Should I Use NoSQL Datastore of Kinvey, or Google Cloud Datastore? - google-app-engine

I'm build an android application with Kinvey platform back-end,with BusinessLogic to be based on Google App Engine - using the recent integration between Google and Kinvey -
My question is that would it be better - faster, cheaper & more effecient - to use Kinvey OOTB datastore collection, or should I implement the data model layer of the application with Google Cloud Datastore ?! and if I started with Kinvey now, would it be easy to migrate later to Google Cloud Datastore upon need ?!

I think we'd need a bit more detail about how you're designing your application to answer this for you...
If you're using App Engine for your application logic, it stands to reason that you might want to store your data there too (this let's you do things like... offline operations on data using an App Engine module). If you do that, you'll have to write your own API handlers on App Engine to process requests from your mobile app.
Hope that helps, feel free to delete if not.


What are the challenges in moving from PaaS to IaaS on GCP?

After reading available answers/comments on similar questions on this forum, it is now evident that GAE app is not straight-forward ready to be deployed on Compute engine. I fully understand that what all the managed services(mostly as APIs be it, datastore, document/index Search, memcache, cloud storage, task queues, cron jobs etc.), App Engine offered being a platform, won't be the same-fashioned accessible/integration-ready if available on Compute engine at all.
We have a 5 years old fully-grown App engine app now.
I am considering a scenario to support high-level of customization/control and adding third party softwares/middlewares to our server environment which is not possible with App engine. So if we have all solutions(Compute Engines, Container Engines etc.) other than App engine, to migrate our application to meet such requirements, what is the cost of such migration?
Need of server provisioning and configuration at Compute engines with different pricing model[Understood, should not be a problem :)]
Full or partial code rewrite to continue using the same APIs esp. Datastore, Cloud Storage, Task Queues, Cron jobs, Document Search, Memcache etc.[Need confirmation here and any reference/link to migration guide would be help!!]
Does this lead to risk of losing any managed service/API offered from App Engine? Document Search, Memcache, Task Queues, Cron jobs seem the possible candidates. Please confirm.
As per my reading, Big Query, Cloud storage, Pub-Sub APIs integration should not be much affected with such migration(Client-libraries or Rest APIs should still help!). Please confirm.
In nut-shell, We wanted it fully managed in the beginning so PaaS seemed the right choice 5 years ago. Now we want App minus platform-managed plus customized/flexible to our choice. How complicated this transition is going to be?
Full or partial code rewrite to continue using the same APIs esp. Datastore, Cloud Storage, Task Queues, Cron jobs, Document Search, Memcache etc.[Need confirmation here and any reference/link to migration guide would be help!!]
Unfortunately, some of those service only be provided on GAE, such as Document Search. But most of service can be use directly for GCP, such as Datastore, Cloud Storage. GAE Flexible Environment is much like GCP environment, so you can read this article first Migration to GAE Flexible Environment
In following articles also have some answer:
How to migrate Google App Engine Project to Compute Engine completely
Google App Engine Blobstore to Google Cloud Storage Migration Tool
Does this lead to risk of losing any managed service/API offered from App Engine? Document Search, Memcache, Task Queues, Cron jobs seem the possible candidates. Please confirm.
Yes, Document Search only available on GAE.
As per my reading, Big Query, Cloud storage, Pub-Sub APIs integration should not be much affected with such migration(Client-libraries or Rest APIs should still help!). Please confirm.
Yes, but you may need to change SDK or library. It dependency on your language and how to call those service by Rest API directly or SDK.

Google Cloud Datastore requires app engine?

Im creating a Node.js website that probably won't have loads of traffic, and was looking into cheap solutions to host the site. Came across Google cloud services offering free usage for their services with limits. A f1-mirco is more than enough for my needs, but I will happily pay for some usage if it goes over by any chance.
I wanted to setup a linux centOS 7 on GCE (which I already did), and run my application and REST API on it. Now here comes the problem.
I tried to use Google's datastore service, but it sprung an app engine instance and without it datastore won't work.
Is datastore entirely relying on app engine to function?? In the docs, it said if you use any of the client API, it requires app engine. What can I do to not use the client api and query data then? Don't want to use the app engine at the moment or datastore is just not for me then?
Thanks for any help!
Some of the underlying infrastructure of Cloud Datastore and App Engine are still tied together for creation, etc. So while creating an Cloud Datastore database also defines an App Engine instance for the project, it doesn't require you to use it. You don't get charged for App Engine either, unless you decide to deploy an App using it.
You should be totally fine use the Google Cloud Node client library on the f1 micro instance.

php with google app engine or amazon-ec2

What is better to code with php in google app engine or in amazon-ec2.
I think it is better in amazon-ec2 because they support datastore with php and google app engine doesn't, what do you think ?
While its not possible to access the appengine datastore, google has a new preview service for "cloud datastore", google "cloud datastore from php" and you will see how to use it.
You really cant compare AWS with appengine as one requires managing servers and scalability manually and their noSQL solution (dynamoDB) is a joke compared to google's datastore, for example in dynamoDB you must provision your writes beforehand and even if you are all day changing provisioning, it takes sometimes hours to propagate the new setting.
I had never use Google App Engine, but several times AWS systems, and sure, as AWS EC2 could be used as Linux Server Instance, I recommend you that provider. And coz' it seems that you use PHP, they have strong API for this langage. Have fun with AWS.

"Sample DB" for Google App Engine Datastore

MySQL has this Sample Sakila DB where we can start playing around with bunch of data already for our application, how about for Google App Engine/GAEJ is there something like this for the datastore?
I started recently to experiment with the Google App Engine and I was confronted with the same question. I was interested in a REST based app engine backbone which I could easily load/unload with data but couldn't find something to play around.
So I started to build up two projects on github which supports me in such kind of work.
clb-appEngineTemplate is a skeleton application for a Google App Engine Jave REST backend. It provides some sample code for a standardized REST API based persistency layer on Business Object level and can be easily extended (using Objectify and GSON).
clb-test which is a utility class which allows to load Test Data from Excel CSV file into your Google App Engine REST backend.
Both projects are maven based and allow me easily to define data objects which I can upload into the App Engine. Mainly I'm run them against the local test server, which serves me for initial testing.
I just released a first version and will incrementally extend over the next weeks.
AFAIK, there is no sample DB for GAE, probably because datastore write operations are expensive. There are demos bundled with GAE SDK. If you are using Eclipse you can import the samples to your workspace. Some of them involve datastore so you can run the application and add data yourself.
Another way is to use bulkloader to upload data at once using CSV files. But you can quickly run out of free quota for datastore writes.

How do people create restful data services in Google App Engine?

Where do developers store their data? I heard that it can be hard to access S3 with the existing libraries and you need to update all URL calls using GAE's methods. Do developers typically find other ways to access S3 or do they use some other sort of storage (Google Storage is not public yet) such as databases? Does google provide anything for this, what is the "ideal" way that app engine would solve the problem of having users get and post data to persistent storage through app engine?
GAE provides the Datastore API, built on their Bigtable.
There's many good questions on the GAE Datastore here on stackoverflow.
