Kendo Grid Limit Pages Displayed before Ellipsis - mobile

I am putting a kendo grid on my mobile app. The number of pages is around 15 or 16 with a page size of 7. Right now the grids pager shows 1 2 3 4 5 etc all the way to 10 and then the ellipsis. I want to only see the first 5 pages and then the ellipsis... Is there some sort of ranging I can do on a kendo grid to achieve this?

You can achieve this by placing buttonCount : 5 in pageable option of kendoGrid. like
pageable: {
buttonCount: 5
Check Kendo Documentation here for pageable.buttonCount


Angular ui-grid does not display properly on small screen devices(Mobile Phones)

Using Angular ui-grid latest version (4.0.0) having 6 columns and it displays correctly on laptop/desktop(Big screens) but displays very badly in small screen devices(Mobile phones), data get cut with (...) and columns display one below the other. Anything to fix it?
We already using the columnDefs with column width in % but it was not coming, though, I have figured it out actually parent div was given 100% width so it's taking viewport width and adjust grid accordingly but when parent width removed its works!!!

Altering numbering of lightbox images

I am using lightbox to act as a gallery, where the gallery is split over several pages. For example, page 1 contains images 1 to 50, page 2 contains images 51 to 100.
I would like to manipulate the image number shown below the image (shown below the caption when lightbox is open) so that when the first image on page 2 is clicked, it reads "Image 51 of 100", even though there are in fact only 50 images on that page.
I've identified the "imageCountLabel" function within lighbox's JS, but haven't been able to dynamically alter "currentImageNum" or "totalImages" to achieve the desired outcome. Can anyone offer any guidance?
just change the data-lightbox="example-set" to data-lightbox="example-set1" on page2.

extjs 3.2 add vertical scrollbar dynamically

2,I am displaying more than 15 records in gridpanel . But only 10 records are displaying, other records are hiding below. I want to add vertical scrollbar to gridpanel, how can i achieve this.
You can use autoScroll : true config
give overflow:auto css property to body of grid

Owl-carousel isn't responsive

I'm having trouble making OC2 responsive. I'm running:
Drupal 7.32, Owl 7.x-2.x-dev, Jquery 1.10.
I defined a custom carousel setting with these values:
Responsive 1
Width 0; Items 1
Responsive 2
Width 480; Items 2
Responsive 3
Width: 768, Items 3
Oddly, the owlcarousel section of jQuery.extend statement lacks the above responsive settings, but has all the other owlcarousel settings.
The slider is set to autoplay. The slider works but always displays 3 items (which is what the first Items value is set to at the top of the OC configuration page. I have rebuilt the view and cleared caches multiple times.
Am I overlooking something obvious?
When using the 2.x branch make sure you clear your cache after updating the responsive variables in the admin section.

Is it possible to set a certain number of thumbnails for fotorama

For example, I have 10 photos but i need to display only 4 thumbs. Now the width of thumb's wrapper takes width of fotorama.
In the 4.5.0 new option was added, navwidth:
Have a look at fiddle:,html,js/
