Query a SQL database using VBA - database

I want to create a VBA program where it connects to the database you give it (hard coded). From here you are to program a cell to take the input for the WHERE clause in the query and then in a separate sheet it outputs the queried data. I do not want to filter this data, I need to query it. Can anyone help?

You can do this using Microsoft Query. The basic steps are:
1 - Connect to the database using Data>From Other Sources>Microsoft Query
2 - Modify the resulting query by right-cliking the resulting table and choosing Table>External Data Properties and clicking the little icon in the upper-corner. Then choose the Definition tab:
3 - Right-click the table and choose Parameters. In that dialog you can set cells to hold the parameters for the Where clauses.
For more info on this see this MSDN page and this Daily Dose post.


Query SQL database from Excel

I'm attempting to create a MS Query to return data from a SQL database based on a value from a cell in Excel. I have actually successful accomplished this, but only for 1 row. I cant figure out how to get it to copy-down to other rows.
I've created a connection as follows:
Notice that the SQL statement includes a parameter. The parameter is set to point to a specific cell:
I guess this makes sense as I'm only looking to return 1 value per row:The problem is that I have multiple lines to return values for. How do I return a value per row for multiple rows?
I've tried changing the cell reference in the Parameters dialog box, but this does not work as the Excel Table is designed to grow dynamically.
Excel data connections works in a way that every connection has only one SQL Query. So in order to do what you'r looking for, you will need to have many connections, and that's not the "best practice".
However, there are two ways you can solve this situation:
1. Make a single connection with all of the data and create a pivot table based on it. Then use VLOOKUP/INDEX to gather the data to your requested cells.
2. If the data is too big, you can use VBA code to create a smaller Query based on the cells you mentioned and then continue as described on the first option.
Good luck.

Migrate Excel Data to SQL

I have a large table of information (around 11,000 rows, 4 columns) in Excel that uses a macro and I need to import it to an SQL server, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which will be utilized by another server to get the new information.
If I type into SQL:
Select 'TDS-C1487-81236', ITEM_KEY, 1
Where M.ITEM_CODE = 'TL-123'
or M.ITEM_CODE = 'TL-456'
I can then open the program which holds all this information, called Matrix, which prompts me to enter an item key and/or code and/or type etc (which has all possible files listed below it) and hit search (image 1). If I type in TL-123 to the item code section (image 2), it narrows down the files to any containing TL-123 (image 3). When i double click, I can click on many tabs, one of which is "Links". In that tab under document name the information TDS-C1487-81236(image 4). How would I go about making that happen?
Then hit ENTER
The website below is a good explanation of what I am getting at but I do not know how to implement it. What would be the most efficient way to migrate the data from my excel document to the SQL server?
Have you tried DTSWizard ? Its a GUI based tool to do so.. and should be shipped with MS SQL server
Create a linked server or Use statement like OPENROWSET to access Excel Sheet. That would be the easiest and fastest method of accessing excel sheet via SQL.

Use Cell Range As Where Values in a Data Connection to SQL Server

I am working on a tool in Excel to rapidly validate data updates to a set of databases.
In Sheet 1, I will have the source data, which consists of 5 columns; Column A is the Primary Key. This is delivered as a CSV and copy/pasted into the sheet.
In Sheet 2, I would like to have a data connection to the database machine that filters on the values of Sheet 1, Column A, such that only those Primary Keys in Sheet 1 will be returned and displayed.
I have tried looking at setting Parameters in the Connection Properties dialog, but the button is disabled:
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: This is Excel 2010, and this image shows the method I used to create the connection on Sheet 2:
EDIT 2: Attempted to use Microsoft Query to create the connection, but it remains disabled.
You can only add and manage Query Parameters in Excel by using Microsoft Query. So when you create the Connection, on the "From Other Sources" button-dropdown, select "From Microsoft Query" instead of "From SQL Server" (or any other source).
You can add query parameters to a SQL Query as well as Microsoft Queries, just place a ? in the SQL query and the parameters button will become active, or a dialog will display prompting for data the next time the connection is refreshed.
It looks like multiple parameters would be possible, however I haven't found a working syntax for them yet.

