Mirror API Quickstart PHP - Reply Notification Subscription? - google-mirror-api

How do you send and process REPLY actions using the PHP SDK?
I've tried modifying these two files in the quckstart:
1) index.php in case 'insertItemWithAction':
$menu_item = new Google_MenuItem();
array_push($menu_items, $menu_item);
2) notify.php with a conditional (in the main case 'timeline') to try to get the reply processed:
else if($user_action['type'] == 'REPLY') ...
However, it seems the reply isn't processed - or am I missing a parameter somewhere?

Notifications are only sent to your Glassware only if the user is subscribed to notifications. With the Quick Start project, you can verify this by going to the main page and see if the "Subscriptions" section reads "Unsubscribe from timeline updates".
Also, notification only works for deployed Glassware as the endpoint needs to be publicly accessible and encrypted (https).


How to subscribe to Salesforce connected app webhooks?

I want to implement a connected OAuth app in Salesforce which should trigger push events in case some entities changed, for example an opportunity was closed.
Zapier implemented something similar
Could not find something I need which is a simple way to subscribe to entity changes using the OAuth client's token and passing a webhook endpoint. I read about apex callouts, streaming API and outbound messages.
Yeah, we solved this exact problem at Fusebit and I can help you understand the process as well.
Typically speaking here's what you need to do:
Create triggers on the Salesforce Objects you want to get updates for
Upload Apex class that will send an outgoing message to a pre-determined URL
Enable Remote Site Setting for the Domain you want to send the message to
Add in Secret Verification (or other auth method) to prevent spamming of your external URL
If you're leveraging javascript, then you can use the jsforce sdk & salesforce tooling API to push the code into the salesforce instance AFTER the Auth flow has occurred AND on Salesforce Instances that have API access enabled (typically - this is enterprise and above OR professional with API enabled).
This will be helpful for you to look through: https://jamesward.com/2014/06/30/create-webhooks-on-salesforce-com/
FYI - Zapier's webhooks implementation is actually polling every 15 minutes, instead of real-time incoming events.
In which programming language?
For consuming outbound messages you just need to be able to accept an XML message and send back "Ack" message to acknowledge receiving, otherwise SF will keep trying to resend it for 24h.
For consuming platform events / streaming API / Change Data Capture (CDC) you'll need to raise the event in SF (Platform Event you could raise from code, flow, process builder, CDC would happen automatically, you just tell it which objects it should track).
And then in client app you'd need to login to SF (SOAP or REST API), subscribe to channel (any library that supports cometd should be fine). Have you seen "EMP Connector", mentioned for example in https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/change-data-capture/subscribe-to-events?trail_id=architect-solutions-with-the-right-api ?
Picking right messaging way is an art, there's free course that can help: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/trails/architect-solutions-with-the-right-api
And pretty awesome PDF if you want to study for certification: https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/integration_patterns_and_practices.pdf

Email does not send in Laravel API after writing to database

I have an AngularJS 1.5 application which is working with a Laravel 5.2 API and I'm trying to send emails at different points in the application. So I'm able to send data to Laravel and it gets recorded in the tables I specify but when it gets to sending a confirmation email it gives me this error with an HTTP status code of 500: MethodNotAllowedHttpException
Odd thing is, it works perfectly fine in local development on my laptop. But the same functions on the AWS EC2 instance and it fails when it gets to sending any email. I'm using SendGrid to manage sending emails but I don't think I need to change any settings for that.
For Example:
$emailUser = array();
$emailUser['email'] = $request->email;
$emailUser['first_name'] = $request->first_name;
$emailUser['last_name'] = $request->last_name;
$emailUser['randomStr'] = str_random(36);
$emailUser['remove_dtm'] = Carbon::now()->addWeeks(2);
//Add a password reset set to 2 weeks out for the user to register
'email' => $emailUser['email'],
'token' => $emailUser['randomStr'],
'remove_dtm' => $emailUser['remove_dtm']
Mail::send('email.registered_user', $emailUser, function($message) use ($emailUser)
{ $message->to($emailUser['email'], $emailUser['first_name'] . ' ' . $emailUser['last_name']);
$message->from('WSCUSTOMERPO#waterstoneco.com', 'Waterstone Faucets');
$message->replyTo('WSCUSTOMERPO#waterstoneco.com', 'Waterstone Faucets');
$message->subject("Welcome to the Waterstone Faucets Portal!");
When I try to reset a user's password it will create the record in the password_reset table but not send the email on the live site. Again the same function works fine on my laptop. I checked that I'm posting on the Angular side and Laravel API is expecting a post HTTP call when running this function.
What am I missing here?
Thank you greatly for your help!
There are a few things to check here,
1: Are you sure you have your .env file set up to use the correct SMTP server settings to use SendGrid. If you forgot to set this up in your .env you will be using the internal mail function. Instead of using SendGrid, I would suggest keeping it inside of Amazon for more reliability. Switching over to Amazon SES may be a great option for you.
2: If you are using the internal mail system, there is a really good article about mail from Amazon EC2 instances here: http://shlomoswidler.com/2009/07/sending-email-from-ec2.html
Just a reminder for number 1 for others that may have come here looking for help. To set your mail service in Laravel to use an smtp service, open your config/mail.php file and set the driver to use your provider (if provided by laravel). This can be done by edit the file directly or setting the environment variable MAIL_DRIVER in your .env file.

