How to Create sencha touch app in window phone 8? - extjs

I want to make native window phone 8 build from sencha touch. I have also tried phonegap but no succeeded.

All you have to do is, create your project/app using Sencha Touch and wrap it up using PhoneGap/Cordova. Please follow the below links to gain some insights on how to use PhoneGap to build Windows app.
Good Luck!


I had angularjs application. How to convert this into mobile app

I had web application written in AngularJS which works in all desktop and mobile browsers like Chrome, Safari etc.
Is there a way to convert it into mobile app?
You can use the framework Ionic coupled with cordova
Hope it helps.
Cordova can do the job. As you have already an app, just need to build it using cordova. If you want to start a new project from scratch, Ionic will be a great option. As it is providing the layout and mobile friendly components for our use.
Please follow the steps in :
You can use phone gap. In phone gap there is also plugins available for the mobile phone events like shaking and etc.
With the free version you can not add plugins, you have to buy phone gap for that.
Just create package with pure HTML, CSS and java script (angular js) and build it on the phone gap then you can download sdk and then you can install it on android.
Phone Gap

compile angularjs ionic app with Phonegap Build

is it ok to compile a AngularJS+ Ionic app using Phonegap Build or Steroids ?
Or should I use another platform ?
I would like your feedback!
To answer your question, yes you can use PhoneGap Build to build your application. We are using it to build our AngularJS + Onsen UI app, but it should also suitable for Ionic. The question isn't really about which front-end techniques you use, whether it is about your other needs such as platform support (PhoneGap Build supports "only" iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8) and plugins needed (again, PhoneGap Build doesn't automatically support every plugin there exists, but ~400 they support should be enough in most of the cases). If there limitations are okay for you, go ahead and try it. It is easy to setup and has quick builds almost out-of-box for your Cordova application.
About Steroids, I can't say anything as haven't used it.
yes you can use PhoneGap Build to build your application on android and window phone but ios you need key Provisioning profile good luck

Can we use sencha touch to develop web application?

I am familiar to both Sencha Touch and ExtJs. My next project is web application. I am planning to use Sencha Touch to develop web application, because in sencha touch contains lot of graph components and also touch components events available. Can I use sencha Touch to develop web application?. Please anybody can suggest me. Great appreciate.
The selection of ExtJS or Touch framework is not about web or non-web applications, but about the device you want to run the result on. For desktop, use Ext JS, for mobiles use Sencha Touch.
Both have rich charting.
By web application if you mean HTML client side code your answer will be yes you can.
Sencha touch is by nature HTML based.
For native applications you used builder tools to obtain native ports.
In other words, yes you can develop web applications.
Also (as usual) check out the documentation for both ExtJS and SenchaTouch as they will both describe how to deploy as a web application.
Just a heads up, i've developed on both and Touch Interfaces wouldn't look very good on a web browser, they are designed and optimized for html 5 enabled mobile devices like tablets.
ExtJS however is developed for a desktop web experience, and the components look a lot better on a computer when rendered in an html 5 web page.

Using analytics in sencha touch app

I am new to sencha and i would like know which is the best way to use analytics in my sencha touch mobile app.
My app is just like a website, user can browse it from their browser. So it is not bunded into any apk or ipa file.
Please provide some suggestions to implement analytics in sencha app..
Try to use the following components:

Do I need ExtJS with Sencha Touch?

I am trying to learn Sencha Touch framework. In their website, I can see links to download Sencha Touch and ExtJS. Do I need both of them installed on my local server to get the Sencha framework up and running or do I just need Sencha Touch application? I'm confused when I should be using ExtJS.
If you're using Touch, you only need Touch.
Touch is used for mobile devices. Ext is used for desktops.
If you want to develop for the mobile platform, Sencha Touch is all you need.