Edit data from result grid

I would like to edit data directly from result grid in ssms. eg:
When I execute SELECT TOP 10 * FROM some_table, I want to edit data directly from result grid.
I don't want to open some_table and edit from there.
I know that result grid is read-only, but maybe someone written addin for it.
You can't edit the data from within the result grid. You'd have to go via the "open table" route if you want to edit the data manually instead of using UPDATE/INSERT SQL statements.
Is there a reason you specifically want to use the result grid instead?
You can specify a query when you go via open table to limit the results if that's your reason? There's a "Show SQL Pane" button in the top toolbar you need to select (square box with "SQL" written in it).
I have very large database (70+ GB) with so many tables.
I'm using Red Gate's SQL refactor for intellisense and few other things.
It's so boring to type in update sql statements every time I need to change single field.
It also takes some time to find that table in the Object explorer.
Intellisense doesn't work when I use "Show SQL Pane".
I'm new to SQL Server and have used the Oracle product 'PL/SQL developer' by All Round Automations at a previous job... It would allow you to do a SELECT in the query window and then simply add "FOR UPDATE" to the end of your refined SQL SELECT and 'ta-da' you can now edit the results in a nice grid. No need to Open Table View, click the SQL button, paste in the SQL you you have been working on and then hit execute ;)
EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server allows to update data directly inside a results grid.
This tool is boring for typing new requests (poor intellisense and error management) but fine for this. I always have the two tools opened.
If you right click on the table and choose edit top 200 records, it produces a result screen with an query.
Add to this your query and then you can edit the records in the result screen.
Also you can change the 200 to a number you want (2000).
The "results" pane is not just results.
Results in text
Assorted time and IO statistics
Estimated and actual execution plans
Row counts, Error messages, PRINT output
This is why they are separate.
Feel free to write your own add-in :-) Or here
SQL Server ISN'T Access!
When you run a query and get the results - thats exactly what you are doing, reading the data, not opening the table for editing. Can you imagine the necessary transactional control around allowing the results window to be edited? The locking would probably grind SQL to a halt - I hope no-one ever writes that kind of add-in!

Linking MS Excel to MS Access queries

I have an Access database that I use to to run a bunch of aggregate TOP 5 queries. The end game of this particular function is ppt presentations with charts. So to automate this a bit, I created an excel spreadsheet with a bunch of pre-made charts in it. The I linked/data imported the query results into the excel spreadsheet, and set the cell ranges to match the source ranges for the charts. Finally I set the spreadsheet to enable auto refresh upon every "file open", and presto, I run the queries in access with a button press, then open the excel file, and the data refreshes, and they are my charts. I then use some VB to copy paste all active charts into ppt, but that is another matter.
Okay so here is the snag I hit. I needed to do the exact same procedure with another spreadsheet from another ag query. Before the process I was using was just clicking data > import external data > import data and then choosing the file of the database, and then it would populate a list of tables and queries to choose from. Only now, it will not show any queries in that populated list; only tables!?!
any ideas? btw MSO 2003
I can't reproduce that Justin. In the dialog that shows the tables, scroll over to the right and check the TYPE column. Queries will have a type of VIEW and tables of TABLE. Verify that they all say TABLE.
Next, try using Data - Import External Data - New Database Query instead of 'Import Data'. Select the Access driver and the Access mdb. This will bring up a different dialog, but should show both tables and queries. See if that shows only tables or shows both.
I presume this is a security feature that has been introduced?
Try selecting any table then select Data>Import External Data>Edit Query
Then select SQL as the command type and either enter the query SQL or just select from a query i.e.:
select * from qryCat;
Hope this helps
thanks Mark
