How to point to a pointer variable - c

Is there a way to point to the pointer variable instead of it's address space so that it can be changed to NULL. Something like this. Apologies for the poor question I can't think of a better way of expressing what I'm trying to do.
typedef struct Node
int val;
struct Node *r;
struct Node *l;
} Node;
Node* del(Node *N, int v)
Node *n = N;
Node **p = NULL;
while (n != NULL)
if (something)
p = n.r;
n = n->r;
else {
p = n.l;
n = n->l;
*p = NULL;

You can use & on a pointer just like on any other variable. In your case, it looks like you might want to change del to:
Node *del(Node **N, int v)
And then call it like:
x = del(&someNode, 12);


Code is printing pointer address (I think) instead of value?

I have a list defined as
typedef struct node {
Voo *voo;
ListaReservas nodeReservas; /* Ignore this */
struct node *next;
} *Node;
I created some functions to help me add or remove nodes from the list like:
/* creates a node */
Node criaNode(Voo v) {
Node new = (Node)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->voo = &v;
/* I had new->voo = v; but vscode told me it was wrong so i changed it to &v */
new->next = NULL;
return new;
Voo is defined as:
typedef struct {
int dia;
int mes;
int ano;
} Data;
typedef struct {
int horas;
int minutos;
} Tempo;
typedef struct {
char codigo[LEN_CODIGO + 1];
char partidaID[LEN_ID + 1];
char chegadaID[LEN_ID + 1];
Data datapartida;
Tempo horapartida;
Tempo duracao;
Data datachegada;
Tempo horachegada;
int capacidade;
} Voo;
Now I wanted to iterate through the list and print its values as such
Voo *v;
for (n = headVoos; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
v = n->voo;
printf("%s %s %s %.2d-%.2d-%d %.2d:%.2d\n",
v->codigo, v->partidaID, v->chegadaID,
v->datapartida.dia, v->datapartida.mes, v->datapartida.ano,
v->horapartida.horas, v->horapartida.minutos);
The program is not printing correctly. For example where it should appear
AA1 AAA AAD 16-03-2022 14:50
its appearing instead
� 146187376-32765--1940381952 40355300:50
What's causing this and how can I avoid it in the future?
After replacing in the struct node the Voo *voo definition by Voo voo, I am now getting an error in one of the auxiliary functions:
/* deletes node */
Node eliminaNode(Node head, Voo v)
Node n, prev;
for (n = head, prev = NULL; n != NULL; prev = n, n = n->next)
if (n->voo == v) /* expression must have arithmetic or pointer error */
if (n == head)
head = n->next;
prev->next = n->next;
return head;
In criaNode you're taking the address of the parameter v and returning it from the function via a pointer to dynamic memory. That address is no longer valid after the function returns. Subsequently dereferencing that invalid address then triggers undefined behavior.
It probably makes more sense for struct node to contain a Voo directly instead of a pointer to one. So change the member to a non-pointer:
Voo voo;
And assign the parameter directly:
new->voo = v;
There are multiple problems here:
there seems to be a confusion between structures and pointers to structures. In C, you must understand the difference between manipulating objects (allocating as local objects or from the head, passing as arguments or returning as values) and pointers to objects, which are a more idiomatic as arguments to functions and allow functions to modify the object they point to.
the confusion is amplified by a very error prone construction: hiding pointers behind typedefs. Do not do that, define object types for the actual structure, using the same or a different name as the struct tag, and make all pointers explicit with the * syntax.
you pass an actual Voo object as an argument and allocate a list node using the address of this argument. This is incorrect because the argument will be discarded as soon as the function returns, makeing the list point to invalid memory and explaining the weird output you observe.
Node eliminaNode(Node head, Voo v) should take a pointer to the head node and return a success indicator. It should take a Voo * argument and it should not free(n->next) because the next node is still in use after the removal.
Here is a modified version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LEN_CODIGO 30
#define LEN_ID 30
typedef struct Data {
int dia;
int mes;
int ano;
} Data;
typedef struct Tempo {
int horas;
int minutos;
} Tempo;
typedef struct Voo {
char codigo[LEN_CODIGO+ 1];
char partidaID[LEN_ID + 1];
char chegadaID[LEN_ID + 1];
Data datapartida;
Tempo horapartida;
Tempo duracao;
Data datachegada;
Tempo horachegada;
int capacidade;
} Voo;
typedef struct Node {
struct Voo *voo;
//ListaReservas nodeReservas; /* Ignore this */
struct Node *next;
} Node;
/* creates a node */
Node *criaNode(Voo *v) {
/* allocation with calloc is safer as the object will be initialized to 0 */
Node *nodep = calloc(1, sizeof(*new));
if (nodep) {
nodep->voo = v;
nodep->next = NULL;
return nodep;
/* deletes node */
int eliminaNode(Node **head, Voo *v) {
for (Node *n = *head, *prev = NULL; n != NULL; prev = n, n = n->next) {
if (n->voo == v) {
if (n == *head)
*head = n->next;
prev->next = n->next;
return 1; /* article was found and freed */
return 0; /* article was not found */
void printList(const Node *head) {
for (const Node *n = head; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
const Voo *v = n->voo;
printf("%s %s %s %.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d\n",
v->codigo, v->partidaID, v->chegadaID,
v->datapartida.dia, v->datapartida.mes, v->datapartida.ano,
v->horapartida.horas, v->horapartida.minutos);

