Meteor.js on Samsung ARMv71 Chromebook Series 3? - arm

While there's no official support for Meteor.js on ARM architectures, I'm disappointed that my (new and lovely) Chromebook can't run Meteor within Unity (ubuntu 12.04 LTS) chroot via crouton -
I've tried the suggestions for the Raspberry Pi ARM here - - and for the most part, I'm using node v0.8.24 outlined here - - and the latest error I received was a Assertion Error: Unsupported architecture when building mongodb here, line 298 in ../mongo/src/third_party/v8/SConscript:
And ARMv71 isn't listed, so I wondered if anyone has found a way to get Meteor.js to run natively on their armv71 chromebook? I would prefer not to use cloud9 or, or amazon ec2 to do meteor development on the Chromebook. Thanks in advance.

If you know sh or bash you could try modifying the meteor install script for the ARM architecture.

As I know from other users, our meteor universal arm fork should work for you.


Set up kenlm for Windows

The official website makes it pretty clear that there is no support for kenlm in Windows. There is a Windows tag at the github repository but it seems to be maintained by few random contributors then and there.
How to set up kenlm for Windows then?
The new DeepSpeech PlayBook also includes instructions for setting up a Docker image and running training from within a Docker container. If you have Docker on Windows, this might be another solution.
The information for building a new Scorer is still in a PR, but may also be useful.
The solution is to use Ubuntu in Windows through Windows Subsystem for Linux
Get WSL for Windows
From your ubuntu bash navigate to the folder where you want to do the setup. You can access the Windows file system from the /mnt/c/ folder, which you can find at the root directory.
From there simply follow the official instructions, that is clone the git repo, and run cmake .. & make -j2 in order to build the project (after first making the necessary installations in your Ubuntu system).
Obviously, you must train the models or scorers using the Linux bash. You can also use these models from Windows using the kenlm python library.
The two steps to build a scorer for the deepspeech-model as described here should be executed from your Ubuntu system. But after you have the scorer you should be able to run the command
deepspeech --model deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm --scorer kenlm.scorer --audio audio.wav
from Windows. However, once you have WSL there's no need to do this work from Windows. Things will work nicely #your Ubuntu system.
I've faced the same problem and solved it by building kenlm wheel from Cygwin terminal as home page advices (pip wheel pypi-kenlm).
I've also uploaded wheel to pypi called kenlm-cygwin, but it's only python3.7.

Running app in IDE stops working

Last week I finished development on a test app and ran it successfully in all simulators.
Today I decided to look at publishing the app and used "Sent Android Build". Build status "Successful".
Then tried running jar from command line and got:
peter#PeteSuse:~> java -jar "/home/peter/NetBeansProjects/mobile-apps/pGame/dist/pGame.jar"
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at com.codename1.impl.javase.Executor$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
So tried to run from GUI and got:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/embed/swing/JFXPanel
at com.codename1.impl.ImplementationFactory.createImplementation(
at com.codename1.ui.Display.init(
at com.codename1.impl.javase.Executor$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
Java version:
peter#PeteSuse:~> java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_121"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.3.0) (suse-23.1-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)
I am using Netbeans (new to this) on Suse Linux 42.1 64b.
Have I lost a library somewhere? or something else?
Thanks guys. I fixed the problem by adding jfxrt.jar to the Libraries in NetBeans.
JFXPanel is in the JavaFX library.
See: JavaFX and OpenJDK for info on why JavaFX is not available by default in your OpenJDK distribution.
If your linux distribution makes an open JavaFX package available (like ubuntu does: Why is JavaFX is not included in OpenJDK 8 on Ubuntu Wily (15.10)?), then you can use that.
Otherwise you can build from source (for the adventurous yak shaver).
Or, easiest, is just to an Oracle Java distribution.
I don't know codenameone or have any idea how it works. Possibly whatever it is, you could ask the creators to package their thing as a self-contained application, so that it ships with a compatible Java runtime, which would (potentially) avoid issues such as you are encountering. Not knowing codenameone, I don't know if that would make sense or not.
I also don't know the cause of your original ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException as that looks internal to codenameone or your use of it.
With regards to NetBeans, you might need to set the Java platform to one with JavaFX installed (in case you have multiple Java platforms installed on your machine).
You can run a Codename One application in the simulator by pressing the play button in the IDE. It won't work for you from Command Line and shouldn't since the app shouldn't have a main() method.
You can execute the Codename One simulator from Command Line using:
java -jar JavaSE.jar:dist/MyApp.jar
Notice this assumes your project is the working directory.

MAVProxy installed by Python can't find required modules

I installed droneapi in the same manner given in the tutorial. However, it's missing all of the important modules that come with MAVProxy, such as console, wx, etc.
Was it supposed to install these modules, or should I move them over from MAVProxy itself instead?
Note: Windows 8 64-bit platform
I apologize that you had to investigate the issue without guidance. Publishing our Windows installer was not well prioritized, and it looks like that choice cost you several hours.
Here is what we will soon to address DroneKit Python installation on Windows:
A dedicated Windows installer generator lives at windows/droneapiWinBuild.bat. This generates a program Output\DroneKitsetup-1.x.x.exe which can be used to install all dependencies.
Yesterday we began testing the installer on Windows on every commit.
We will now publish the binaries generated by that test and document them in the Windows installation process.
Thanks for publishing your solution publicly. Hopefully we can address issues like these before they come up in the future.
Tim, DroneKit Engineer
So in a rare spark of intuition I discovered the answer. The modules required by Dronekit Python can be installed in the following ways:
Console- type "pip install console" into the WinPython cmd prompt
OpenCV- Download and install OpenCV version 2.4, then copy/paste the file cv2.pyd from OpenCV\build\python\2.7\x64\ to \python-2.7.6.amd64\Lib\site-packages.
At this point it should load all required modules, although it will throw a few exceptions which aren't important.
As always, 3DR documentation is incomplete. One would think that $800 million dollar profits would mean that they could hire more than 5 programmers for their new platform...

How Do I install an app on the ubuntu Touch device

I've been looking into Ubuntu Touch.
So I installed ubuntu on a Nexus 10 following the instructions here
I built the sample app following the instructions here
So now I have a device running ubuntu touch and an application, how do I put the application on the device?
You can use Qt Creator: Connect your Ubuntu Touch Device through usb open your project and simply press Ctrl+F12.
This works only if you have once installed ssh-server on the device.
Alternatively you can do it manually. Copy the necessary files (*.qml and *.desktop) to the device and start the application via ssh
qmlscene --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/qmlscene.desktop YourApp.qml
Remember, this is all beta and if you are not a developer then you won't have much use for Ubuntu Touch at this stage. Eventually, Ubuntu Touch will have its own app store where it will be much easier to download apps and install them on your device.
If you are using the sdk provided by Ubuntu, then all you have to do is go:
Build -> Ubuntu Touch -> Install Application on Device
This will actually install the App instead of just running it. Now you can bring your prototypes with you =)

Fedora Commons starting problems

I've been installing Fedora Commons on a Fedora 17 system. Everything has just gone like a charm and I followed this guide:
However, whatever I do the service "Fedora Commons" won't start. There is nothing showing up in /var/log/messages
Running "service fedora start" ends with an OK, but when I afterwards run "service fedora status" it shows "Fedora Commons service is stopped".
Any ideas?
Fedora Commons can be somewhat picky about having an environment set up correctly. In general I prefer to install a new Tomcat servlet container and then choosing the "existingTomcat" custom install rather than having the Fedora Commons installer create a servlet container for you. By doing this you can more easily separate the servlet container install/config issues (lots of documentation on the web for this) from the Fedora Commons install/config issues (not so much information on this).
Also, when doing a new Fedora install I find it helps to download and deploy a servlet called "psi-probe" into the Tomcat container. It helps debugging environment issues as well as giving you an easy way to view log files for all your servlets from a common web interface.
Further update: I forgot to mention one thing that also would prevent Fedora Commons from running and that is Fedora Commons does not seem to work well with the OpenJDK installed by default on many OS distributions. This can cause Fedora Commons to quietly fail with no log information even if the install was successful and correctly configured. Switching the environment variables to point to another version of JDK (other than OpenJDK) will resolve this problem.
