Arduino Serial.println() outputs a blank line if not in loop() - c

I'm attempting to write a function that will pull text from different sources (Ethernet client/Serial/etc.) into a single line, then compare them and run other functions based on them. Simple..
And while this works, I am having issues when trying to call a simple Serial.println() from a function OTHER than loop().
So far, I have around 140 lines of code, but here's a trimmed down version of the portion that's causing me problems:
boolean fileTerm;
setup() {
fileTerm = false;
loop() {
char character;
String content="";
while (Serial.available()) {
character =;
if (content != "") {
Serial.println("> " + content);
/** Error from Serial command string.
* 0 = No error
* 1 = Invalid command
int err = testInput(content);
int testInput(String content) {
if (content == "term") {
fileTerm = true;
Serial.println("Starting Terminal Mode");
return 0;
if (content == "exit" && fileTerm == true) {
fileTerm = false;
Serial.println("Exiting Terminal Mode");
return 0;
return 1;
(full source at
So the point is to catch the "term" command and enter some sort of filesystem terminal mode (eventually to access and manipulate files on the SD card). The "exit" command will leave the terminal mode.
However, whenever I actually compile and type these commands with others into the Serial monitor, I see:
> hello
> term
> test for index.html
> exit
> test
> foo
> etc...
I figure the function is catching those reserved terms and actually processing them properly, but for whatever reason, is not sending the desired responses over the Serial bus.
Just for the sake of proper syntax, I am also declaring the testInput() function in a separate header, though I would doubt this has any bearing on whether or not this particular error would occur.
Any explainable reason for this?
Model: Arduino Uno R3, IDE version: 1.0.4, though this behavior also happened on v1.0.5 in some instances..

It is kinda guessable how you ended up putting delay(1) in your code, that was a workaround for a bug in your code. But you didn't solve it properly. What you probably saw was that your code was too eager to process the command, before you were done typing it. So you slowed it down.
But that wasn't the right fix, what you really want to do is wait for the entire command to be typed. Until you press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Which is the bug in your code right now, the content variable doesn't just contain "term", it also contains the character that was generated by your terminal's Enter key. Which is why you don't get a match.
So fix your code, add a test to check that you got the Enter key character. And then process the command.


Monitor flashing when running a Windows SendInput API

Well, I certainly should go to python since I did several functions of this type, keyboard event and mouse event, but decide to try to learn the windows api.
My goal is to know when button 1 of the mouse is pressed.
I created this file in a very beginner way, it returns in mouseData only 0.
The curious thing is that whenever I run it, it flashes my monitor at short intervals in blinks, but between 1 second with it off. Very strange that, execution is not viable.
Could someone help me understand and try to execute to see if it is only here.
int main()
DWORD mouseData = 0;
tagMouse.dx = 0;
tagMouse.dy = 0;
tagMouse.mouseData = mouseData;
tagMouse.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN;
tagMouse.dwExtraInfo = 0;
INPUT tagInput;
tagInput.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
tagInput.mi = tagMouse;
while (true) {
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DELETE)) break;
SendInput(1, &tagInput, sizeof(INPUT));
printf("KEYWORD: %d\n", mouseData);
return 0;
I can reproduce your reported 'symptoms' - and the effect is really brutal!
Now, while I cannot offer a full explanation, I can offer a fix! You have an uninitialized field in your tagMouse structure (the time member, which is a time-stamp used by the system). Setting this to zero (which tells the system to generate its own time-stamp) fixes the problem. So, just add this line to your other initializer statements:
tagMouse.dwExtraInfo = 0;
tagMouse.time = 0; // Adding this line fixes it!
Note: I, too, would appreciate a fuller explanation; however, an uninitialized field, to me, smells like undefined behaviour! I have tried a variety of other values (i.e. not zero) for the time field but haven't yet found one that works.
The discussion here on devblogs may help. This quote seems relevant:
And who knows what sort of havoc that will create if a program checks
the timestamps and notices that they are either from the future or
have traveled back in time.

I detect the process and try to terminate cmd when cmd pops up, but does not work

I used the Win32 API to monitor the process and try to code a program that would block cmd when it ran. (I want to turn off cmd immediately when it is detected or disable it.)
But when I run it, cmd opens well (...)
What should I do? Do you have to do it the other way around?
while (true) {
BOOL hRes = Process32Next(hSnapShot, &pEntry);
if (hRes == FALSE)
if (pEntry.th32ProcessID == ::GetCurrentProcessId())
wchar_t* pn = pEntry.szExeFile;//I think this part may be a bit wrong but I don't know how to fix it...
if (pn != L"cmd.exe")
HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pEntry.th32ProcessID);
if (hProc) {
// 죽여버려!!!!
if (TerminateProcess(hProc, 0)) {
unsigned long nCode;
GetExitCodeProcess(hProc, &nCode);
return 1;
what should I do?
If this qestion doesn’t have enough inforamation, ask me again about that please.
If you want to compare strings in C you can't do this by ==. This will compare the addresses of the strings.
Use a function of the strcmp()-family to compare the contents of the strings.
N.B.: This is a big problem also in other languages, for example Java or C#.

Embedded C programming: Clearing LCD properly

I am trying to write the code for an embedded board (RX63N)in which I want to use the LCD along with the on board switches for the following functionality:
On pressing the switch the program should "pause" or "unpause" depending on the previous state and the LCD should display "paused" when it is paused. On unpausing, the LCD should display the custom graphics at the position defined by x and y. It is displayed using the function Set_LCD_Char(N) where N is defined as a custom graphic from a bitmap image. But I will need to clear the LCD before making any changes and that is where I am struggling. On using lcd_clear() function anywhere in the while keeps the LCD blank (or almost blank i.e. the text and graphics are so faint that they are as good as absent) Can someone please help me? heres the code:
while (1)
// lcd_clear();
if(g_sw3_press == true){ //detect switch press
pause_flag = !pause_flag;
g_sw3_press = false; //reset switch
if (pause_flag){
jet_x = 0;
jet_y = 0;
Set_Font_Bitmap(); //changes from text mode to bitmap
else if(!(pause_flag)){
lcd_display(LCD_LINE1, " PAUSED ");
Firstly, it's generally not a good idea to do a busy polling loop as you are doing. But I can't recommend any concrete alternatives as platform and OS (if any) have not been provided (perhaps your platform has no support for events).
Anyway, not sure if this is the answer you need. But since you ask for an example and I can't effectively put code into the comments, below is what I mean. The problem is that you are continuously writing and clearing the LCD. So in effect the two operations are competing with each other. So one way to solve this is to only update the LCD when the state changes.
while (1)
if(g_sw3_press == true){ //detect switch press
pause_flag = !pause_flag;
g_sw3_press = false; //reset switch
} else {
/* No state change - nothing to do. Poll again. */
if (pause_flag){
jet_x = 0;
jet_y = 0;
Set_Font_Bitmap(); //changes from text mode to bitmap
} else {
lcd_display(LCD_LINE1, " PAUSED ");

Error in output.println() on Processing

I'm trying to read some data from Processing and write it to a file. The data is correct, since I can plot it without problem. However, when I attempt to write it to a file it throws me the following error:
Error, disabling serialEvent() for /dev/ttyACM0
Specifically, I've found out where the problem is. It's in this function:
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
int inByte =;
if (inByte >= 0 && inByte <= 255)
// This is what makes the problem arise
output.println("test: " + inByte);
// ...
I've even changed the line output.println(); with this and then the same function works, printing it to the correct file (but it's obviously not what I want):
// This does work
point(mouseX, mouseY);
Any idea where the problem might be? I'm using arduino and it passes values from 0 to 255 from serial. The values seem correct, since I can plot them without problem. I've also tried changing println() for print() with no luck.
EDIT. After some testing, I find this really odd. This works:
point(mouseX, mouseY);
While, without the point(), it doesn't work (same error). As a temporary solution, I can put the output.println at the end of the function, but this is obviously not a long-term solution.
I ended up doing a simple check in my code:
if (output != null) {
output.println(t + " " + inByte);
It just works. However, I think that polymorphism would be even better here. Having an object that absorbs the text if the output is not initialized, and that prints it to the file if it is.
I had the same problem but here is my solution and it works perfectly.
at the beginning of the code write sth like this:
boolean outputInitialized = false;
after output = createWriter(filename.txt); put following:
outputInitialized = true;
the output.print function has to be included in an if-function:
if (outputInitialized) {

Can't Read (!##$...and Capital Letters) from console with ReadConsoleInput

have wrote this app which reads input from console.
for(; ; )
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(stdinInput, &numEvents);
if (numEvents != 0) {
INPUT_RECORD eventBuffer;
ReadConsoleInput(stdinInput, &eventBuffer, 1, &numEventsRead);
if (eventBuffer.EventType == KEY_EVENT) {
dataBuffer[bufferLen++] = eventBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar;
dataBuffer[bufferLen] = '\0';
if ( dataBuffer[bufferLen] == 99 || eventBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == '\r' ) {
printf("User Wrote: %s\n",dataBuffer);
bufferLen = 0;
It puts the data on a buffer and then it prints out the buffer. The problem occurs when im using Shift or CapsLock to write Capital letters or ! # # $ % characters. Then it prints out NOTHING.
Ive tried something with the VK_LSHIFT code but didn't worked.
Also if try to write something in other language than English it prints out something like this ▒├╞▒├╞▒├│▒├│ It cannot recognize the other language.
Can someone give me a hint on how to fix those problems ?
ReadConsoleInput returns events for each keystroke. For example, if you type SHIFT+A to get a capital A then you'll receive four key events: SHIFT down, A down, A up, SHIFT up.
The SHIFT key does not have a corresponding ASCII code so eventBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar is set to zero. This zero terminates the string you are building in dataBuffer so you don't see anything typed after the SHIFT key.
The simplest fix is to ignore any key event with an ASCII code of zero.
Additionally, if you want this to work well with foreign languages you might do better to use ReadConsoleInputW and eventBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar. Better yet, compile it all as a Unicode app.

