Backbone.stickit works on forms but not contenteditable - backbone.js

I'm using Backbone.stickit for two way binding between a View and a Model. I would like to use a contenteditable span as the bound DOM element, but that's not working.
If I use this template:
<script type="text/template" id="textbox-template">
<!--<span id="content" contenteditable/>-->
<input type='text' id='content'/>
two way binding works as anticipated. If I use the span rather than the input element, changes do not push back to the model. Note that onGet works, so the original model attribute value is visible. However, I've confirmed that onSet is not called, so an event isn't firing properly.

The Backbone.stickit looks for the contenteditable attribute where its value is true so to make it work you need to write:
<script type="text/template" id="textbox-template">
<span id="content" contenteditable="true"/>
<input type='text' id='content'/>


Binding raw object output to a form representation

I'm trying to update models from a JSON representation of an object to a form. Here's a link to an example
To recreate my issue,
Change the data in the form (see that the JSON changes).
Change the JSON (See that the form doesn't change).
Here's my code:
var ppl = {
createdby: "foo",
dateCreated: "bar",
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller("Ctrl_List", function($scope) {
$scope.people = ppl
$scope.print = JSON.stringify($scope.ppl)
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div class="container" ng-controller="Ctrl_List">
<!-- FORM -->
<div class="row" ng-repeat="(key,val) in people track by $index">
<div class="col-md-12">
<label for="{{key}}">{{key}}</label>
<input class=form-control" id="{{key}}" ng-model="people[key]">
<!-- JSON -->
<div class="editable" contenteditable="true" ng-model="people">{{people}}</div>
When a user changes the JSON, the form should update in real-time.
Here's some things I have tried:
Change the JSON display element from div to input but it prints [Object][Object]
Also <input ng-model="JSON.stringify(people)"> but I get an "unbindable element" error.
Also tried adding a new model: $scope.print = JSON.stringify(people) but it shows nothing in the raw output.
Is it even possible to update a live object or am I gonna have to do some sort of event that triggers the form to change?
PS: Angular 1.5.8
There are several reasons why this doesn't work:
ng-model on a div doesn't do anything
even if it did, it would save a string to people, and your form would thus not work anymore.
You should use a textarea to make it work, and bind it to another variable, of type string. Using ng-change on the textarea, and on the inputs of the form, allows populating the people object by parsing the JSON string, and vice-verse, populating the JSON string from the people object.
See for a demo.
Refering to Contenteditable with ng-model doesn't work,
contenteditable tag will not work directly with angular's ng-model because the way contenteditable rerender the dom element on every change.

Opening other element on focus on current one Angular JS

In my controller I have input box and a div with text.
By default div is set to display:none
I want to make div visible by focusing on input box.
Is it possible to do with angular.js
Try this (No need to set you div display:none, initally showDiv is false and your div will be hidden):
<body ng-controller="myController" ng-init="showDiv=false">
<input type="text" ng-focus="showDiv=true">
<div ng-show="showDiv"></div>
Yea Angular makes it super easy without even having to write anything in controller, here's an example:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<input type="text" ng-hide="show" />
<button ng-click="show = !show">Show / Hide</button>
Obviously you could make yours on a hover instead of a click but you get the idea.

Simple practical example for two way data binding in AngularJS

Can any one help me out to understand what exactly two way data binding in AngularJS means with a help of simple code.
One way data binding -
The model values are automatically assigned to the HTML placeholder elements specified through the data binding notation, but the HTML elements don't change the values in the model(one way).
Example :
Controller :
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.firstName = 'John';
<span>First name:</span> {{firstName}}<br />
Two Way Data Binding -
The model values are automatically assigned to the HTML placeholder elements specified through the data binding notation, where HTML elements can change the value in the model(two way).
Example :
Controller :
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.firstName = 'John';
<span>First name:</span> {{firstName}}<br />
<span>Set the first name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"/></span><br />
In above example we can change firstName model value with the help of HTML Input element.
Working example :
Retrieved from the AngularJS homepage (2015.06.02):
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" ng-model="yourName" placeholder="Enter a name here">
<h1>Hello {{yourName}}!</h1>
This is possibly the simplest example of two-way data binding in Angular.
The <input> is associated to a yourName model, and the same model is used to fill the content of the <h1> tag. Modifying one will automatically update the other.
Although the data binding in the example can be seen as one-way, because you can't modify the <h1> directly, this should get you started. The AngularJS docs and tutorials contain a lot of great resources.