Breakpoint triggered when freeing a pointer

I'm writing a binary search tree for a class and I probably am doing something wrong but it's beyond my skill to determine what.
Here's the node structure:
typedef struct Node {
int value;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;
} Node, *NodePtr;
Here's my create node function:
NodePtr nodeCreate(int value) {
NodePtr node_new = 0;
node_new = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof node_new);
node_new->value = value;
node_new->left = 0;
node_new->right = 0;
return node_new;
And my destroy the whole tree function:
void treeDestroy(NodePtr root) {
if (!root) { return; }
root = 0;
Finally here's what my main looks like:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
NodePtr tree_root = 0;
tree_root = nodeCreate(2);
tree_root->left = nodeCreate(1);
tree_root->right = nodeCreate(3);
return 0;
Can anyone help me find what's wrong there?
node_new = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof node_new);
should be
node_new = malloc(sizeof *node_new);
sizeof node_new is size of pointer where as sizeof *node_new is size of object which pointer is pointing.

Why do these code snippets behave differently?

I am relatively new to C, and have been learning about linked lists with pointers.
I learned that
(*foo).bar is the same ad foo->bar.
foo->bar is used because it is more readable.
Therefore I do not understand why these code snippets behave differently:
void appendCourse(CourseNode** pLL, Course c){
CourseNode * root = *pLL;
CourseNode* last = makeCourseNode(c);
if(root != NULL){
CourseNode node = *root;
while(node.pNext != NULL){
node = *node.pNext;
node.pNext = last;
} else {
*pLL = last;
void appendCourse(CourseNode** pLL, Course c){
CourseNode * root = *pLL;
CourseNode* last = makeCourseNode(c);
if(root != NULL){
CourseNode *node = root;
while(node->pNext != NULL){
node = node->pNext;
node->pNext = last;
} else {
*pLL = last;
to me it looks like 1) should behave as if dereferencing first, then member access. Sort of like (*foo).bar
but 1) doesn't seem to work right at all, it can only successfully add the first element.
2) does however add all elements into the linked list.
In case this helps: my structs and other method:
typedef struct CourseNode {
struct CourseNode* pNext;
Course course;
} CourseNode;
typedef struct
StudentNode *pWaitlistHead; // Waitlist for this course
char szCourseId[12]; // Course Identifier
char szRoom[15]; // Room number of the course
char szDays[15]; // What days the course will meet, ex: MWF, TR, etc
char szTimes[15]; // Meeting Time, ex: 10:00-11:15am
int iAvailSeats; // Number of available seats in the course
double dFee; // Additional fees for the course
} Course;
CourseNode* makeCourseNode(Course c){
CourseNode * node = malloc(sizeof(CourseNode));
node->pNext = NULL;
node->course = c;
return node;
CourseNode node = *root;
while(node.pNext != NULL){
node = *node.pNext;
This creates a new CourseNode called node. The value of that new CourseNode is modified, but that has no affect on the linked list.
CourseNode *node = root;
while(node->pNext != NULL){
node = node->pNext;
Here, node points to a CourseNode that is on the linked list.
The simplest way to understand the difference is that the first code excerpt creates new CourseNodes. It's like the difference between these two:
int foo (int *i)
int *j = i; // j is a pointer to the same int i points to
*j = 2; // this changes the value of the int i points to
int j = *i; // this creates a new int
j = 2; // this changes the value of that new int

Redirecting a pointer by reference in a Binary-Search-Tree

Given the following structs:
struct TElem {
int val;
typedef int TKey;
struct Node {
TKey key;
struct TElem *elem;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;
struct bst {
struct Node *root;
And the two functions bst_Search and bst_Insert.
struct TElem* bst_Search(struct bst *T, TKey c, struct Node **posins)
struct Node *q = T->root;
posins = &(T->root); // (1)
while (q)
if (q->key == c)
return q->elem;
else if ( c < q->key) {
q = q->left;
posins = &(q->left);
} else {
q = q->right;
posins = &(q->right);
return NULL;
void bst_Insert(struct bst *T, TKey c, struct TElem *x)
struct Node **posins;
struct TElem *v;
posins = malloc(sizeof *posins);
v = bst_Search(T, c, posins); // (2)
if (!v) {
struct Node *q = malloc(sizeof *q);
q->key = c;
q->elem = x;
q->left = NULL;
q->right = NULL;
*posins = q; // (3)
} else {
printf("Key exists %d\n", c);
And main() is "mainly"
struct bst *T = malloc(sizeof *T);
T->root = NULL;
struct TElem *x = elem_New(10);
bst_Insert(T, c, x);
I'm trying to insert a new element (elem_New is working fine) into a BST, using a helper function bst_Search to return a pointer to the right place to insert. (1) is called in first pointing posins to T->root memory address. (as far as I could debug this is working fine).
Then posins address returns to caller function bst_Insert, since bst_Search found a place for it returning NULL at (2). It goes inside the if statement sets q correctly. Then at (3), I expect that where posins is pointing to (in this case the address of where T->root is pointing too) now should be redirected to the new tree node q. The equivalent to T->root = q, but using this call by reference.
because your "posins" isn't change when out your "bst_Search"
void test(int *p){
// g_c is a gobal int
p = &g_c;
printf("%X ",p);}
do your think when call test(int *p)
the value of p will change to point the g_c? no, because the p is only a parameter and it don't change it value when out the proc
my english is poor so i just hope the e.g. code will help your understand~ :)
The way you were updating the q is wrong. Let us say that the tree is like this:
Now let us say you search for 10, bst_search(10) (I have removed your parameters for sake of simplicity and understanding)
Then, this is what you did:
posins = 5 // I am writing numeric values instead of addresses for understanding
// Now
10 > 5
p = p->right // => p = 12
posins = p->left // => posins = 9, cause p is pointing to 12
Again, 10 < 12
So, p = p->left; // => p = 9
posins = p->left; // posins = NULL
This is where it goes wrong, you should have pointed to 9, but you are pointing to the left of 9, This is what you should've coded:
struct TElem* bst_Search(struct bst *T, TKey c, struct Node **posins)
struct Node *q = T->root;
posins = &(T->root); // (1)
while (q)
if (q->key == c)
return q->elem;
else if ( c < q->key) {
q = q->left;
posins = &q;
} else {
q = q->right;
posins = q;
return NULL;
Please comment for any further doubts.
The main problem is that calling arguments can not be updated by operations like posins = &(T->root);.
93) A function may change the values of its parameters, but these
changes cannot affect the values of the arguments. On the other hand,
it is possible to pass a pointer to an object, and the function may
change the value of the object pointed to.
So, if you want to change the calling variable as a value as P it must be *P.
i.e. struct Node **posins should be struct Node ***posins.
The overall code is shown below as a sample.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct TElem {
int val;
typedef int TKey;
struct Node {
TKey key;
struct TElem *elem;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;
struct bst {
struct Node *root;
int TKeyCmp(TKey a, TKey b){
/* return value :
** a = b : 0
** a > b : positive value
** a < b : negative value
return a < b ? -1 : a > b;
struct TElem *elem_New(int value){
struct TElem *ep = malloc(sizeof(*ep));//check omitted
ep->val = value;
return ep;
void elem_free(struct TElem *ep){
void print(struct Node *np){
printf("(%d, %d)", np->key, np->elem->val);
struct TElem *bst_Search(struct bst *T, TKey c, struct Node ***posins){
*posins = &T->root;
while (**posins){
int cmp = TKeyCmp(c, (**posins)->key);
if(cmp == 0)
return (**posins)->elem;
else if ( cmp < 0)
*posins = &(**posins)->left;
*posins = &(**posins)->right;
return NULL;
void bst_Insert(struct bst *T, TKey c, struct TElem *x){
struct Node **posins;
if (!bst_Search(T, c, &posins)) {
struct Node *q = malloc(sizeof *q);
q->key = c;
q->elem = x;
q->right = q->left = NULL;
*posins = q;
} else {
elem_free(x);//avoid memory leak
printf("Key exists %d\n", c);
int main(void){
struct bst *T = malloc(sizeof(*T));
T->root = NULL;
bst_Insert(T, 5, elem_New(10));
bst_Insert(T, 1, elem_New(21));
bst_Insert(T, 9, elem_New(42));
bst_Insert(T, 1, elem_New(99));//Key exists 1
print(T->root);//(1, 21)(5, 10)(9, 42)
//release bst

