Switch statement using string on an array - c

int main(){
char name[20];
printf("enter a name ");
case "kevin" :
It seems it will not work. Is this possible? I mean is there any way we can make a switch statement of a string. How to solve the problem, actually?

Switch statements in C aren't smart like one's found in other languages (such as Java 7 or Go) you cannot switch on a string (Nor can you compare strings with ==). Switch can only operate on integral types (int, char, etc).
In your code you call switch with: switch(name[20]). That means switch(*(name + 20)). In other words switch on the 21st char in name (because name[0] is the first). As name only has 20 chars you are accessing whatever memory is after name. (which could do unpredictable things)
Also the string "kevin" is compiled to a char[N] (where N is strlen("kevin") + 1) which contains the string. When you do case "kevin". It will only work if name is in the exact same piece of memory storing the string. So even if I copied kevin into name. It still would not match as it is stored in a different piece of memory.
To do what you seem to be trying you would do this:
#include <string.h>
if (strcmp(name, "kevin") == 0) {
String compare (strcmp) returns different values based on the difference in the strings. Eg:
int ord = strcmp(str1, str2);
if (ord < 0)
printf("str1 is before str2 alphabetically\n");
else if (ord == 0)
printf("str1 is the same as str2\n");
else if (ord > 0)
printf("str1 is after str2 alphabetically\n");
Side note: Dont use scanf("%s", name) in that form. It creates a common security problem use fgets like this: (there is a safe way to use scanf too)
#define MAX_LEN 20
int main() {
char name[MAX_LEN];
fgets(name, MAX_LEN, stdin);

Switch statements work on int values (or enum), but not on char arrays.
You could do
if (strcmp(name, "kevin")==0) {
else if (strcmp(name, "Laura")==0) {
else if (strcmp(name, "Mike")==0) {
printf("Good day");
else {

There are plenty of ways to go about this! For example, use a...
3-letter hash
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char name[20];
printf("enter a name ");
switch((int)*name * (int)*(name+1) * (int)*(name+2)){
case (1275226) : // "kevin"
printf("hello %s.\n", name);
case (1293980) : // "astro"
printf("welcome %s.\n", name);
printf("%d",(int)*name * (int)*(name+1) * (int)*(name+2));

No, you cannot use the switch statement in C with the value of a string or character array. The closest alternative is to use some sort of data structure mapping strings to function pointers. The function pointer could be called after a string is used to look it up.

since the name is declared as a char type ,it would be better if you use "%c" instead of using "%s" inside the scanf() method.

You can use "hash-string.h" library that converts strings into hash code integer.
Create a header file and paste this code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hash-string.h"
int main(){
char name[20];
printf("Enter a name: ");
unsigned long nameInt = hash_string(name);
case 7458046 /* "kevin" */: { printf("Hello %s", name); break; }
default: { printf("You are not kevin"); }
return 0;

Remember the rules while using switch statements.
Switch constraints
1. The controlling expression of a switch statement must have "integer type".
2. The expression of each case label shall be an integer constant expression and no two of
the case constant expressions in the same switch statement shall have the same value
after conversion. There may be at most one default label in a switch statement.
3. Any enclosed switch statement may have a default label or case constant expressions with values that duplicate case constant expressions in the enclosing switch statement.

If you are after performing specific actions for specific strings this implies you know the strings in advance. This in turn implies their number is limited, is countable, like for example a set of N commands:
const char * commands[] = {
To address those commands inside the array above from your code using a swtich you need to know their index, which is error prone. So number them, give them an ID:
enum Command_id {
Now put the two above together using a struct:
struct Command_info {
const char * command;
enum Command_id id;
} command_infos[] = {
{"command-1", COMMAND_1},
{"command-2", COMMAND_2},
// ...
{"command-N", COMMAND_N},
Now you have nice mapping of strings and their related IDs. To be able to map from string to ID during runtime the mapping above needs to be searched. To do this in a efficient manner you want to us binary search. The C library proveids bsearch() for this. The only prerequsite is that the array to be searched need to sorted.
To sort use qsort() also proveid by the C library. For qsort() to work we you need a comparsion function:
int cmp_command_infos(const void * pvCI1, const void* pvCI2)
const struct Command_info * pCI1 = pvCI1;
const struct Command_info * pCI2 = pvCI2;
return strcmp(pCI1->command, pCI2->command);
Call qsort() like this
qsort(command_infos, sizeof command_infos / sizeof *command_infos, sizeof *command_infos, cmp_command_infos);
Now as the array is sorted one can look it up using bsearch(). For "COMMAND-2" this would look like this:
... = bsearch(&(struct Command_info){"COMMAND-2", NO_COMMAND}, command_infos, sizeof command_infos / sizeof *command_infos, sizeof *command_infos, cmp_command_infos);
Putting all this together could result in:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
enum Command_id {
struct Command_info {
const char * command;
enum Command_id id;
} command_infos[] = {
{"command-1", COMMAND_1},
{"command-2", COMMAND_2},
// ...
{"command-N", COMMAND_N},
int cmp_command_infos(const void * pvCI1, const void* pvCI2)
const struct Command_info * pCI1 = pvCI1;
const struct Command_info * pCI2 = pvCI2;
return strcmp(pCI1->command, pCI2->command);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
qsort(command_infos, sizeof command_infos / sizeof *command_infos, sizeof *command_infos, cmp_command_infos);
enum Command_id command_id = NO_COMMAND;
struct Command_info * pCI = bsearch(&(struct Command_info){argv[1], NO_COMMAND}, command_infos, sizeof command_infos / sizeof *command_infos, sizeof *command_infos, cmp_command_infos);
if (NULL == pCI)
printf("Command = '%s' is unknown\n", argv[1]);
printf("Command = '%s' --> ID = %d\n", pCI->command, pCI->id);
case COMMAND_1:
/* perform action on COMMAND 1 here */
case COMMAND_2:
/* perform action on COMMAND 1 here */
/* unknow command, do nothing */
Call it like:
./a.out command-1
Command = 'command-1' --> ID = 1
./a.out command-bla
Command = 'command-bla' is unknown
or even
./a.out ""
Command = '' --> ID = 0


(C) Am I properly converting enum type to string?

I am very new to coding, and am taking an online course with very little help. I am working through an assignment creating a bunch of functions that will be used at a later date. I have not learned anything about points, arrays, or recursions at this point. My knowledge of strings is pretty much limited to the "printf" function.
With that being said, I have been given this description for how the function "ranking_to_string" should operate:
This function should convert the
hand_ranking_t enumerated value passed
in to a string that describes it.
The enumerated type here is hand_ranking_t, which ranks a poker hand in descending order of value from STRAIGHT_FLUSH (0) to NOTHING (8). With that all being said, this is the function I have created to attempt to follow my instructions:
const char * ranking_to_string(hand_ranking_t r) {
switch (r) {
case STRAIGHT_FLUSH: printf("STRAIGHT_FLUSH\n"); break;
case FOUR_OF_A_KIND: printf("FOUR_OF_A_KIND\n"); break;
case FULL_HOUSE: printf("FULL_HOUSE\n"); break;
case FLUSH: printf("FLUSH\n"); break;
case STRAIGHT: printf("STRAIGHT\n"); break;
case THREE_OF_A_KIND: printf("THREE_OF_A_KIND\n"); break;
case TWO_PAIR: printf("TWO_PAIR\n"); break;
case PAIR: printf("PAIR\n"); break;
case NOTHING: printf("NOTHING\n"); break;
default: printf("Invalid thing\n"); break;
I am wondering, am I correct in returning EXIT_SUCCESS (0) at the end of the function? Is there another way to convert the enum value entered into a string using printf?
EXIT_SUCCESS is a macro that will expand into an environment defined indicator to be returned from main (or via exit, etc.) to indicate that your entire program has successfully done what it is supposed to do. It's generally not used outside this context.
printf is used to send output to the stream associated with stdout. For example, you might call printf to display text in your terminal.
Your function should instead return the string literals, to be used by the caller of ranking_to_string.
const char *ranking_to_string(hand_ranking_t r) {
switch (r) {
case FOUR_OF_A_KIND: return "FOUR_OF_A_KIND";
/* ... and so on ... */
default: return "Invalid thing";
An example program:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
/* ... and so on ... */
} hand_ranking_t;
const char *ranking_to_string(hand_ranking_t r) {
switch (r) {
case FOUR_OF_A_KIND: return "FOUR_OF_A_KIND";
/* ... and so on ... */
default: return "Invalid thing";
int main(void) {
hand_ranking_t rank = FOUR_OF_A_KIND;
const char *rank_string = ranking_to_string(rank);
printf("My ranking is <%s>\n", rank_string);
My ranking is <FOUR_OF_A_KIND>
Probably not covered in your course, but it's possible to automate ranking_to_string entirely by using X-Macros. Also, since poker hands have value, it makes sense to list them by it.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define X(name) name
enum hand { HANDS };
#undef X
#define X(name) #name
static const char *hand_str[] = { HANDS };
#undef X
static const size_t hand_size = sizeof hand_str / sizeof *hand_str;
int main(void) {
enum hand i, j;
for(i = 0; i < hand_size; i++) printf("%s\n", hand_str[i]);
j = FLUSH;
printf("%s is %s than %s.\n",
hand_str[i], i < j ? "less" : "greater", hand_str[j]);
Where # is the stringizing operator of the pre-processor.

can we use switch-case statement with strings in c? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I compare strings in C using a `switch` statement?
(16 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
int a = 0 , b = 0;
char* c = NULL;
int main(int argc , char ** argv){
c = argv[2];
a = atoi(argv[1]);
b = atoi(argv[3]);
case "+": printf(a+b);
return 0;
No, you can't. Switch is intended to compare numeric types, and for extension char types.
Instead you should use the strcmp function, included in string header:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
if (argc != 4) {
puts("Incorrect usage");
return 1;
/* You should check the number of arguments */
char * op = argv[1];
int a = atoi(argv[2]);
int b = atoi(argv[3]);
/* You should check correct input too */
if (strcmp(op, "+") == 0)
printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, a + b);
else if (strcmp(op, "-") == 0)
printf("%d - %d = %d\n", a, b, a - b);
/* Add more functions here */
return 0;
No you can't. The case labels of a switch need to be compile time evaluable constant expressions with an integral type.
But int literals like '+' satisfy that requirement. (As do enum values for that matter.)
Some folk like to use implementation-defined multi-character literals (e.g. 'eax') as case labels as they claim it helps readability, but at that point, you're giving up consistent behaviour across different platforms.
If you need to branch on the value of a NUL-terminated char array, then use an if block.
There are two cases to the answer ..
Firstly (switch case)
The controlling expression of a switch statement shall have integer
Secondly (the case statements)
The expression of each case label shall be an integer constant
expression and no two of the case constant expressions in the same
switch statement shall have the same value after conversion
Long story short - you can't use string literal like that. Neither in switch controlling expression nor in case.
You can do the string comparisons using strcmp and then do the if-else conditioning. The context on which you ask this, you can simply pass the character + (argv[2][0]) instead of passing the whole literal. That way you will be passing char to the switch expression and then work accordingly.
Nope, that's not possible.
Quoting C11, chapter §
The controlling expression of a switch statement shall have integer type.
in your case, you don't seem to need a string but rather the first (and only character) of the string passed in the switch statement, in that case that's possible using character literal (which has integer type) in the case statements:
if (strlen(c)==1)
case '+': printf(a+b);
some good other alternatives are described in best way to switch on a string in C when the string has multiple characters.
Not directly. But yes, you can.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// The way you store and search for names is entirely
// up to you. This is a simple linear search of an
// array. If you have a lot of names, you might choose
// a better storage + lookup, such as a hash table.
int find( const char** ss, int n, const char* s )
int i = 0;
while (i < n)
if (strcmp( ss[i], s ) == 0) break;
else i += 1;
return i;
// A bevvy of little utilities to help out.
char* strupper( char* s )
char* p = s;
while ((*p = toupper( *p ))) ++p;
return s;
char* zero( char* p ) { if (p) *p = 0; return p; }
#define STRINGIFY0(S) #S
int main()
// Our list of names are enumerated constants with associated
// string data. We use the Enum Macro Trick for succinct ODR happiness.
#define NAMES(F) \
#define ENUM_F(NAME) NAME,
enum names { NAMES(ENUM_F) NUM_NAMES };
const char* names[ NUM_NAMES ] = { NAMES(STRING_F) NULL };
#undef STRING_F
#undef ENUM_F
#undef NAMES
// Ask user for a name
char s[ 500 ];
printf( "name? " );
fflush( stdout );
fgets( s, sizeof( s ), stdin );
zero( strchr( s, '\n' ) );
// Preprocess and search for the name
switch (find( names, sizeof(names)/sizeof(*names), strupper( s ) ))
case MARINETTE: puts( "Ladybug!" ); break;
case ADRIAN: puts( "Chat Noir!" ); break;
case ALYA:
case DINO: puts( "Best friend!" ); break;
default: puts( "Who?" );
Keep in mind this works by pure, unadulterated magic tricks, and is not suitable for large collections of text values.
Also, the validity of the match is entirely dependent on the degree to which you pre-process the user’s input. In this example we only ignore case, but a more advanced application might perform some more sophisticated matching.
As others pointed out in C one cannot use a string as argument to a switch, nor to its case-labels.
To get around this limitation one could map each string to a specific integer and pass this to the switch.
Looking up the mapping requires searching the map, which can be done using the Standard C bsearch() function.
An example might look like this:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <search.h>
enum Operation {
struct Operation_Descriptor {
char * name;
enum Operation op;
struct Operation_Descriptor operations [] = {
{"add", OP_ADD},
{"subtract", OP_SUBTRACT},
{"multiply", OP_MULTIPLY},
{"divide", OP_DIVIDE}
int cmp(const void * pv1, const void * pv2)
const struct Operation_Descriptor * pop1 = pv1;
const struct Operation_Descriptor * pop2 = pv2;
return strcmp(pop1->name, pop2->name);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
size_t s = sizeof operations / sizeof *operations;
/* bsearch() requires the array to search to be sorted. */
qsort(operations, s, sizeof *operations, cmp);
struct Operation_Descriptor * pop =
&(struct Operation_Descriptor){argv[1], OP_INVALID},
operations, s, sizeof *operations, cmp);
switch(pop ?pop->op :OP_INVALID)
case OP_ADD:
/* Code to add goes here, */
/* Code to subtract goes here, */
/* Code to multiply goes here, */
/* Code to divide goes here, */
fprintf(stderr, "unhandled or invalid operation '%s'\n", argv[1]);
If on POSIX one can even use a hash table, which is the fastest way to lookup the mapping.
An example might look like this:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <search.h>
enum Operation {
struct Operation_Descriptor {
char * name;
enum Operation op;
struct Operation_Descriptor operations [] = {
{"add", OP_ADD},
{"subtract", OP_SUBTRACT},
{"multiply", OP_MULTIPLY},
{"divide", OP_DIVIDE}
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
if (0 == hcreate(5))
perror("hcreate() failed");
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i)
if (!hsearch((ENTRY){operations[i].name, &operations[i].op}, ENTER))
perror("hsearch(ENTER) failed");
ENTRY * ep = hsearch((ENTRY){argv[1], NULL}, FIND);
switch(ep ?*((enum Operation *)ep->data) :OP_INVALID)
case OP_ADD:
/* Code to add goes here, */
/* Code to subtract goes here, */
/* Code to multiply goes here, */
/* Code to divide goes here, */
fprintf(stderr, "unhandled or invalid operation '%s'\n", argv[1]);
hdestroy(); /* Clean up. */

Why can't I get string input?

I was trying to simulate stack concept, and this is my code, blasts errors everywhere, from
the very first scanf,
to everywhere referring char* variables,
and eventually the stack pointer (I named it towerIndicator) doesn't change at all.
And then every typed input is somehow screwed: if I type '+314' to add 314 to the stack, it eventually add 3144, if all the problem above were somehow prevented while compiling.
gcc doesn't inform me any usable error message so I don't get where to go at all. Desperately requiring help here.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
const int towerHeight = 32;
int tower[towerHeight];
int towerIndicator = 0;
printf("%i개의 정수를 담을 수 있는 스택을 만들었습니다.\n", towerHeight);
printf("- '+'를 붙여서 정수를 담습니다.\n");
printf("- '-'를 입력해 정수를 빼냅니다.\n");
printf("- '?'를 입력해 스택을 확인합니다.\n");
printf("- '0'를 입력해 작업을 종료합니다.\n");
printf("명령을 입력해주세요.\n================================\n");
char* command;
char* kindOfCommand[1];
char* actualCommand;
while(1) {
printf("> ");
scanf("%s", command);
printf("%s", command);
strncpy(*kindOfCommand, command, 1); kindOfCommand[1] = '\0';puts("#");
strncpy(actualCommand, command+1, strlen(command)-1);puts("$");
switch(**kindOfCommand) {
int i;
case '+':
if(towerIndicator<towerHeight) {
tower[towerIndicator] = atoi(actualCommand);
printf("현재 %i개의 값이 있습니다.\n", towerIndicator);
} else printf("더 이상 넣을 곳이 없습니다.\n");
case '-':
if(towerIndicator>0) {
printf("%i\n", tower[towerIndicator]);
printf("현재 %i개의 값이 있습니다.\n", towerIndicator);
} else printf("더 이상 빼낼 값이 없습니다.\n");
case '?':
for(i=0; i<towerIndicator; i++) {
if(i==towerIndicator) printf("[%i]", tower[i]);
else printf("%i", tower[i]);
if(i!=towerIndicator-1) printf(" ");
if(**kindOfCommand=='0') break;
There are quite a few modifications required here
loosely fixed may be in for a lot more fixes
// char* command; // <-- initialize this, failure in scanf other wise
char command[120] ;
assuming you are looking for a single character, don't complicate code
// char* kindOfCommand[1]; pointer not required
char kindOfCommand;
since you are using strncpy down somewhere
// char* actualCommand; // <-- initialize this
char actualCommand[126];
and the kindOfCommand code change
// strncpy(kindOfCommand, command, 1);
kindOfCommand = *command;// since you are taking single character
some more at switch
switch( kindOfCommand ) {
and while breaking
if( kindOfCommand == '0' ) break;
Also return before end
return 0;
I applied changes from kkk's answer, and getting input now works well.
char command[11];
char kindOfCommand;
char actualCommand[10];
while(1) {
printf("> ");
scanf("%s", command);
kindOfCommand = *command;
strncpy(actualCommand, command+1, strlen(command)-1);
switch(kindOfCommand) { ... }
if(kindOfCommand=='0') break;
return 0;
I needed to solve the input getting screwed. It was because when actualCommand receives a new string from command and it's shorter than previous received string, the last few characters of the string was still remaining in actualCommand. So I put a memset to reset the variable every time the while loop loops. It's not a pointer, so sizeof() could do the work. Otherwise I should've to use strlen() to tell memset the length.

Array of function pointer

Is it possible to replace all of these "if, else if ..." with an array of function pointers in this example of code ?
if (strncmp(buff, "ls\n", 3) == 0)
else if (strncmp(buff, "cd\n", 3) == 0)
else if (strncmp(buff, "user\n", 5) == 0)
else if (strncmp(buff, "pwd\n", 4) == 0)
else if (strncmp(buff, "quit\n", 5) == 0)
I'm trying to get something like this :
void (*tab[5]) (void);
tab[0] = &my_ls;
tab[1] = &my_cd;
tab[2] = &my_user;
tab[3] = &my_pwd;
tab[4] = &my_quit;
I created a code to illustrate what you wanted to do, because I it's pretty entertaining.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// your functions
void my_ls() { puts("fun:my_ls") ;}
void my_cd() { puts("fun:my_cd") ;}
void my_user(){ puts("fun:my_user");}
void my_pwd() { puts("fun:my_pwd") ;}
void my_quit(){ puts("fun:my_quit");}
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char* buff="ls\n"; // the string you have to compare
void (*tab[5]) (void)={my_ls,my_cd,my_user,my_pwd,my_quit};
char *names[5]={"ls\n","cd\n","user\n","pwd\n","quit\n"};
int i;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
if(strncmp(buff,names[i],strlen(names[i]) )==0){
return 0;
return 0;
There are other ways to write it. Actually my_function is the same as &my_function since a function name alone is converted to the adress of the function.
Also tab[i]() is equivalent to (*tab[i])()... Those are weird behaviours but I think it's specified by C standard
There's no problem with an array of function pointers, but you'd need to convert the sequence of boolean strncmp() results to a single index.
If the list is long, the hash table idea might be a winner. For compact, simple code and easy maintenance, I've used an array of structs:
typedef struct cmdtable_t
void (*fptr)();
unsigned char length
char name[11];
} cmdtable_t, *pcmdtable_t;
cmd_table_t commands = {
{ my_ls, 2, "ls"},
{ my_cd, 2, "cd" },
{ my_user, 4, "user" },
That could also be what a hash table entry looks like, could be sorted in advance to allow a binary search, or simply sequentially searched for a KISS version until you find out whether this needs optimizing at all.
I think you want a dictionary or hashtable:
Use buff as string key
Use function pointer as values

how to best achieve string to number mapping in a c program

I have a definite set of strings and its corresponding numbers:
kill -> 1
live -> 2
half_kill -> 3
dont_live -> 4
List is of 30 such strings and their number mapping.
If user enters "kill", I need to return 1 and if he enters "dont_live" I need to return 4.
How should I achieve this in c program? I am looking for an efficient solution because this operation needs to be done 100s of times.
should I put them in #define in my .h file?
Thanks in advance.
Sort your table, and use the standard library function bsearch to perform a binary search.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct entry {
char *str;
int n;
/* sorted according to str */
struct entry dict[] = {
"dont_live", 4,
"half_kill", 3,
"kill", 1,
"live", 2,
int compare(const void *s1, const void *s2)
const struct entry *e1 = s1;
const struct entry *e2 = s2;
return strcmp(e1->str, e2->str);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
struct entry *result, key = {argv[1]};
result = bsearch(&key, dict, sizeof(dict)/sizeof(dict[0]),
sizeof dict[0], compare);
if (result)
printf("%d\n", result->n);
return 0;
Here's what you get when you run the program.
$ ./a.out kill
$ ./a.out half_kill
$ ./a.out foo
<no output>
PS: I reused portions of sidyll's program. My answer should now be CC BY-SA compliant :p
A possible solution:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct entry {
char *str;
int n;
struct entry dict[] = {
"kill", 1,
"live", 2,
"half_kill", 3,
"dont_live", 4,
number_for_key(char *key)
int i = 0;
char *name = dict[i].str;
while (name) {
if (strcmp(name, key) == 0)
return dict[i].n;
name = dict[++i].str;
return 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
printf("enter your keyword: ");
char s[100]; scanf("%s", s);
printf("the number is: %d\n", number_for_key(s));
return 0;
Here's one approach:
int get_index(char *s)
static const char mapping[] = "\1.kill\2.live\3.half_kill\4.dont_live";
char buf[sizeof mapping];
const char *p;
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, ".%s", s);
p = strstr(mapping, buf);
return p ? p[-1] : 0;
The . mess is to work around kill being a substring of half_kill. Without that issue you could simply search for the string directly.
If it is a very short list of strings then a simple block of ifs will be more than sufficient
if (0 == strcmp(value, "kill")) {
return 1;
if (0 == strcmp(value, "live")) {
return 2;
If the number approach 10 I would begin to profile my application though and consider a map style structure.
if you have a fixed set of strimgs, you have two options: generate a perfect hashing function (check gperf or cmph) or create a trie so that you never have to check charcters more than once.
Compilers usually use perfect hashes to recognize a language keyword, in your case I would probably go with the trie, it should be the fastest way (but nothing beats direct measurement!)
Is it really a bottleneck? You should worry about efficiency only if the simple solution proves to be too slow.
Having said that, possible speed improvements are checking the lengths first:
If it's 4 characters then it could be "kill" or "live"
If it's 9 characters then it could be "half_kill" or "dont_live"
or checking the first character in a switch statement:
switch (string[0]) {
case 'k':
if (strcmp(string, "kill") == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
case 'l':
return 0;
Use hashmap/ hashtable i think this would be the best solution.
Can you use an Enumunerator?
int main(void) {
enum outcome { kill=1, live, half_kill, dont_live };
printf("%i\n", kill); //1
printf("%i\n", dont_live); //4
printf("%i\n", half_kill); //3
printf("%i\n", live); //2
return 0;
Create a list of const values:
const int kill = 1;
const int live = 2;
const int half_kill = 3;