Angular ng-repeat with ng-form, accessing validation in controller

I am trying to generate an editable list using ng-repeat. I want to remind the user to update any edits before moving on, so I am using ng-form to create "nested" forms on the fly because the documentation says I can then use validation on these dynamically created inputs.
While that seems to work within the HTML, I don't see how to access those dynamically created forms and related validation fields in the controller. Specifically, when the user changes the input I use the form $dirty property to bring up a button to tell the user to commit the changes. So far, so good. However, once the changes are committed I want to $setPristine() on the field to indicate that the changes have been set. There may be other ways of ensuring that changes are committed on each input before I allow the main form committed, but this was the best I could come up with.
Unfortunately, even though the documentation says that if I name the ng-form it will be propagated to the $scope object, I can't find a way to access it. $scope.dynamic_form is undefined.
Here is a plunker showing what I mean:
[EDIT] Just to add to the issue, what does work for this specific example is to add to the ng-click on the dynamically created input:
But I still don't have access to the dynamically created form in the controller. I would like, for example, to add a watcher to the$pristine so that I can set the mainForm.$setValidity(false) whenever the sub-form is $dirty to prevent the user from submitting the main form until all sub-form changes have been committed.
So in a nutshell, the issue is how to access in a parent controller the validation values of a dynamically created nested ngForm?
Updated 2015-01-17:
As pointed out by Leblanc Meneses in the comments Angular 1.3 now supports interpolation with form, ngForm and input directives.
This means that using expressions to name your elements:
<div ng-form="namesForm_{{$index}}" ng-repeat="name in names">
<input type="text"
<!-- ... -->
will work as expected:
// Access nested form elements:
Original answer for Angular <= 1.2:
Working with forms and the ngFormController can get tricky pretty quickly.
You need to be aware that you can dynamically add form elements and inputs but they can't be dynamically named - interpolation does not work in the ngForm or name directives.
For example, if you tried to name your nested forms dynamically like this:
<div ng-form="namesForm_{{$index}}" ng-repeat="name in names">
<!-- ... -->
Instead of making all the nested forms available on the scope like this: scope['namesForm_0'] you would only have access to the single (last) form with the literal name scope['namesForm_{{$index}}'].
In your situation you need to create a custom directive that will be added along with ngFormto handle setting $pristine$ and $invalid for that form instance.
This directive will watch the $dirty state of its form to set the $validity to prevent submission when dirty and handle setting the $pristine state when the 'clean' button is pressed.
app.directive('formCleaner', function(){
return {
scope: true,
require: '^form',
link: function(scope, element, attr){
scope.clean = function () {
scope.$watch('namesForm.$dirty', function(isDirty){
scope.namesForm.$setValidity('name', !isDirty);
Then the only change to your HTML is to add the formCleaner directive.
So change your original HTML from this:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<form name="mainForm" submit="submit()">
<h3>My Editable List</h3>
<div ng-form="namesForm"
ng-repeat="name in names">
<!-- ... -->
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Submit</button>
to this, by adding form-cleaner next to ng-form:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<form name="mainForm" submit="submit()">
<h3>My Editable List</h3>
<!-- Add the `form-cleaner` directive to the element with `ng-form` -->
<div form-cleaner
ng-repeat="name in names">
<!-- ... -->
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Submit</button>
Here is an updated Plunker showing the new behaviour:

AngularJS Basic Model Value Editing without Controller

I am looking at this basic example of AngularJS:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" ng-model="yourName" placeholder="Enter a name here">
<h1>Hello {{yourName}}!</h1>
It is the first example on the website and has no controller or anything. A textfield is attached to the model field yourName.
Now, I was wondering: since editing the text in the textfield changes the model value, how do I change the value of "yourName" programmatically? Thus far, I have found no simple way of doing this without adding a controller and whatnot.
Also, how can I attach a listener to that model to be notified whenever it changes?
In this case, you don't need a controller for this simple example. Angular behind the scenes is "creating"
In terms of changing it programmatically, you have to use a controller. In terms of watching for changes, use $scope.$watch
$scope.$watch($scope.yourName, function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
// logic here
