Copy .bak file to another Windows server using job MS SQL Server agent - sql-server

I am trying to copy a .bak file nightly from Server A to Server B.
Can I do that using SQL server Job Agent to run this every night?
I am thinking of adding the copy command as a statement within a step of a job.
Something like: 'copy "G:\source\folder\" "\target\folder\"'
inside the step and setting the type to Operating System(CmdExec).
Is there a way to do it?

is this question about the command to copy the files?
If you want to copy entire folder use robocopy instead of copy

You can make a SSIS package to do that, and then run it from the SQL agent.
However, don't use logical drives, such as G: -- if the server doesn't have the same mapping, it won't work. Use the actual named servers: \serverA\source\folder to \serverB\target\folder.

Short answer is yes. You can try SSIS package as described here or here. Another option is to use windows task scheduler (vs using SQL Server Agent) and a simple bat script to do the same thing.


Run SQL Server generate script with data from a batch file

My goal is to script out a database with data like you used to with the sql publishing tool that older versions of SQL Server had
I am using SQL Server Express 2017, and I know how to perform this task manually by right clicking on the database->tasks->generate scripts
Is there a .exe being called here, in older versions of SQL Server this would call sqlpubwiz.exe, and you could call this .exe from a cli, and put into a batch file. I am looking to replace this behavior. Can someone let me know the exe that is being called, and let me know how to script against it.
you can use SQL Dumper, easiest way to export the script data (with Insert query)
for more information :
to download the utility

Is it possible to upload ftp files from SQL server without xp_cmdshell?

Ideally would like to run something from a SQL query or SQL agent job to FTP upload a file to an external site, but cannot use xp_cmdshell.
Yes. You need to split your work into two separate tasks:
How to run executable or a batch program from within SQL Server without resorting to xp_cmdshell.
An example of how to do it can be found in:
You should modify this example to suit your particular needs. Suggested stored procedure would:
run command passed as a parameter in created on-the-fly SQL job (indicate CmdExec subsystem)
wait for SQL job completion (query msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity) or kill the job if predefined timeout value has been reached
return results of job execution (query msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory)
delete the job
Note: Full version of SQL Server required. If you are using express version, you would have to manually define a windows scheduled task.
How to send a file via ftp using a batch program.
Please see:
How to ftp with a batch file?

How to schedule data insertion from dbf to SQL Server on 64-bit Windows Server 2012

I am working on a Windows Server 2012 64-bit. I want to be able to import data from a .dbf file into a SQL Server table. I used the import wizard and it worked correctly. However, I have SQL Server Express and can't schedule this insertion.
Is there another way to schedule the insertion of the .dbf data to the SQL Server tables, without the use of the SSIS package loader?
I ended up using Python and writing a script to import from XML. However, I believe the answer by #Oleg was the most accurate, given the circumstances.
Thank you all!
You can also use DBF Commander Pro for this task:
Create command line for your insertion - choose 'File -> Export to DBMS'. Specify transfer options in the window appears, then copy the command line from the bottom of the window:
Create text .BAT file and insert the copied command line, e.g.:
"c:\Program Files\DBFCommander\DBFCommander.exe" -edb "D:\Data\customer.dbf" customer_table "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=user1;Initial Catalog=test_db;Data Source=test_server"
Make a schedule using Windows Scheduler that will execute this .BAT file.
Additional info that may be useful for you:
Using DBF in batch mode
Export DBF file to SQL database
I suggest you the next approach:
Create C# script which will use the OleDbConnection (to fetch) and SqlConnection (to upload) objects to import data from the .DBF file to SQL Server database table.
By using LinqPad, LinqPad command-line utility (lprun.exe) and windows Scheduled Task service automate the execution of the mentioned script file
Useful links:
How to get data from DBF file using C#
How to load data into datadase using C#
About LINQPad command-line utility
Another way is create a SQL linked server an ODBC that is pointing at the DBF. Use Windows scheduler to call SQLCMD.EXE to run some SQL to copy the data in.

SQL Agent and Running SSIS Across Network Not Working

I have a vb script which moves files from one server to another and it works successfully when run manually but when a job is created in SQL Agent to automate the process it doesn't perform the task. SQL Agent doesn't fail it simply does not perform the move.
I granted local admin rights to the account performing the task and still nothing. I copied the files manually to the local SQL Server but I still get the same outcome when attempting to run the job in SQL Agent.
I also tried using FQDN but it still doesn't perform the process. Any suggestions? Please help and thanks in advance.
if you have 32 bit try:
For the package to work. If you do not have Destop folder, create one and it should work.
Try to check: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop folder for the package to work.

How to copy MSSQLServer Database automated from one server to another

I would like to copy one database (almost all tables) to another server. So far we have done this using the standard MSSQL wizard. We would like to include this work into an automated build we have with ant.
I have found one command line tool:
Any better ideas?
Though I've not done this with Ant, I have done all of this with NAnt (and the links below are for Ant).
I would use the Sql task to issue a backup command, then a Apply/ExecOn command to issue the backup copy to the new server (Or the Copy task) , and then another Sql task to issue the restore on the new server.
