find and replace symbol using vbs - checkbox

I am working a 1XXX words documents, I want to use vbs to changing the status of checkbox faster but I can't found any work solution, after that, i wonder if find and replace can solve my issue, so i wrote some code for this
Const wdReplaceAll = 2
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("C:\checkbox.doc")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
objSelection.Find.Text = "#1"
objSelection.Find.Forward = TRUE
objSelection.Find.MatchWholeWord = TRUE
objSelection.Find.Replacement.Text = objSelection.InsertSymbol 253, "Wingdings"
objSelection.Find.Execute ,,,,,,,,,,wdReplaceAll
But, it can't work, and always show the error on the objSelection.InsertSymbol 253...

You can't use InsertSymbol in an assignment like that. Either replace the search text with an appropriate character formatted as "Wingdings":
With objSelection.Find
.Text = "#1"
.Replacement.Text = ChrW(61693)
.Replacement.Font.Name = "Wingdings"
End With
objSelection.Find.Execute ,,,,,,,,,,wdReplaceAll
or just Find the search text and then use InsertSymbol on the selection:
objSelection.Find.Text = "#1"
objSelection.InsertSymbol 253, "Wingdings"


How to compare array to array using VBScript?

I would like to check a data in my file exist or not in an array data that I have. It will return 1 and 0 if its exit or not. Inside my file is like this:
But I cut the last 2 lines. And my array data is like this: [2w fr 5k 2j 0w]. I want to check whether my array data exist inside my file.
Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
XX = 0
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strFBString = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%FB%")
WScript.Echo "==>"
WScript.Echo "strFBString: " & strFBString
Set wshShell = Nothing
For i = 1 To Len(strFBString) Step 2
If StrComp(Mid(strFBString, i, 2), [2w fr 5k 2j 0w]) = 0 Then
XX = 1
End If
WScript.Echo "XX: " & XX
For one thing, [2w fr 5k 2j 0w] is not a valid array definition in VBScript. If you want to define an array with these 5 string elements you need to do it like this:
Array("2w", "fr", "5k", "2j", "0w")
Also, StrComp() is for comparing a string to another string. It does not support comparing a string to an array. For comparing a string to each element of an array you need a loop. How to build that loop depends on the result you want to achieve, though.
Looking at your code it seems you want to find a match in 2j2H4..., but not in w2j2H..., so simply using InStr() probably won't work for you. In that case you could use an inner loop for the comparison:
ref = Array("2w", "fr", "5k", "2j", "0w")
For i = 1 To Len(strFBString) Step 2
For Each s In ref
If Mid(strFBString, i, 2) = s Then
End If
But like I already said, details depend on the desired end result. If you want to check if your input string contains any of the array values you could do something like this:
ref = Array("2w", "fr", "5k", "2j", "0w")
found = False
For i = 1 To Len(strFBString) Step 2
For Each s In ref
If Mid(strFBString, i, 2) = s Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
If on the other hand you wanted to check if your input string contains all of the reference strings you'd probably do something like this instead:
ref = Array("2w", "fr", "5k", "2j", "0w")
For Each s In ref
found = False
For i = 1 To Len(strFBString) Step 2
If Mid(strFBString, i, 2) = s Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
If Not found Then Exit For
You could also use an entirely different approach, like putting your data in a dictionary:
data = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 1 To Len(strFBString) Step 2
data(Mid(strFBString, i, 2)) = True
Using that approach you could check if the data contains any of the reference values like this:
found = False
For s In Array("2w", "fr", "5k", "2j", "0w")
If data.Exists(s) Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
or check if the data contains all of the reference values like this:
found = True
For s In Array("2w", "fr", "5k", "2j", "0w")
If Not data.Exists(s) Then
found = False
Exit For
End If

how to create and plot n number of function using a loop in gnuplot

I have written a code where i am trying to simulate n numbers of bubbles but my problem is that i have to hard code my function as you can see that i am using fx, fy, fz then fx1, fy1, fz1 and fx2, fy2, fz2.
Instead of that i want to create my functions using a loop and also want to plot them using a loop.Is there any way to do that.
Here is the code :
set isosample 50
set parametric
set urange [0:2*pi]
set vrange [-pi/2:pi/2]
do for [w=1:50] {
fx(v,u,w) = w*cos(v)*cos(u)
fy(v,u,w) = w*cos(v)*sin(u)
fz(v,w) = w*sin(v)
fx1(v,u,w) = 20+w*cos(v)*cos(u)
fy1(v,u,w) = 30+w*cos(v)*sin(u)
fz1(v,w) = 30+w*sin(v)
fx2(v,u,w) = 40+w*cos(v)*cos(u)
fy2(v,u,w) = 60+w*cos(v)*sin(u)
fz2(v,w) = 60+w*sin(v)
splot fx(v,u,w), fy(v,u,w), fz(v,w), fx1(v,u,w), fy1(v,u,w), fz1(v,w), fx2(v,u,w), fy2(v,u,w), fz2(v,w) with pm3d
You can use the splot for syntax of gnuplot:
set isosample 50
set parametric
set urange [0:2*pi]
set vrange [-pi/2:pi/2]
fx(v,u) = 2.0*d + w*cos(v)*cos(u)
fy(v,u) = 3.0*d + w*cos(v)*sin(u)
fz(v) = 3.0*d + w*sin(v)
do for [w=1:50] {
splot for [d = 0:20:10] fx(v,u), fy(v,u), fz(v) with pm3d
I think you want to read these gnuplot help pages: help for and help for loops. Depending on your needs, you might also want to read help word and for example this question or help array if you are on gnuplot 5.2.

Small Basic: How can I split words in an external text file into a list?

I'm trying to bring in a simple list of 10 words (without commas) on 10 lines and save them as a list or array in Small Basic.
I know I need to loop through all the lines in the file but I can only get it to do it with individual letters.
I've got this far so far
OpenFile = File.ReadContents("example.txt")
For i = 1 To Text.GetLength(OpenFile)
WordList[i] = Text.GetSubText(OpenFile, i, 5)
I haven't got any further than this and not sure where to go to from here.
YOu could use readline to get all the characters/words/sentence in a line, this is an example, its not complete but it gives the idea of what it is you need,
Sub makesaves ' where you make saves. its reusable.
PATH = Program.Directory + "\animals\" ' SAVE THIS IN A FOLDER YOU WILL FIND IN
NAME = "Animal"
EXT = ".txt"
filesave["1"] = "Cheetah"
filesave[2] = "horse"
filesave[3] = "dog"
filesave[4] = "cat"
filesave[5] = "mouse"
filesave[6] = "turtle"
filesave[7] ="Bird"
filesave[8] = "snake"
filesave[9] = "snail"
filesave[10] = "Rat"
'makes the saves
File.CreateDirectory(PATH) ' makes the path.
File.WriteContents(PATH+NAME+EXT, filesave)
filesave = "" ' cleans the file so you dont get repeats. e.i. - save dog. read dog, save dog, read dog dog.
'this makes it so you see dog once. its an override.
filesave = File.ReadContents(PATH + NAME + EXT) 'reads the content
Sub getsaves
filesave = File.ReadContents(PATH+NAME+EXT) ' how this writes is cheetah; horse;
cheetah = filesave[1]
horse = filesave[2]
dog = filesave[3]
cat = filesave[4]
mouse = filesave[5] 'mouse and turtle as different color because they can be used as functions. ignore
turtle = filesave[6]
bird = filesave[7]
snake = filesave[8]
snail = filesave[9]
rat = filesave[10]
Sub printsaves
i = 1
While i < 11
i = i+1
I know I'm probably much too late but in case you're still going (and yes, I'm going to assume that you're not taking an AQA GCSE in Computer Science but instead like to code in Small Basic for fun), but you should be looking at using this code instead as this is much more efficient.
fpath = "\\Downloads\file.txt"
For i = 1 To 10
line[i] = File.ReadLine(fpath, i)
For i = 1 To 10
TextWindow.WriteLine("Line " + i + " contains: " + line[i])
(You'll need to change the fpath variable to wherever your file is). This then also prints out the array just to check but for your task you'll need to get rid of that.

compare and delete on an array in matlab

I am trying to write a short code to read a .m file(testin1.m) into an array, and search for a particular word( 'auto'). if match is found,delete it. i have the following code, please help me figure out my mistake.
fid = fopen('testin1.m');
txt = textscan(fid,'%s');
m_file_idx = 1;
for idx = i : length(txt)
is_auto=isequal(A, B);
if is_auto==0
if txt{i}=auto then it should delete that row.
AK4749's answer is absolutely correct in showing where you went wrong. I'll just add an alternative solution to yours, which is shorter:
C = textread('testin1.m', '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
C = C(cellfun(#isempty, regexp(C, 'auto')));
That's it!
EDIT #1: answer modified to remove the lines that contains the word 'auto', not just the word itself.
EDIT #2: answer modified to accept regular expressions.
This is an error i have hit many amany many many times:
when you set txt(i) = [], you change the length of the array. Your for loop condition is no longer valid.
A better option would be to use the powerful indexing features:
A(find(condition)) = [];
or account for the change in length:
A(i) = [];
i--; % <-- or i++, it is too early to think, but you get the idea
EDIT: I just noticed you were also using A in your program. mine was just some random variable name, not the same A you might be using
When you set txt(i) = [], you changed the length of the array but the loop indexing does not account for the change. You can use logical indexing to avoid the loop and the problem.
wordToDelete = 'auto';
txt = {'foo', 'bar', 'auto', 'auto', 'baz', 'auto'}
match = strcmp(wordToDelete, txt)
txt = txt(~match)
txt =
'foo' 'bar' 'auto' 'auto' 'baz' 'auto'
match =
0 0 1 1 0 1
txt =
'foo' 'bar' 'baz'

Matlab: Improving a tree traversal code

I have the structure that is demonstrated below:
I have a database folder which contains brands. Each brand consists of logo and query.
I want to traverse on all the the files (file_1 to file_n) in all the database and perform some operations on them.
I wrote this code:
d = dir(database);
isub = [d(:).isdir];
brandsFolders = {d(isub).name}';
brandsFolders(ismember(brandsFolders,{'.','..'})) = [];
[numberOfBrands not_used]=size(brandsFolders); %holds the number of the brands
for i=1:numberOfBrands
temp=strcat(database, '\');
currentBrand=strcat(temp, brandsFolders(i));
d = dir(currentBrand{1,1});
isub = [d(:).isdir];
logoAndQuery = {d(isub).name}';
logoAndQuery(ismember(logoAndQuery,{'.','..'})) = [];
logo=strcat(currentBrand, '\', logoAndQuery(1));
[numberOfFiles not_used]=size(files);
for j=1:numberOfFiles
if strcmp(files(j).name, '..')~=1 && strcmp(files(j).name, '.')~=1
%operations on each files(j).name
The code works fine, it traverse on the desired files.
However, the code is little bit ugly and confusing.
I was wondering if I can do it in another better way?
Traversing through a set of directories goes pretty much as you are doing. However imo, there are some things you can do easier / I would do differently:
brandsFolders = dir(database);
brandsFolders( ~[brandsFolders.isdir] | strcmp({},'.') | strcmp({},'..')) = [];
for ii=1:numel(brandsFolders)
logoAndQuery = dir(fullfile(database,brandsFolders(ii).name));
logoAndQuery( ~[logoAndQuery.isdir] | strcmp({},'.') | strcmp({},'..')) = [];
logo = fullfile(databasecurrentBrand,brandsFolders(ii).name), logoAndQuery(1).name);
files = dir(logo);
files(strcmp({},'.') | strcmp({},'..'))=[];
for jj=1:numel(files)
%operations on each files(j).name
(This of course only works if you're sure that logoAndQuery(1) will always be the 'logo' directory.)
or alternatively use a subfunction for the dir-querying:
function dirs = getDirs(strPath)
dirs = dir(strPath);
dirnames = {};
dirs ( ~[dirs.isdir] | strcmp(dirnames ,'.') | strcmp(dirnames ,'..')) = [];
which gives you already some shorter code and gives the following, in which I also assume there are no directories in the 'logo' directories:
brandsFolders = getDirs(database);
for ii=1:numel(brandsFolders)
logoAndQuery = getDirs(fullfile(database,brandsFolders(ii).name));
logo = fullfile(databasecurrentBrand,brandsFolders(ii).name), logoAndQuery(1).name);
files = dir(logo);
for jj=1:numel(files)
%operations on each files(j).name