Auto update feature in passbook ios 7

How does automatic updates work in passbook available in backfield of the pass, how to use webserviceURL key to get update from the server.
in webserviceURL key i have provided remote path from where updated pass can be downloaded, but even after content changed in server, it does not reflects in pass.
This question has been asked so many times, in so many ways, in so many forums; mostly by people that are too lazy to read the manual, or are too inexperienced / incompetent to understand it.
The first paragraph of the Passbook Web Service Reference explains why simply adding a link to an updated pass will not work.
A REST-style web service protocol is used to communicate with your server about changes to passes, and to fetch the latest version of a pass when it has changed. The endpoints always begin with the web service URL, as specified in the pass, followed by the protocol version number. For example, a request for the latest version of the pass of type com.apple.pass.example and serial number ABC123 might look like the following:
The Passbook web service is an integral part of the Passbook eco system. Anyone wishing to issue passes that change their content (either in response to a push message or in response to a user requesting fresh content by pulling down on the back of the pass), needs to implement their own Passbook web service.
This entails building a server capable of responding to the following to authenticated requests from each device that has installed your pass.
There are 5 methods that your web service should respond to:
1. Registering a Device to Receive Push Notifications for a Pass
POST request to https://webServiceURL/v1/devices/deviceLibraryIdentifier/registrations/passTypeIdentifier/serialNumber
2. Getting the Serial Numbers for Passes Associated with a Device
GET request to https://webServiceURL/v1/devices/deviceLibraryIdentifier/registrations/passTypeIdentifier?passesUpdatedSince=tag
3. Getting the Latest Version of a Pass
GET request to https://webServiceURL/v1/passes/passTypeIdentifier/serialNumber
4. Unregistering a Device
DELETE request to https://webServiceURL/v1/devices/deviceLibraryIdentifier/registrations/passTypeIdentifier/serialNumber
5. Logging Errors
POST request to https://webServiceURL/v1/log
In order to have a pass respond to a manual refresh or push request you need to implement at least the first 3 methods. This is because the device will not issue any further requests until it has received a valid response to the registration request.
Furthermore, the web service must be available over https. An unsecured http service can be used for development, but production devices will only recognise a webServiceURL key that begins with https.

App engine channel deploy

I created an application that has ~50 users.
I am trying to use channel API but I've run into a problem while testing with message send.
I am saving the token into the database so i can use the same token if an user opens multiple tabs with the same interface and i have a servlet that resets my token when it expires.
It works fine until I redeploy my application or change the version of my app. I stop receiving messages. If I try to open a channel with the old app version token it doesn't throw an error or anything, it opens it but I still don't receive messages on that channel.
If I reset my token it works OK again.
Does anyone know of a solution to this bug, or has anyone had it before? I deploy often while people are working so I can't ignore it.
My best guess is that ChannelServiceFactory.getChannelService() returns a different instance of ChannelService so when I call channelService.sendMessage("id","message"); it sends it to a different channel.
I can't explain why stored tokens wouldn't work on re-deploying your app (they should), but I can explain why they don't work when you change versions. Briefly, tokens are specific to an app version.
First, the reason for this: we want to ensure that applications that send different data or change message formats or whatever in different versions don't send messages across version boundaries. In the same way that you don't want your javascript bundle from v1 rendering against servlets on v2, you wouldn't want v1 your javascript message handlers receiving messages from v2 servlets (or vice versa).
So, to hopefully make it clear what's going on:
A channel is identified by a combination of your appid, your app version, and the clientid that you provide when you call createChannel or sendMessage. The implementation of the Channel API doesn't store any mapping of appid/clientid -> token. To greatly simplify, you can think of createChannel as doing something like this:
public String createChannel(clientid) {
// obviously we don't really just append strings to each other for actual implementation.
return encryptStringSomehow(clientid + globalAppInfo.version + globalAppInfo.appid);
and sendMessage is like this:
public void sendMessage(clientid, message) {
// identify the JID used for this channel.
JID xmppJid = new JID(mutateString(clientid + globalAppInfo.version + globalAppInfo.appid),
CHANNEL_XMPP_DOMAIN); // some domain used for channel messages
// send the <message> stanza to that jid with the application message as the body
xmppService.sendMessage(xmppJid, encodeSomehow(message));
and on the client side, the servlet responsible for the channel decrypts the token and binds to the endpoint identified by a JID created by the same method as the sendMessage function.
The upshot is that tokens are only valid for messages sent from the same version of the app that created them.

Google Checkout and App Engine

I've followed the Order Processing tutorial to receive and handle order notifications in my GAE application from Google Checkout.
Everything works OK in the sandbox environment. I can send a fake order and the app gets a notification and handles the order.
When I switch to the production environment and make a real order, I can see the order in the Google Checkout Merchant account but I don't receive any notifications.
To switch to production I simply edit my ApiContext object to use Environment.Production and the real merchant id and key. The Integration settings are the same. I've also tried changing the callback URL to use HTTPS (https://blah.appspot.com/not) but still nothing.
What am I missing?
The "Integration Console" in the Checkout Merchant Center gives you information about the callbacks (XML sent, XML received, HTTP errors, etc.). Hopefully you can figure out the problem from that data. Some related links below:
