Fotorama Transition Duration - fotorama

Does anybody know how to change Transition Duration for the Fotorama jquery Plugin?
Thank you!

It is posible since 4.2.3.
Set animation length in milliseconds using data-transition-duration:
<div class="fotorama" data-transition-duration="1000">
To see the changes, click on the stage or navigation. This option does not affect the behavior of the swipe.

You can use following attributes in js section
transitionDuration: 333
You can find the more detail on this
jsffidle example.


angular-perfect-scrollbar | update, scroll to bottom, or alternative

I just installed angular-perfect-scrollbar.
I used the jQuery perfect-scrollbar Plugin but since angular it was thrown out.
is there a way to update the angular-perfect-scrollbar like $('#container').perfectScrollbar('update'); in jQuery ?
how can I scroll to bottom of container (on content change) with that angular plugin?
If thats not possible with this angular plugin are there alternatives that includes the features above ?
as I tested, you need to add <include-padding='true'> to html tag then it could scroll to bottom(in fact this will change the scroller length, therefore)
it looks like
<perfect-scrollbar include-padding='true'>
<..your stuff..>

Detecting page scroll/ current section being viewed in AngularJs

My page is divided into sections : #page-1 and #page-2
See Plnkr:
<section id="page-1">
This is page 1. It takes the whole height of the browser. User has to scroll down to see page-2.
<section id="page-2">
<span class="animated bounce">This is page 2 </span>
Animation classes are being applied to different elements in #page-2.
However by the time the user scrolls down to these elements, the animation has already finished. Hence they just look like static objects.
Is there anyway I can detect when #page-2 is currently being viewed and then call a function to addClass('animated bounce') to certain elements ?
I would like to achieve this in angularjs if possible
I have found a angularjs directive that is probably helpfull for you in this case. Inview tries to solve this exact problem by reporting to you if a dom element is visible on the screen. Unfortunately I have been unable to test my solution because I couldn't find a minified js file of Inview but I assembled some code that should work:
<section id="page-2" in-view="{$inview ? isFocused=true;}">
<div ng-class="{'animated bounce': isFocused}">This is page 2 </div>
The $inview is supposed to be true whenever the element is in visible in the browser. This leads to the scope variable isFocused being set to true and therefor the animation class is added to your div.
This should work as you have intended in your question, if it does not work for some reason please let me know so I can improve my answer.

Loader/spinner animantion while route is changing

How can I show a spinner or loader gif animation while route is changing from one to another.
I am using ng view like as follows:
<div ng-view class="view-animate">
I am loading templates from server and also inline. While the HTTP request is pending I need to show the spinner/loader... any snippets?
You can show and hide the loader when location change starts and is completed, respectively.
Here is a plunkr that I have created for this situation. This uses ui-router and is taken from one of the apps that I have created, so it may not be useful as-is, but it will give you an idea on how to approach the problem.
HTML Code inserted below just to keep SO happy...
<ui-view class="view"></ui-view>
<div loader="" class="ng-hide"></div>
I hope it helps.

Angularjs : Display accolades {{ }} several milliseconds before rendering

I am going to create an application with Angularjs. I have several modals (with the ng-dialog libraries) to create, modify data like an user for example.
When I open it, I can always see during several milliseconds names variables with accolades like {{}}, before it renders the real value.
It is not really beautiful and then if someone has an idea about how to manage this type of display problems, please share it.
Thank you in advance.
There are couple of ways to deal with it, you could either use ng-bind or ng-cloak directives
Check angular ngCloak directive documentation
You can use ng-bind. Here is the official documentation on it:
It is preferable to use ngBind instead of {{ expression }} if a template is momentarily displayed >by the browser in its raw state before Angular compiles it. Since ngBind is an element attribute, >it makes the bindings invisible to the user while the page is loading
Hello <span ng-bind="name"></span>!

AngularJS videogular not responsive

I am using angularjs and I read that videoangular is automatically responsive with vg-responsive='true'.
But using this code:
<videogular vg-responsive='true'>
<video class='videoPlayer' controls preload='none' vg-responsive='true'>
<source src='' type='video/mp4'>
the video on the browser is not responsive.
Any idea?
Thank you.
Have you tried with a $scope variable like config.responsive instead of true directly?
I don't remember now, but maybe you can't set a value directly to vg-responsive.
You must specify a theme, this is a required parameter. This worked for me:
<videogular vg-theme="config.theme.url" vg-responsive="true">...</videogular>
You could take a look to the Videogular's reference for more info:
