XSLT document() function with escaped chars in file name - file

Am parsing XML with file names with escaped characters. This is the file name on the server:
When I apply the document function, it is automatically transforming the escaped characters.
`<xsl:apply-templates select="document('Account-V%29%27%22%3B%3A%3E.layout')/Layout"/>
The above yields an error as it cannot find this file on the server:
Is there way to tell the document() function to not transform the escaped chars in the file? I tried wrapping this around variables but it did not work.

If you're using XSLT 2.0, try using encode-for-uri()

The way that the URI you pass to the document() function gets dereferenced is in many ways implementation-defined, and many XSLT processors give you some control over it, for example by allowing you to supply a user-written URIResolver.
So I don't think the question can be answered without knowing your XSLT processor.

Found a workaround, which works. Isn't the prettiest, but before performing the XSLT, do a string in Java to replace such as fileNames.replace("%","%25") This forces the document() function to escape the percent sign to a percent, which generates the correct file name on the server.


WildFly environment variable parsing a JDBC string with semicolon

I am having a heck of a time using an environment variable with a semicolon in a properties file read by WildFly (24) in Linux. One like:
The issue is that its truncating things at the semicolon if I don't use quotes so I end up with it trying to write to master since it thinks no database is specified.
I have it setup so that variable is in a file called datasource.properties that gets read from standalone.conf where this variable sits:
It's read in with the following in standalone.conf:
set -a
. /opt/wildfly_config/datasource.properties
set +a
That in turn gets populated in standalone.xml with:
I try putting it in quotes and oddly enough it doesn’t start at all. Standalone.sh is no longer able to parse it:
/opt/wildfly/bin/standalone.sh: line 338: --add-exports=java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED: No such file or directory
So I then escape it in quotes like this:
Startup looks good in the log output this way:
But then java doesn’t like it, for some reason it sees the escape ticks:
Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The port number 1433\ is not valid.
I can use sed to change the value in the standalone.xml, but all of the other properties I am doing work fine with the exception of this one and:
Where that value is "SELECT 1;" which it also does not like. That one worked with "'SELECT 1;'" but this one does not. I tried single quotes as well. That also gives the parsing error above. Is there any way to read in this environment variable that keeps wildfly happy?
You can enclose the characters you want to escape in { and } braces.
From the SQL Server documentation:
For example, {;} escapes a semicolon.
Just to note: Different database vendors will most likely have different ways of escaping characters in their connection URLs. The above approach works for SQL Server. But just to give one different example, MySQL uses URL encoding.
A alternate solution was to change how the variables were created. Part of the problem I had was that sourcing them from a properties file made them properties and not variables. I ended up creating a /opt/wildfly/bin/start.sh script with:
export DATABASE_JDBC_URL="jdbc:sqlserver://sqlserver.c3klg5a2ws.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:1433;DatabaseName=ejbca;encrypt=false"
I then changed the wildfly service point to that new start.sh script. No longer have any parsing issues as long as the variables are started in memory.
No escaping was needed after that.

Apache camel file with doneFileName

I am just starting to look at apache camel (Using blueprint routes) and I am already stuck.
I need to process a set of csv files with different formats. I get 5 files with foo_X_20160110.csv were X specifies the type of csv file and the files have a date stamp . These files can be quite large so a 'done' file is written once all files are written. The done file is named foo_trigger_20160110.csv.
I've seen the doneFileName option on file but that only supports a static name (I have a date in the filename) or it expects a done file for each input file.
The files have to be proceeded in a fixed order but it is not guaranteed in which order they are written to the input directory. Hence I need to wait for the done file.
Any idea how this can be done with Camel?
Any suggestions for good Camel books?
Here is an example from the documentation
As you can see the doneFileName has a static value "done". But you can use standard java to write dynamic names i.e. for current dateformat or anything else and just use string operation to construct the URI. Hope that helps.
By the way, as mentioned in the documentation there is the option of dynamic placeholders for the doneFileName.
However its more common to have one done file per target file. This
means there is a 1:1 correlation. To do this you must use dynamic
placeholders in the doneFileName option. Currently Camel supports the
following two dynamic tokens: file:name and file:name.noext which must
be enclosed in ${ }. The consumer only supports the static part of the
done file name as either prefix or suffix (not both).
You can also use a prefix for the done file, such as:

SSIS - Flat File with escape characters

I have a large flat file I'm using to recover data. It was exported from a system using double quotes " as the qualifier and a pipe | a the delimiter. SSIS can be configured to this without a problem, but where I'm running into issues is with the \ escape char.
the row causing the issue:
"125004267"|"125000316"|"125000491"|"height"|"5' 11\""|"12037"|"46403"|""|"t"|""|"2012-10-01 22:34:01"|"2012-10-01 22:34:01"|"1900-01-01 00:00:00"
The fourth column in the database should be 5' 11".
I'm getting the following error:
Error: 0xC0202055 at Data Flow Task 1, Flat File Source [2]: The column delimiter for column "posting_value" was not found.
How can I tell SSIS to handle the \ escape character?
I know this is quite old, but I just ran into a similar issue regarding escaping quotes in CSV's in SSIS. It seems odd there isn't more flexible support for this but it does support VB-style double-double quotes. So in your example you could pre-parse the file to translate it into
"125004267"|"125000316"|"125000491"|"height"|"5' 11"""|"12037"|"46403"|""|"t"|""|"2012-10-01 22:34:01"|"2012-10-01 22:34:01"|"1900-01-01 00:00:00"
to get your desired output. This at least works on Sql Server 2014.
This also works for Excel (tested with 2010). Though, oddly, only when inserting data from a text file, not when opening a CSV with Excel.
This does appear to be the standardized method according to RFC 4180
which states
Fields containing line breaks (CRLF), double quotes, and commas
should be enclosed in double-quotes
If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote
appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with
another double quote.
This probably isn't the answer you are looking for, but...
I'd reach out to the technical contacts of the source of data, and explain to them that if they're going to send you a file that uses double-quotes as text qualifiers, then that implies that there are never any double-quotes in the text. If that is possible, as it happens here, tell them to use another text qualifier, or none at all.
Since there are pipe delimeters in use, what's the point of having text qualifiers?
Seems redundant.

How to get cakePHP i18n .pot files encoded in UTF-8?

I'm using the cake i18n command to extract the content of my __() functions in my application.
However, the default.pot output file is not encoded in UTF-8, and thus does not correctly display accentuated characters which is a problem since the main language is french (lot of 'é' , 'à' ...).
I'm using wamp server on Windows 7.
I've tried to change Windows console's encoding with chcp, to convert default.pot file in UTF-8 with notepad++ or PSpad editor, without success.
Do you know any way to get this default.pot file in UTF-8 ?
All the .php or .ctp files are edited with either Komodo or Geany, both on Windows and configured to use UTF-8.
Also i'm using subversion, if it helps.
Thank you for reading.
Had the same problem with cakephp 1.3 (not sure if it is fixed in 2.x): all "special" character which are not ANSI compliant (such as ä, ü, ö, ß), where extracted in the .pot file and there interpreted by ANSI (e.g. "ü" instead of "ü").
The solution mentioned by Camille (manually changing the characters) was not very feasable, since it was a lot of characters, this partly destroyed the .pot format and even worse an automated update of your .po file won't work.
The workaround I found was with the help of a comment in the php documentation for write() (which is used in the console task): http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fwrite.php#73764.
According to the description there, I extended the file /cake/console/libs/tasks/extract.php with two lines:
First line went into the function __buildFiles():
$string = utf8_decode($string);
I wrote it in line 351, but it just needs to be in the second foreach loop and of couse before the variable is used by the function.
the second line went into the function __writeHeader():
replace the line $File->write($output); with
That did it for me, take care the updating your cakephp will overwrite this changes.
I found a way to deal with this thanks to #Msalters. I changed the default encoding of my editor and overwrote wrong characters.

Compare two xml files using Junit

I am writing a JUnit test case which want to test whether a particular file is added with some content or not. In that case, I want to get the instance of the file before modification and another file instance of the same file after modification and want to check whether both are not equal. how to do that in Java Junit ?
There are tools that exist for this purpose, e.g. http://xmlunit.sourceforge.net/
XMLUnit can ignore whitespace and formatting which I would imagine are immaterial and will also handle comparing
Get the string representations of the XML (toString) and compare those.