Segmentation error while inserting into binary tree

I cannot figure out how to run this correctly, gives segmentation error. A piece of code is below. Can you look at head too , i am not sure if it is right way of initialising head to null in another file , it is run as follows :
Table tb ;
tb= initialise_table (table_size);
tb = insert(text_words,tb);
//these 3 typedef declarations are in a "some.h" file
typedef struct node * tree_ptr;
typedef char* Key_Type;
typedef struct table* Table;
struct node {
Key_Type element;
tree_ptr left;
tree_ptr right;
struct table {
tree_ptr head;
Table init_table() {
Table head = NULL;
Table insert(Key_Type key ,Table temp ) {
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr)malloc(sizeof(tree_ptr));
t->element = key;
// t->left = t->right = NULL;
if (temp->head==NULL) {
temp = (Table)malloc (sizeof (Table));
temp->head = t;
printf("empty tree ");
else {
temp = insert(t->element,temp);
printf("inserted into ");
return temp;
The primary issue is in the code which, you say, is used to invoke the functions:
Table tb;
tb = insert(text_words, tb);
You have an uninitialized pointer, tb, which you pass to the function. Inside the function, you have:
Table insert(Key_Type key, Table temp)
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr)malloc(sizeof(*t)); // Fixed size
t->element = key;
// t->left = t->right = NULL;
if (temp->head==NULL)
You're therefore accessing (dereferencing) the undefined pointer, and your program is crashing.
You should, I assume, be initializing your table with table_init(), but that function is actually no help whatsoever. It defines and initializes a local variable, but doesn't return anything even though it promises to do so.
Please see Is it a good idea to typedef pointers? The short answer is 'No, it usually isn't a good idea'.
You still have problems even if you fix the calling code like this (a necessary but not sufficient step):
Table tb = NULL;
tb = insert(text_words, tb);
or maybe:
Table tb = init_table();
tb = insert(text_words, tb);
but you need a seriously upgraded version of init_table(), such as:
Table init_table(void)
Table root = malloc(sizeof(*head));
root->head = NULL;
return root;
Your code in insert() needs to ensure that it does not dereference a null pointer (instead of an indeterminate pointer).
Table insert(Key_Type key, Table root)
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr)malloc(sizeof(*t)); // Fixed size
t->element = key;
t->left = t->right = NULL;
if (root == NULL)
root = init_table();
root->head = t;
return root;
Given the Key_Type is a char * in disguise, you may need to review how you save the keys in the tree structure; you may need to use strdup() to copy the data. It is impossible to say for sure without seeing how you are managing the strings that you pass to the insert() function. It could be OK to just save the pointer if the calling code ensures that a new pointer is passed each time. OTOH, if the same pointer is passed each time, you definitely need to copy the data, and using strdup() is a sensible way of doing that. Note that strdup() is standard on POSIX; it is not part of standard C.
Here's one major problem:
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr) malloc(sizeof(tree_ptr));
should be:
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
Your code doesn't actually do any binary search. Indeed, it just infinitely recurses creating new nodes. Try something more like this:
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Node
char *element;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;
} Node;
typedef struct
Node *root;
size_t size;
} Tree;
void Tree_init(Tree *t);
Node *Tree_insert(Tree *t, const char *key);
void Tree_insert_r(Node *subtree, Node *n, size_t size);
void Tree_pre_order_r(Node *subtree);
void Tree_init(Tree *t)
t->root = NULL;
t->size = 0;
Node *Tree_insert(Tree *t, const char *key)
Node *ret = (Node*) malloc(sizeof(Node));
if (ret)
ret->left = ret->right = NULL;
if ((ret->element = strdup(key))) /* make a copy of key */
if (NULL != t->root)
Tree_insert_r(t->root, ret, t->size);
t->root = ret;
ret = NULL;
return ret;
void Tree_insert_r(Node *subtree, Node *n, size_t size)
int cmp = strcmp(n->element, subtree->element);
if (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && size % 2 == 0))
if (NULL != subtree->left)
subtree = subtree->left;
subtree->left = n;
if (NULL != subtree->right)
subtree = subtree->right;
subtree->right = n;
Tree_insert_r(subtree, n, size);
void Tree_pre_order_r(Node *subtree)
if (NULL == subtree)
fprintf(stdout, "'%s'\n", subtree->element);
int main()
Tree t;
Tree_insert(&t, "Hello");
Tree_insert(&t, "World!");
Tree_insert(&t, "etc.");
return 0;
