JFreeChart render StackedAreaChart with splines - jfreechart

I am looking for a way to render a StackedAreaChart with splines
I guess I am after some StackedSplineAreaChart
XYSplineRenderer is doing a nice job but does not cover areas
Is there a trick to render AreaCharts with splines?

Neither StackedAreaRenderer nor StackedXYAreaRenderer currently (JFreeChart 1.0.15) do have support for splines. The feature you are requesting is currently not supported by JFreeChart.
However, for the StackedXYAreaRenderer it shoudn't be too hard to enhance it to support splines, based on the XYSplineRenderer implementation. You would need to create your own renderer class and override the drawItem() method.


How to add colliders to walls and floor on a Sketchfab .GLTF 3D model, using react-three and react-three/cannon

I've started my journey of making an interactive gallery using react-three. I already have the First-Person mechanics figured out and I made a small room to walk and interact. I want to escalate the environment but since I can't make 3D assets, I bought this https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/vr-art-gallery-el5-e3bda3a7086c49f0a84948fd6808bcf4 .
So..what's the logic to add colliders to the walls so I can't cross and floor so I can walk, using react-three/cannon?
Welcome to Stackoverflow Mickael, so your idea can be achieved by using a nav mesh. There's a popular library for this called three-pathfinding.
The idea with three-pathfinding is that you create a navmesh matching the floor of your scene in a 3D editing tool like blender (which supports gltf by the way) and then loading that into your scene and passing it to three-pathfinding.
You then find out where on the navmesh you've clicked and pass that information to the lib and it will do the rest. The demo code has this method that you can use to find where in the scene you are clicking. Good luck on your adventure, hope this helped.

react-three-fiber display multiple skinned meshes on canvas

Hi coding wizards community. It's my first experience with react-tree-fiber. I have 3d skinned model which i have placed on canvas. Here is the sandbox. What I want to achieve is being able to place multiple character in the scene based on some event like a button press etc. So far, I could not find anything that could help me achieve my goal. Here is something that could have helped but I am unable to incorporate it in my code. Any help would be highly appreciated!
useLoader caches the data, so both instances are trying to run on the same model. that may work on geometries, but i don't think you can have two skinned meshes reference the same skeleton. not even sure if you can clone it, it looks like that's not possible in threejs.
so the solution is simple. just do it like you would in plain threejs. instead of useLoader load the gltf with the GLTFLoader. it executes two fetch requests, pulls and parses the model two times.
const [model, set] = useState()
useEffect(() => new GLTFLoader().load(url, set), [url])
return model ? <primitive object={model.scene} /> : null
demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/r3f-bones-7zw1c?file=/src/Stacy.js
otherwise i would pose the question differently or make a new one. try to clone the object in a useMemo and find out why it doesn't work. it should, so that could be a bug in threejs.
I’m not sure that the loader is the issue. The loaders work with static models but skinned meshes specifically seem to be the issue. I have tried replicating this approach without success. Also the example code sandbox crashes so a working example can’t be verified

How obtain list of qooxdoo sublasses programmatically

I am working on a ClojureScript wrapper for qx.mobile and would like to programmatically build a cljs type hierarchy mirroring the qx class hierarchy.
Is there a way to get all the subclasses of a qooxdoo class?
How about a programmatic way to query the superclass of a class?
I am already putting qx.Class.getProperties to good use.
Thx, kt
The programmatic way of getting the superclass of a given class is documented at http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/apiviewer/#qx.Class
or getting the name of the superclass as a string
which means that e.g.
will return the string "qx.ui.core.LayoutItem".
Regarding the programmatic way to retreive all subclasses of a class:
This is currently not possible without iterating the whole class hierarchy/tree and testing the objects against being subclasses of the given class.
We discussed at https://gitter.im/qooxdoo/qooxdoo that it maybe would be usefull to create an array for each class holding the subclasses. This could be added to the code of the private method __createClass in qx.Class.
We would like to encourage everyone who needs this (or other) functionalities to join us on https://github.com/qooxdoo/qooxdoo/ and help extending qooxdoo by creating a pull requests. Thank you.
After digging arround a bit in qx.Class we decided to implement a method qx.Class.getSubclasses which returns a hash object with all subclasses of a given class.
var subclasses = qx.Class.getSubclasses(qx.ui.core.Widget);
gets all subclasses of qx.ui.core.Widget.
Landed in qooxdoo master with commit https://github.com/qooxdoo/qooxdoo/pull/9037

What is 'vending' in React Native?

After reading through some of the React Native docs I was left wondering where the term 'vend' comes from. Can anyone elucidate the etymology of 'vend' or whether the word could benefit from a more expansive definition than the procedural one given in the docs (this one is from the React Native iOS docs):
Vending a view is simple:
Create the basic subclass.
Add the RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() marker macro.
Implement the -(UIView *)view method
In this case, vend is synonymous with 'serve'. Try replacing each instance of 'vend' with 'serve' and it should make sense to you.
The key is to make the RCTMapManager a delegate for all the views it vends, and...
You can see we're setting the manager as the delegate for every view that it vends, then...
These subclasses are similar in function to view controllers, but are essentially singletons - only one instance of each is created by the bridge. They vend native views to the RCTUIManager, which...

Where is DateTickUnit documentation?

I need to change the default DateTickUnit settings for different zoom levels for a TimeseriesChart, but can´t find the place i need to read in the documentation? I would greatly appreciate a pointer.
Here is the Java API for TimeSeriesChartDemo1: http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/api/javadoc/org/jfree/chart/demo/TimeSeriesChartDemo1.html
The zoom levels documentation will be found in one of the inherited methods. I would recommend finding the exact component that requires the zoom to be changed on. Then checking the API for that java.awt component
DateAxis has two static factories for creating standard date tick units. These methods, createStandardDateTickUnits(), describe how "to create your own collection." The setTickUnit() methods replace the default with your own DateTickUnit. The constructor having a DateFormat is particularly convenient.
If this is terra incognita, I'd recommend The JFreeChart Developer Guide†.
†Disclaimer: Not affiliated with Object Refinery Limited; just a satisfied customer and very minor contributor.
