Bugzilla - Can I see what I did yesterday? - bugzilla

I'm running Bugzilla 4.2.5. I would like to save a search to see what I worked on yesterday - so anything that I recorded any time against, or updated the comments for.
I'm hoping that I can then use the output to help with my daily scrum question "what did you do yesterday?"
When I go into search -> Advanced Search, I can see a "Search by change history" section which looks exactly like what I'd like to use.
So to test it, I've recorded one hour on a bug assigned to me. I want to be able to find that bug as changed in the last day.
So I go to the "Change history" section, select the field "Hours worked" - (is there a wildcard I can put in changed to?) In any case I know it has transitioned from zero to 1 hours, so I'll enter "1" into that field.
Next comes the dates, where it says I can enter YYYY-MM-DD or relative dates. How do I do a relative date for changed between yesterday and today...? In any case I'll look between 2013-01-01 and 2013-12-31.
It brings back Zarro Boogs Found. So what am I doing wrong with the search, I know that I've just changed a bug I'm working on and set one hour of time to it.
I'm hoping someone can help, I've had a good search around for documentation and tried for hours to get this working! Thanks!

Aha, I've found it,
Advanced search, Custom search, "Hours worked" -> "Changed after" -> "1d"
Thanks! :)


parseISO in date-fns showing the incorrect date

I'm attempting to understand what exactly date-fns is doing when using parseISO() as it seems to be adding 2 hours to the time that I have saved in the database. The data is as follows:
ISO Date/Time saved in database: 2022-09-20T19:52:53.000Z
Using format(parseISO(2022-09-20T19:52:53.000Z), "HH:mm:ss") I get this: 21:52:53 hrs
Somewhere along the line 2 hours are being added and unsure as to the cause. A comment left by Monash Joshi in (stackoverflow issue) hints towards an explanation but not really a solution. Want I want to show is just the parsed date/time value as it is. Would it thus make sense to manipulate the string that I receive from the database myself?
Thanks in advance for your help! And let me know if you need any further information.

SQL Server - could not find the existing data using the exact text

I have a weird encounter when I use select query in SQL server
I am trying to search for "Malaysia Time" in a table but couldn't find it although its already in the table. picture sample:
Data existing in database:
Can't find data when filtered with exact text
When I tried to paste it in notepad ++ and used the search all in the current document, it also couldn't find the text as given in picture
only found the first and second "Malaysia Time" but could not see the third "Malaysia Time" in the picture
only found the third Malaysia Time but could not find the first and second "Malaysia Time"
does somebody encounter this? How can this be resolved?
BTW, the first and second "Malaysia Time" is from the Google Timezone API and the third one is the text from the SQL server database
I couldn't paste a picture in the comment so I'll just put here my thanks you for your help
its so weird. I convert the texts to UTF-8 and saw the space in third "Malaysia Time" become a weird character now..

Solr - Date Query

I am relatively new to Solr and I am trying to achieve the following: get all records where a certain field matches the current date (e.g. 16/04/2021 00:00 to 16/04/2021 23:59).
I have looked at the docs, but there aren't many examples.
Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Based on information in the Working with dates section of the reference guide:
datefield:[2021-04-16T00:00:00Z TO 2021-04-17T00:00:00Z}
The } and the end indicates "not inclusive", so everything up to, but not actually inside the next day. You could use .. TO 2021-04-16T23:59:59.999Z] or something similar as well, but it's probably better to be explicit.

In SSMS, what is the number that appears in brackets after the username?

Just out of curiosity, but I notice it changes seemingly at random, and I cannot find any documentation online for it at all. I have tried Googling it, and I fear I am poorly wording my search terms to find it.
I'm trying to workout what the numbers in brackets are after the username that is executing a query in SSMS are or for?
In the tab name or the window title, it'll appear like this:
SQLQuery19.sql - server_name.db_name (NETWORK\user (525))
The number seemingly changes when I open a new query at different times, and it doesn't seem to increase or decrease with any sort of pattern. Any links to documentation or brief explanation would be great.
That's the session_id - you can confirm by running SELECT ##SPID; in that window.
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/spid-transact-sql

Filter Microsoft Graph Drive Search Results where Modified By is Current User

I'm attempting to get Drive results using Microsoft Graph that are filtered by the current user.
This is as far I have gotten, which is return results sorted by last modified date, but it's returning results modified by other users.
I want it to only return results where last modified or preferably modified at all by the current user. Is there a way to do that?
So far, I have tried throwing in {User.Name} around the place, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/search(q='')?$orderby=lastModifiedDateTime desc
Or is this fruitless, and I should use the insights/used endpoint even though it's in beta?
According to your description, you want to filter Drive by last modified date and current user.
In order to get lastModifiedBy field, we need to able track changes to the file. Please try following API:
GET /me/drive/root/delta
Please note that in OneDrive for Business and SharePoint, delta is only supported on the root folder.It does not apply to subfolders other than root folder.
For more detail, we can refer this document. Unfortunately, there isn’t a perfect solution to solve your case.
Yes, you could use the https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/insights/used to get results where last modified or preferably modified at all by the current user.
But APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph is in preview and are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported.
For the details, please refer to here.
