04 anyway.
Disclaimer: downside of compiling yourself is that your binaries are not managed by the package manager. You'll have to update yourself, git pulling or downloading the newest source code releases and re-compiling everything everytime. You might have to redo all of this after a distribution upgrade. Upside is that your binaries do work...
Note: compilation steps are described on the official site only for debian; I could perform them equally well on a Linux Mint 20.3 (based on Ubuntu, based on debian). OP does not mention the OS he or she uses, but debian based seem to be the only ones available for now, so what follows should work on debian based OSes.
Compilation from source, step by step:
uninstall the official package and its dependencies and:
install the build dependencies: sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall git autoconf automake libtool-bin libplist-dev libusbmuxd-dev libssl-dev usbmuxd (see "from source" here)
get libimobiledevice source code from its repo, using for instance git clone You might get to the releases page and use the latest tar.gz instead (1.3 at the moment).
also get source code of other libraries required by libimobiledevice: libplist, libimobiledevice-glue and libusbmuxd. (I also compiled usbmuxd instead of using the official package, but I am not sure it is necessary). For each one of them, you can git clone it or download and untar the latest source code release, if available.
choose a prefix directory, where libraries and binaries will go. Create it if necessary (official libimobiledevice site suggests /opt/local and I will use this too in the next steps; in order for the compilation to work, you'll have to sudo mkdir /opt/local and export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig before starting the first compilation)
to compile and install, cd to the root of each git-cloned (or source-downloaded) directory (in this order: lipblist, libimobiledevice-glue, libusbmuxd and libimobiledevice, because each one depends on the previous one) and execute, in each one of them: ./ --prefix=/opt/local, then make and finally sudo make install. (Note, the autogen line for libimobiledevice may be ./ --prefix=/opt/local --enable-debug, as suggested here).
Having done all of this, the iphone was not mounted automatically, I had to manually run idevicepair pair and then could mount it using ifuse ./iphone_mount_point/ (do sudo apt install ifuse if necessary) and perform a backup using idevicebackup2 backup --full iphone_backup/. Read the help of idevicebackup2 for more information.

After software installation: symbol lookup error

I've been installing "hamlib" (sourceforge) on my RaspberryPi under Raspbian and everything
worked great for a while.
When I noticed an unimplemented feature, I downloaded the newest developer version here:
here (something like this, but this link may change every day:
So I downloaded it and did the usual: untar to a folder, ./configure, make, make install.
After all was done, I launched rotctl and there comes this message: rotctl: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: g313_caps
I thought the package wasn't flawless and I tried to install the old version again. But it's still like that. Also I tried ldconfig every now and then.
To be honest: I'm a beginner when it comes to linux, so I don't know what I have done there. Maybe I was doing a major mistake, a normal linux user wouldn't do. Maybe it was wrong to install that package without uninstalling the older version. Also I don't even know how to do that.
Basically there is only one file in the source code, I need to change to the newer version. So, if there is anyone who could tell me, how to make a clean uninstall, I could replace only this file in the source and install again. I think that would do the thing.
Or shall I rather ask the people from the hamlib developer team?
Thank you in advance.

Haskell platform on mac installs cabal in /usr/bin, but cabal install goes in ~/Library/Haskell

I’ve just installed the Haskell Platform on my Mac running Mavericks 10.9. The cabal version included (1.16) is out of date, and prompts me to run “cabal update” and then “cabal install cabal-install". Doing so installs cabal, but it installs in ~/Library/Haskell. This is not in my executable path, so further attempts to run cabal result in executing version 1.16 from /usr/bin, which was not updated.
I guess I could get around this by changing my executable path to include ~/Library/Haskell, with higher preference than /usr/bin. But I don’t really want to do this. And I don’t want to maintain multiple out of date versions of the software in hidden locations on my system. How do I get cabal to update the executable in the right place? Running with sudo did not help.
Edit: Updated my path, but somehow it still doesn’t work:
[76 of 76] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, dist/build/cabal/cabal-tmp/Main.o )
Linking dist/build/cabal/cabal ...
Warning: No documentation was generated as this package does not contain a library. Perhaps you want to use the --executables flag.
Installing executable(s) in
Installed cabal-install-
Updating documentation index /Users/lethe/Library/Haskell/doc/index.html
euclid:Public lethe$ which cabal
euclid:Public lethe$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
using version 1.16.0 of the Cabal library
euclid:Public lethe$ echo $PATH
It claims it installed cabal to ~/Library/Haskell, and since the path is updated, it claims it’s going to execute the version in ~/Library/Haskell, but it also claims the executed version is What’s going on here?
I also tried ghc-pkg recache and cabal install cabal-install- (with version number specified), but executed version is still
There are a couple of solutions:
1) Try updating the PATH variable such that it looks in your local path first.
(Add this to your .bash_profile: export PATH=$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin:$PATH. Source the profile and then retry the whereis command to identify which binary you are using, it should use your local one)
Though this didn't work for me. I had to resort to the next step to make it work:
2) Brute force fix: Delete /usr/bin/cabal.
Hope this helps.
According to 23skiddo at GitHub, the way to get cabal to install in the system-wide directory is cabal install --global. Also if your shell is executing the wrong path to an executable you probably need to clear the cache with hash -d cabal or hash -r.
I once had an alias to a command and forgot about it. That is not picked up by "which ".
Try $(which cabal) --version. If it shows 1.20 there may be some similar problem. Use compgen -a to list your aliases.
/Users/lethe/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.6.3/lib/cabal-install- also is not /Users/lethe/Library/Haskell/bin.
There is a new Haskell-Plattform release 2014.2 now. This comes with Cabal 1.18 and GHC 7.8.3.
It updates easily to Cabal 1.20 (I don't know why it does not come with 1.20 in the first place).
I already tried many different setups between using Haskell-Plattform, Homebrew ghc + haskell-plattform and also
Last one makes most sense to me after trying all different ways to use Haskell on OSX.
If you switch between different "distributions" make sure you really get rid of "everything" that is installed from other versions of Haskell.
I think the most important thing is to recognize that all of those installations are more or less the same. It just moves paths and preferences around.

Macports warning when installing automake: Warning: Deactivate forced. Proceeding despite dependencies

I just installed MacPorts and issued the command:
sudo port install automake
Throughout the process I see this message:
Warning: Deactivate forced. Proceeding despite dependencies.
What does it mean? Why did it happen? Is it critical and, if so, should I do anything about it?
Based upon my own experience this is not critical and you should in most cases don't have to do anything about it. It is only a warning.
This warning is shown when an old version of a software package 'A' is uninstalled and replaced by a newer version, while another previously installed software package 'B' depends on it.
This package 'B' was built with the old version of package 'A' in mind, and might break if the newer version isn't compatible. However, for most updates this is not a problem.
(After upgrading packages you will notice that macports scans your files for linking errors, which, I believe, should detect this kind of problems and automatically fix them.)
