SDL - Blit Surface passing float values as rect parameter - c

I need to move surfaces around the screen based on certain horizontal and vertical velocities. I need those velocities to be completely random. My idea was to generate random float numbers (in which I succeeded) and use them as the velocities. This way I could have many different velocities, never being too fast or too slow. The problem is: SDL_BlitSurface will only accept a SDL_Rect as the parameter to determine the new rect with which the surface will be drawn, and SDL_Rect is a struct made of 4 ints: two for coordinates and two for dimensions;
Resuming: How to work with precision when blitting surfaces on SDL?

There is a solution to actually display a surface with a half-pixel precision. There is a performance cost but it renders quite nicely. This is basically how old-school anti-aliasing works: rendering at a higher resolution then downscaling.
win = SDL_CreateWindow("", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, 0); //create a new rendering window
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); //create a new renderer
SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"); // make the scaled rendering look smoother.
SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, width*2, height*2); //tell the renderer to work internally with this size, it will be scaled back when displayed on your screen
You can find some explanation about the functions here or on the API page here and here.
Now you can use your window as if it was twice bigger but it still outputs at the same size. When you're doing your output, you put the same SDL_Rect in the blitting functions except everything is doubled. That way you can keep half pixel precision. You can get even cleaner output if your sprites have also the increased precision.
You could also do it with quarter pixel precision but the performance cost will be even bigger so it might not be possible in your application. There is also a memory cost because the surfaces are bigger (times four for half pixel precision, sixteen for quarter pixel).

SDL_BlitSurface is working with pixels, and unfortunately you cannot have "half pixels". You should still represent your objects' coordinates as float, but convert them to int when passing them to your SDL_Rect. Since your SDL_Surfaces will always land perfectly on screen pixels, your graphics should always remain crisp.
That being said, to have more precision, I guess you could switch to rendering quads in OpenGL. The hardware will be responsible for calculating the pixel color of your textures when they are not properly aligned with screen pixels, resulting in "fuzzy" textures, but at least you will have total control of their position.

It does not make sense to deal with sub-pixel precision when rendering, as pixels by definition are the smallest addressable element in raster graphics.
You could instead round the position to the nearest integer when rendering, e.g. (Sint16)(x+0.5). The rest of your application can still use coordinates with higher precision if you need it.


Most efficient way to determine circle coordinates?

I am making a function for drawing a circle in 2d space.
For this, I have identified 2 approaches:
go through all the possible pixels and run them through a formula that will return a value that shows whether the pixel coordinates are inside the circle, outside (bonus: or intersecting it)
get all the circle pixels (basically draw the circle)
I tried to look at some math sources, but I have met with some problems:
in the second approach, the resolution at which I am incrementing the angle matters, so if it is too little, or radius is too small, there will be unnecessary duplication. On the other hand, if the angle gets incremented by more, or radius is too large, there will be gaps.
The formula I was using is:
struct vec2{int x; int y;};
void get_circle(int x, int y, int r, int angle, struct vec2 *coordinates) {
coordiantes->x = x + r * cos(angle);
coordinates->y = y + r * sin(angle);
This is obviously a bit much to run a lot of times.
I also want to make some kind of primitive anti-aliasing, so if I can get a value where a pixel only intersects the circle line by a half, it would be drawn as a half-pixel.
My final goal is to draw a nice circle with a line that can be thick. The thickness can be achieved with the area approach where I fill all pixels in a circle area, and then I remove pixels in the inner circle. Or it can be several iterations of the circle. I didn't write the array part of the computation, but yes, I would like each pixel identified. If we take a pixel as a rectangle, then I would like no pixel to be drawn if the theoretical circle goes through <33% of the surface, half-pixel 33-66, and full if >66%.
Please advise. I need some approach that will be computationally efficient.
First, "most efficient" depends on quite a few things. For most modern OpenGL systems you can usually get away with just computing points around the circumference using sine and cosine (and an appropriate aspect scale) with the native floating-point type, then plotting the points using any decent polyline algorithm.
Once you have things working, profile.
If profiling shows your algorithm to be holding things up (and compared to other normal and common computations, it shouldn't be), only then should you spend time and effort on trickier (read: more complicated) stuff, like the Midpoint Circle Algorithm to generate points to send to your polyline.
Also, don't forget to memoize into a sprite or texture or pixmap or whatever is appropriate for your hardware/software IFF profiling shows a worthwhile improvement.

Finding max-min pixel luminance on screen/in texture without GLSL support

In my 2D map application, I have 16-bit heightmap textures containing altitudes in meters associated to a point on the map.
When I draw these textures on the screen, I would like to display an analysis such that the pixel referring to the highest altitude on the screen is white, the pixel referring to the lowest altitude in the screen is black and the values in-between are interpolated between those two.
I'm using an older OpenGL version and thus do not have access to modern pipeline functionality like GLSL or PBO (Which somehow can make getting color buffer contents to CPU side much more efficient than glReadPixels, as I've heard).
I have access to ATI_fragment_shader extension which makes possible to use a basic fragment shader to merge R and G channels in these textures and get a single float grayscale luminance value.
Then I would've been able to re-color these pixels again inside shader (Map them to 0-1 range) based on maximum and minimum pixel luminance values but I don't know what they are.
My question is, between the pixels currently on the screen, how do I find the pixels with maximum and minimum luminance values? Or as an alternative, how do I find these values inside a texture? (Because I could make a glCopyTexImage2D call after drawing the texture with grayscale luminance values on the screen and retrieve the data as a texture).
Stuff I've tried or read about so far:
-If I could somehow get current pixel RGB values in the color buffer to CPU side, I could find what I need manually and then use them. However, reading color buffer contents with glReadPixels is unacceptably slow. It's no use even if I set it up so that it completes one read operation over multiple frames.
-Downsampling the texture to 1x1 size until the last standing pixel is either minimum or maximum value and then using this 1x1 texture inside shader. I have no idea how to achieve this without GLSL and texel fetching support since I would have to look up the pixel which is to the right, up and up-right of the current one and find a min/max value between them.

How to display the tiny triangles or recognize them quickly?

What I am doing is a pick program. There are many triangles and I want select the front and visible ones by a rectangular region. The main method is described below.
there are a lot of triangles and each triangle has its own color.
draw all the triangles to a frame buffer.
read the color of pixel in frame buffer and based on the color, we know which triangles are selected.
The problem is that there are some tiny triangles can not be displayed in the final frame buffer. Just like the green triangle in the picture. I think the triangle is too tiny and ignored by the graphic card.
My question is how to display the tiny triangles in the final frame buffer? or how to know which triangles are ignored by the graphic card?
Triangles are not skipped based on their size, but if a pixel center does not fall inside or lie on the top or left edge (this is referred to as coverage testing) they do not generate any fragments during rasterization.
That does mean that certain really small triangles are never rasterized, but it is not entirely because of their size, just that their position is such that they do not satisfy pixel coverage.
Take a moment to examine the following diagram from the DirectX API documentation. Because of the size and position of the the triangle I have circled in red, this triangle does not satisfy coverage for any pixels (I have illustrated the left edge of the triangle in green) and thus never shows up on screen despite having a tangible surface area.
If the triangle highlighted were moved about a half-pixel in any direction it would cover at least one pixel. You still would not know it was a triangle, because it would show up as a single pixel, but it would at least be pickable.
Solving this problem will require you to ditch color picking altogether. Multisample rasterization can fix the coverage issue for small triangles, but it will compute pixel colors as the average of all samples and that will break color picking.
Your only viable solution is to do point inside triangle testing instead of relying on rasterization. In fact, the typical alternative to color picking is to cast a ray from your eye position through the far clipping plane and test for intersection against all objects in the scene.
The usability aspect of what you seem to be doing seems somewhat questionable to me. I doubt that most users would expect a triangle to be pickable if it's so small that they can't even see it. The most obvious solution is that you let the user zoom in if they really need to selectively pick such small details.
On the part that can actually be answered on a technical level: To find out if triangles produced any visible pixels/fragments/samples, you can use queries. If you want to count the pixels for n "objects" (which can be triangles), you would first generate the necessary query object names:
GLuint queryIds[n]; // probably dynamically allocated in real code
glGenQueries(n, queryIds);
Then bracket the rendering of each object with glBeginQuery()/glEndQuery():
loop over objects
glBeginQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, queryIds[i]);
// draw object
Then at the end, you can get all the results:
loop over objects
GLint pixelCount = 0;
glGetQueryObjectiv(queryIds[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &pixelCount);
if (pixelCount > 0) {
// object produced visible pixels
A couple more points to be aware of:
If you only want to know if any pixels were rendered, but don't care how many, you can use GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED instead of GL_SAMPLES_PASSED.
The query counts samples that pass the depth test, as the rendering happens. So there is an order dependency. A triangle could have visible samples when it is rendered, but they could later be hidden by another triangle that is drawn in front of it. If you only want to count the pixels that are actually visible at the end of the rendering, you'll need a two-pass approach.

Determine chessboard dimensions in pixels

Similar to calibrating a single camera 2D image with a chessboard, I wish to determine the width/height of the chessboard (or of a single square) in pixels.
I have a camera aimed vertically at the ground, ensured to be perfectly level with the surface below. I am using the camera to determine the translation between consequtive frames (successfully achieved using fourier phase correlation), at the moment my result returns the translation in pixels, however I would like to use techniques similar to calibration, where I move the camera over the chessboard which is flat on the ground, to automatically determine the size of the chessboard in pixels, relative to my image height and width.
Knowing the size of the chessboard in millimetres, I can then convert a pixel unit to a real-world-unit in millimetres, ie, 1 pixel will represent a distance proportional to the height of the camera above the ground. This will allow me to convert a translation in pixels to a translation in millimetres, recalibrating every time I change the height of the camera.
What would be the recommended way of achieving this? Surely it must be simpler than single camera 2D calibration.
OpenCV can give you the position of the chessboard's corners with cv::findChessboardCorners().
I'm not sure if the perspective distortion will affect your calculations, but if the chessboard is perfectly aligned beneath the camera, it should work.
This is just an idea so don't hit me.. but maybe using the natural contrast of the chessboard?
"At some point it will switch from bright to dark pixels and that should happen (can't remember number of columns on chessboard) times." should be a doable algorithm.

OpenGL: How do I avoid rounding errors when specifying UV co-ordinates

I'm writing a 2D game using OpenGL. When I want to blit part of a texture as a sprite I use glTexCoord2f(u, v) to specify the UV co-ordinates, with u and v calculated like this:
GLfloat u = (GLfloat)xpos_in_texture/(GLfloat)width_of_texture;
GLfloat v = (GLfloat)ypos_in_texture/(GLfloat)height_of_texture;
This works perfectly most of the time, except when I use glScale to zoom the game in or out. Then floating point rounding errors cause some pixels to be drawn one to the right of or one below the intended rectangle within the texture.
What can be done about this? At the moment I'm subtracting an 'epsilon' value from the right and bottom edges of the rectangle, and it seems to work but this seems like a horrible kludge. Are there any better solutions?
Your issue is most likely not coming from rounding errors, but a misunderstanding on how OpenGL maps texels to pixels. If you notice off-by-one errors, it's probably because your UVs, your vertex positions or your projection matrix/viewport pair are not aligned to where they ought to be.
To simplify, I'll just talk about 1D, and be assuming you use a projection and a viewport that map X,Y coordinates to the equivalent pixel location (i.e. a glOrtho(0,width,0,height,zmin,zmax) and a glViewport(0,width,0,height).
Say you want to draw 5 texels (starting at 0 for simplicity) of your 64-wide texture showing on the 10 pixels (scale of 2) of your screen starting at pixel 20.
To get there, draw the triangle with X coordinates 20 and 30, and U (of the UV pair) of 10/64 and 15/64. The rasterization of OpenGL will generate 10 pixels to shade, with X coordinates 20.5, 21.5, ... 29.5. Note that the positions are not full integers. OpenGL rasterizes in the middle of the pixel.
Likewise, it will generate U coordinates of 10.25/64, 10.75/64, 11.25/64, 11.75/64 ... 14.25/64, 14.75/64. Note again that texel coordinates, brought back to texel positions in the texture space, are not full integers. OpenGL samples from the middle of texel locations, so this is fine.
How the samplers use these UVs to generate texel values depend on filtering modes, but be it nearest or linear, the pixels should be contained solely inside the texels of interest (0.25 with a size of 0.5 should only use color from 0 to 0.5, which is all inside the first texel).
In general, if you follow the general principles I laid out, you should never see artifacts.
Use Ortho and Viewport of exactly your frame buffer size
Use positions of X, X+width exactly
Use UVs that correspond to exactly the texels you want (if you want the 10 texels starting from the texel 0, use U=0 to U=10.
If you ever have a -1 somewhere in your math, it's likely not correct (for position or UVs).
To get back to your example, it's unclear how you link the uvs you compute to positions (since you don't show the position computation).
It's also unclear how you got xpos_in_texture (you should explain how you computed them for the corners of your sprite). My guess is that you computed that wrong.
A bit late, but for posterity I was having the same problem, with the pixels from adjacent regions of a texture atlas bleeding into sprites/tiles when scaling or zooming the view. I had my glOrtho, glViewport, etc dimensions all set correctly, then I realized the problem was I was scaling the view before translating the camera, which meant that even though I was snapping to integer pixels pre-zoom, after the zoom it would align to a fraction of a pixel and introduce the texel problem.
So if your code looks something like this, where camera.zoom is a non-integer (i.e. 0.75):
glScalef(camera.zoom, camera.zoom, 1.0f);
glTranslatef(camera.x, camera.y, 0.0f);
You'll want to make sure the result of the translation after scaling aligns to whole pixels on the screen, so you can do something like:
glScalef(camera.zoom, camera.zoom, 1.0f);
floor(camera.x * camera.zoom) / camera.zoom,
floor(camera.y * camera.zoom) / camera.zoom,
Do the division as a double, round the result down yourself to the desired level of precision, then cast it to GLFloat.
Your xpos/ypos must be based on 0 to (width or height) - 1 and then:
GLfloat u = (GLfloat)xpos_in_texture/(GLfloat)(width_of_texture - 1);
GLfloat v = (GLfloat)ypos_in_texture/(GLfloat)(height_of_texture - 1);
